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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 260 KB, 640x480, 1629771850871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16674196 No.16674196 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw food prices even at walmartshart are getting too expensive
>tfw $200 for like 12 items

>> No.16674205

Liar. Provide the list of items you're trying to buy and I'll check the prices.

>> No.16674208

Not bad for 12 2kg bags of quinoa.

>> No.16674217
File: 2.90 MB, 498x459, kuill-the-mandalorian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am poor
Unless you're crippled or too autismo to function,, I have near zero sympathy for you. Anyone with a pulse can get a jerb at mcdicks making 15 bucks an hour. Add in a part time gig at a resto and you should have plenty to afford reasonable food.

>> No.16674240

yeah I often go to walmart to buy "item" for $16 each

>> No.16674241

walmart has stop being cheap long ago

>> No.16674251

what sort of junk food are you buying lmao

>> No.16674266

Bullshit. I went to Walmart yesterday and bought a bunch of stuff (including some things like vitamins) and it only came to like $175 (in Canadian "money.") Food costs are going up everywhere though for sure.

>> No.16674279

>Work 2 jobs for sustinance
Tell me youre retarded without sayong youre retarded

>> No.16674283

>bro just suffer the kali yuga

>> No.16674322

Food is expensive and also sucks now
Fucking chinks

>> No.16674327

i spent $300 on dog food in the last two weeks, its pretty nutritious for the price

>> No.16674361

>Anyone with a pulse can get a jerb at mcdicks making 15 bucks an hour.
Not without a vaccine.

>> No.16674479

Only if you are brain dead or trying to feed a family, I get my weekly groceries from Walmart and I spend like 50-70 bucks a week on food

>> No.16674486

Why is it so hard to make a meal last longer than 3 days?

>> No.16674491

I don't usually tell people this because they might change it but walmarts self checkout don't have weight sensors so what I do is I buy something put like 3 things under it and walk out always spending under 10 dollars or buy a bunch of veggies since they are a dollar and do that

>> No.16674500

Never felt better working at walmart getting that 20% discount niggers!

>> No.16674501

That's not true at all. I bought oranges there last night.

>> No.16674504

Alright then die. Make your choice.

>> No.16674508

They do have weight sensors, but they detect weight in one action. They only really flag if it detects more weight added than scans.

>> No.16674510


They know

>> No.16674515
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I'm going to mug you for your nametag nigga

>> No.16674523

You're 100% buying frozen and prepared shit.
I live in a somewhat expensive part of the US and I typically spend ~$100/150 tops for two FULL reusable bags of groceries that lasts me at least a week/week and a half. I'm frugal as fuck.
Learn how to grocery shop dude.

>> No.16674524

Take the Aldi pill anon

>> No.16674528
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t. Pensioner who worked back when money was worth a damn

>> No.16674540

50% based 50% boss cuckery

>> No.16674541

>spending $100/150 worth of food that will only last a week/week and a half

how fat are you jfc

>> No.16674551

I bought all sorts of shit and gluten free food for the week and I still only spent $80. dumb b8 thread. My bread is $5 a loaf

>> No.16674553
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I'm 6'1 180lbs and work out 4/5 days a week and also often cook for people that come over. I on average spend about $500/mo on food including restaurant/takeout. Again in one of the more expensive states in the US.

>> No.16674560

This fraud bitch is so full of shit. He's never worked a day in his life.. He was just smart enough to exploit conservatives for views

>> No.16674588

item is much more than it was back "then"

>> No.16674590
File: 61 KB, 400x600, 1629469689247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitty ass ground beef at walshart is like 6 dollars a pound
>chicken breast is like 3 bucks a pound
>great value shit is no longer a GREAT value

>> No.16674624

welcome to Biden's America

>> No.16674638

And it's only going to get BETTER*!
>*note: "better" means "a lot fucking worse" in Bidenglish

>> No.16674642

one of the local walmart guys here, a supervisor I think, was one of the four people directly responsible for a rodent infestation that caused the only kfc to be shut down. no he wasn't black you racist, but yes he did have brown skin

>> No.16674657


>> No.16674658

Food costs are skyrocketing everywhere, not just murrika.

>> No.16674661
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qq more retards lol

>> No.16674703

He wasn't black like the racists around here would assume because it was a kfc and it was shut down for a rodent infestation. He was an east Indian if that matters to you racists.

