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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16674610 No.16674610[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

the big fat manager who eats lunch everyday at McDonald's shamed me for not being vaccinated today /ck/ ;_;

>> No.16674618

Shame them for inevitably sucking up hospital resources by choosing to be fat and increasing their chances of developing lifestyle-associated diseases.

>> No.16674639

yea, why doesn't the biden punishes HIM, instead I'M going to lose MY job

>> No.16674715

sure they can fire you anon, but first they have to catch you; digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your peepee shall never be destroyed

>> No.16674808

I'm vaxxed and lie and say I'm not just to make people seethe
>Verification not required

>> No.16674828

Imagine caring about what some dumb beta tester thinks

>> No.16674838

What's wrong with shaming people? It builds character.

>> No.16674862

>inevitably sucking up hospital resources
Both OP and his fictional manager are going to wind up in the hospital.
The difference is (obviously) only OP is risking other people's lives.

>> No.16674865

you deserve it, retardo

>inb4 schizo Qsimps reee

>> No.16674868

In what way?

>> No.16674871
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>I'M going to lose MY job
Or you could just do what's right not only for you, but also America, humanity and the world.
Your body, your choice, NOT Joe Biden's.
YOU are the master of your own destiny.

>> No.16674878
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>> No.16674897

Ah, so you're retarded

>> No.16674905

The jabs don't reduce your chance of catching, carrying, or spreading the wuflu. It's literally just to prevent a cytokine storm that makes your organs explode.

>> No.16674911

Imagine not getting the vax just because your internet hugbox told you it was a government conspiracy

>> No.16674915
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>The jabs don't reduce your chance of catching,
It reduces viral load.
>or spreading the wuflu.
It reduces viral load.

Just grow up and do what's right for yourself and those around you.
If your mother was alive, she'd be ashamed of you.

>> No.16674925

Vaccine doesn’t protect other people though, just prevents serious illness and therefore saves the ICUs and ERs from filling up.

Zero sterilizing immunity. Vaccinated people asymptomatically shed plenty of the virus. Get with the times, there is no talk about herd immunity or protecting others anymore because the vaccines don’t do that. They protect you and indirectly protect others by preventing you from sucking up hospital resources.

>> No.16674937

Last I heard, unvaxxed have the same viral load as vaxxed
All the vax does is reduce symptoms

>> No.16674941

I got my jabs as soon as I could and I still caught it. Not getting the shots doesn't endanger other people, just yourself.
>HMO bill
>Having an HMO
Her fault for picking the shitty insurance option from her work.

>> No.16674948

Honestly if he better identified the symptoms instead of just taking his son in for a tummy ache and vomiting, they would've moved the kid to the front of the line

>> No.16674979
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>Vaccine doesn’t protect other people though
Google "viral load". Vaxxed people are infected for a shorter period of time, and far less infectious while they are carriers.
Unvaxxed people are also doing what they can to keep this nightmare churning on for as long as they can.
I hope they all burn in hell.

>there is no talk about herd immunity or protecting others anymore because the vaccines don’t do that
>>there is no talk about herd immunity or protecting others anymore because 1 in 3 Americans refuse reasonable measures based on their political culture.

>> No.16674981

>Last I heard, unvaxxed have the same viral load as vaxxed
Nope, how/why would it be?

>> No.16674984

Anon, I...

>> No.16674986


Why are you getting so emotional? It’s a vaccine not a fucking religion. If I criticize Tylenol will you screech too?

>> No.16674989

>Surgeons are busy treating WuFlu patients and ignoring appendectomies

>> No.16674992

If you got vaccinated and still die from covid, that's on you and your weak genes, bro.

>> No.16674993

Herd immunity isn’t going to work with these vaccines because they don’t offer sterilizing immunity. The vaccines work by reducing symptom severity not by actually significantly reducing infections.

How do you not know this by now?

>> No.16674995

Jesus you fucking retards.
We should give every American a pop quiz.
If you haven't educated yourself on these issues by now, you should just be euthanized.
Maybe next year we'll do the same thing with climate change, then in 2023 the electoral college.
How are you so fucking ignorant, and yet still run your mouth?

>> No.16674997

I mean burden of proof was on you in the first place but this guy BTFO your shit >>1667498

Seriously, watch less MSM news, you're embarrassing yourself, and I say this as someone who's been jabbed

>> No.16675003

>I'm comfortable just making up details behind the story even though I'm 100% ignorant.

>> No.16675004

All those words and you couldn't make a single coherent argument
>Verification not required

>> No.16675006

>durr durr durr you're an idiot durr how are you such an idiot durr
Magnificent post faggot.

>> No.16675008
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pls lrn2reality

>> No.16675012

Did he ask the son where the pain was coming from? Did he ask the son if the pain was migratory? Was the son taken to the ER or only urgent care?
You're making a lot of assumptions as well for a Twitter story that could very well be as made up as antivaxers shit

>> No.16675015
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ITT: /pol/ isn't content to shit up /b/, /sci/ and /news/, they've got to wipe their ass with /ck/ too.
What's next? Fucking /po/ and /mu/?

