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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16659505 No.16659505[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize your ways of cooking will end up killing more people than COVID

>"bu...bu....but....muh authenticity!"

Fuck you, Townshits. Cook your damn meat at temps above 100 degrees fahrenheit if you don't want to kill your viewers for "authenticity".

You look like a damn blue fool, supporting your colonist way of living.

>> No.16659507


>> No.16659509
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For me it's

>> No.16659522

Imagine beating the shit out of him

>> No.16659526
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>Fuck you, Townshits. Cook your damn meat at temps above 100 degrees fahrenheit if you don't want to kill your viewers for "authenticity".

>> No.16659535

do Americans not have an immune system or something?

>> No.16659540

I eat well done meat just to make libtards angry kek

>> No.16659564

>thing that literally didn’t happen
>”th..th…thing that absolutely nobody said

Fuck you, OP. Construct your damn post at an IQ above retardation-level if you don’t want to give people cancer for “zero effort shitposting”.

You look like a damn fatherless zoomer son of a single whore, supporting your broken way of living.

>> No.16659574

hey buddy, you just blow in from stupid town?

>> No.16659583

Good news, OP.
Their newest video shows how to make meatless meatballs so soymen like you can also join in.

>> No.16659618

Retard faggot idiot moron doodoo eater. Go piss your asshole you gay goober homo man. Fat fucking dickshitter. I will tie you down and jelly your beans crackhead supreme.

>> No.16659621

Ok so the issue with this guy is that all his larping is really a facade for him to shill the incredibly overpriced rape dungeon lanterns that the business he inherited from his father sells. He’s a millionaire pretending to be a salt of the earth regular Joe type. The yootube videos are just advertisements for his “historical items” business. Bitch, I don’t need a $300 Paul Revere lamp.

>> No.16659645

But it's not orange!

>> No.16659652

it taste orange

>> No.16659678
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Behold, the cuisine which lost an empire

>> No.16659997

>do Americans not have an immune system or something?
mate, americans are completely obese, take 800 vaccines, WASH their eggs, and FDA approval for foods allows pus and blood in their milk. they aren't even allowed european cheese because they'll get salmonella, so they have plastic substitute instead.

>> No.16660003

>and FDA approval for foods allows pus and blood in their milk
You understand those are in your milk too, right?
>they aren't even allowed european cheese
Surely you aren’t so retarded as to actually think that, you obsessed little fanfaggot.

>> No.16660012

god, even your tears have trans fat lmao.

>> No.16660021

stop. he's had enough. just stop goddamn you

>> No.16660032


>> No.16660039

Now shitpost about pakis or trannies. Oh wait you can’t because the anti hate speech rainbow patrol cars will come and lock you up for saying nigger faggot online.

>> No.16660046

>/leftypol/ kikes invading /ck/

>> No.16660048

> Oh wait you can’t because the anti hate speech rainbow patrol cars will come and lock you up for saying nigger faggot online.
God that would be awesome

>> No.16660050

It's also illegal for farmers and butchers to sell many organ meats such as lungs and brain.

>> No.16660096

Literally not true at all, I’m assuming yo live in some Republican shithole where the only option is Walmart. Asian, Hispanic and higher end grocers will regularly carry those

>> No.16660109

I'm not anon you're replying to, but You literally aren't allowed to sell the brain or lungs as a food product, in America. Look it up nerd. It's the second most important reason we can't have haggis in America

>> No.16660115

Forgot to add, weird virtue signaling too with calling him a republican and pretending you know what you can buy at an ethnic store.

