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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16645085 No.16645085 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Foods hipsters haven't ruined yet

>> No.16645086
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>> No.16645091
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>> No.16645097 [DELETED] 

Hipsters will never ruin southern/nigger food because it's too unhealthy for their scrawny twink asses to eat.

>> No.16645100
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>> No.16645117
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Do you want fermented or fiesta?

>> No.16645213

Is there water in them that you suck out like soup dumplings? Ive never had this but I thought you just still peeled them and ate the boiled insides.

>> No.16645216

i heard gas stations gave soup warmers filled with spicy boiled peanuts.

>> No.16645222

How do boiled tomatoes and peaches taste like?

>> No.16645224
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>> No.16645227

What does it even mean for hipsters to "ruin" food? They supposedly fucked avocado on toast to oblivion, but when I buy an avocado at the grocery store it simply tastes like avocado, just as it did in 1995. Toast didn't change much either... and the two combined with some salt, pepper, lime juice and cream cheese make a delicious snack. Just because some trust fund douchebags in gentrified neighborhoods charge $18 for it doesn't make it less tasty, it just means that you don't buy it from them. Maybe you should stop being a bitch and just eat food based on how good it tastes rather than the social associations it carries.

>> No.16645237

you can peel them with your tongue and mouth and eat the peanut inside

>> No.16645247

not everyone is a virgin who makes every meal at home

>> No.16645277

why boil peanuts

>> No.16645282

hipsters turned peanuts into powder and started using spicy thai peanut sauce as an enema.

boiled peanuts are like one level above stone soup.

>> No.16645284

one time i pissed into the cajun side when no one was looking then a fatass family came in and drank my piss right up down their oversized gullets

>> No.16645291

Okay but when it comes to eating out, it's all about location rather than what you eat. Hipsters didn't ruin avocado toast because it's bad food, they ruined it because they overcharge and act as if it tastes like God's semen while posting dumb pictures of it on instagram. But the food itself is fine, and if you get it at a place that just charges a fair price and doesn't get all pretentious about it, it's perfectly fine.

>> No.16645299

Basically to make them soft and mushy and a little slimey every once in a while. Still love that shit though

>> No.16645377

Hard to ruin something that's already shit

>> No.16645412

>not everyone is a virgin who makes every meal at home

>Okay but

>> No.16645418

you heckin take that back!

>> No.16645503

>>Okay but
That means I recognize the fact you're going to be a pedantic cunt who's completely impossible to have a conversation with, but I'll post anyway. How about I add a "though" to this post so you can smugly greentext that, you boiled peanut guzzling imbecile.

>> No.16645512

They are trying though

>> No.16645517

i saw this exact thread with almost identical replies a month ago

>> No.16645770


>> No.16645779

Yeah it’s just a single flyover faggot who wants to brag about his poor person snack food that’s only sold by meth addicts trying to make some money for their next hit.

>> No.16645802

they get a really nice texture and taste and the shells get very pliant

>> No.16645805

roboshilling by big peanut

>> No.16645823

Southwest here- what happens to a peanut when you boil it?

>> No.16645841

gets very soft and the salt infiltrates and flavors the interior
the shells also get pliant enough that you can pop the whole pod in your mouth and extract the peanuts without effort.

>> No.16645860

>gets very soft and the salt infiltrates and flavors the interior
>the shells also get pliant enough that you can pop the whole pod in your mouth and extract the peanuts without effort.
kind of sounds like edamame

>> No.16645867

except it's nothing like edamame. fuck off weeb

>> No.16645878

>salty legume boiled in shell until soft and then you eat them by popping the little kernels out of the shell into your mouth
Name another instance of this.

>> No.16645915

way more fat in peanuts

>> No.16645941

beans and peanuts are in no way similar. weeb culture is fucking pathetic.

>> No.16645956

why are you like this man

>> No.16645992
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itt nig food

>> No.16645998


How do boiled peanuts compare to activated almonds?

>> No.16646000
File: 2.45 MB, 1875x532, Screenshot 2021-09-04 at 06-41-41 花生毛豆_百度图片搜索.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they are and that is why they are often served together you queer

>> No.16646027

Making this thread again? Is this Reddit?