>> No.16674724
File: 659 KB, 720x524, 4r9xf7g3i9m71_(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off boomer

>> No.16674728 [DELETED] 

blacks are just lazy, indians just have straight up a disgusting "tradition" of (non)hygene

>> No.16674732

Left can't meme

>> No.16674755

I hate the left, but this is major cope if you think that picture is an example of "WordsWordsWords."

>> No.16674761

why aren't these cartoons wearing masks

>> No.16674767

Yeah it's more like words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

>> No.16674778
File: 70 KB, 334x334, 1626697940409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one thing to suggest a job, but the bottom rung wagie advice does absolutely reek of boomer. You want people to respect you since you're older, but you're too lazy and out of touch to offer any real advice so you pick some places with a low barrier to entry and ignore all other factors because it wont affect you either way and that is the poster's problem. So you really don't offer anything and you're clearly not accomplished... kinda just posting to shit on someone for no real reason - like a loser.

>> No.16674852

Wagie wagie
Get in cagie
Boss needs help now don't be lazy

>> No.16674867

If you can't live decently off full time $15/hr you're a retard. The only blocker to that now is how massively fucked up rent prices are

>> No.16674888

He never left the entertainment industry

>> No.16674982
File: 118 KB, 680x680, E-UkmmEX0AQJ5Ux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you WILL work 500 hours a week and you WILL enjoy it

>> No.16675131

I just felt it was my duty to distinguish, and to make it clear that within weeks of the retirement of the last old honky woman that kept the place running for decades and once the store management changed all of a sudden they started 2/3 cooking their food and had rats and mice.

>> No.16675148
File: 2.08 MB, 3903x2603, William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_(1825-1905)_-_The_Nut_Gatherers_(1882).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take the Aldi pill anon
this is correct. for $75-100 I can get a cart full of shit, including things to make meals with, snacks, and things I don't really need like ice cream or pop. with $200 you can easily get 2-3+ weeks of food at aldi and you won't even have to go full poverty and eat rice/beans.

>> No.16675227

Holy shit an actual retarded person.

>> No.16675234

>wife has state job
>im a grad student
>have kids
>$1200/month in EBT/Food stamps
>not even counting WIC like milk, cereal, peanut butter, eggs.

Get yourself a goth GF with big titties and have kids Anons.

>> No.16675647

Based zoomer living fat off daddy Biden

>> No.16675649

>$1200/month in EBT/Food stamps
that's a lot of neetbux
man i could buy a lot with 1200$ in neetbux a month

>> No.16675658

I'm sure you all have space for a food garden and greenhouse somewhere in your property

don't be a slave to the food jew

>> No.16675669

Thats life dude. Post covid world(wether you believe it or not no politics here) is really ramping up to be an expensive one. Not just for food either. Gas prices, sundires and household items, its all getting to be a bit much.
Thats expected though due to the current economical climate.

>> No.16675671

I fukken love me some ancient lolis, MMMMPH.

>> No.16675697

>if you can't live decently working full time as a homeless person without a car or medical insurance you're a retard

>> No.16675699

>Just work 70 hours a week bro

>> No.16675700

Not him but I refuse to eat anything older than 3 days

>> No.16675703

>Oh, and you have to take a shot that gives you myocarditis and strokes, too. Good luck, retard.

>> No.16675730

>buying perishables at Walmart

>> No.16675775

Everything you eat is older than 3 days.

>> No.16675779

nigga thinks youll get a consistent 40 hours a week for the rest of your life in food service

>> No.16675800
File: 1.63 MB, 1065x5049, in store prices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spend around $250 and go every 5-6 weeks. The only frozen thing I buy is OJ and the most prepared thing I buy is bread.
Pizza takes about a half hour of active effort.
French fries take about 10 minutes.
Everything else is pretty minimal timewise compared to whatever preparation you'd be paying for.

Everyone is still in denial about the incoming mass starvation while more and more foods become economically out of reach. I look at rice every time I go, intending to stock up but it's gone from $12 to >$20.

I'd put all of my money on open violence before the winter is over.

>> No.16675866

>Americans, the fattest people on Earth, talking about the possibility of starving to death because they'll have to lay off the chicken (which is overpriced around the whole world)
Oh noooooo you'll lose weight
Also, retard OP, when you said you had spent $200 USD on groceries you failed to mention that those were groceries for 1.5 entire months of food, because spending $40 USD per week on mostly meat products is much more reasonable than what the OP would suggest

>> No.16676033
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Well, stop buying your ass dildos by the dozen, then. Or just purchase them in bulk from a wholesaler.

