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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 436 KB, 1200x1000, symptoms-of-food-poisoning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16642109 No.16642109 [Reply] [Original]

What was the worst food poisoning you had?

>> No.16642114

Reheated bloomin' onion from outback

And an egg mcmuffin from McDonald's

Friend of mine had it from a chili dog and said his stomach was so bloated he looked pregnant (before the vomiting and diarrhea started)

>> No.16642122
File: 83 KB, 680x680, Kirkland-Signature-Stuffed-Salmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure this was the cause of it, the salmon stuffed with pollock salad Costco sells. I'll can't even look at this stuff without remembering how grotty it was. I was laid out for days having fucking weird fever dreams thanks to this shit probably being spoiled when I bought it.

>> No.16642125


>> No.16642161

I once ate a non free range egg raw >:3
All my food is pretty fresh desoo

>> No.16642166

Buffalo Wild Wings, of the four times I ever ate their I've gotten food poisoning twice from the boneless wings.

>> No.16642183

I had Vietnamese food delivered and it took them two hours to get it to me. I'm not sure what in the order gave me the food poisoning but I suspect it was the summer rolls with shrimp.

I got so sick for a few days. Every time I would puke I would piss out diarrhea and every time I had diarrhea I would puke. I was completely incapacitated. I probably should have been in the hospital but I could not go 10 feet from the toilet or I would shit myself and all over everything else. That experience has made me feel hesitant to eat out anywhere.

>> No.16642186

chicken salad from burger king. had me laid out for three days

>> No.16642224

Friends of mine were coming home from Europe to the states. At the start of the journey they ate chicken salad sandwiches because that was the only thing the Airport restaurant was not out of. On their first flight of three total flights in, they both started to come down with food poisoning. Somehow they managed to make it through their connecting flights and customs and holed up in a hotel for 3 days taking turns shitting and puking themselves empty. Then once they recovered enough, they had to drive through 3 states and go back to work the next day.

Never eat chicken / egg / tuna salad out anywhere. I have worked in food service. I have seen how bad that stuff is handled. I would also add guacamole to that too unless you know its made fresh.

>> No.16642246

Wendy's spicy nuggets or bourbon bacon cheeseburger. I feel physically ill looking at Wendy's or smelling barbecue sauce now. Literally pissing out of my asshole, flu-like symptoms, full body chills, fever. Waking up out of my sleep every hour to go piss into the toilet. So fucked up that anything I ate or drank I pissed out in the next 2 minutes. Couldn't even keep water in. Must've lost 15 pounds in like 2-3 days.

I will never eat at Wendy's again

>> No.16642249

Also, FYI, every time I said "pissing" in this post I meant shit-pissing. Absolutely grueling

>> No.16642255

Raw bacon on a sandwich.
Only one bite, but I had to leave work, 3 days in bed.
Couldn't eat, and any water I'd drank ran right through me.

>> No.16642260

Also what _I_ meant by:
>ran right through me.

>> No.16642274

Most I've ever been sick is like one day of vomiting. Am I just lucky?

>> No.16642276
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I was drunk one night and at about 11pm waddled down to the local Indian Sloppery for a vindaloo and butta chicken. Got home and destroyed it and was in bed by midnight.

Around 6am I was naked on the floor with my head in the toilet having the most traumatic pukes of my life.

I had to go to work that day - long long story but I legit had to go to work. It was saturday so all I had to do was unlock the place and let our clients in (recording studio), I didn't have anything to do all day except be there and keep an eye on the place. I told everyone I was in the throes of food poisoning and don't fuck around today.

I spent the next 9 hours at work vomiting until I was drooling egg yolk, hallucinating and having fever burn from dehydration. I spent most of the day on the couch twitching and sweating with vertigo and nightmares. I could put water in my mouth and swish it around but couldn't swallow. If and when a single drop of water went into my stomach I would nearly break a rib vomiting.

Then the diarrhea started. Worst fucking day of my life.

It was about 18 hours before I got an ice cream sundae down without puking and literally 4 days before I could stomach my first hot meal. Worst thing was I had to walk past that Indian Slopperaunt every single day going to and from work and could smell the curry every time. It was 6 years before I could eat Indian food again.

Pic specifically related

>> No.16642291

Mayo. I'm alergic to milk protein so I laways cook everything from scratch. But this one time I thought fuck it, I'll just buy a tube of mayo the have with my eggs. The fucking retards at one of my countries biggest food brands put fucking powdered milk in their mayo. Fucking why? Powdered fucking milk.

