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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16643339 No.16643339 [Reply] [Original]

Share your hot sauce collection

>> No.16643344
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>> No.16643484

People collect hot sauce?

>> No.16643501

>it's an overweight white guy in his 30s.
gee what a surprise

>> No.16643525

what's even the point? i don't see people being this dedicated to salt or vinegar.

>> No.16643537

i don't see the point in collecting food

>> No.16643569

I have three (3) bottles of hot sauce at al times and you should too.
>Picamas Hot Sauce
>Green El Yucateco
Anything more and you're a faggot. Anything less and that's fine honestly. Enjoy what you like, unless you make your entire identity and hobby about hot sauce, then kill yourself.

>> No.16643584

shit like this is fucking stupid, and i say that as someone with two bottles of hotsauce in arm's reach right now
you only need a bottle of the one to three you use regularly.

>> No.16643586

I guess he enjoys it? People collect all sorts of random shit. Who cares.

>> No.16643587
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people collect everything. People literally (AND I DO MEAN LITERALLY) collect garbage.

>> No.16643615
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If he could, by memory, describe each and what foods they best complement, I'd be impressed.

>> No.16643623

Salt and vinegar never became a fad novelty like hot sauce.
I’ve seen dedicated “hot sauce stores” at shopping malls, containing thousands of hot sauces, most of which are just meme novelties with labeling that tries to be humorous.

>> No.16643661

I'd go to a store like that if it had food and you could just use whichever hot sauce you wanted off the shelf

>> No.16643884
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>> No.16643899
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Step aside, hot sauce dweebs, and behold my MUSTARD collection. Do try to stay behind the mustard yellow velvet rope, please.

>> No.16643963

Despite not being into it, I can understand why someone would collect things like comic books and figurines. But hot sauce? That shit makes no sense. The flavor will change over the years so really all you end up having is a rather uninteresting bottle collection.

>> No.16643972

>a rather uninteresting bottle collection.
Have you not seen people who collect shit like bottles, beer cans, or old tins?

>> No.16643991
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>> No.16643992

>all you end up having is a rather uninteresting bottle collection.
That’s literally what people buy them for; the “hilarious” packaging. The actual sauce is inconsequential.
It isn’t purchased with the intent of using.

>> No.16644021


>> No.16644025

Based mustard poster

>> No.16644673

90% of those are soil now

>> No.16644700

>plain sign saying "hot sauce" mounted off-center and partially behind a shelf

>> No.16644732


>> No.16644738

Mixed messages there, buddy.
Being inconsistent is woman behavior.

>> No.16645127

i dont like spicy

>> No.16645667

el yucateco habanero is dope

>> No.16645684

secret aardvark's
garlic hot sauce
el yucateco green
el yucateco red
ghost pepper sauce

>> No.16645703

Is that how a faggot spells "Tapatio"?

>> No.16645713

If I opened all of these bottles, poured them into shot glasses and asked him to taste them do you think he'd even be able to do so?

>> No.16645730
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Made them myself. :)

>> No.16645737

I've got a single bottle of wine that's probably worth more than his entire collection. What a pleb tier consooooomer collection...

>> No.16645747

Collecting isn't investing. Monetary value is irrelevant.

>> No.16645781 [DELETED] 
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>excuse, my dear waitress, but might I perchance take a gander at your hot sauce menu?
>...yes, "hot sauce menu." That is what I inquired about.
>You... don't... have one? Well, while that is truly disappointing for an establishment as esteemed as this, thankfully I always carry a choice selection of my rather vast collection with me at all times.
*loud SCRRRTCCHHing of velcro as a fanny pack is opened*
>Hmmm yes, let's see... Perhaps some "Napalm Diarrhea" for this meal? No, I think the garlicy twinge of "Captain McGoober's Ass-Ripping Lava Farter Sauce" would pair quite well with my entree. Or is it finally the day that "5 Alarm Anus Melting Hot Sauce" will make it's debut...?
>Ah, the dilemmas of a connoisseur! Be that as it may; what are your IPA offerings, my sweet?

>> No.16645835
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>> No.16645852
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Yeah, that's total cringe. Why carry a custom multi-sauce loadout, when a single sauce can serve all your needs?