>> No.16676045

I'd jump into Niagra Falls if I was a cannuck.

>> No.16676109

>show up early, stay late, and volunteer for all the shit assignments

That is how you get exploited, not recognized.

>> No.16676203

How’s the taste?

>> No.16676346

My cousin and his wife milked the system like this while he spent all his money on trinkets and fishing stuff. All while saying he never makes enough money

>> No.16677786

>Just work two jobs

Neck yourself.

>> No.16677840

nigga they ancient that some pre raphaelite shit

>> No.16677846

>gas station willing to cash checks
>"good pay"
At least make the lies believable.

>> No.16678981

>$300 on food in only 2 weeks
Some good dog food, anon. I live off fresh vegetables and butcher meat for about $300/month.

>> No.16679079


>> No.16679382

Good, I'll fucking walk up to the manager and let him watch me boost $200 worth of aubergines

>> No.16680680

>dude just work two part time jobs lmao
your schedule changes every week at shitty jobs like that. good luck coordinating the two.

>> No.16680686

What kind of retarded dystopia do you live in?

>> No.16680707

>dude just ignore the largest recurring monthly expense for the average person and you can totally live off $15/hour lmao
If you can't live decently off full time federal minimum wage of $7.25/hour you're a retard. The only blocker to that now is how massively fucked up rent, food, transportation, utility, and dental/health insurance prices are.

>> No.16680720
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>> No.16680723 [DELETED] 

Nigger you live in your mom's basement, nobody can live on 15 dollars an hour except for in the middle of nowhere, and then you might as well kill yourself.

>> No.16680728


KYS you midwestern simpleton

>> No.16680729

>welfare tit sucker

I fucking despise poor people

>> No.16680732

Get back to work, tax golem

>> No.16680735

>shopping at loblaws

That place has been overpriced for years

>> No.16680755

I can't believe it's not inflation :^)

>> No.16680796

I have a lot of free time and I enjoy the hell out of it.

>> No.16680817

Unironically what is wrong with you?

>> No.16680827

That's a Canadian, retard

>> No.16680835

We've stopped wearing masks in my state except middle aged and old ladies doing it for political reasons.

>> No.16680843

>French fries take about 10 minutes.
>can clean, slice, boil, drain, season, then fry/bake potatoes from raw in 10 minutes
I don't really believe you.

>> No.16680857

>you can easily live off $7.25/hour if it wasn't for all of those reasons why you can't, damned millenials always complaining!

>> No.16681072


>> No.16681173
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it's not just the cities. I live in the middle of the boonies in rural Florida and if you make 15 an hour you're scraping by. Rent and expenses all over the country are going through the roof.

>> No.16681203

You don't need to clean, boil, or season fries before frying, you do know the potatoes are cleaned before they sell them to you, right?

>> No.16681215

You leaflanders are getting cucked on the potato price huh? I can get 1 kilo for $1.60 USD

>> No.16681380

so according to the documentary 'the social dilema' it seems that russian politicians are paying for memes like this to be passed around boomer facebook groups. ya/na?

>> No.16681387

>Alright then die. Make your choice.
foodbank? not buying steak and/or processed garbage for every meal?

>> No.16681398

>We've stopped wearing masks in my state except middle aged and old ladies doing it for political reasons.
have you considered that the middle aged and old ladies are the vulurnable population that CV is actually killing?

>> No.16681593
File: 21 KB, 400x400, oOg-G7Sx_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw worked at wally world for 6 years
>tfw it's not the nametag that nets you a discount

>> No.16681647

masks don't protect yourself though. It only stops you from transmitting your own viral infection.

>> No.16681737

when is the last time you worked in food service?

>inb4 I've worked it for 10 years but somehow am incredulous at basic industry practices

>> No.16681790

That's great. How's your little palmpilot supposed to detect the steaks I've shoved in my jacket?

>> No.16681852

P2 and above masks do provide some protection, but they don't want you to know because there will never be enough for everybody.

>> No.16681897

corporations instilling the grinding mindset is a form of buck breaking
you've been broken

>> No.16681923

About to become unemployed thanks to Chairman Joe's demands that I will not fulfill. Food I can buy with my last two paychecks that will last me the longest?