>> No.16646034

weebshit. kys

>> No.16646038

>beans and peanuts are in no way similar.
No one tell him.
His brain is too fragile for the truth.

>> No.16646067

Like my hero Jeffrey “The Boss” Epstein, I wouldn’t be caught dead eating in a restaurant. How gauche.

>> No.16646073

I think the chinks probably started it, like most shit we think is Japanese.

>> No.16646076

>We wiz changs

>> No.16646077

>He doesn't like the same food as me
>he should kill himself
You are mentally ill. Calm down

>> No.16646108
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This is a common dish/street food in India as well. Many fond memories of my grandma making boiled peanuts as a snack.

>> No.16646187

Bitch please, ain't nobody eating avocados back in 95. you're full of shit.

>> No.16646191
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>> No.16646202

Nothing because I eat what I like I don’t give a shit if some bespectacled neck beard likes it too

>> No.16646209

Don’t eat at hipster restaurants… problem solved

>> No.16646210

wtf are boiled peanuts? Cant you roast them like a normal person

>> No.16646215

> calls other people virgins
> thinks advocado on toast is "cooking" and too difficult
like pottery

>> No.16646216

Yes, but you won't get any flavour to penetrate the peanut. You can cook foods in different ways for different results.

>> No.16646219

those bespectacled neck beards are driving up prices on traditionally cheap foods

>> No.16646222

fast food

>> No.16646223

If you don't like capitalism, find a better system.

>> No.16646227

He wasn't complaining about capitalism, though.
You can be a capitalist and still despise hipsters.

>> No.16646237
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...not yet, at least.

>> No.16646243

If he doesn't like how capitalism works, he doesn't like capitalism, even if he conceives himself as a capitalist.

>> No.16646271

>uses suspicious term 'scrawny'
Post your hand. I just need to check something.

>> No.16646377
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Balkan food, or any cuisine that doesn't utilize many spices

>> No.16646388

>unironically complaining about food prices in the west
Hint: if food prices is an issue, you're not first world.

>> No.16646394

This. Right down to passing in the Cajun. Why are they doing this?

>> No.16646402

i miss cheap ox tail

>> No.16646624

>dessert pies
>corn tacos with barbacoa/al pastor
>thai curries
>gong bao and general tso chicken

>> No.16646630


You're clearly a flyover.

>> No.16646648

Not even a burger, actually, but I live in a country infested with hipsters, commies, and sand niggers

>> No.16646655

it's a ACDelco ad

>> No.16646759

Hipsters aren't capitalism. Sure they can be capitalists but you don't need to like everything that identifies in part as something you like. You Identitarian faggot.

>> No.16646777

What a shithole

>> No.16646779

sounds like central europe

>> No.16646786

Scandinavia (Sweden). It's peak clown world here, when socialists have been ruling the country for the most of the last 30 years, and their main goals have been:
>reducing crime
>increasing healthcare access
We see the exact opposites happening, all while constantly increasing the taxation for absolutely everyone. But muh Scandics socialist paradise, etc.

>> No.16646789

Forgot to mention that they wanted us to have the lowest unemployment rates in the European Union 5ish years ago, and it nosedived under their rule, and we are now in the bottom 5 countries in Europe. Anyone who still believes in socialism should start looking at how reality works.

>> No.16646791

I've seen identical conversation chains on 8ch and Reddit, almost as meaningless. Why people destroy the internet I don't know but it's not crazy to question what you see.

>> No.16646832

Yeah those old guys running roadside stands look really methed out.

>> No.16647048

Boiled peanuts have been ruined by hipsters and their "Cajun" seasoning.

>> No.16647075
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White woke hipster "urbanists" are afraid of black people so they would never approach someone like that unless on a guided tour. They need to "elevate" black food with stuff cooked by "one of the good ones" like marcus samuellson or someone otherwise closer to white

>> No.16647369

> What does it even mean for hipsters to "ruin" food?
Demand increases, price increases.

>> No.16647424

did she work the corner ma'am?

>> No.16647473

bruh do you even socal? my parents definitely ate avocados way back into the 80's

>> No.16647483
File: 27 KB, 450x347, 5109fe1a-bd6c-5d35-8a65-ce7e1ab03489.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitch please, ain't nobody eating avocados back in 95. you're full of shit.

