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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16664878 No.16664878 [Reply] [Original]

With the passing of labor day it is officially time to start thinking about Halloween.
This is the designated Thunderdome of a thread to decide which halloween candy is best.
>What's your favorite Halloween candy and why?
>Why is someone else's candy choice worthy of disrespectful ridicule?
This is what we're here to discuss.
My favorite is pic related for the following reasons:
>chocolatey goodness
>good texture
>only really visible as a halloween candy, which I feel gives it bonus points in a Halloween candy contest
And for those of you who want to play on hard mode:
>defend candy corn
Aaaaaaand.... Go.

>> No.16664890

i miss the days when people would give out some really esoteric candy brands that you've never heard of. now its all the same.
when i was old enough to trick or treat like 15 years ago id always come home with such random shit.

>> No.16664894
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I don’t have a huge sweet tooth but I like these guys. They pair nicely with rum.

>> No.16664899

what are you even talking about?

>> No.16664908

>I hate having fillings

>> No.16664919
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>> No.16664925

Both of these are definitely Halloween candy.

>> No.16664934
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What, fag?

>> No.16665000
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All other candy is certified dogshit compared to nutrageous. allergyfags get fucked.

>> No.16665018

i've never understood alcohol, tastes bad to me, but
>They pair nicely with rum.
just makes sense

>> No.16665029

Some neighbors gave out full size snickerbars and cans of soda. Based.

>> No.16665030

Old formula butterfingers

>> No.16665038

Holy based

>> No.16665041

This actually.

>> No.16665043

>Old formula
I KNEW they changed something
They don't taste right anymore

>> No.16665065

That's why I just stuck with 5th Avenue the whole time.

>> No.16665071

It was never really big until my last few halloweens, but Take 5 is objectively the best candy on the market currently. 100 grand got noticeably worse a few years ago and hasn't been the same since

>> No.16665076
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Any of the Reese's cups. I'm not a big peanut butter fan but the peanut butter and chocolate in Reese's goes together so well.

>> No.16665241

what was the difference, and when do you estimate they changed?

>> No.16665490
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I'm not too picky, but if you hand out this shit, your house will get egged.

>> No.16665891

this is probably my favorite.
even better was when they didn't bother with bags and just toss a handful in my mcdonalds ghost bucket

>> No.16665942

I like candy corn. My favorite candy as a kid was lemonheads or gobstoppers but I am now a candy corn enjoyer.
This year I plan to make and give out candy apples.

>> No.16665986
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i usually hand out these (2 per kid), because i know that it's something different from the normal halloween candy they'll get around the neighborhood. and if i have leftovers, it's something i will want to eat.

>> No.16666002

I like candy corn, faggot. Problem?

>> No.16666031

I fucking love 100 grand

>> No.16667429
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Usually just do Kit Kat’s for the white kids. Brown kids get peppermints

>> No.16667583

me too, like where the fuck do people buy them back then? especially during a time before internet shopping became mainstream

>> No.16667586

Candy stores used to be a thing, and they were amazing

>> No.16667602
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For me, it's the mellowcreme pumpkin.

>> No.16667603
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We have these. Bulk bins of whatever you can think of. One aisle is all candy.
I just make gummies using jello mix and half or less of the water.

>> No.16667632
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>> No.16667645
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>> No.16667651


Neat. Now post the recipe for homemade crystals!

>> No.16667668

'Made with' is marketing speak for meets legal minimum requirement for being included in ingredients. Maximum jewery when they are 'made with 100%' of something.

>> No.16667672

>mcdonalds ghost bucket

Don't wanna come off all "Rick & Morty Szechuan sauce" here, but they really nailed it with those buckets.

>> No.16667685

This seems like something reserved for places that specialize in humiliating their customers for large amounts of money. The ones where they dump chocolate directly on the table.

>> No.16667693

Too late. Enjoy your stay in the "Only 90's kids will remember" corner.
But those buckets were pretty bitchin ngl

>> No.16667754

Why is the /ck/ such an incredible intolerable faggot?

>> No.16668169
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this picture made me tear up
where did the time go bros?

>> No.16668184

the problem with caramel apple is theyre are too tough to get through, this worsens the problem

>> No.16668227


>> No.16668364

It's pretty but I bet it tastes bad.