>> No.16682000

rice and beans, nigga. Also, whole chickens will get you the best value per dollar if you're craving meat.

>> No.16682008

Tried Metro after avoiding it forever and it's 25-50% more.
Walmart is retard central and involves legal dealings with idiot employees who don't understand to fuck off; and ultimately saves me 10%? The cheese I know for a fact has a low enough quality to make it ruin what I'd use it for.

If you have evidence of better prices feel free.

>> No.16682019

Of effort, not time.
Peel, julienne, rinse, first fry, usually make whatever else then do last fry.

>> No.16682287

>I spend around $250 and go every 5-6 weeks.
Same but I go shopping two or three times a week and spend an average of $10-20 dollars each time. One of my coworkers' eyes just about bugged out of his skull when I told him I only spend about $150-200/mo on food (he claimed to spend over $300).

>> No.16682398

Based Bouguereau appreciator

>> No.16682620

you're a hateful racist and probable anti-sikh white supremacist

>> No.16682720

life is hell

>> No.16683016

>yfw you realize we still have at least 3 more years of Bidenflation

>> No.16683605

You mean 7 lel.

>> No.16683911

amazon doesnt require one

>> No.16685557


They don't do shit at all.

>> No.16686123
File: 3.14 MB, 2009x3238, 20210912_131834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is what I got yesterday at Publix for $115.

>> No.16686195

Welcome to the same level of inflation that the rest of the world has been experiencing for the last 15 years, burgerfriend. Either git gud and get a better paying job, or begin to enjoy the experience of financially treading water as the cost of living continually increases while your pay stagnates.

I just managed to get a new job that increases my pay by a third. It's gonna be nice not worrying about the cost of groceries for a long while.
>t. pays au$200+ approximatelyevery week and a half to feed a family of four

>> No.16686203
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Reminder that this is what the federal reserve took from you by endlessly inflating the currency.

>> No.16686242
File: 121 KB, 2666x2083, 389D3442-B36D-46AB-8CD5-89B39F9F0C8C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fed is printing money and inflation is a bitch??
Not sure I don’t understand money but I’ve seen this said
Consumer price Index overall is a steep upwards line on a graph since 1970

>> No.16686261
File: 87 KB, 768x558, img_0540-1_arrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because good production is more efficient. Homes cost 1000% more than in '72. And without building equity through real estate we are doomed to serfdom.

>> No.16686264

Oh, look, it's one of those charts from that schizo site that claims everything bad started in 1971. Fuck off.

>> No.16686271

ok boomer

>> No.16686273

Not him and I have no idea what this site is, but which one are you: a seething Leftoid or a seething Rightoid?

>> No.16686279

The right and the left aren't real and there is only one actual party, the feds. The entire purpose of the federal government is to extract wealth from the middle class and make the rich richer while ensuring there is no actual capitalism so they don't have to compete in a free market.

>> No.16686288

What am I even reading? Random avocado that noone has an actual reason to buy and 7 different kinds of steak? Explain the recepit.

>> No.16686295

The CPI is a rigged game anyway. If we were calculating it the same way now as we did in 1970, that 4.2% would be closer to 10 or 15 already.
Rent used to be included but now they use owners equivalent rent where owners report the price they think they would rent their property out at instead of actual rent prices.

>> No.16686306

How the fuck did obama make prices so low

>> No.16686319

>I'm sure you all have space for a food garden and greenhouse somewhere in your property
what property?

>> No.16686325

This. Nobody can afford property and the rich keep buying it and building overpriced apartments on it.

>> No.16686329

Food prices have increased way less than everything else.

>> No.16686334

It's called food. The steaks come in a pack of 2. I bought 3 packs. The size and weight of the cut varies. I picked the nicest ones. And who doesn't eat avacado? It's healthy and delicious.

>> No.16686341

Brother you didn't buy any sweet potatoes. You aren't a pastafag are you?

>> No.16686348

you must be from some coastal shithole, noone cares about avocado, especially considering your bland list of AVOCADO, a dozen steaks, eggs and paprika, what the fuck, thats not a shopping at any rate

>> No.16686356

Brother avocado makes guac and goes in carne asada burros. You must not make any chicano food. He didn't have any cilantro on the list which is the suspicious part.

>> No.16686365

Says the faggot who bought 12 things at Walmart for $200.