>> No.16647542

Good stuff. I love slice of life photography like this.

>> No.16647571

what a hateful thread over a boiled peanut

>> No.16647680
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>> No.16647686

I miss living in the south because of the boiled peanuts. Used to by them on a off ramp on I 10 from some ancient black guy. Need to get some green peanuts and make my own.

>> No.16647692
File: 241 KB, 1280x1280, D6990494-B29C-45D2-8712-E384099F442E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Southern food kinda sucks. It’s just meat and potatoes. And then british food gets shit on here...

>> No.16647696

This. I’m pretty sure avocado has been eaten in California since the dawn of time

>> No.16647700
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>> No.16647705

t. never had southern food

>> No.16647726


>> No.16647777

OP is saying that he liked the food before it was cool, because he is a projecting hipster.

>> No.16647785

how will OP ever recover?

>> No.16647788

Quads of truth

>> No.16647809

Never heard of boiled peanuts in my country. What's that like? Is it just like peanuts you buy as snacks?

>> No.16647849

Otto von Bismarck invented the avocado

>> No.16647874

>shitcum sandwich

>> No.16647965

I suppose I'm not unique here but god I want her to shit in my mouth and I'm not even into that kind of stuff normally

>> No.16647976

You've never heard a white say "scrawny'" before?

>> No.16647993

do you american hicks still eat squirrel? just wondering

>> No.16648054

That's literally just hot sauce anon

>> No.16648071

Stop putting that shit into your veins man, its fucking you up. Guys, he doesn't know guys.

>> No.16648429

it's like a peanut that was boiled in salty water

>> No.16648433

as far as I'm aware hipsters haven't really gotten to pasta yet, maybe it's too boring for them

>> No.16648438

Is the peanut soft or not?

>> No.16648474

it is soft

>> No.16648480

like you

>> No.16648482

white and black southerners eat all the same things except blacks put sugar in whatever it is

>> No.16648491

>White woke hipster "urbanists" are afraid of black people so they would never approach someone like that unless on a guided tour.
True, they're woke because they feel guilty about being white, not because they actually like blacks. In Europe you have the same thing with Muslims, the people who speak the highest praise about Muslim immigrants are the ones who don't interact with them.

>> No.16648493

Is there an asian flavor option?
Also wtf are boiled peanuts? Are they dried after? I'm curious because I love all things peanut and I'd like to try making some now.

>> No.16648529

Raw or dried peanuts in the shells, boiled. They are not dried afterwards, and are shelled during consumption.

>> No.16648772

they're based as fuck. driving on an old country road down south towards the beach and you see some old black guy peddling soft peanuts. it's pretty kino southern.

>> No.16648801

They do interact with them though, they just don't like it, hence why they're always simping for real estate developers.

>> No.16648835

Boiled or Grilled?

>> No.16648852
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southern what? ireland? nothing you just said describes southern u.s. food.

>> No.16648863


I used to not get boiled peanuts despite being born & raised in the south but once I grew up and stopped being such a fucking dipshit, I gave them a real shot and now I almost always pull over when I'm traveling and see a stand.

>> No.16648871

he's obviously accusing you of being fat you retarded europoid

>> No.16648875
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>except blacks put sugar in whatever it is
the opposite. wigs prefer sugar more than nigs.

>> No.16648922

>cold boiled peanuts
literally why

>> No.16649635

They're pretty damn good, imagine a big dip of sunflower seeds you had chillin in your mouth. Bout like that

>> No.16649666

if someone else liking something ruins it, did you really like it in the first place?

>> No.16649710

because weebs always bring everything back to fucking japanese shit

>> No.16649796

They're boiled in brine

>> No.16649823

ITT: Activate Peanuts

>> No.16649827

The only weeb here is you.

>> No.16649912


>> No.16649919
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>> No.16649922

You must be a filthy northerner if you think southern food is just meat and potatoes.

>> No.16649929

You dumb faggot.
Wasted goddamn trips.

>> No.16649934

Why not?

>> No.16649944

What if you boil them, then roast them? What happens then?

