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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 18 KB, 474x317, brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16652906 No.16652906 [Reply] [Original]

How to cook brain?

>> No.16652913

Marijuana use

>> No.16652915

browse 4chan

>> No.16652925

Bro why
You’re gonna sit here and tell me that you wanna eat that?

>> No.16652926

Watch a lot of porn

>> No.16652930

Heard some people say its good so I want to try it.

>> No.16652940

Did you... Brainwash it first?

>> No.16652965

Just boil it, salt + pepper and its great. Super fatty and creamy, tho I can't eat more than a few spoons

>> No.16652967

Bullshit, its a "" delicacy "" at best. If it tasted good it would've been eaten as a regular diet

>> No.16652973

Isn't it eaten less nowadays due to disease risk?

>> No.16653023

enjoy your prions

>> No.16653035

southern indiana delicacy. They stopped letting us eat calf brain; you can only eat pigs brain now.

>> No.16653056

Is it good with egg, onion, garlic, salt and pepper?

>> No.16653263

Isn't brain is mostly fat? Why the fuck would you want ot eat that? You American by chance?

>> No.16653279

one canned pigbrain is like 60 gorillion % cholesterol

>> No.16653303

It literally just tastes like worse butter. Somewhere between jelly and fat. It's not good, not even worth trying.

>> No.16653317

I imagine it's folks generally not liking organ meat that much these days. It's extremely fatty. If you do cook it, find a way to get a small quantity and do tacos or something. It's a lot to try to eat in any quantity.

>> No.16653334

Brains is a nutritionally dense food perfect for a hardworking all day farmer or outdoorsman. You know the expression 'hunger is the best spice'? Well the same thing applies to hunger for nutrients, and if you burned and sweated yours away with some real work you would understand why brain is delicious.

>> No.16653348

for one.. you NEED to apreciate the common tounfge/your surrounding mr. elitehunter this is because the flavor top[ic wouldnt sticklololol
if in asian asian spices like pemdas with type and location(pretty sure im gettuingthis right)

>> No.16653370


>> No.16653384

is this text generated by python code sitting on a server in china?

>> No.16653403

>bot went apeshit

>> No.16653471
File: 40 KB, 673x485, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I imagine what Earth is known for in an alien Sci Fi setting it's almost always for disease.
What a batshit insane planet this is and we don't even think about it because it's all we know.

>> No.16653498
File: 799 KB, 400x400, 1618171153143.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cooking brain

>> No.16653516

>one time, monkey brains

>> No.16653534

based and fpbp-pilled

>> No.16653609

They eat this for breakfast in Iran.

>> No.16653625

Do crack.

>> No.16653631

Pork brain is commonly eaten mixed into scrambled eggs.

>> No.16653660

Just eat it raw.

>> No.16653684

So true

>> No.16653687
File: 19 KB, 300x225, 29B4BCBF-63F9-4B6B-99E3-FC266E401B1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cook it in a toaster oven of course! At home or on the road it doesn’t matter because it’s gonna come out great.

>> No.16653747
File: 265 KB, 490x363, cervello-fritto-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wash it thoroughly
blanch it in boiling water for a couple of minutes
remove the thin membrane on the outside
cut it in smaller pieces
take every piece and cover it with flour, shake the excess, dip it in beaten egg and then coat it in breadcrumbs
deep fry the crumbed pieces in oil for a few minutes until golden

>> No.16653783

I've never tried in any other way, but deep fried brain like this >>16653747 is absolutely delicious. it has a nice delicate taste and a creamy texture.

>> No.16654312

Why does this gross me out so much?

>> No.16654418

Tell me where you found her.

>> No.16654424

is that why they’re still retards?

>> No.16654428

Because brain is fucking gross.

>> No.16654440

Lol. Best comment here. I now go through the hassle of captcha just to tell you that.

>> No.16654448

It’s called SWEETBREAD for a reason. Why the fuck are children on this board now.

Are you faggots going to complain about those tiny birds that frogs eat???

>> No.16654451
File: 15 KB, 316x316, MMLonesomeCrowdedWest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Modest Mouse teach you nothing? Use your heart.

