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File: 29 KB, 855x570, teaGlass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16644253 No.16644253 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for discussing tea, teaware, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.


Previous thread:

>> No.16644259

Iced edition
What are you drinking cold /tea/?

>> No.16644276
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What do tea purists say to this? 3g sugar
I haven't tried it yet, needs to refrigerate

>> No.16644305
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I'll also contribute one of my favourites, I grew up drinking Tetley orange pekoe with milk

>> No.16644312

So it's green tea vodka?
It's probably drinkable, i wouldn't hope for much if it is made with "flavored green tea extract"

>> No.16644319

>green tea with roasted rice
Good stuff anon, i love it in the afternoon.

>> No.16644328

It says brewed tea extract so I'm not sure if that's a fancy process after brewing green tea or just a fancy name for brewing green tea, maybe the water was booked out of the green tea... I was looking for something other than those crap 0g saltzers that are all the rage right now.

>> No.16644379

I tried some, it has that unsweetened honey green taste that like gold peak had with vodka. The vodka is very present, overall I don't mind it and give it a 5/10. Does have a bit of a thickness to it like a syrup which is odd. I wouldn't expect this type of product to taste great though...

>> No.16644431

I can't believe how easy to drink some of these new alcoholic seltzers are, a big step up from the Smirnoff ice and mikes hard of my college days. Had the bud light ones recently and outside of some stevia i could do without it was a 9/10 for drinkablity.

>> No.16644533

Some kombucha I made last week, flavored with carrot juice, lemon juice, ginger and turmeric.

>> No.16644547

That's a pretty good combo. Did you brew it with black tea?

>> No.16644757

So, tell me about Genmaicha+Matcha
I haven't had it and my local tea shop doesn't carry it so I'd have to special order it, is it worth it?

>> No.16644873

Is puer iceable? My gf said she would toss my Anne Rice collection if I tried icing her cakes.

>> No.16644983

is there such a thing as pop tea/carbonated tea? something with a fizzy taste?

>> No.16644994

kombucha is essentially fermented tea soda

>> No.16644998

the last time i tried that it tasted like alcohol, i hated it.

>> No.16645006

>stemmed glass for no reason

>> No.16645018

did you buy an alcoholic one? depending on when they kill and bottle it it'll either be soft or alcoholic. its the only kind of fizzy tea you'll find

>> No.16645022

It was non alcoholic but it still had that "feeling"
maybe i should try a different brand after i'm done with my kefir i ordered

>> No.16645025

Might try sacking up too.

>> No.16645027

This sounds like a term for some sort of ball inflation, not sure i like it.

>> No.16645059
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>> No.16645065

They've got about 1/6th the alcohol of a white claw. If you're getting buzzed off kombucha while 90lb coeds are slamming seltzers all day, look inward.

>> No.16645074

sorry anon i can't do any alcohol, i'm a teetotaler

>> No.16645101

based teatotaler, never given in to peer pressure.

>> No.16645108
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>mfw sitting on a kilo each of raw puer and white tea
lol yeah fuck peer pressure....

>> No.16645137

Imagine putting 19th century straight edge toddler in your grindr bio.

>> No.16645145

My mother nearly died from a medically induced coma from alcohol, you cunt.

>> No.16645156

I'm sure you vehemently abstaining from alcohol will fix her maladies.

>> No.16645160

I sincerely hope you get ultra nigger aids.

>> No.16645176

My grandfather nearly died from medically induced ultra nigger aids, you cunt. Now I have to abstain from black cock for fear of exacerbating my underlying genetic condition.

>> No.16645182
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There's a few smaller brands making sparkling tea, yeah. Not widely distributed though.

>> No.16645183

yes you're very funny for insulting someones mother in a poor situation, eat shit.

>> No.16645197

maybe try drinking less than she did? unless you're indian firewater shouldn't be life threatening

>> No.16645236

Funnily enough, I've got native blood, one set of grandparents drank themselves to death and quite a few uncles. But I'm not crying about kombucha in liu bao lesbian threads.

>> No.16645279
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>> No.16645351

I hope your mom gets some sense of relief knowing you're defending her alchie honor online. I'm sure there's some facebook groups or tattoos you can get to support her.

>> No.16645540
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>> No.16645558
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Hey facebook, quick update. Mom's doing well! She's out of the hospital, just got the paperwork to get her in the halfway house.

>> No.16645913

my dick literally doesn't work anymore

>> No.16645962


>> No.16645965

The only tea I've ever been able to enjoy is sweet tea, like southern style.

>> No.16646003

I like wine and bourbon what is the tea for me

>> No.16646018

Perhaps a smoked lapsang souchong or a ripe puerh. It depends on the wine you like, too.

>> No.16646023
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Iced Yerba Mate

>> No.16646037

have you ever considered larping as chinese by drinking their shitty rotten leaf water? if you answered yes, you are in the right thread

>> No.16646107

You shouldn't ice pu'er unless you plan to store it very briefly prior to consumption. It has living bacteria in it that help it develop and age over time, so by putting it in a cold environment, you'll be slowing their activity to a crawl. Means it won't progress in aroma or flavor, and might even taste flat. Moreover, if it develops condensation in that environment and eventually dethaws, this sudden change in temp may cause for mold potential; you won't be able to safely drink it. I'd say it's fine if you want to take a few tiny chunks in a proper bag to use within a few days, but otherwise, it's not usually ideal.
>Inb4 someone mentions pu'er fridges
They're not turned on.

>> No.16646809

Aged "low-grade" white teas like shoumei might be up your alley. Also consider some of the less green Taiwanese oolongs, like dong ding, baozhong, or Oriental Beauty.
Look for semi-aged sheng like this:
Robust and smoky flavor, but more nuanced and natural-tasting than something like lapsang souchong.
All of these teas have at least some sweetness, but less than what you'd find in bourbon. For something sweeter, it's not really a tea, but you would probably like rooibos/honeybush.

>> No.16647234

Excuse me guys I'm a teatotaler. Please be respectful.

>> No.16647267

i like lipton peach tea bros

>> No.16647307

>Verdant Tea 2014 Gong Ting
Again I am sorry for recommending it. i still wonder if they changed the batch or something as i bought the same cake and found it perfectly ok. i had bought another small ripe cake from them at the same time and it was also fine. perhaps I just got lucky?

>> No.16647309

I meant to reply to

>> No.16647376

My tea shop has it and I'm also curious about it

>> No.16647400

>Xihu longjing from 2016
it would probably taste good coldbrew or iced. that's what i tend to do with tea i want to use up as it tends to work well even with underwhelming tea. i almost exclusively brew my best tea gongfu in order to really take advantage of it.

>I can't believe how easy to drink
if you have to force yourself to drink, you probably shouldn't be.

>Is puer iceable?
i know this is a joke but i will reply anyways. sheng can make some good cold brew or iced tea but i find that shu tastes poor when served cold as it brings out too much of the unpleasant funky side of the tea

>kombucha is essentially fermented tea soda
that is poor description of it. kombucha is more like a sweet flavored vinegar, sometimes with a bit of alcohol, often carbonated. i like kombucha but it does not taste like soda.

>have you ever considered larping as chinese by drinking their shitty rotten leaf water? if you answered yes, you are in the right thread

>> No.16647770

Believe me, I get it. I don't drink either for similar reasons.
Now stop acting like a faggot, no one cares.

>> No.16648336

>if you have to force yourself to drink, you probably shouldn't be.
tell that to everyone who drinks beer lol

>> No.16648368

I like beer, especially beer that isn't lager. Don't you think it can be similar to tea in overall flavor? Like black tea it's often bittersweet and malty or fruity. Both are considered "acquired tastes" for similar reasons.

>> No.16648428
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What does /tea/ think of him?