>> No.16649945

>How to troll a dumb faggot into proving our point for us; the post

>> No.16649962

Have they picked onions yet?
Pretty sure pickled onions are safe.
For now.

>> No.16649987
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lol no, they sell them for $20 a jar minimum

>> No.16650003

Literally no one would be caught dead eating in a restaurant.

>> No.16650007

Why? Because you were born after 2000?

>> No.16650025



>> No.16650077

It comes with heating instructions retard.

>> No.16650079

tell that to sugar in cornbread, sugar in grits, sugar in biscuits, sugar in peas and greens

>> No.16650166

They make the food lose it's sovl

>> No.16650177

>reheating boiled peanuts
that's still a rip

>> No.16650589


>> No.16650601

yeah, there's nothing wrong with it neither

>> No.16650619
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Why would they stop?

>> No.16650631

Barbecue is literally just meat.

>> No.16650633

Also, Louisiana food doesn't count. It's French.

>> No.16650649

>Balkan food
>prison cafeteria
>dried out kebab on white bread with separated mayonnaise on top

>> No.16650659

I start to think i can clearly see posts made by anon from my generation

>> No.16650697

sothern hicks don't hate anything more than french shit
but luisiana food is black people food
and since when are black people french?

>> No.16651219
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>> No.16651606
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Get fucked commiefornians

>> No.16652753
File: 80 KB, 480x640, 7F5162CD-3042-4318-B1F0-D0DC460E6B99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a better combo than Cajun nuts and the beach, I’ll wait.

>> No.16652768

Boiled Peanus

>> No.16652776

I want it to be semi-solid liquid cheap taco shit

>> No.16652986
File: 93 KB, 240x240, 5152a5a8483ed3d88817e704dd2e461d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surely ur trolling

>> No.16653022

this is literally chinese text retarded nigger
japs dont own fucking soybeans

>> No.16653070


>> No.16653094

Can you eat the shells?

>> No.16653192

>price increases
>producers grow more avocados
>price decreases

>> No.16653220

This is why it's safe from foodie fags like you.

>> No.16653237
File: 431 KB, 558x464, 1630212104227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro who doesn't like sugar in their fuckin cornbread, fuckin love that shit. As for the other stuff isn't sugar in biscuits just a scone? I should try it in my grits, and I like sweet petit peas more than starchy ones.

>> No.16653246

It was just regional. We ate it all the time in Arizona. Friend of mine even had an avocado tree.

>> No.16653256

barbeque is just as much about the side dishes and dessert as it is about the meat.

>> No.16653424
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>> No.16653428

I did notice that as tacos have gotten more common and fancied up, a lot of places still haven't really gotten too much into tortilla making or putting effort into that.

>> No.16653437
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most places that make "authentic artisinal tacos" are fucking garbage.
>shitty tortillas
>tough meats
>water and mild salsas
>conspicuous lack of lard use
>don't have a plancha that stretches through the whole kitchen
>"al pastor" is just slow cooked pork

I had tacos from some goku-on-the-wall esque shack outside of tampa that was so fucking good I went back every day I was there, and when I got back to my shitty town I wasn't ever able to eat "tacos" again. Honestly, would rather go to taco bell than try to eat amateur attempts at homemade shit.

>> No.16653531
File: 185 KB, 1080x1080, 951576a8b4e46b314e944aeb115b6fc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just waiting for the day when I see "Small batch locally sourced agave nectar sweetened" koolickles.

>> No.16653538

So are boiled peanuts just normal cooked peanuts? Or are they cooked with some secret southern technology that makes them more then just a cooked peanut?

>> No.16653550

Yeah, that's what I mean. They fancy up the ingredients, a lot of times overdoing what should be a relatively small set of ingredients, and then don't try with the tortilla, which is half of the recipe. It's interesting. Tortilla vary in quality a lot.

>> No.16653556
File: 561 KB, 1000x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mom never let me have kool-aid as a kid. Instead, she made us crystal light in these pitchers. Was she racist?

>> No.16653633

That didn't happen.

>> No.16653635

white motherfucker

>> No.16653757

No worse, she was a tastelet

>> No.16653853

MMM Plumpyness.

>> No.16653878
File: 1.36 MB, 619x930, Russian Coolickles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have already started doing it in Russia.

