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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16650942 No.16650942 [Reply] [Original]

How much have some goods gone up in price in your area?
>20 tray of mixed grade eggs up 1.50-3.00 depending on the store
>2L milk up about a dollar
>500g butter up forty to sixty cents
>1kg cheese up forty to sixty cents
>10kg bag of spuds up nearly two dollars
>meats up 10-20%

>> No.16650953

>offal has pentupled in price in the last 15 years

>> No.16651397 [DELETED] 

Peepee hard


>> No.16651408

walmart stopped marking down clearance items much. now they only do 10% off which sucks dick

>> No.16651413 [DELETED] 

Thanks Biden

>> No.16651447

>this can of peas is 75 cents, wasnt this just 65 cents last month??

Does anyone actually do this aside from old retirees who have nothing to do aside from compare prices of canned goods?

>> No.16651457 [DELETED] 
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>at least orange man can't make mean tweets anymore

>> No.16651733 [DELETED] 

Cost of living was soaring under trump too you partisan faggot

>> No.16652413
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brazilian here
my bf is the one that cooks and generally pays for the food so i don't know the precise numbers, but he's told me recently that the price of proper non-shit food has been rising pretty heavily.
As for fast food, restaurants and etc, it has gone up in like 20-40%, depending on the place

>> No.16652520

A lot of the stuff is still the same. Chicken is still $1 or $2 a pound, vegetables are still about the same. I think pork chops went from $2 a pound to $2.19 and beef went up a bit, but other than that it's been normal. I feel like take out is where the prices have really gone up.

>> No.16652526

You should be cooking for your man, whore.

>> No.16653593

It makes sense that spuds are at their peak price for the year, they are only just getting ready to come in season.

>> No.16653602

fellow kiwi here
prices havent gone up at all on the South Island
i just wish eggs, bread and milk were a bit cheaper though.

>> No.16653619

My bi-weekly grocery bill has increased by about $20 since bidenflation rolled in

>> No.16653626

they are obviously faggots

>> No.16653637

South island here, prices have gone up. Don't try and feed me that hubris.

>> No.16653657

It's quite noticable when the price of some commodities (minced beef, for example) literally double in price over the span of a year.
It's not a supply issue either. We export a silly amount, and we haven't been able to do that recently because of the meme pandemic. There is a surplus of these items. And they're doubling the price.

>> No.16653670

Plain-ass 80/20 ground beef here has gone from $2.60ish a lb to close to $5 in the span of a year, so I just don't eat it anymore.

>> No.16653848
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>> No.16653868

I really don't know, bananas and escorts still cost the same

>> No.16653903

I like that plumping action. It makes me want to have sex.

>> No.16653910

It's noticable when it's all your essentials on your grocery list and you are paying more each week than you used too cutting into your budgeting

>> No.16653956

actual inflation in the US for consumer goods is up about 60% since jan 1st 2016.

i track expenses twice a year by pricing exactly the same items and adjusting for quantity if the package size changes.

>> No.16655501
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>> No.16656381

AUsfag here, I haven't noticed too much except for minced beef, the cheapest 500g tray costs as much as a high lean tray did at the start of 2020, so it has gone up a dollar or two.

>> No.16656824
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saw this at new world today lmao