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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16658523 No.16658523 [Reply] [Original]

eating a jar of this right now. this shit fucking rules it tastes like pancakes. 9/10 :)

>> No.16658548

This doesn’t exist in France.

>> No.16658558

it's probably not halal so how could it

>> No.16658559

That's OK, I would never visit a nonwhite country

>> No.16658579

french people be fucking kids over there they dont deserve to have this yummy jar of yogurt

>> No.16658623 [DELETED] 

>niggers trying to speak to a white man about food.

>> No.16658625

thought it was called qui at first

>> No.16658651

>5 ounces
There will come a day when yogurt is sold by the teaspoon. Yogurt traditionally has been sold in 6 ounce containers and maybe 8 ounce containers if we go back far enough in time.

I've never seen these at the grocery store before. How much sugar is in these things?

>> No.16658667


>> No.16658677

That's about four teaspoons of sugar. Yeah, no wonder it tastes good. :)

>> No.16658684

black people love to use the word yummy

>> No.16658688

The price of these things is outrageous.
Might as well get a giant tub of Brown cow, skin on yoghurt for the same price

>> No.16658751

yeah it's pretty expensive too, they're like a buck 50 each or so. im not the one buying it tho, my friend gave me a jar of it to try since i hadn't had the maple flavor before. if i weren't a neet living off my mom and i were buying my own groceries i wouldn't be spending that much on 5 ounces of yogurt. a big jar of more economical vanilla yogurt with cut up berries and granola is better than this anyways.

the glass jars are pretty nice to keep around for sauces or water for paint brushes and shit like that.

>> No.16658862

Wow, it's a glass jar? That's kind of impressive. I used to eat Brown Cow yogurt but then they went from 6 oz to 5.4 oz. When I complained about this to their customer support, stating that they should raise the price rather than reduce the quanity, they replied that they reduced the quantity because that was what their customers wanted. For the bare faced lie, I stopped buying their product altogether.

I think in the 2000s, Brown Cow yogurt was maybe $0.50 a container, went up to $0.60, and by the time I stopped buying it, it was $1.25. I already had too much sugar in my diet so between the corporate lies, the price, and the sugar, it was an easy decision to stop eating all yogurts.

>> No.16658906

The glass container seems wasteful, but they make good whiskey glasses.

>> No.16658908

my friend uses them as ash trays

>> No.16658944

based oui eater, my favorite brand of yogurt, nothing beats the texture of it

>> No.16659113

Greek yogurt is fucking terrible. Sure the cream adds an extra 50 calories but who gives a shit when it tastes a million times better.

>> No.16659120

For me, it's the Noosa with dark chocolate and coconut shaving. Shit is so good.

>> No.16659951

I guarantee you that all you're tasting is sugar.

>> No.16659967

most of the sugar might just be lactose which is fine. most of these flavored yogurts do have significant added sugar though.

>> No.16660028

I hate how there are only a few brands of whole fat yogurt.
Stop being afraid of fat damn it.

>> No.16660043

I loved Brown Cow back when I was living on the west coast. I too remember the 50 cent days, I barely saw people even buying it so I got all that delicious maple flavor to myself with that god tier cream top. Before I moved, shit was up to $1 and everyone was buying it up by the handful.

>> No.16660084

>a big jar of more economical vanilla yogurt
How do people actually eat all of that yogurt before it goes bad? I'm tempted to get the 32oz jar because it's cheaper but I don't think I could stomach consuming that much yogurt in a week.

>> No.16660257

Oh, I can polish off a 48oz one in a few days.
What can I say? I'm white.

>> No.16660301
File: 155 KB, 1440x1080, yogurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think I could stomach consuming that much yogurt in a week

>> No.16660333

Huh, maybe I need to level up my yogurt consumption, then.

>> No.16660340

>low fat

>> No.16660344

I was thinking about how it would be weird to have a food just called "Yes" in an English speaking country. But then, I thought about the band Yes, and imagined an official food of the band Yes.
Not clear on what it would be yet. Something decadent.

>> No.16660349

Make it a snack food for you. It's actually not a bad diet food. Fills you up. Not super high calorie. You can add stuff to it, but it's good on its own.

>> No.16660352
File: 7 KB, 250x212, 1626831656005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying the higher protein option
skinnyfat detected

>> No.16660507

already a thing its some chinky walmart hollistic food brand

>> No.16660524
File: 37 KB, 650x432, steve_howe_does_it_right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did an image search on "yes the band brand food" and got this image.

>> No.16660559

Kek based