>> No.16648440

Beer tastes like grassy pisswater to the point there's a German beer called "Pißwasser"

>> No.16648444

used car salesman personality, meme tasting notes, tea is over priced but generally good quality. he gets some nice stuff but in batches so small its usually sold out

>> No.16648445

I enjoy cold oolong tea. Anyone got a brand recommendation? I just ordered some loose leaf oolong for the first time, going to try cold brewing it.

>> No.16648448
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I think videos on tea are very informative and engaging.

>> No.16648449

As long as he's not a teatotaler he's fine in my book.

>> No.16648450

Look. I know im responding to a mongoloid, i know. But i have to tell you. You dont know anything about tea. Read all the faggot books you want. Go to tea fest and turn your nose up to the indians and masturbate over Royal Tea. Go pay thousands of dollars to some chink to grade and look at tea under a uv light. Go for it. I dont even care. Just remember kid, i was unloading barrels of keemun while you were in fucking poopy pants diapers. I remeber when East India Trading still sold English breakfast in a square pine box.. Your playing yourself, kid.

I have over 100 specialy offerings from 97 different mountain ranges in contianer quanities AT ALL TIMES. Wow you say mr. tea broker leaf KANG you just doxed yourself on the internet, but i dont care. Fuck you. Ive been doing this so long i was playing golf with the tea guys before it blew up ive been a member and disbarred by the tea association of the use more times then your punk ass has even been on there mailing list. Ive FUCKED my way through more secrateries than you even have in your rolodex. I have a warehouse filled with over $1,000,000 of filters and tea brewing equipment laying DEFUNCT.

People like you, kid, people like your are marks, customers, losers. Go ahead, drink your shitty lung ching; panfire your own lapsang souchong; buy a new yixing for each new puehr. But to me kid, youll always be a loser and a faggot

but sirly, buy my pueher

>> No.16648486

where do I buy

>> No.16648554

kek gotem

>> No.16648564

Who is this slut?

>> No.16648694

Gta faggot go home.

>> No.16649122

Anyone tried green tea kombucha / jun? How is it?

>> No.16649275

Pretty sexy, try making it with genmatcha or hojicha

>> No.16649758
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Not bad

>> No.16650183

If I want to get cheap (Japanese) Green tea in Canada, where would I look? Capital Tea/my local tea store don't carry cheap bancha/hojicha which is what I'm interested in getting to round my stock out. I'm not looking for anything fancy, I'd like to keep my cost relatively low (10CAD/100g would be ideal) since I've already got more premium/expensive Senchas. I just want something decent I can drink basically every day without worrying too much about the cost.

>> No.16650243

Go to Vancouver,
That's a good question, if you arent in the sticks try finding a local asian market, ive gotten lucky with finding passable cheap Japanese loose leaf tea at asian markets.

>> No.16650900

is there any big brands that offer acceptable quality tea?

i've been microwaving twinings for a decade at this point but i've never got much out of it, tastes like nothing, while i usually enjoy this chamomile that uses whole flowers, much much richer in flavor even with my subpar methods

not much of a tea drinker but i'm willing to give a try to something not completely trash-tier

>> No.16651030

Pg tips isint even that bad. That's probably the best you can get at a grocery store.

>> No.16651823

the variation between wines is enormous, and the variation between bourbons is still relatively big, so saying you like wine and bourbon is is no way an indication of the flavors you like

>> No.16651852
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wow I haven't been here for a while and this general have gone to shit, 1/4 of the posts here are questions that are readily answered in the pastebin and 2/3 are about iced tea, lipton bags and memes
get a grip guys
this is my latest haul from ebuy anyway, a cheap tie guan yin, a supposedly good ya shi xiang and a sample of "night flower" red tea which I couldn't identify even with the help of a friend who speaks chinese
we both ordered some tea and I ended up spending around €21 for ~175g of tea + shipping charges, hopefully the quality will be good enough to justify the expense

>> No.16651874
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these are the tie guan yin leaves, the state seems hit and miss, a few leaves are whole and most are torn somewhere or just small pieces, though they're small enough, no more than some 2,5cm tall, and they're all tie guan yin leaves, unlike the last order of cheap tie guan yin I got which was cut with some other cheaper tea

>> No.16651890
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and this is the tea after a wash and 55sec @ 90°C in a zisha teapot
it's nothing special but it's fresh and herbal and a bit floral as you would expect from this tea, though I should probably steep it for a bit longer next time
this was around €2,50 for 125g so I'm satisfied, though again, it's nothing special, hopefully the ya shi xiang will be better

>> No.16651891

why don't you put in plastic buck teeth and.move to china already you larping faggot?

>> No.16651902

why/how would I be larping?
is it difficult to believe that a westerner would be interested and knowledgeable about tea?
btw you'd agree with me if you had started visiting this general even just one year ago

>> No.16651909

I like white tea. When people look in my gaiwan I enjoy the visible confusion as they wonder if I'm drinking something I scoop up from the forest floor, and you know the honey tastes it tends to have are also nice

>> No.16651921

based gutter leaf drinker

>> No.16651928

it is difficult to believe, because chinese tea is all so shit, and chinese people laugh at foreigners pretending to be chinese

>> No.16651944

I also like Ripe Puerh, since it looks like something I dredged up from the bottom of a lake and chose to drink it, and I like the variety of flavors you can find in it and find it funny when I trick someone into drinking my more "woodsy" Shous

>> No.16651971

Ebay can really be hit or miss, check out my man on there ebay guy if you haven't already.
This is a great green
This is a really nice deep roasted ball oolong from yunan,
And some tiegyanyin

>> No.16652008

indeed it is, though when I wrote ebuy I really meant ebuy
it's a chink website selling all sorts of shit, not unlike a lie press, though a bit less accessible to westerners

>> No.16652341
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For me, it's gyokuro.

>> No.16652460

Sounds fun, you shoupd start ordering from taobao, that's where it's at

>> No.16652476

Lipton Cold Brew

>> No.16652554

Do you add anything to it?

>> No.16653131

Sweet memepot setup

>> No.16653322
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Mugi Cha

>> No.16653448

>wow I haven't been here for a while and this general have gone to shit,
its fine, we have just been less active lately so a greater percentage of the posts are low effort. i think most of the regulars are still here lurking. you could try posting some more stuff yourself if you want to kick-start some discussion.

>when I wrote ebuy I really meant ebuy
Link? google does not bring anything relevant up.

>a lie press
typo or joke?

>> No.16653587

have fun, use both search "channels" and use chink names/words as queries
>a lie press
I meant aliexpress, I might or might not have been phoneposting

>> No.16653753

Yes, I usually use black tea. This week I made some with Shou Mei and green apple puree but it's still in its 2F stage.

>> No.16653769
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anyone ever buy match from alixpress? i feel like the stuff I buy off amazon is flipped china shit anyway.

>> No.16653771

Sugar and lemon

>> No.16654079

drank so much tea today the caffeine is making it feel like someone is squeezing behind my eyeballs goddamn this never happened with pepsi FUCK TEA

>> No.16654135

Don't buy tea from aliexpress, selling food is against the rules on there so only the most dogshit shops are still doing it.
Matcha off of either site is going to be trash. Seriously drink a different kind of tea, matcha is a luxury item that sucks balls unless it's meticulously made by old japanese men with their finest tea leaves, just drink sencha or something.
If you want to buy matcha imort it from one of the Japanese vendors in the pastebin or at least get it from these guys
And don't get the culinary grade / gourmet matcha for drinking either. That's for making matcha cookies for your mommy blog.
Otherwise get some sencha or genmaicha from one of those shops, it will be 100% better tasting than whatever swill you have been buying on amazon

>> No.16654143

thanks, is there a way to see who the vendor for each item is?

>> No.16654183

It looks like it's just a taobao agent
There is a decent amount of info about buying tea from taobao in this pastebin and even more in the taobao thread on /cgl/
Towards the bottom on this paste

>> No.16654238

i don't care at all for the taste. just for caffeine content and other health benefits.