>> No.16675024

That tweet is 100% made up. Appendicitis is comically easy to diagnose with a quick press to the gut, and you end up with such severe pain and vomiting there's no way it would take 6+ hours of sitting in the ER lobby waiting for a preliminary triage. It's just generic attention seeking lefty-twitter whining.

>> No.16675029

Also he gets to blame his financial hit and son's pain not in himself and wife's inaction but on strangers with wrong think.

>> No.16675030

hannibal burress just did a popup show in Chicago where he himself was openly like "y'all vaxxed? that's cool for you. I'm not, but it's just... Like not a priority, I have flights to catch and restaurants to eat at" pretty much. More to the bit but it was a free show seemed more like he was just messing around maybe working out a few things. Point is it was about the most RealTalk I've heard on the subject in a while, I mean the people of my life are more like that, but in terms of the entertainment industry?

>> No.16675031

BTFO kek

>> No.16675038

how can you forget /tv/?
It started as constant crying about blackwashing characters threads a couple years ago but switched to just openly racist baiting threads.

>> No.16675042

>How could the hobby with single lowest barrier of entry have the lowest quality posts
The world may never know

>> No.16675043

Hannibal burress’ standup is always on point. He’s pretty underrated.

>> No.16675048

all camels should be destroyed.

>> No.16675052

I’ve spent little time on /tv/ but from what I’ve seen they have a pretty awesome sense of humor.

>> No.16675057

Totally. We should be teaching nutrition in public schools, subsidizing gym membership, and taxing junk food. No complaints from me.

>> No.16675061

I actually agree. I just like making fun of faggots who can't find diamonds in the rough

>> No.16675066


>> No.16675067

GERD is the real life junk food tax
Fuck fatties who never get it

>> No.16675071

>the vaccine is effective
>also, if you don’t get the vaccine then every other vaccinated person is at risk
Flawless logic

>> No.16675073

Lockdown /tv/ was atrocious, all Netflix threads or repeat meme threads. Prepandemic /tv/ was much more about current theatrical releases, current /tv/ still hasn’t caught back up. Sad, many such cases.

>> No.16675081

>a ruptured appendix only cost me $5000
>triage is not something doctors or nurses are aware of
Of all the things that happened, this happened the most

>> No.16675085


" 'Oh you probably already had it you just didn't kn-'
Aye don't put that shit onna me man, you don't know me like that guy. Maybe I'm just good at ducking shit, you don't know. I'm good with it. Respect to your family members or whatever, this just me" something like that
oh yeah big fan for a long time and he's a hometown hero here but honestly really sloppy show like I said. Like it was a free popup just rsvp online, I live around here and a friend linked me two hours before (I am not this sociable generally, I went alone) but for a """FREE SHOW""" it was a lot of fuckaround material, he was getting talked over by chatter at the bar and it was really openly getting to him but w/e that's live comedy for you. Joked you gotta charge One Dollar at the door next time because folks see "Free Show" and forget how to act right. His features were doing more material from their actual acts though. I walked home maybe 90 mins ago, didn't stay through the end but I wouldn't be surprised if there was music, it was at a club on the south side this popup.

>> No.16675094

More than half the benefit of being vaccinated is liberating those around you from concern about their behavior (masking, social distancing), particularly folks who live with the immunocompromised. If folks lie about it then they will usually end up needlessly restricting themselves around others.

>> No.16675096

Lol he knows his audience, blacks have some of the lowest vax rates
I don't blame them after the CIA distributed crack in their neighborhoods

>> No.16675097
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That's why he lies

>> No.16675101

Good let them act like good little slaves, in my honest opinion the world would be better off if there was no vax and the disease ran it's natural course, creating true herd immunity

>> No.16675103

I’m vaxxed and refuse to get a vaccine passport now mandated where I live. I am picking up some weights, a bench and squat rack on the weekend and refuse to eat at restaurants or take part in any of the businesses that are part of the mandate. Not even that upset about it to be honest but I’m not getting an extraneous piece of ID for a vaccine that really has little direct benefit for others. I’ll save my shekels and the economy can go fuck itself.

>> No.16675110

Based. Only reason I'm keeping mine around is in case I need to flee the country

>> No.16675114

Good point. I figure there is maybe a 20% chance I’ll be fleeing here in the next 5 years but I’ll wait until I really need it before getting it.

>> No.16675115
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>We should be teaching nutrition in public schools

We already do in the US. Problem is that the schools pushed the blatantly wrong food pyramid over the years, which helped make even more people fat.

Now they have a new equally as wrong diagram because they try to teach this concept to young children instead of older kids that can understand nuance.

>subsidizing gym membership
They already do this. They are called public parks and community centers.

>> No.16675116

Get vaccinated, dickhead.

>> No.16675118

No, and I'm gunna swap spit with your mother.