I got the shits, I got the pukes, I got an allergic reaction which caused my throat to bullfrog. I passed out and had to go to the hospital due to it not stopping for three days.

I talked to my lawyer about suing them for putting milk powder in a product that everyone and their dog knows doesn't contain fucking milk, but he thought since they marked it in the ingredients list they'd be safe. It got a whole page in the news though.

>> No.16642295

>Pic specifically related
I wonder what that place serves... If only they had more signs.

>> No.16642322
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This was a yonk or two ago and I think they went out of business but it's still an Indian place, probably with the same mongoloid working the slop at the front

>> No.16642339

Cluck-U. Ate some boneless wings and an hour later it was a rinse repeat of throw up, shiver in bed for 30 minutes, go to bathroom and throw up again for the entire night. Lived off ice chips and clementines for the next day

>> No.16642342

Why would you eat it if it was raw?

>> No.16642351
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I was chatting with a guy on here a few years ago who went to this place called Chicken Treat and got food poisoning so bad he was hospitalized and had 6 seizures from the neurotoxins.

Got a $200k payout from Chicken Treat but has a lifelong disability

>> No.16642361

Happened when I was in college. My roommates and I cooked some previously frozen steaks and we all got food poisoning. Sick for like three days. We shared one bathroom. It was not fun.

>> No.16642366

Well most importantly they have their loicense

>> No.16642368

that's kinda fucked actually, hard to get fopo from beef but i guess they must have been contaminated prior to freezing

hey at least it was prion disease i guess

>> No.16642371


>> No.16642379

That is such a suspicious sounding name. I'm not surprised it went that badly. Feel bad for him though.

>> No.16642411

It's a big chain still in certain areas of Australia. From my google research they paid out like $2M to a dozen or more people

Super fucking annoying to have a restaurant be so lax with their only food offering.

>> No.16642470

Raw ground pork. Spent four days shifting from the shower to toilet to bed, puke bucket in tow. Sucking on ice to stay hydrated. Drinking water and ginger ale because it's pretty easy coming up. Day five I was able to hold down liquids. It was a week before I ate again.

>> No.16642484

Norovirus from raw unwashed broccoli, shat out my entire ass for three days, think watery shits every 20-30 minutes.
Pain wasn't that bad, but I became dehdydrated on day 2 because of the constant anal flooding and actually had to go to the hospital where they gave me four IVs to replenish fluids.
I take care to wash all my produce since then.

>> No.16642492
File: 75 KB, 600x600, Naut's Landing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a dishwasher at this place in 1992 when I was in high school. I had my normal shift meal of a fish sandwich (frozen then fried filet), fries with tiger sauce (I think mayo with tartar sauce and horseradish), and a soft drink. I spent the next two days moaning, sweating, shitting and puking. I've never been so sick in my life and I truly thought I was going to die.

>> No.16642495

I ate at some shitty Bangladeshi chicken place in Dubai, the workers looked like scum and the chicken was grey, blew my ass out on the toilet 30 mins later, fuck those pieces of shit

>> No.16642501

How the jeff did you end up eating raw pock by accident anon?

>> No.16642504

you had the tony soprano fever dream sequence experience
anyway $4 a pound

>> No.16642507
File: 126 KB, 1024x624, Mett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a common meal in germany, but sometimes you get not-fresh stuff

>> No.16642508

>30 mins later
probably was actually something else you ate †bh, the science doesn't hold up for a 30min reaction to actual food poisón

>> No.16642513

the fuck? how many world wars do we need to finally end this degenerate culture

>> No.16642526

>aus Schweinefleisch
Ethnic Germans in the US still do this, but they use beef and call it a cannibal sandwich. I really quite like it but there's no way I'd try raw pork. Is that really normal for Mett?

>> No.16642529
File: 2.63 MB, 4032x3024, Mettigel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't eat raw pork shaped into a hedgehog at childrens birthday parties
What the fuck is wrong with americans

>> No.16642533

Cmon anon, what are you complaining for? These guys have air conditioning! Jk. That sounds like an awful time and I hope those pajeets go out of business.

>> No.16642538

Yes mett is raw pork with onions

>> No.16642545
File: 182 KB, 1200x819, EW7f9JHXsAUJIIq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the reasons homo-sapiens prevailed and neanderthal died was because we cherished fire and understood the importance and nutritional benefits of cooking meat rather than mindlessly eating it raw.