>> No.16654246

>difficult to believe that a westerner would be interested and knowledgeable about tea?
> just a random taobao agent

>> No.16654385

This is exactly the kind of sociopathic behavior puer drinkers (especially the women folk) are known for

>> No.16654401

I make iced tea with the grocery store fruity loose leaf blends.
It turns out really good.
Peach Ginger sweetened with honey is my favorite.

>> No.16654481

There are not health benefits when you are drinking the worst of the worst Chinese green tea that's doused in pesticides and herbicides and then ground into a fine powder, unless you consider getting floroisis and pesticide induced genetic damage to be benefits.

>> No.16654491

Nice, some casual flavored tea is pleasant from time to time

>> No.16654501

And i say that as someone who almost exclusively drinks Chinese teas. But there is a lot of nasty stuff out there, you need to buy stuff from trusted brands or at least sellers with a good reputation.

>> No.16654559

>i don't care at all for the taste. just for caffeine content and other health benefits.
just buy some cheap organic stuff off amazon then

>> No.16654567

What's the best earl grey? I once had one with blue flowers in it, very good. Please recommend.

>> No.16654584

>a westerner is interested in, and knowledgeable about tea
>conveniently buys it from the chinks who are used to selling it to other chinks

>> No.16654600

there's a pastebin about tea toxicity that's been posted in this general a few times, look it up
tl;dr drinking even the shittiest chink tea won't have any adverse health effect

>> No.16654767
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i drink this stuff more then water

>> No.16654877

Matcha is a very specific type of green tea product and any grade above Culinary is consumed primarily for the taste as an expensive aesthetic experience. If you just want caffeine, there are plenty of high caffeine teas and all green tea has equally unproven health benefits, drinking Matcha is not going to make you any healthier than someone drinking Sencha and honestly even a Bancha drinker is probably getting roughly the same benefits.
If you want a cheap Chinese green tea with high caffeine, order Gunpowder (珠茶)
If you just want caffeine and really don't care about the taste, buy Yerba Mate (which also has health CLAIMS)
Matcha isn't for you - don't tunnel vision on the claims that woah it's super high caffeine holy shit it'll supercharge your entire life and wake you from the dead because there are plenty of black and even green teas that can provide similar caffeine contents. Likewise there is no real proof that Matcha will cure your cancer and resurrect your dead gerbil from 6th grade.

>> No.16655003

This would be like chinks buying peets kcups off amazon because its conveniently from amerifats who sell to amerifats.

>but it says 5星评价 right there!

>> No.16655030

What are you two even arguing about?
Buying from taobao is a great idea with some planning and research, buying random tea from random sellers off of taobao seems kind of pointless. If you know brands you like its usually pretty easy to find their tmall/taobao store and buy directly from them. Once you get a feel for the shops one there it's also not too hard to figure out which shops are the serious tea dealers and which ones are just drop shipping whatever random leaves. But if you look in the right places you can get much better tea than amazon or ebay and even some of the western facing vendors, and you can usually get some good prices too.

>> No.16655230

You don't need to wag your dick/vulva around the thread because you're ordering from a taobao forwarder. Literally no different than ordering from any e commerce site.

>> No.16656313

>wag your dick
I reviewed a tea I got, if you've felt attacked it's because of your own issues
>no different than ordering from any e-commerce site
though you said all chink tea is shit so you don't know anything about it, and I can only assume you don't know much about buying either

>> No.16656441

greenpill me on Jun, I have organic unprocessed honey and high quality loose leaf green tea as well as experience with Kombucha, where do I get a Jun SCOBY that isn't going to cost me a fortune?
All of the sites that sell them want me to buy an entire kit with honey+their shitty overpriced home blend of green tea when all I need is the slimy bacteria factory.

>> No.16656443

>Buying from taobao is a great
what agents do you use and recommend?
have you had any problems with your taobao account being randomly banned (I have heard it can happen especially to foreign accounts).

>you can usually get some good prices too.
shipping prices are terrible right now though. i was playing around on a couple the agents websites the shipping cost calculator was spitting out really high numbers. you better be getting a great deal to offset shipping costs.

also you should probably just ignore the troll

>> No.16656448

i brew all my teas western style now, i can't be bothered with grandpa-fu anymore. even the nice shit i order from china gets WESTED

>> No.16656452

nooooo you aren't appreciating the subtly changing flavors you can't do this!!!

>> No.16656466

>where do I get a Jun SCOBY
i am no expert on this matter but i don't really see why you would need a different SCOBY. they are both just tea+plus sugar (with the sugar being the key ingredient). SCOBY's with different microbial compositions may alter the taste some but that applies even if you are just making Kombucha.

>> No.16656645

I do gong Fu cause it's fast and tastes good

>> No.16656941

waht about the high antioxidants levels in matcha though?

>> No.16656961

Gonna try some matcha recipes I found online today. I've only had it plain so far

>> No.16656963

All green tea contains high levels of antioxidants. Again, you are being memed on by "matcha" sellers who are trying to hawk off shitty ground bancha masquerading as matcha or whatever.
Matcha is just regular green tea leaves (in the case of genuine ceremony-grade matcha, it's the finest quality tea leaves from specially shaded plants)
Matcha is only as good as the leaves used for it, and at that point you are paying a proper premium for authentic Ceremony-grade Matcha. If you're buying the cheaper shit you are literally just as well off buying a mid-range Sencha or a cheap Bancha for the same price since it's probably roughly the same leaves.
If you are going to buy real Matcha, you are probably better off trying to find a similarly priced Gyokuro instead.

>> No.16656995

but isn't the difference with matcha that you literally consume the whole ass leaf? with like normal green tea you brew the leaves and discard them afterwards so that's why you get more nutrients and caffeine out pf matcha. you grind the leafs into a powder and drink them.

that brings me back to my original question which was couldn'T I just buy aliexpress shit since all stuff on amazon is from china anyway

>> No.16657033

I'm going to blow your mind here, maybe, but if you buy a quality Japanese Sencha you can actually eat the leaves after you're done brewing tea with them. It's traditionally more of an expensive Gyokuro thing and they eat it with soy sauce, but I've found regular Sencha to be perfectly enjoyable on fried rice.
if you plan on going that route, look for Asamushi/Chumushi for whole leaves. Fukamushi is nice for drinking and you will get a more matcha-like experience since a good portion of the leaves will dissolve into the water, but a bit more awkward to eat afterwards.
Theoretically you can eat any tea leaves, really.
>why can't I just buy aliexpress
You can, but you're probably only going to get Chinese teas and there's no guarantee of quality. Someone else will have to give you actual advice on which Ali sellers are worth buying from.

>> No.16657046

>isn't the point of match a to drink the ground leaves as well
yes, but (ground) matcha is made from a specific quality of japanese green tea, and matcha made from low-ish quality chink tea won't taste anywhere as good
>can't I just buy from ali
even before ali officially banned tea I couldn't find any good nip tea there, the best reasonably priced nip seller I could find is yuuki-cha
if you only want anti-oxidants and caffeine buy long jing and caffeine pills, you'll save yourself some money

>> No.16657149

if they like cheap matcha let them drink cheap matcha. if they are just making matcha lattes or iced matcha the cheaper stuff can work fine. yes, the cheap stuff is not "authentic" and the good stuff is more expensive but they said "i don't care at all for the taste. just for caffeine content and other health benefits." so i am not sure how relevant trying to push for the good stuff is in this case.

>but isn't the difference with matcha that you literally consume the whole ass leaf?
possibly, but you also tend to use less matcha.

