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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16662981 No.16662981 [Reply] [Original]

>own lots of cookbooks
>like to pick out recipes to make so I can try certain dishes I've never had before
>ask my roommates before I go to buy ingredients if they're interested
>"yeah anon that sounds good"
>"sounds yummy"
>buy ingredients, cook meal, clean all by myself
>roommates eat literally half a portion and leave me with the rest
I'm tired of these lying whores leaving me with such huge portions

>> No.16662992

Get your own place

>> No.16662993

grab an extension cord and whip those ungrateful negroids

>> No.16662994

If you did this more than once you have no one to blame but yourself

>> No.16663003

Granted it's only happened twice but a third time something similar happened where I made a massive bowl of drink and then went out of town and asked them to drink it while I was gone and I got back and no one had touched it. Genuinely think their tastebuds are shot from drinking zoomer drinks.
I mean I could always just cook for myself but the point is that the portions are too big (I often half recipes anyway especially when making something like catfish that will taste like shit leftover). Cooking for a group is more effective and enjoyable.

>> No.16663012

They’re laughing at you behind your back
>did anon make you try one of his slops again
>yeah hahaha I had like 4 bites and said it was great
>hahaha anons such a weird little creep
>I know. He thinks he’s Gordan Ramsay or something
>I think he just likes watching us eat

>> No.16663013

It's not your roommates' job to modify their diets to accommodate your cooking preferences you autistic twerp. Offer them excess food if you want but they're under no obligation to eat or drink any of it.

>> No.16663020

Maybe they're just sick of being told to eat and drink the things that the fat pimply incel whom they can hear jerk off to tentacle and BLACKED porn through the wall serves them?

Maybe they don't want to 'owe' you anything or have anything to do with your food, because they think you're a weird fuck. Literally take the hint. If they want nothing to do with it, it's probably because they don't want anything to do with you.
Wipe your ass better

>> No.16663023

I would eat ur food anon

>> No.16663033
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>> No.16663036

they make you eat your own shit? lol, maybe they're trying to tell you something retard

>> No.16663151

Thanks for being the only one in the thread without some insane irrational fantasy that goes way beyond my exaggerated gripe.

>> No.16663155

>fat pimply incel whom they can hear jerk off to tentacle and BLACKED porn
Excuse me I only jack off to hypnosis and corruption porn

>> No.16663161

The issue is that OP asks and then they recant after getting their approval. They're either fucking with him or just flaky.

>> No.16663307

woman detected

>> No.16663648
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>sharing food with women who you don't provide you with regular sex

>> No.16663663

They're not women

>> No.16663668

You said whores, I just assumed. My point still stands
>sharing food with men who won't give you a little sucky sucky

>> No.16663706

Based, I capitulate. I will demand a suck from them next time I make a cake.

>> No.16663757

What's it like entering the shared bathroom after they've had filthy reeking shits in there?

>> No.16664252

what about my sister? i constantly cook for both of us

>> No.16664288

Sounds like it's time to just cook a little bit more and ask if they're willing to have a try, instead of trying to cook a spread for 3-4 (or more).

I personally hate feeling like I owe someone for cooking for me, and I don't like eating on someone else's schedule. This board has a weird misconception that being cooked for is always some kind of ultimate gift.

>> No.16664295

she is a worthless dumb whore according to the redpill beliefs I subscribe to with my brothers on /pol/ and /r9k/

>> No.16664339

I don't consider it an ultimate gift nor do I want to enforce my times and dishes, I was very explicit in saying I offer it and they agree and accept but then back off when I finish the meal.
I'm also not making 3 person spreads, sometimes stuff like pots of soup are just big.

>> No.16664358

What exactly are you cooking and offering your roommates? Maybe it looks/smells unappetizing. Are you a bad cook? Asking people you’re not very close with to be guinea pigs for a new dish you’re making is kind of a big ask.

>> No.16664366

Why have roommates? Sounds like hell.

>> No.16664373


>> No.16664395
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Why are you cooking for your room mates?

>> No.16664417

tell her she owes you a handjob

>> No.16664435

he's a sub. it's part of the kink

>> No.16664463

Have you tried not being a fat fuck?