>go to fancy restaurant
>order expensive food & wine
>survey available condiments
>sigh loudly, snap fingers to summon waiter
>Excuse me, boy, may I see your hot-sauce menu?
>"I'm sorry, sir, but we don't have one."
>Well, I already know what I want anyway. Fetch the Secret Aardvark, chop-chop.
>"The what, sir?"
>Se-cret Aard-vark? You know, the world's premier sauce?
>"Pardon me, sir, but I don't think we have that."
>Ah, so you ran out. That does tend to be a problem. You should inform your sauce-melier immediately. But fortunately... (wink & smile, reach inside jacket)... I always carry my own.

It's important to have this conversation loud enough for all patrons to hear.

Leave the bottle on the table with the logo facing outward. Before each bite, make a big show of opening the bottle, extracting a single drop of "red gold", and closing the bottle with a loud snap. Also frequently exclaim (to no one in particular) "Mmmm mmmm! That's my 'Vark!"

If anyone looks over, be sure to smile, wink, and hold up the bottle, in case they want to take a picture for social media. Of course you'll also want to get your own photo showing the bottle next to your meal and yourself leaning in, mouth agape at the zesty spice. (Don't forget to tag #varklife! One lucky winner this month will get a limited-edition Secret Aardvark® Nintendo Switch!™)

Last but not least, when paying the bill, on the "tip" line, write:

>'Vark goes great on 'za! :^)

In the #varklife, we call that a Coup d'Vark. #AlwaysVarkin

>> No.16645858

do suicide

>> No.16645861
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>> No.16645862
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>> No.16645864
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Because shardvark shills on this board I've made it my life's mission to reverse engineer the recipe and share it with everyone whenever I see the shilling.

>> No.16645869


Diggin' those custom mustard-colored ropes to keep the plebs away from the 'stard.

>> No.16645882
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>> No.16645895

>i don't see people being this dedicated to salt or vinegar.
I mean, people will spend some crazy money on the -right- balsamic vinegar, and one bottle could cost more than a bugman's entire hotsauce empire.

>> No.16645907

*fire alarm goes off*
Also that one with the little grim reaper cape is only like five bucks at the BigLots, I bought one of those when I needed to give an impersonal Christmas gift to somebody.

>> No.16645909
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It's cool, we get it, not everyone is cut out for the #varklife. Especially since Portland got "diversified", 'Vark has been in short supply, and best reserved for the chosen few. But hey, you do you! There's no shame in looting fistfuls of McDonald's breakfast-burrito mild picante sauce. #AllSaucesMatter

>> No.16645919
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Seems like a Big Lots thing. The Halloween display appears earlier each year. It's fitting.

>> No.16645921

>Also that one with the little grim reaper cape is only like five bucks at the BigLots, I bought one of those when I needed to give an impersonal Christmas gift to somebody.

They say "it's the thought that counts", but not when that thought is "I hope you literally die from consuming this chemical waste in novelty packaging."

>> No.16645967
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Fifth-row left almost looks like HP Sauce, the official sauce of the Netherlands (formerly England).

>> No.16646019
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>> No.16646044

>i don't see people being this dedicated to salt or vinegar.

You either don't see many people or the people you see don't know many varieties of salt and vinegar.

>> No.16646089

If a "foodstuff" comes with that much novelty packaging you're not supposed to eat it.
5-20 dollar gifts to the far off "cousin" or "sister's boyfriend" tier of just barely important people are dogshit where most of the present is reminding the person that you remain aware of their existence.

>> No.16646097


>> No.16646105

I like Aardvark but I have only eaten it on eggs so far. And now that I think of it I’ve gone through maybe three bottles of the stuff and only on eggs.

I started ordering hot sauces from a place last year and I’m disturbed to be seen as a hot sauce collector. But so be it.

>> No.16646126
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>> No.16646287

Imagine coming home from work and seeing this

>> No.16646290

i'd storm up the stairs, stomping on as many bottles as i can on the way up

>> No.16646317
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There is only one
$1 a bottle
Liquid fucking crack

>> No.16646475

Sriracha. Sometimes it has a goose on it and sometimes an eagle

>> No.16646492

Fucking lol

>> No.16646801


>> No.16646924

The hot sauce seethe on this board always make me chuckle. So many loser manbabies that hate to see others enjoy something.
spend 50 cents more for the black label

>> No.16646932

expensive vinegar and salt exists, a vinegar nerd culture to the extent of hot sauce culture doesn't

>> No.16646944

Do redd*tors really?