>I just buy aliexpress shit since all stuff on amazon is from china anyway
a couple brands claim to have cheaper stuff from japan (https://www.amazon.com/Jade-Leaf-Matcha-Green-Powder/dp/B01GORARQY).). i recommended amazon because you said you wanted to drink for health reasons and it is almost certainly easier to get organic stuff on amazon than aliexpress. also you can get a pound of organic Chinese green tea powder on amazon for like $20 bucks right now (https://www.amazon.com/MatchaDNA-Certified-Organic-Matcha-Powder/dp/B077572GG8).). after paying shipping and service fees i doubt you are going to due any better on aliexpress. its so cheap anyways there is not much room to save cash unless you eat herculean amounts of the stuff.

look if you want hard hitting health information on tea you should check out the scholarly literature yourself. most of the people here either don't care much about the possible health benefits or do care but don't consider it an effective use of our time to dig through the research ourselves.

>> No.16657165

that is actually an interesting idea. I was thinking of using leftover leaves to make Burmese Tea leaf Salad.
I know that only special 3 times folded japanese matcha variety tea is used as powder. that is clear. doesn't mean the leaves must grown on holy japanese soil though right? rich chinese people probably drink that shit too and they are probably paying less do, because Japan isn't memed there as the land of quality. again I don't give a fuck about the subtle notes bla bla. I make matcha lates in the morning because it tastes nice and it's a nice ""ritual"" to do. I won'T gulp down some pills. but the "organic premium" matcha tea I get off amazon costs 10€/100g if I buy 500g, which isn't much but I am a cheap fuck and I am wondering if I can go cheaper if I go directly to the source.

>> No.16657249

look what i found on reddit

>In 2015, I ordered Black Tuo Cha immortal elixir mini cakes from Prima Tea. It was insanely good to me, I got addicted. I don’t even know how it compares to other Pu-erh teas because I decided I’d better quit drinking pu-erh since I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I would drink 3-5 pots a day. I paid $49 for 2 pounds in 2015, now they’re asking $95. I’m tempted. Really, really tempted. https://primatea.com/product/pu-erh-black-tuo-cha-organic-immortal-elixir-display-tea-2lb


>I just ordered most of the things you mentioned. It’s been years since I had pu-erh. I had to cut myself off at some point because it was all I could think about. Haha

>> No.16657459

You can buy varying qualities of any good on most ecommerce sites. This isn't the 1890s.

>is it difficult to believe that a westerner would be interested and knowledgeable about tea?
btw you'd agree with me if you had started visiting this general even just one year ago
If you read anyone else posting this, you'd be memeing on them too.

$35 on kombuchakamp. The price is irrelevant as you'll be producing them in no time. I've bought a few regular scobies from her over the years.


>> No.16659211

>btw you'd agree with me if you had started visiting this general even just one year ago
>If you read anyone else posting this, you'd be memeing on them too.

>> No.16659222

And y’all thought dangerous puer lesbians were just a meme

>> No.16659234

btw you'd agree with me if you had started visiting this general even just one year ago

>> No.16659275

might as well just drink some lipton lol

>> No.16659380
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man i got a little scale on amazon and it can't seem to pick up my tea leaves or anything, especially if I zero it to my gaiwan. Anybody got any recommendations?

>> No.16659395

I've got an acaia lunar, but alot of budget espresso guys have been reccing this lately.


>> No.16659411
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At 11 bucks this is good for me, I'll give it a go. Thanks lad.

Second question and more of a discussion -- is it even worth having different sized gaiwans? I have a 120ml one or something like that and I can't really fathom buying anything else since I'll just use my Kyusu if I want more tea

>> No.16659449

100-120 is basically the perfect size gaiwan, if you were regularly serving tea to four or more people you might be able to justify a 200ml, or if you were going old school and using it to drink grampa style. Otherwise no, no reason at all to get a different size. I have a 180ml and i never use it.

>> No.16659559

Go to a corner store in the hood and buy a cheap little digital scale. If it’s good enough for corner boys then it’s good enough for your gay tea

>> No.16659580

Is there reason to get a smaller one? I always see these nicer looking small ones but I don't see why I can't just make less tea in my regular sized gaiwan. nice to have a set I guess

That's what I did and it doesn't fucking work at all can't seem to pick shit up so

>> No.16659646

Anything from the brand AWS, aka American Weigh systems, you should be able to fond ple ty of cheap models of ebay and amazon. They make good scales that work without being particularly expensive.
I don't really see a need to get a small gaiwan, i guess there is autism about only filling it half way and not maintaining heat compared to fully filling it bla bla. I like having a 100ml one because I'm too stupid to remember to fill it half way, but otherwise no. The sub 100ml gaiwans are pretty pointless unless you specifically brew lots of aged roasted oolongs with super high leaf to water ratios. Otherwise it seems silly, i used to have a 60ml and i didn't use it very often and when i did i didn't feel like i got the full experience.

>> No.16659668
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damn are you supposed to only fill it up? I just dump a bunch of tea in my gaiwan and fill it until the leaves are covered

>> No.16659711

Meh, whatever tastes good, you don't want to fill it to the top, only as far as the lid covers

>> No.16659727

>American Weigh systems
i use a scale from them for tea as well.
the reviews seem to indicate quality control is hit or miss but mine works perfectly. my only gripe with it is if there is no weight change for a minute or so it auto shuts off to save power. its a good feature to have so you don't run the batteries dry but it shuts off a little too fast for my liking.

>> No.16660007

Redpill me on iced tea.

>> No.16660111

It tastes good, i think cold brew is really nice.
It's a nice way to experience you regular tea in a different way/with a different taste

>> No.16660223

It’s called ice tea sweetie

>> No.16661411

>That's what i did
>got a scale on amazon
why must you lie op

>> No.16661554

I've actually done both. I have a scale I got from Amazon but I also have a shitty scale I got from a corner store for mail and stuff and both seem to not pick up my tea leaves.

Or maybe I'm a stranger lying on the internet in a tea thread.

>> No.16661614

a cheap micro scale off amazon works for me(micro scale not a normal one), try changing the batteries, every electronic i've brought always seems to come with dead batteries

>> No.16662154

It helps if you get a scale with .1 gram accuracy, it's more likely to work for tea /coffee than a scale that only measures in 1 gram increments

>> No.16662405

I just eyeball it depending on the tea. For rolled oolongs, I tend to use less. For larger leaves, I tend to use more. For puerh, I like to pry off a good-sized chunk and watch it unfold as I brew. No need to make too big a fuss over minutiae; it's all about taste and habit, friends. :-)

>> No.16663056

i love white tea

>> No.16663132

Is white tea good for you?

>> No.16663175

>loved licorice tea as a child for the throat taste
>cannot find in anywhere anymore
Where did it go

>> No.16663194

taste good tho

>> No.16663226

I got this tempered glass pitcher and make iced tea every day.

Yesterday's was orange ginko, today's is plum mangosteen.

Recipe is 2 bags fruit tea, 2 bags green tea, boil water and pour into carafe until tea bags are covered. Once steeped, fill carafe with filtered water.

Refrigerate and enjoy when cold. So refreshing.

>> No.16663241

put some old fukamushicha i had a mason jar with some filtered tap water and put in the fridge for like 16 hours. was good

>> No.16663423

Just buy cut licorice root and brew tea with it, it should be pretty easy to find, i know mountain rose herbs has it.

>> No.16663837

Has anyone tried cold brewing white tea?

>> No.16663969
File: 2.63 MB, 1024x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently discovered genmaicha why didnt anyone tell me about this?
Is there a breakdown of what all these foreign words in tea descriptions actually mean? When I order tea it's basically random right now I have no idea what Im getting. This was a very nice surprise.

>> No.16664003

I’ve never made it from dry but you can get bottles from the Japanese Ito En brand at asian groceries. If you have had barley tea the toasted rice powder basically gives you that flavor. Barley tea crossed with matcha is what to expect.

It’s not my cup of tea, though. I would say obviously it’s a Japanese thing so maybe avoid it it’s not imported from Japan.