>> No.16654006

Boiled peanuts is definitely popular among white millennials.

>> No.16654098

lol get fucked poorfag

>> No.16654120

tbqh we have some of the cheapest food relative to average income in the US.

>> No.16654131

They get pretty soft and just soak up whatever youve boiled them in. Pretty common for people to buy green peanuts then just boil them in that liquid crab boil seasoning. Personally, I think its like a savory peanut butter. They're peak road trip food.

>> No.16654349


le sigh

“Hipster” is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else’s authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.

It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.

Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own).

You can’t define what “that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle” actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That’s because you don’t use “hipster” to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.

The twist, of course, is that if it weren’t for your own insecurities, nothing that a “hipster” could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - “Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I’m certainly not like those filthy hipsters!” - so you project those feelings.

Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, “ironic” Them.

>> No.16654929

No, it's literally just boiled peanuts. To the degree they're special at all they're using fresh peanuts that have never been dried, meaning you have to get them in season locally since 99.9% of the peanuts are sold to be processed for long term preservation. But really I can't tell the difference from boiled "raw" peanuts (dried but not roasted) and fresh.

>> No.16655608

my dad was into avocados and pho back in the 90's when I was coming up and he's like the least hipster guy i've ever met

>> No.16655709

its preposterous how pho and avocados are considered hipster things, like they both taste fucking good and practically everyone likes them.

now like tongues or livers thats some hipster shit

>> No.16655719

People don't have the power to ruin food. They can only make shitty versions of it. Much like people misuse words like hipster to the point of removing all meaning.

>> No.16655778

liver and onions is great though so is lengua and both are working class staples. actually I think i'm starting to understand this whole "hipsters ruin everything" thing. they take something that poor people do in a certain area and elevate it to a high culture status.

>> No.16655797
File: 76 KB, 960x762, BBQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hipster faggots will never into real barbecue because they're too lazy and wishywashy to ever commit to a purchase like a pro-grade smoker

>> No.16655880 [DELETED] 

Never eaten nigger before, seems like it would be gamey

>> No.16655886

Yes. Same pictures as well

>> No.16655939

>using the term gentrified
Kill yourself

>> No.16655956

>buy frozen boiled peanuts
>dump them in water
>put in rusty pot
>sell to dumb assholes willing to pay more than you paid for the bag
It's a dream job really.
I'm jealous.

>> No.16656055

>real bbq
>50% sugar

>> No.16656117

My dad was hardcore about going to his buddy's field every year and getting a pickup bed full of peanut plants.

We'd pick off the nuts, wash them and boil for eating while watching college football.

He'd swear he can tell a difference between a green "raw" peanut and a dried one. You can, but it's minimal. The biggest difference is selecting the right variety to boil.

I've always heard Valencia are the best but I kind of prefer Virginia. They stick in the shell more if you don't soak them longer but they are 'meatier'.

>> No.16656120

Pro-grade smokers are for pussies.

Real men build pits and set fire temp with their throbbing cocks

>> No.16656232

no she thought you where fat

>> No.16656235

Why would you boil peanuts

>> No.16656257

in tomato sauce

>> No.16656267

sugar in cornbread tastes like ass

>> No.16656286

You'll understand 'hipsters ruin everything' when you look at the price of ox tail, shank, tongue, skirt, and flat iron. Fuckers ruined the prices of all of them. Only the nasty offal like kidney is still cheap.

>> No.16656287

hipsters only ruin things if you let them be ruined, faggot
who the fuck cares who likes a thing
just eat what you like

>> No.16656295

>who the fuck cares who likes a thing
They raise the price up 5-20x the normal amount.

>> No.16656325

They aren't old, They're all in their mid-20s. It's the meth making them look old

>> No.16656399

shut up hipster

>> No.16656407

>its preposterous how pho and avocados are considered hipster things, like they both taste fucking good and practically everyone likes them
That's the whole reason why they've becone hipster things, because they're fairly obscure but easily palatable dishes and therefore ideal fad food. Hipsters avoid obscure foods which sound icky on the surface to an urbanite.

>> No.16656419

behold the confused antiweeb making a fool of himself in a foreign environment