>> No.16646976

This is beyond soy and reddit, what tier is this?

>> No.16646991

>I started ordering hot sauces from a place last year and I’m disturbed to be seen as a hot sauce collector. But so be it.

The only the thing worse than being a "Redditor" is being a "4channer" who deprives himself of things he enjoys simply to avoid being quoted with a soyjack. (inb4 this post gets quoted with a soyjack.)

In reality (as opposed to /ck/), there's nothing cringe about buying & using "boutique" hot sauces. I currently have about a dozen in my pantry, amidst myriad other condiments. The cringe only starts when you start buying so many that you don't even open them, or at least can't use them up before they spoil (most sauces will eventually oxidize after opening). Pathological cringe begins when you build special shelves to display your "collection". The cringe becomes fatal after you start taking photos of your "collection". And if the photos include yourself, with or without soy-gape, then... sorry anon, you are already dead.

>> No.16647014
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>If a "foodstuff" comes with that much novelty packaging you're not supposed to eat it.

On that we are agreed. That's why the soy-hotsauce collages posted here are so retarded. If a sauce label includes any reference to "shit", "farts", or "ass", then it's not Hot Ones soy-tier--it's Cabela's boomer-tier, .

>> No.16647025

I dont feel like taking a picture, but I love original tabasco sauce with my eggs, so of course, my gf got me one of those tabasco boxes with all the flavors for christmas.. so I have all of them. I still like the original the best. I've been slowly suffering through the other ones. The green one is the second best, I guess. But I still dont like it. The habanero has a weird flavor. The chipotle one is good on certain things. Good flavor. I havent tried the bufallo, sweet and spicy, or cayenne garlic ones yet.

>> No.16647026


>> No.16647118

>spend 50 cents more for the black label
Costs more, tastes the same

>> No.16647125
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>> No.16647195

lol who in their right mind would collect hot sauce. that has to be a lot of money in tht collection, wich does not accumulate value over time, but instead, degrades and becomes useless.

>> No.16647286

Conceptualize the aroma.

>> No.16647294

If cuckkits wife' s boyfriend had a house ...

>> No.16647296

Agreed 100%.

>> No.16647337
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>> No.16647340

what's the difference except it's slightly cropped?

>> No.16647357

is this a play on words? could someone explain?
in advance thanks

>> No.16647394

That's a pretty good idea anon. I'd eat at a place like that as well.

>> No.16647401

It's a play on sommelier, a wine steward.
It's French, so pronounced like sauce but without the trailing "-ce": "sau(ce)-melli-ay".
If you don't know what a sommelier is, in fancy restaurants, they give a job to some guy who does nothing but take care of, order, stock and serve the wine, with the idea being that this restaurant cares so much about their wine selection, they have an on-site specialist who does nothing but wine.
It has connotation of snooti-ness and is often accused of being a meme job filled by phonies.

>> No.16647427
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>> No.16647445


>> No.16647461


What do you think of that Torchbearer Garlic Reaper sauce? Wanted to try that.

>> No.16647468


>> No.16647485


Fine/10. Mostly domestic & ethnic sauces, with a reasonable complement of meme sauces. All show evidence of actually having been used. Background is a little kitschy--but no anime, Funkopop, or Rick & Morty merchandise. Dell laptop (i.e. anything but Apple). No soygape. Keep on saucin'.

>> No.16647519

the chipotle one is my go to pizzasauce

>> No.16647534

>So you like hot sauce?
>Why are these bottles all unopened, and full?

>> No.16647546

>it’s bad because everyone has heard of it

>> No.16647558

People who lack hobbies and are like level 1 slimes in their personality complexity like to buy things and wear them in ways that make them seem deep and interesting.

People like this like to have a "thing" not because it is what they want, but because it is what they think other people will respect from them.

Obviously most of these bottles are unopened and cheap but he wants to be seen as cool or that guy who is really into spicy food.