>> No.16664037

Can anyone give me more information about the kind of tea that is pic related? I got it traveling and I’ve never had any other tea like it.

It’s tastes like caramel, almost to the point that you could swear it’s sweet. I usually add milk and it’s great and still really strong caramel flavor even if you add tons of milk. It’s my comfort / indulgent snack tea.

Can show pictures of the grains if it helps

>> No.16664044
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>> No.16664085

Well you first have to find out which language the word is, genmaicha, matcha, are japanese so you can throw that into websites like: https://jisho.org/word/%E7%8E%84%E7%B1%B3%E8%8C%B6

“Cha” meaning tea spans multiple languages including Hindi, Chinese, Japanese etc. word originated in Chinese google “cha across languages” for some fun etymology infographics

But for other “ tea terms” if you’re buying tea of another country it’s probably going to use words of that language so you have to be more specific

>> No.16664210
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This will translate romanized chinese tea related terms, so when you see something like bulang bing cha you can look up what that means

>> No.16664227

Yeah it's a black tea from yunan china, they frequently taste of things like chocolate, dried fruits etc and don't have the strong malty flavor you tend to get from English breakfast. If you want to get more take a look on yunnansourcing.com or .us if you live in the us. They have many different types of Chinese black tea and you should be able to pick one you will like from the descriptions on there.

>> No.16664263
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based moonrune translator anon

>> No.16664503

Educate yourself on tea read the book OP has linked in the pastebin, you quickly become used to the terminology. Genmaicha is personally a little crude for my tastes as it can easily become overwhelming if left to sit for too long however is great value for money and is a rich flavor for a traditional peasant tea.

>> No.16664513

>however is great value for money
I have to pay as much for Genmaicha as I do regular Sencha.

>> No.16664596

you need a mg scale, not this.

>> No.16664687

so... i bought some oolong tea and all i can say is gross. what the fuck is the appeal of tea that just tastes like fish? it's not even tea at that point

>> No.16664698

Consider finding a better vendor

>> No.16664700

genmacha tastes like roasted shit

>> No.16664900

there's only one vendor in my entire country

>> No.16665014

Oolong absolutely should not taste like fish in any way. Some can have kind of a tangy flavor but they should smell green and creamy, or dark and roasted. No fish

>> No.16665399

so yeah fishy oolong = bad

>> No.16666250

consider finding a vendor located in a different country, as a ballpark you should pay genmaicha around 1/3rd of what you pay for decent sencha

>> No.16666490

I paid about 80% of the price of Sencha for my Genmaicha.

>> No.16666509

I don't think that's oolong...

>> No.16666922

Just got my first shou order from YS, am I supposed to let it air out?
should I let it air out in the wrapper or naked?

>> No.16667110

Love cheap green tea. Drink it for caffeine and flavonoids. Thinking of just throwing the leaves in the cold water and getting it to boil like that for max extraction. Thoughts?

>> No.16667256

you're going burn the tea
whatever that does chemically I can't say, may break down some chemicals and make them more or less bioavailable, though I can tell you the result will taste very astringent and bitter

>> No.16667770

>Just got my first shou order from YS
what did you get?

>am I supposed to let it air out?
if you want to, there is no one objective answer. many people will say that the tea needs to "rest" for a while after being shipped long distance in order to taste right. i just put the tea straight into storage myself.

>should I let it air out in the wrapper or naked?
i would leave it in the wrapper unless you are breaking the cake up (which you should not need to do in this case).

leaving heicha out in the open air i tend to see as being mostly useful if the tea gets too moist or to help to more quickly reduce any funk from very aggressively wet stored tea.

>> No.16667889


>> No.16668190

When you cant tell if a post is sarcasm or not because ripe is such a love / hate tea

>> No.16669410
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Lapsang souchong winefag checking in, the tea wine has fully fermented and is now aging(although it is still somewhat cloudy). It tastes pretty good. The intense smokey flavour has mellowed and it's a lot like the smokey part of a stout. Good with some gouda.

>> No.16669429

Nice! Pretty cool that it made something drinkable. Are you going to clarify it before bottling if it doesn't clear up? Planning on aging it for a bit or are you gonna go right in on it?

>> No.16669487

I'm sure that it'll clear up over time, but if it doesn't I'm not going to bother with putting in finning agents, I don't mind a little cloudiness. I'm definitely going to age it. It has a lot of tannins because I boiled the tea leaves instead of just steeping them, so the mouthfeel is a little overpowering.

>> No.16669599

I've unironically only drank ripe puerh for the past month.
I generally mostly drink ripe and white, with a sprinkling of raw and blacks. But I've just been craving the deep dark funk and body of ripes recently

>> No.16669646

God ripes are so good, i always stock up for the winter

>> No.16669652

Oh yeah, i didn't even think about tannins. Cool project anon. I really need to stop into the brewing thread on /diy/ and start some sugarwine

>> No.16670067

my job has a riff on an Arnold Palmer where it uses a hibiscus lemon syrup. Its hella refreshing especially in the 90°+ weather outside

>> No.16670076

Are you feeling violent?

>> No.16670318

lol, we need to get them help
this has gone on too long

>> No.16670462

>sister grabs shitlord of teas while on trip to Colorado, gives to me as b-day gift
>whites, greens, fruity stuff
>only drink unflavored black tea
>”have you used any of your b-day teas, Anon?”

>> No.16670639

Try them you ungrateful bitch. Let us know your fave.

>> No.16670730

You can give them to me if you don't want them :^)

>> No.16670733

Use em to make coldbrew iced tea especially the flavored stuff. Put it in a water bottle and bring it to class/work.
I sympathize because i have half a dozen random teapots i will never use that i got as gifts from relatives that know I'm into tea.

>> No.16670825

hey teafags give recs for someone who only drinks earl grey

>> No.16670889

You could get fancy earl grey.
A slightly different flavoring profile than traditional earl grey
Or some different non flavored teas that are made with somewhat similar material
They also sell fill your own teabags or these reusable tea infuser baskets for brewing in your mug
They also offer an "into to fine tea" sampler that contains several varietys of black tea from all over, so you can try them and get an idea if what kinds of tea you want to explore further.

>> No.16670901

anyone checked out the hyouge mono manga?
there is an anime too

>> No.16670913

thanks my man. prices seem reasonable. i have a cup infuser for when i do buy loose leaf

>> No.16670919

No but i will check it out

>> No.16670924

Yeah they have decent prices, they are very focused on what the English would consider a good cuppa so if you want to expanded to something like Japanese or Chinese green tea look elsewhere, Lot's of good vendors in the pastebin organized by region, some good brewing info too.

>> No.16670963
File: 2.06 MB, 4032x3024, 7B00FB05-3F0A-4A3D-AF5F-FD5E7933CB10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked this one out of all the matches, whites, oolongs, because it’s one of the few black teas. Did not ready the back before I tried it. It smells like I’m drinking a blueberry scone. This is why I don’t like flavored teas; it takes away from the flavor of the tea. Might drink again if I ever get the inclination to drink hot blueberry juice.
On the other hand, this might be something to try in an Arnold Palmer. I hear blueberry and lemon can be quite the combination.

>> No.16670995

where is it already the 10th?

>> No.16671001

I’ve been up too long :(

>> No.16671102

Why are there no decent ice tea brands? It's all the same 'tea extract' bullshit. The expensive brands too - Lipton, Arizona. Tastes just like sugared water with cheap flavor shit..

>> No.16671106

thats your issue get actual leaves not dust

>> No.16671119

I'm talking about bottled stuff from the supermarket. There are no decent ones in europe

>> No.16671121

>There are no decent ones
you could of ended your post here

>> No.16671287

In asia there are.