>> No.16686371


>> No.16686471
File: 183 KB, 819x633, 1536003017924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have applied to several places; most of which i'm overqualified for
>haven't heard back from any of them
>go on craigslist
>not only have they reposted the same listings, they've posted extra openings for other spots

This one's my favorite.

>> No.16686566

Ummmm, bro? A week has seven days, and a day has 24 hours. So, a week has 7*24 = 168 days. So as you can probably see, it's literally mathematically impossible to work 500 hours each week. Now, I get that math can be hard, but hopefully this has been enlightening for you. I'm sorry, but I have other people to talk with now. Kthxbai!!

>> No.16686576
File: 267 KB, 619x518, 1D4D4022-991C-43D3-A181-4497CBE3A7C5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need muh heckin ethnic fooderino and fag clubs!
>fresh air, mountains, and forests, ewww!

>> No.16686585

>this is the peak of Reddit comedy

>> No.16686594

>food is expensive
get another job

>> No.16686639

>9 words too much
impressive maybe

>> No.16686766

Underrated post

>> No.16686896

The house is literally only cheaper if you stay in the same place for over 3 years.

>> No.16686906

Equity is more valuable than expense.

>> No.16687233

>flyovers pissed about their subsidized grocery prices coming to an end

>> No.16687289

To be fair, true capitalism has never been tried

>> No.16687290

Just got a week's worth of food from whole foods for $26. Maybe you're just buying too much junk

>> No.16687391
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>> No.16687416

The United States of America

>> No.16688224 [DELETED] 

Cant. Uncle Sam says the Jew company has to hire a nigger instead.

>> No.16689639

I mean I'd just call it "wallshart", but you do you.

>> No.16689657
File: 1004 KB, 1200x674, mike sucking koch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mike Rowe is a paid mouthpiece for Koch Industries.

>> No.16689708

>everyone should hop around housing like bug dont set down roots and make a home for yourself
off your self urbanite

>> No.16690265

sure is food in here

>> No.16690279

it's shartmart, you want that -mart suffix intact

>> No.16690285

>I don't understand equity
hello bugman zoomer

>> No.16690287

You think that’s bad?
Last time I was at Walmart they didn’t even have those 12-for-$200 items. The shelf spot was empty.
I was stuck getting the 8-for-$200 items which are the same shit as the 12/$200 items but they slap an “organic item” sticker on it and raise the price.

>> No.16690314

>>tfw food prices even at walmartshart are getting too expensive
>>tfw $200 for like 12 items
Not a burger but how fucked is your economy?
I'm dirt poor, I mean DIRT poor. I'm crippled, banned from driving, can't work jobs with manual labour anymore, can't operate heavy machinery, I can barely stay awake to work a job, can't work a job that has me interact with customers and can't work a job that requires me to think uninterrupted.
My entire livelihood comes down to bennies now and a solid 33% of my bennies go towards debt recovery because being disabled is expensive and for the first year and a half of my nu-age crip life I refused to non-means tested benny. The rest of my money go towards utilities, rents, taxes etc.

This month sucks, I got one of those 2 week cycles where every bill but one comes out on the same day and I have $41 USD to buy food/water.
Even then I can afford to live off of food at supermarkets. Rice is cheap, pasta is cheap, vegetables are cheap, potatoes are cheap, bread can be cheap. A lot of those are carb heavy and will do the job but meat is cheap enough too, if your're willing to get protein from tuna, bacon, frozen chicken etc you can make it and that's to say nothing of the reduced sections. Tinned food exists and can keep you comfortably within 2000kcal.
I'm going to leave this payment cycle only using half of my budget because I already have food stores and even living a luxurious life I couldn't spend it all. I can even choose to fast for 7 days with little impact.

Electricity and gas are the single biggest costs in cooking so how in the ever loving fuck is it costing you $200 for 12 items? Stop trying to live like a king when you're a povvo. It's either that or America is fucked.

>> No.16690327

>t. Ayn Rand

>> No.16690468

Maybe if you live in california or some shit? I got like a whole weeks worth of groceries for 87$ the other day

>> No.16690536

>Yeah and I bet you cant even get eritrean food delivered at 3AM there either!
KYS urbanite

>> No.16690589

nothing is more cucked than believing in this

>> No.16690591

dude just give 2/3 of your waking life to a corporation that doesn't give a fuck about you so you can barely survive

>> No.16690662


>> No.16691105