>> No.16647585

“Collecting x” is a hobby. It can be low-tier depending on what you collect. Of course, now in the days of eBay and Amazon, it’s much easier to collect stuff than it used to be, when you either had hunt through shops, go to swap meets, or order certain things via mail order catalog.
But on the other hand, inheriting a boomer’s collection of useless plates is despised here, so some zoomer’s hot sauce collection will be just as disappointing to whomever cleans his house when he dies.
>ugh, all these bottles
>sauces have turned to vinegar or gone solid or spoiled

>> No.16647588

I have a bottle of tabasco in my cuboard.

>> No.16647637

Secret Aardvark
Palo Alto Fire Fighters Chipotle Pepper Sauce

>> No.16647640

very cool. Variety?

>> No.16647641
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>What's going on?

>Barry can pick out the exact right
flavor of hot sauce to complement any meal.
>Go ahead. Challenge him.

>Challenge him?

>Come on.

>Franks and beans.

>Spoon of Tabasco, spoon of Sriracha.
>Don't waste my time. Come on. Push me.

>Sea bass.



>I'm with you.

>Potatoes au gratin.


>Secret Aardvark.


>"Woof" what?
>How do you know he's right?

>How do we know?
>1,400 upvotes across Reddit..
>That's how we know.

>> No.16647678

Purple ufo. they turn red when ripe and have a medium heat.

>> No.16647701

Garbage makes more sense than hot sauce.

>> No.16647729
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>not realizing hot sauce is a sound investment
Fucking financelets; the lot of you.

>> No.16647731

No faggots spell tapatio like T-A-P-A-T-I-O

>> No.16647734

Those originally retailed for ~$50, but it's quite clear nobody is actually buying them at those retarded prices.

>> No.16647740

>inadvertently calling yourself a faggot

>> No.16647767

you don't eat bottles moron.

>> No.16647771

make the hair blond and that's literally me

>> No.16647782

Neither do you eat beer cans or old tins, but we're talking about collectables, not food.

>> No.16647834

he was saying that hot sauce is a weird thing to collect because one of its defining qualities (taste) degrade over time. the same is not true for other kinds of non-consumable collectibles. moron

>> No.16647845

Beer also degrades over time. The point was that it's the container that's the collectable part.

>> No.16647862

>Those originally retailed for ~$50
I’m pretty sure it was $35? But yeah, it was a one time only production run.
Honestly though, I wouldn’t be surprised if it eventually sells for a ton.
Tabasco is the only hot sauce I know of which has a significant number of “brand collectors”, in the same way as how there’s a lot of people who collect Coca-Cola stuff.

>> No.16647871

I still sincerely doubt anyone is going to pay $12,000 when the auction for $135 has zero bids.

>> No.16647872
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>no louisiana
wtf lmao

>> No.16647873

Tell that to the coke/Pepsi collectors.
An old/rare/collectible bottle of that stuff is worth a ton more if it’s unopened, despite the fact it’s full of expired product.

>> No.16647886

>I still sincerely doubt anyone is going to pay $12,000
Well yeah, that’s a given.
People throw retarded prices on eBay all the time.
I do love how that description says “50% charity”, as if some rich philanthropist will buy it for a good cause.

>> No.16647911

I've got the Hellfire Fear This! in my fridge right now.

>> No.16647918

I just make my own it is stupidly easy you CAN'T fuck it up though I do agree that the trinity of hot sauces in your fridge are good:
>one mild
>one with a good amount of heat
>one verde

>> No.16648039

i understand collector culture I was just clarifying that other anons argument about why it seems illogical to collect perishable goods

>> No.16648725
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>excuse, my dear waitress, but might I perchance take a gander at your hot sauce menu?
>...yes, "hot sauce menu." That is what I inquired about.
>You... don't... have one? Well, while that is truly disappointing for an establishment as esteemed as this, thankfully I always carry a choice selection of my rather vast collection with me at all times.
*loud SCRRRTCCHHing of velcro as a fanny pack is opened*
>Hmmm yes, let's see... Perhaps some "Napalm Diarrhea" for this meal? No, I think the garlicy twinge of "Captain McGoober's Ass-Ripping Lava Farter Sauce" would pair quite well with my entree. Or is it finally the day that "5 Alarm Anus Melting Hot Sauce" will make it's debut...?
>Ah, the dilemmas of a connoisseur! Be that as it may; what are your IPA offerings, my sweet?