>> No.16671612

Yeah, they always put way too much flavoring in those things. Good idea about arnold palmers

>> No.16671706

What the fuck man, this is a sober thread. Lapsang souchong wine put my mom in a coma. I can't believe you'd bring that garbage here. Insensitive.

>> No.16671757

vahdam sells good earl grey(just dont buy their green version), if you want to try some other stuff try their darjeeling, assam and smoked assam. if you want other citrus teas, yunnan sourcing sells tea thats been stuffed into little oranges

>> No.16672085
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tea order came in

>> No.16672099


>> No.16672151

The white wrapper cake that got covered up is the 2020 impression raw

>> No.16672159

What are you drinking first? I'm interested in that xiaguan ripe but that might need a few days to acclimate after shipping.
Also interested in that fu brick, i was eyeing those.

>> No.16672168

I really want to try one of the white teas and the fucha since I have never had either before. The white teas smell insane. Also not really sure how to brew them though.

>> No.16672224

I thought Euros didn’t drink iced tea. Every time I ordered ice tea in Europe, first I get a funny look from the waiter, then I get a pot of tea and a glass of ice.

>> No.16672274

You can brew white tea pretty much however you want, gongfu, western, simmered on the stove. I would start out by using the same ratios and times you use for ripe puer and go from there.

>> No.16672291

>tea order came in
Nice haul, hope you enjoy it! be sure to post reviews if you can.

>The white teas smell insane. Also not really sure how to brew them though.
most white tea tends to be very forgiving to brew. i tend to brew my white tea at 185F but "lower grade" and aged white tea (like what most cakes are made out of) can generally take 212f water as well. if fact some people will simmer white tea on the stove but i have not tried that myself. its mostly only some really delicate greener white teas (think fresh silver needle or white peony) that benefit most the lower temp. try and see what works for you.

>> No.16672303

>buy some greek mountain tea
>instructions say to boil it in the pot and then let it simmer
Well that's new.

>> No.16672368

It's not that strange for herbal teas, usually called a decoction. I recommend bringing the water just up to a very light simmer and not a rolling heavy boil.

>> No.16672413
File: 192 KB, 1200x1082, Chinese Herbal Medicine Pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that reminds me i saw a chinese herbal medicine pot at a thift store recently. i did not get it becuse i dont need it and it wasnt a nice/antique one. it looked like picrel. i wonder why they put the handle and spout on the same side?

>> No.16672422

Just bought some smonked Lapsang Souchong, what am I in for lads?

>> No.16672435

The couple of other ones I have didn't seem to suggest doing that way. Might try that with them next time though. I guess they aren't as delicate as actual tea leaves.

>> No.16672447

Smokey tea, it's usually pretty good, if you find it way too Smokey mix about 1/4 with some regular black tea, but most of them aren't crazy smokey these days. I think it's interesting that the smoking process tends to mellow and smooth out the flavor of the tea itself.

>> No.16672468

Yeah ive seen those before, they all look slightly junky and rustic, not sure why they put the handle there.
I found this old YouTube video of some fruit using one.
It depends on the herbs, some take it well, some will make a very strong bitter medicinal tasting drink. Some just get kind of gross. But it does work for lots of them

>> No.16672528

>not sure why they put the handle there.
my best guess is that perhaps because the pot is so heavy when full you use the spout as a second handle? you would likely need some oven mitts or something though.

>> No.16672678

Twice this week people have asked me if I take milk in my peppermint tea. Is this a "normal" thing to do or am I surrounded by retards?

>> No.16672715

>milk in my peppermint tea
i have never heard of doing that. either your friends have unusual taste or you live somewhere where peppermint milk tea is normal.

>> No.16672721

you're surrounded my retards, my brother's girlfriend makes green tea with milk

>> No.16672900

who the fuck puts milk in tea

>> No.16673133

If you have to ask am I surrounded by retards then you’re probably the retard

>> No.16673143

its called milk tea retard. A lot of people do that.

>> No.16673204

What do you do with your tea leaftovers

>> No.16673246

If you mean when you drink most of a tea but have some left that's not enough for another session, I wonder the same. For me I've been having that happen with a bunch of yancha. I'm thinking of blending it all together.

>> No.16673492
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>Went to the dentist today for a routine cleaning.
>Dental assistant who does 99% of the associated work is very familiar with much of my family.
>Small talk, asks about what I've been doing since six months past.
>Mention interest in tea, and that I've been especially interested in some white teas.
>"Oh yeah, I really like my pomegranate tea from [Local Store]."
Every time, lads. I know I shouldn't expect most people to just drink plain whole tea leaf, much less blended shit, but it still sucks knowing that bagged teas take up the majority of every associated aisle in non-Asian stores. I got one guy I know into loose leaf instead of bagged, though he keeps drinking exclusively iced keemun for some reason, and adds sugar. Another drinks mostly flavored bags, but stopped using sugar recently, so I guess it's improving. My mother is into bagged teas, but seems open to loose if she can get an easy gaiwan or something not completely shit and portable. I don't know, I just want the people around me who seem interested in tea to enjoy it at its best.

To clarify, this is not from a point of elitism, but rather just interest in sharing a better experience with individuals I associate with. I don't know how to introduce it to people who I have limited physical contact with. There are many who would probably open to it if they could provide an easier introduction. Troublesome.

>> No.16673541

All the flavored stuff is barely even tea at this point.
Anyway not much you can do about it. You just have to except that some people will have suboptimal experiences and still enjoy them.

>> No.16673822

>greek mountain tea
One of the better tisanes out there. Just hit it with boiling for ten minutes or so.

>> No.16673897
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Just looked it up, it sounds good
Also known as iron wort

>> No.16673912

This 2018 shou mei is really good. Thanks to the kind fren that recommended it like a month ago.

>> No.16673918

>You just have to except that some people will have suboptimal experiences and still enjoy them.
That's fair. Still, there are a fair number of people who seem very open or otherwise outright interested in trying it, but I don't know how to best steer them into it all. If I put them at some typical sites like advertised in the Pastebin, these people will probably be overwhelmed and just not do anything. Especially with the shipping times. Just not sure how to get them started and properly hooked into something they want to try earnestly.
Reminds me a bit of artemisia vulgaris. Is it related by chance? Haven't had such infusions in years, and only experienced it wild-picked and campfire-roasted.

>> No.16673974

Nah they arent related, mugwort is cool though, i grew some a few years ago. Very easy plant to grow, I don't remember if i did anything with it.

>> No.16674012

Getting other people to do things is one of life's greatest challenges. My best suggestions are to make tea for them when you see them, and give them gifts of a small amount of one of your teas, enough for 2-3 cups. Beyond that there isn't much you can do, if they want to buy some tea you can help them put together an order, but they need to actually want to buy and brew tea.

>> No.16674313

And then let it simmer for a bit, right? Do you add anything when you make it?

>> No.16674387
File: 16 KB, 133x131, thinkingaboutazureskies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know anything walk me through how to make good sencha please anons

>> No.16674647

Follow the directions given on your tea if it has any. If not, the general recommended temperature for brewing sencha is 70C. Try 60 first, then change the temperature around between 70 and 90 depending on how you like your tea. If you want to the tea to actually produce its more mellow notes which sencha is known for, stick to lower temperatures. Consider reading some articles like so: http://theartofjapanesegreentea.com/how-to-make-sencha/
Or: https://www.ishikawaen.co.jp/en/mobile/make/index.php
Or maybe: https://www.hibiki-an.com/contents.php/cnID/37
More: https://www.maiko.ne.jp/english/sencha.htm These are just some examples, experiment a bit and relax. This is the sencha I have gotten two years in a row now and love it for an afternoon session. https://yunomi.life/collections/sencha/products/naturalitea-05-sencha-green-tea-setoya-midori

>> No.16674801

>take leaves
>pour hot water on them
>wala, boney apple tea

>> No.16675044

I can't find any good mint or Moroccan mint tea :<

>> No.16675056


>> No.16675062

I'm frustrated and I want to shout nigger at the top of my lungs but I'll wake up the house :<

>> No.16675135

I was right about using this stuff for Arnold Palmers. I brewed a second cup of the blueberry flavored tea last night, just mixed it with some low sweetened lemonade. Stuff’s fantastic!