>> No.16654454

Brain isn't sweetbread

>> No.16654459

Sweetbreads are glands not brains.

>> No.16654518

point and laugh at this retard. why would you not use google if your going to spout something so stupid?

>> No.16654576
File: 178 KB, 1000x667, photo-1617870314635-fc819547ec11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Christmas 2016
> Tokyo, Japan
> Evening, walking through the streets looking for a place to eat
> See a small Izakaya with no customers (drinking bar, also serves food)
> Walk and and greeted by big bearded Japanese man
> Asks me what I want
> Say in Japanese "Surprise me"
> He smiles and gets to work
> Serves a very traditional Japanese meal; miso soup, rice, fish, green tea, side of pickled vegetables
> Start eating
> Drink the miso soup and slurp down something rich and creamy, very strange taste
> Look into the bowl and see a small brain
> Look at the owner
> Winks at me
> I smile and continue my meal
> Every dish had some exotic hidden ingredient, some of which I couldn't identify
> Very surprised
> Paid him and thanked him for a great meal

He boiled the brain in the miso soup. It was very good. My mother used to eat brain on the farm. You can fry it, broil it, boil it, steam it or bake it. Only caveat is brain needs to be fresh, like killed today fresh. That's the reason its so rare to find and buy, you can't chill or freeze it, or package it.


>> No.16656170

Separate the lobes, remove the membrane, and clean. Poach, cool, dredge and fry. Start with oil and finish frying with butter. It's cooked in a very similar fashion to sweetbreads. The seasoning and sauce should be simple. Optionally, you can make a curry or something. There are a lot of ways to prepare brains.

>> No.16656180
File: 42 KB, 500x281, 4615234281_0dfbff6dcd_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16656467

This is how you get prions diseases like mad cow and kuru

>> No.16656481


>> No.16656486

Take vaccine. Wait.

>> No.16656827

fry it and pair it with Chianti and fava beans

>> No.16656878

Actually retarded. Prion disease only comes from bovine brains, which are not eaten, calf and pig brains cannot transmit prions

>> No.16656902

Visit reddit 5 times a day.

>> No.16657502
File: 575 KB, 583x382, friedbrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You generally fry it in batter

>> No.16657517

Only bovine, but calf is ok?

>> No.16657531

>comes from bovines
>not calves
just fucking stop talking https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prion#Transmissible_spongiform_encephalopathies

>> No.16658126


>> No.16658134
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16658273

This is the only recipe i know
But before frying you need a short boiling to attenuate the taste and make it firmer enough to handle it better in the batter
You also need to "clean" it by cutting away some parts that are supposed to taste bad but dunno which are those

>> No.16658439

Looks great. Even better on a plate.

>> No.16658710

good shit

>> No.16658809

Who the fuck gave a nigger internet access and a keyboard?

>> No.16658975

Ranchers and butchers eat the fuck out of it. It's just the icky factor that stops normies. I tried it at a pig roast it's genuinely good. Like others have said though it's a bit rich I wouldn't eat a lot in a single sitting.

>> No.16658997

Only caveat is brain needs to be fresh, like killed today fresh. That's the reason its so rare to find and buy, you can't chill or freeze it, or package it.
I >>16658975 didn't know that so I guess it isn't just the icky factor. Good to know

>> No.16659445

you wouldnt happen to remember the name of the place or the location would you? that sounds like a place id want to check out

>> No.16659656

fuck you; iran eats brains; your probably a vegan

>> No.16660860

Directed energy weapons

>> No.16660886

Yeah, prions are a serious concern. Especially bullshit that lungs are banned in the US still though.

>> No.16660916

my gramdmother used to coat it in flour and egg and fry it, then say it was a type of fish so i wouldnt think it was gross. by the time i could read, i liked it enough not to be grossed out when i saw the label on the package.

>> No.16660927

It was until the sale of it was banned. Or I don't know if it's actually band but the use of Bolt guns make it difficult to get a good rain. But my grandmother ate brain and fed brain to her family.