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File: 26 KB, 600x600, alcoholic-man-silhouette-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16661277 No.16661277[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you hate alcoholics? Give me one reason you care how others spend their time.

>> No.16661281


>> No.16661285

I'm jealous how they live their life so I must shame them

>> No.16661288

My dad threw his eight year old step daughter (earlier marriage) down the stairs

>> No.16661292


>> No.16661362

Depends on the person, I guess but the ones I have to deal with are loud and aggressive and unpredictable. They are very egotistic and lie a lot and because they are often riddled with regret over their alcohol induced bad behavior and decisions they try to suck up to you when they are semi-sober and act like your best friend but once they get drunk again and their inhibition is gone their permanently altered and lessened personality comes out again and they treat you like shit.

They are very whiny and mostly talk about themselves and their problems while refusing any kind of help because "you just don't understand how it is" even though you've dealt with addiction yourself. They smell bad. Their lack of inhibition often results in avoidable bad situations you then have to deal with. They are often vile, degenerate, degrading assholes and get off on being the bad boy because they started drinking so early their brains are stuck in highschool.

They are a bad influence on their children and anyone who has to deal with them not realizing that their behavior is not normal and destructive. They drag you down and still often blame you for making their life worse because they are such emotional little sissies that only care about feeling good and alcohol is their only source for that and because you are against it, you are the problem to them.

I'm not a fan.

>> No.16661377

Because I am one

>> No.16661379

my dad is alcoholic and it makes me sad seeing him drunk

>> No.16661384

Almost 100% agree, my best friend is a severe alcoholic and has been hospitalized four times because of it, I think he stopped having seizures, he lost a lot of good shit because he wouldn’t stop and still won’t. He’s gotten a bit better but it will kill him one day and I’ve come to terms with that a long time ago.

>> No.16661391




I had a shit life. I started to drink to be happy for once in my life, and I cant quit so I keep doing it. My dad used to beat me when he wa s drunk. He used to play "helicopter" with me. It was where hed grab my dog by its back legs and start spinning around making helicopter noises, and then throw it across the room telling me to "go fetch the helicopter". Sometimes it landed on the couch other times its head slammed into the wall. It went deaf and blind in an eye before dying probably of brain damage

>> No.16661404

They smell badly.

>> No.16661421

Nice sob story, faggot. I've heard it all before, trust me. Your dad being a fucked up drunk doesn't make you being a fucked up drunk any better. He has probably dealt with similar shit that justified his actions in his addict brain. You aren't doing anyone, yourself included, any favors by following in his footsteps. The only thing about this fucked up situation you can change is yourself and trust me I know that you can't "just quit" but it's possible with dedication and a will to suffer for a reason. You aren't going to avoid the suffering. Either you continue and you suffer by making your life and the lives of the people around you worse by drinking your life away or you suffer for a reason, pack that shit all on your back and power through. It's hard as fuck but possible. Godspeed.

>> No.16661427

lmao. thrown

>> No.16661430

>cope cope cope cope cope
>muh excuses
be better than what was done to you

>> No.16661436

I worked at a warehouse with an alcoholic forklift driver... Yeah there was one moment where I almost got hurt bad.

>> No.16661447

Forgot the lube?

>> No.16661452

Well, I'm an alcoholic and I hate myself, if that counts

>> No.16661466

cope lardass

>> No.16661467

Please elaborate on that helicopter shit as much possible, please, lmao.

>> No.16661475

Because we keep the affordable shit on the bottom shelves and have to sit on the goddamn floor just to restock it every fucking day.
We also don't enjoy fumbling around in a cooler for hours because all your taste buds know are 30 pound boxes of lite beer that your stupid ass parents drank.

>> No.16661482

Demons are real. They're the personification of the worst aspects of humanity, but most importantly they can be defeated. No matter how much things get fucked up, rebuilding a safe happy life is always necessary in the end. Hope you find your peace, comrade.

>> No.16661495

Based and motivation pilled.

>> No.16661515

Well did you fetch the helicopter or what?

>> No.16661523

>My dad threw his eight year old step daughter (earlier marriage) down the stairs
So, it wasn't even his child? Why would he be protective of her, then? Unless, he's a literal cuckold.

>> No.16661525

Based as fuck

>> No.16661537

- alcoholic father cheated on my mother when I was 5, but he was a fucking retard so the husband caught him and beat him shitless, my mother threw him out when he tried to hit me, stalked us for 2 years and threatened her that he'd kill her. After even his mother got fed up with his shit and threw him out he pussied out and stepped in front of a train.
- my mother's brother was also an alcoholic, after he drank away his house we let him live with us if he stopped drinking excessively, of course he relapsed in 2 months, stopped paying rent, barely worked and even infested the house with bed bugs, he hoarded trash to sell, I threw him out after he tried to become physical with my mother, he was such a fucking pussy he felt threatened by a 20 year old

tldr: all alcoholics are pussy ass bitches and worthless trash leeching off of other people's goodwill, there is no "their time"

>> No.16661550

Because my mom was an alcoholic and it turned me off alcohol and people who drink forever. She drank 2-3 glasses of wine almost every night, after which she got very annoying and obnoxious. She would always want to cuddle or put my head on her lap and stroke my hair, constantly tell me she loves me and kiss my cheeks. At her worst she pretended to be a "tickle monster" and tickled me against my will. Absolute shitshow.

>> No.16661592

>Gaslighting your own dad into killing himself
>Blame alcohol

>> No.16661595

Weakest bait I've ever gotten.

>> No.16661600

Were you man enough to do something about it?

>> No.16661607
File: 602 KB, 1223x812, tired2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They hate us cuz they ain't us

>> No.16661612

>My dad threw his eight year old step daughter (earlier marriage) down the stairs
Is it an issue with Alcohol or an issue with him being violent?
I've never beaten anyone under the influence of Alcohol, I've never been violent either, I think most people are like me.
So is it fair to blame alcohol for some people mental issues?

>> No.16661617

I wanted to beat him up over it but he overpowered me and put my mom's dress on me and threw me down the stairs.