>> No.16675145

>some assam
>in mug
>hot water
>some milk or sugar if you're gay
based, none of that teapot shit

>> No.16675273

Definitely the second one.

>> No.16675337

what's a good late night tea?

>> No.16675462


>> No.16675555


>vanilla flavorings
I guess the vanilla isn't strong enough to be noticed.

>> No.16676740

Chamomile, hojicha, flavored herbal teabags (celestial seasonings sleepy time)
ginger lemon tea

>> No.16677155
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Had matcha & yuzu tonic today for the first time, very impressed by it. Thoughts?

>> No.16677162

Is this a bottled drink or something you made yourself? Sounds interesting.

>> No.16677178

Bought it at my local wanky cafe, they like to do weird stuff. Had yuzu peel in it too which added some excitment.

>> No.16677266

Was it made with tonic water or just seltzer/club soda?

>> No.16677317

Actual tonic, had that distinct flavour

>> No.16677328
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I've had some tea today. It was really good. I like tea almost as much as I like alcohol. I feel good tonight. Hope you're feeling good too.
Fuck niggers and homos.

>> No.16677395
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had some cheap white YaBao recently (this: https://yunnansourcing.com/products/early-spring-sun-dried-buds-wild-pu-erh-tea-varietal from YS but from several years ago). it tasted more or less like what you would expect it too if you are familiar with the type. very aromatic with the taste of dried roses and pine needles. unfortunately, it was a bit weak and the longevity is not great but that is typical for YaBao. a tip for anyone who has not tried YaBao is that you can really push the steep times for the later steeps. while i have not tried it i suspect it may be a good candidate for simmering on the stove. sometime i would like to track down some purple or rose YaBao as well as some more premium YaBao if such a thing exists. Verdant tea caries some interesting YaBao made from Camellia Crassicolumna (including some that was processed as a black tea instead of a white one) that i have tried in the past.

>> No.16677410

>Moroccan mint tea
is not normally made out of high quality tea. they traditionally make it out of cheap gunpowder green tea with mint and a ton of sugar added. if you want something fancier my recommendation is buy the tea and mint separately and mix it yourself. it wont taste quite the same without gunpowder green though.

>> No.16677503

Yeah gotta get that 4 year expired box of temple of heaven gunpowder green at the local asian market.

>> No.16677517

Ive read that yabao isn't really intended to be aged and should be drank fresh like green tea. I think it was someone criticizing YS for selling YaBao cakes and implying you should aged it like puer, or calling it puer buds

>> No.16677718

>Ive read that yabao isn't really intended to be aged and should be drank fresh like green tea.
it is normally processed like a white tea so i cant see why you could not try ageing it. at worst it may lose some of its aromatics if not stored well sealed. However, i don't think there well aged yabao on the open market so it is hard to say exactly how it would turn out.

>> No.16678412

I dunno I have some cheap gunpowder and I honestly really enjoy it.
I don't like mint though so not interested in trying Morrocan Mint.

>> No.16678670
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>Fuck niggers and homos
fucking based. i have so much pent up rage from work. tea is the only way to calm my nerves. that and bill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ0u5c9EF1E&list=PLYQlRxbIJK07MLEUOo3l9_t_9xNXb6nZP

>> No.16679476

Ive been drinking some 2009 xiaguan fangcha bricks i picked up a while ago. I didn't like these very much when i first got them but they seemed to have mellowed out a bit with about a year in my pumidor. Daily drinking cheap puer, nothing exciting but they get the job done.

>> No.16679982

Anyone got a particular favorite brand for pumpkin spice tea? I've only ever had Bigelows.

>> No.16680025

I'm bored of regular teas. Recommend me some flavors or types to try if green tea is my gold standard.

>> No.16680867

Give yerba mate a shot if you haven't; you can get set up with a long-term supply and suitable gear for cheap. As far as tea proper goes, look for a yellow or a low-oxidation oolong like baozhong.

>> No.16681236

while i have not tried it myself i would think republic of teas's take on the concept is likly to be good.
I haven't drunk much in the way of pre baged tisanes in a while but i remember back when i used to republic of tea's stuff tended to be pretty good for store bought herbal teabags.
tazo's products also tend to be good:
celestial seasonings tea usually is not bad but it tends to be the cheapest both in price and quality.

>> No.16681450

If I'm drinking my tea cold it's either sweet tea (which I make using some shitty "100 bags for $1" black tea) or Twinings Earl Grey with a little sugar. I make it and throw it in the freezer rather than put ice in it, because I abhor ice in drinks.

>> No.16681960

Sweet tea is so good, very classic for hot weather.

>> No.16682613

i almost forgot about liu bao, damn that stuff is pretty good, another great tea for grampa style brewing.

>> No.16682885
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I had some nettle tea one time and it was fucking amazing but I couldn't find it again.

Tell me anons, how do I into nettle tea?

>> No.16683435

>how do I into nettle tea?
you can buy some needle form a reputable vendorof herbs like:
or you can grow and dry some yourself.

what exactly do you need help with?

>> No.16683450

Walk into forest. Nettle (with gloves). Hot water -> Profit.

>> No.16683521

it wasn't just nettles, it was some kind of mix with actual tea in it

>> No.16683587
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any reason Anta pottery not in the pastebin? they have some really nice glazed tea ware.
eshop (put a dot here) anta (put a dot here) com (put a dot here) tw
(spam filter is acting up)

>> No.16683609

This might be a dumb question, but does (unsweetened) tea count as water? Like if I’m trying to drink more water/be more hydrated would tea count?

>> No.16683620

>Like if I’m trying to drink more water/be more hydrated would tea count?
sure it will make you more hydrated but mind your caffeine intake.

>> No.16683631

Why are there bugs in the ice?

>> No.16683670

>Why are there bugs in the ice?
because then you will have to eat them.
my guess is they are passion fruit pulp or something similar.

>> No.16683960

>mate for a green tea drinker
Mate is way too bitter.

>> No.16683991

Hard to know what it was or how to find it. Just put some nettles in some green tea and see what happens

>> No.16684152

I didn't didn't really have a section for unglazed teaware but i remember liking them, i thought before they didn't do intl shipping but they do now at lest. I threw them in there

>> No.16684304

I don't really expect to find the specific thing. just recommend some tea with nettle in it.

>> No.16685379
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Mate is piss-easy to get into if you're used to unsweetened tea. You'll start craving that deep maritime bitterness in no time.

>> No.16685479

i need to hurry up and get a good smoked mate.

>> No.16685693

Mate is swill and I wouldn't wish it on my neighbor's dog.

>> No.16685885
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I wish that they made more 100-120ml teaware. most of their stuff is 200-260ml which is a great size for serving guests but not as ideal for solo drinking. they do have some really nice mugs that would be great for grandpa style brewing though.

>> No.16686458

have anything interesting in that pile of tea there.

>> No.16686627

Is there a good tea/infusion for an upset stomach?

>> No.16686709

Lemon ginger

>> No.16686715

Yeah, thy do have a decent amount of fancy cups around 100ml or so, good for a gaiwan for one

>> No.16686752
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About to order some things from Yunann sourcing from a teaware standpoint (few gaiwans).

Any suggestions? IE -- what's your favorite

>> No.16686783

.com or .us?

>> No.16686786

is there a difference?

>> No.16686803

.com ships from china, more stock
.us ships from usa, less selection slightly higher prices, much faster shipping, if you live in us

>> No.16686817

I've never had a good hard tea drink, they always have an off taste. If you want a good drink, make an earl grey syrup and mix it with gin and lemonade.