>> No.16664811

Either your portion sizes are huge or you're a shit cook and they're too polite to say.
Or if you've given them adequate notice, they'll assume you're a shit cook and eat beforehand. Tbh this has never backfired on me, but there's been a few times where I've not liked out there cuisine and gone home hungry, so I do recommend the approach.

>> No.16665458

>asked them to drink it
what? theyre not obligated to eat your food. if they dont like it but lie about it then thats dickish so ask them if they like your food or not. but the idea that they must finish their plate is retarded. make smaller portions or just put the left overs away for tomorrow

>> No.16665469

>you're a shit cook and they're too polite to say.
this is not politeness, this is social cowardice. people should just give feedback on meals, not in a cuntish way like but actual details about what they didnt like

>> No.16665482

Start adding small pieces of your feces to the food. Make them your own.

>> No.16665486
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>make a pot of red beans and sausage, with a paste made from peppers I roasted myself
>fills up half a stockpot, have a bowl with half rice
>roommate asks me for some of my beans, I assume he hasn’t had dinner so I say yes
>he eats the entire stockpot
>at least six bowls
>the rest of the night I hear him shitting uncontrollably

I can’t tell whether I should be furious or flattered

>> No.16665496

Maybe they're just being too polite. Especially if you bought all the ingredients. They may feel like they can't take too much without feeling guilty. You might just have to say something like "there's still some left if you would like more." Or it's possibly they end up not liking it. I've made dishes before that I didn't end up liking, even when they sounded good.

Not all whores are women, but all women are whores.

>> No.16665541

disregard feelings and have a good laugh at your roommate's misery

>> No.16665652

>this is social cowardice
Sounds like you have the autism.

Constructive feedback has its place, but it depends on who you're giving it to and what your relationship with them is. Even then it should be fairly limited, since nobody responds well to multiple concurrent critiques, and only if you intend on eating their food in the future since you're implying it wouldn't be bad if they fixed your attenuated list of issues.

If you're not close, be polite.
If your relationship is not long term, be polite.
If the recipient is combative, be polite.

Save the shit talk for family, partners, and old friends. Remember the saying "if you've nothing nice to say, say nothing at all."

>> No.16666139

i am sorry anon you got all the autists in the thread now

>> No.16666152


>> No.16666191

>have autistic neet roommate
>owns literally hundreds of cookbooks, spends all day watching Food Network and posting on "four chan see kay" website, refrigerator is packed with moldy old food that he refuses to throw away
>constantly badgering us to sample his "haute cuisine"
>we always say "yeah anon that sounds good" (don't want to damage his fragile ego & unstable mind)
>he spends all day making a giant mess in the kitchen while we're at our jobs, partying with friends, etc
>get home late to find anon at the kitchen table with a candelabra, wearing his thrift-store tuxedo, staring fixedly at door, muttering to himself about "Gordon Ramsay and the grilled cheese"
>hi anon, how was your day?
>ok, we'll have a few bites before going to bed
>mmmmm yummy! (we try to say, while gagging down his sloppa)
>ok, time to go to bed anon, see you tomorrow!
>hear him cursing and muttering to himself about have to eat the rest & clean the kitchen before tomorrow's culinary abomination
>awoken at 2:00am by the sound of grunting vinegary shits from the bathroom

Shared housing was a mistake.

>> No.16666208

She should bring her slutty friends over as compensation for food.

>> No.16666217

>where I made a massive bowl of drink and then went out of town and asked them to drink it while I was gone
What drink??

>> No.16667187

why do you even bother

>> No.16667188

have you ever tried to cook good for once

>> No.16667196

I once had a roommate who loved cooking and owned tons of cookbooks. Spent his free time watching cooking shows/videos.
He’d bitch and moan when he’d make enough of something for others but I didn’t ever eat any.
Thing is, his cooking was absolute shit. He seemed to think it was good, and I guess maybe his family told him it was good because they didn’t want to hurt his feelings or something.
But it was shit. Sometimes looked fine, but still tasted like shit.

Maybe that’s what’s happening with you, OP?

>> No.16667241

Just cook for yourself

>> No.16667270
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If it's a burden for you to personally eat all of it, as leftovers, it's probably not very good

stop giving them portions too. Serve stuff in bowls. Let them take what they want.