>> No.16660120

Why is this guy hated here?
I'm not even gringo and I like to watch this and some old guy that larp as Washington cook, really nice stuff

>> No.16660124

Definitely interesting as I’ve seen both for sale at a Hispanic and Asian grocers. Fuck the FDA

>> No.16660133

its literally one guy with an obsessive compulsion over orange fools and the stupid titlecard of the video posting the same thread 100 times

>> No.16660139

It's federal law big guy, not state law.
Why do you think there are no domestic haggis made in the US?
It's the lungs

>> No.16660142
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god dude this shit is funny

>> No.16660156

Because he’s a multimillionaire who inherited daddy’s business and sells insanely overpriced historical items to brain dead morons while pretending to be just like you. He’s also killing that 500 pound man he hired as a “cook”.

>> No.16660162
File: 1.51 MB, 750x422, I'm Frustrated.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16660198

This is the only acceptable response

>> No.16660256

The episode about egg preservation included a couple of methods that are likely to kill anyone who tries them with modern American chicken eggs. I think he's safe though since few people try his recipes without modifications or just looking up a modern recipe for a similar dish.

>> No.16660300

It's a historically accurate beverage. The king wouldn't let Americans have anything more orange than that without serious penalty

>> No.16660304

I don't get this american egg meme. I have left eggs out on the counter for a month in the summer and they were still good, the yokes just broke inside at some point and the insides were pre-scrambled so to speak.

>> No.16660426

>He posts from his covid quarantine camp

>> No.16660495

You'll only ever get to imagine, weak boy.

>> No.16660500

>I have never visited America and all I know about it is the banter on /int/ that I unquestioningly take on as gospel truth

>> No.16660627

If this is the designated e-celeb shitpost place someone post the photo of the tasting history guy juxtaposed with the grilling dudes so it looks like he's about to get railed

>> No.16660635
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for me, it's him blocking videos on this qt's video

>> No.16660644
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>> No.16660649

dont buy it then retard
tall poppy synrome is retarded

>> No.16660657

even retarded american eggs have a very small chance of giving you salmonaleya

>> No.16660663

is that a TOE i see?


>> No.16660677

> a wild attention whore validating simp suddenly appears

>> No.16660767

They're just still seething about him possibly making a joke about their president-god

>> No.16660771

OK commie

>> No.16660783

It's god-king you filthy liberal

>> No.16661585

people actually buy that stuff?

>> No.16661864

Well said.

>> No.16662156

Friendly reminder that in real life, Jon Townsend is a far-right conservative gay hating bigot.

That's why the orange fool thing was confusing. It was the woman's idea (he co-hosted that episode with a woman who works on a living history place), not his. He is deeply homophobic (hence his appeals to tradition and a prior time when gay people were coincidentally all pressured even more so than now to be closeted), and knows if his personal political beliefs got out, he would be cancelled, so he couldn't come out and say "yeah orange fool was her idea I love Trump", and that's why it got messy.

He's obsessed with tradition because white straight men feel threatened that now they aren't the only ones allowed to have power.

>> No.16662160

Here's your (You), and I'll give you another if you never post this copypasta again.

>> No.16662205

>are transfats real fats?

>> No.16662209

fucking kek
You triggered so many fatsos out of their gamer chairs. The folks on /ck/ have a really low bait point

>> No.16662267

did something happen or is this more shite bait?

>> No.16662269

>far-right conservative gay hating bigot.

Who doesn't hate faggots? Seriously? Nobody walks around ranting about "retard pride", and yet faggots expect the rest of us to be "proud" about their fucking defect? FUCK faggots, and FUCK YOU!

Faggots need medical treatment, just like every other defect, not "acceptance".


>> No.16662276

Seriously this. I won't hunt them down so long as they keep to themselves but why on earth would i fucking congratulate them? Do we congratulate people that have only one arm?

>> No.16662427

>molest kids
>Hey guys new video here today about cheap goat cheese and a green bean enjoy!

>> No.16662429


>> No.16662449

hopefully true

>> No.16662455

This board only recently passed the tipping point between 'actual hobbyist board with a bit of shitposting and banter' and 'shitposting board with a mandated theme.'

>> No.16662542

>5 replies
Don't pat yourself on the back too hard, samenigger.

>> No.16662584

What was he frustrated about?