>> No.16686830

I'd probably order from us but frankly I don't care which if there's good stuff

>> No.16686862

perfection in simplicity

>> No.16686878

Kek that's actually what I was going to buy, but meant more along the lines of tea. Don't have much experience with ordering much tea

>> No.16686919

Some oolong
Some green
Some black
Beyond that it depends on what you are interested in or what you would like to try, like puer, other fermented teas etc

>> No.16686931

Oh damn it's been a long time since I had any tie guan yin. I need to get some. Cheers. I'll also grab those and I'm gonna grab their "first steps" sampler.

I guess I shouldn't say "never" but I'm transitioning over to drinking gongfu style

>> No.16686957

A different premium black tea if you don't mind buying a bigger bag
Good stuff

>> No.16686968

I'll try these, thanks.

>> No.16687003

sure I'll add it to the pile. I'm ordering from .com, just gonna dump some cash and see where I wind up

>> No.16687016

actually just realized it's 90ml instead of 100ml or 100 ml. Does it really matter?

>> No.16687033

>I'm ordering from .com
Post your order before you submit it do i can yell at you to not get the ripe puer mini cakes.
Also don't forget your freebies.
Some puer
Some dark ripe liubao, great for cold winter days, don't get more than 50g

>> No.16687057

This is about ideal size
This is like the one you were looking at but 100ml instead of 90
Around 110-120 is usually perfect so the usable volume is right around 100

>> No.16687071

love theses two teas, just bought some today

>> No.16687112
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Okay. Lot of feedback. What am I missing? Go larger on the gaiwan?

>> No.16687153

Actually just realized my gaiwan is about 120ml so I don't NEED one but might still grab another because cracked the dish my gaiwan sits in.

I was doing dishes the other night and it lodged into my drain PERFECTLY. Like it was a one to one fit. I couldn't get it out so I just had to whack it with a hammer and take the pieces out. Fucking gay

>> No.16687175

Did you get your free whatever?
Also don't get 3 gaiwans unless you break yours constantly, one 120 ml is fine for 1 or 2 people.
Otherwise looks good i think. I can't promise you will like the ya bao, you might want to get one of those cheap mini white tea cakes instead if there are any in stock

>> No.16687186

Like this cheepy, it's up to you tho

>> No.16687197

The pig tea is the free offer (https://yunnansourcing.com/pages/free-cake-of-2019-yunnan-sourcing-golden-pig-raw-pu-erh-tea-cake-when-you-buy-50-or-more-of-any-items)), and I don't mind having a few gaiwans. I'm between my apartment and my mom's pretty often so it's nice to have and it isn't too much. They're dirt cheap so who cares?

I'll add it and drop the purple one down to 25 then and be good to go here I think. Thanks lads! I also get old ways tea box right now every few months and just finished the last bit I had in it

>> No.16687198

I'll give that a shot, thanks

>> No.16687205

Nice, cheers

>> No.16687238

>Go larger on the gaiwan?
no, if you are going much larger than 150ml i would think it would be a better idea to just get a teapot. large gaiwans unless really well designed seem likely to be hard to use.

>> No.16687244
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>three gaiwans
>no cups

>> No.16687252

>doesn't use a gaiwan as a cup
not gonna make it anon

>> No.16687271
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Any vendors to recommend for shipping to the Netherlands? I'm used to buying from sites like Fullchea to NA, so I'm a bit lost even after looking at some EU options in the Pastebin. I'm trying to find cheap options to introduce a Dutch pal to gong fu tea brewing since he's been pretty interested in trying it. Should I just recommend he get some porcelain gear and a bunch of random clearanced shit from HotSoup NL, while waiting for more bulk items from a vendor like Fullchea? HotSoup's prices don't seem especially great, but I don't know who else to recommend. I'm sure he can wait, but we have tea all the time, so he wants to get started soon.

>> No.16687371

Yeah, i think hotsoup is okay for somewhere local. We have a euro poster here occasionally and he mostly orders from fullchea, kingteamall (got really expensive for sone reason) and some other Chinese vendors, he really stocked up before the import duties kicked in. Just be careful with fullchea. Some of their teas aren't all that great, so stick with brand name puer and other stuff you have tried or that is in retail packaging.
I think these black teas get praise
I know the Russians like this one for what that's worth

>> No.16687389

I have this gaiwan:
And would definitely recommend this over the cheaper thin and fragile looking ones there. This one is really thick and sturdy and I think it looks really nice. It's also heavy enough that you can tuck the lid between the saucer and the side of it and it will stay in place which is apparently not something that a lot of other gaiwans can do but I use that feature all the time.

>> No.16687413

Not him,
I actually prefer the thin delicate ones, i find them easier to handle and i like their lower heat capacity. With a thicker gaiwan it takes a decent amount of heat to rewarm it if you took a break in the middle of the session and let it cool off. It's all personal preference.

>> No.16687418

Thanks for the recommendations. Do you have any thoughts about some of the cheaper oolong, black, and green options? I've ordered from Fullchea multiple times, but pretty much entirely ignored those types of teas. By 'cheaper', I mean things like:
-and so on. Also curious if the porcelain travel set is shit or not:
I just want him to have a good time, but I'm used to mostly white tea and pu'er, so I'm at a bit of a loss.

>> No.16687492

I don't have any experience with any of those but those are the teas i haven't heard great things about, the sort of house brand stuff you can order by weight.
That tea set looks fine.

>> No.16687498

I once forgot I hadn't drank the last steep of a session, and had already rinsed my cup and gaiwan, so I just poured my tea from my cha hai directly into my mouth.

I don't know why, but it felt incredibly indulgent to do so, like extravagant

>> No.16687509

I would go for one of these paper packets of dan cong
Pickings for green tea are kinda thin, use Google translate a pick a listing that has good reviews from the russians, make sure they are talking about the specific tea and not their order in general

>> No.16687527

Interesting choice. I've added it to my list of options for him. Do you have any recs for teas with some potential fruity notes? That seems to be his biggest preference.

>> No.16687550

i wonder how good fullchea's clay teapots are? they honestly don't look to bad for the price. most of them have nice filters as well.

>> No.16687736

Probably bad, they are some random clay mixed with sand to give the appearance of mixed ore clay, they don't have the right details and they are covered with stamps saying they are fully handmade when they clearly arent.
Clay is a meme, just don't bother if you aren't willing to spend $110 on a clay pot.

>> No.16687772

I have teacups and a gaiwan, just wanted more sizes sicne they're so cheap

Looks lovely. Maybe I'll get it as a nicer gaiwan for my apartment

>> No.16687803

>random clay mixed with sand to give the appearance of mixed ore clay
oh, i know it wont be fancy clay. i was curious as to how they perform assuming i don't care about any of the altering your tea with clay stuff.

>> No.16687839

I mean it holds and pours water, but there is no way to predict how it will or wont effect the flavor of tea, it might do nothing at all, it might make all your tea taste dry and dusty or something.
I dunno how much he would charge for shipping but ktm has one that is sub $40 that at least looks honest.
But really clay is a meme and gaiwans are easier to use believe it or not.
There is a bunch of info in the pastebin if you want to read more about the topic of clay teapots.

>> No.16687875

Whoah almost forgot to make a new thread, one sec

>> No.16687883

Better be a sober thread.

>> No.16687893

>I dunno how much he would charge for shipping but ktm has one that is sub $40 that at least looks honest.
last i had check KTM's shipping was quite high, also i want a pot with a big ball filter.

>gaiwans are easier to use believe it or not.
i already have one i just want something with better heat retention to really hit heicha with when necessary.

>> No.16687897

new thread

>> No.16687908

Those large ball filters are usually considered an undesirable trait that indicates a mass manufactured piece.
Would recommended a heavy thick walled ceramic gaiwan but you do you