>> No.16642589

ecklig uezs

>> No.16642594 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16642606

>implying nipponese aren't literal neanderthals

>> No.16642641

i was in jail for 3 days (minor charge charge but was arrested on a friday so i had to wait for a judge on monday.) didn't eat or sleep or shit the time i was there, so when i got home i chugged nearly a gallon of milk and ate an entire box of teddy grams + a lot of beef jerky. immediately pass out for 12 hours. wake up to the worst stomach cramps of my life, and proceeded to pee out of my asshole for over 45 minutes.

>> No.16642653

How fat are you?

>> No.16642673
File: 38 KB, 600x427, 1563952824799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would you eat it if it was raw?
Jesus, you fucking retard.
Work with me here.
Have you ever heard of a god-damned SANDWICH????
The raw bacon was hidden between two pieces of bread, along with several other ingredients.
If I put my cock between two pieces of bread, couldn't I stuff it down your retarded throat?
...useless cunt

>> No.16642676

I think it was chinese or indian food during graduate school.

>> No.16642683

>in jail for 3 days
>immediately pass out for 12 hours
Don't be homophobic, my chubby friend.
Just live with it, regardless of whether you liked it or not.
(I'm thinking you liked it).

>> No.16642703

Does alcohol count?

The first and only time I got really drunk, I drank half a bottle of tequila or whatever that was mixed with sprite. I vomited and woke up with a terrible headache. Haven't been drunk since.

>> No.16642715

When I was in Britain I had a really dodgy kebab, problem was that it tasted fucking great, such is the way of things, they mask the taste of bad meat with all the spices. Fever dreams, the shits, the lot of it... Luckily I got over it within 2 days. Felt like ass though

>> No.16642734
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well technically that's not fopo but still a rancid experience. you're good to avoid the drink, I wish I had

>> No.16642754

I haven't any sort of sickness from food since I was a kid. The only one I can remember is from eating a fat bit of chocolate log and swallowing a whole bunch of bubble gum. Spewed in the shower. It was brown with red and blue balls of chewed up gum in it. Worst sickness I got was from swimming in a pool by a dam. I caught Giardia. My uncle caught Giardia from level his beers to cool in a river a few kilometres down the road. Probably the same water source.

>> No.16642762

That's a shame because that restaurant looks profoundly comfy.

>> No.16642763

The sickest I have been was an all inclusive resort in mexico. There was a buffet that never closed. I puked constantly and wound up shitting what looked like black sand.

My brother ate a cheeseburger from Bbops and got deathly ill. His body was so screwed up that he eventually puked up shit, literally

>> No.16642765

Are those capers? Capers are horrible.

>> No.16642794
File: 27 KB, 460x322, 1603279693374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're peppercorns you actual retard. Lmaoing at your life kid.

>> No.16642842

old country buffet for high school sports camp

>> No.16642848


>> No.16642852

You don't get to pretend to be smarter than me after you ate raw bacon, retard.

>> No.16642859

Not that guy but you're a faggot.

>> No.16642873

I caught two bad gastro bugs overseas in the military. Fucking Indian and Indonesian cooks spreading shit everywhere. First time was in Iraq in the summer. Spent like two hours shitting and throwing up in a porta potty in 115 degree heat. At least I did my part for Israel

>> No.16642890


>> No.16642900
File: 8 KB, 400x400, 1313613920045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knock it off

>> No.16642901

You’re a supreme nigger not every hostility is pol retard

>> No.16642912

Lamb stew from an African restaurant. It tasted ok but I was violently I'll for 3 days. I went to the store to try and get something for my stomach and ended up having diarrhea in a Kroger bathroom for 30 minutes. It was terrible. They went out of business soon after but ended up just rebranding because all the Yelp reviews were about food poisoning and selling the same shit. It was a small college town, I dont know how they thought changing the name and selling the same garbage would fly, but they tried, I guess.

>> No.16642921

I can't say for sure that it was food poisoning but I did almost die from some sort of stomach infection last Winter.
A full month of liquid shooting out of both ends and not being able to keep down anything more substantial than orange juice diluted with water.
First solid food I managed to keep down was a grilled cheese and I will have a special love for that particular "dish" ever after.
Not a great time. I would not recommend it.

>> No.16642925
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Went to Sweden to meet my gf's family. They thought it would be funny to ask the silly little American me to eat Surstromming. I don't have an issue with strong smells or taste, so I did, much to their shock. I don't know if it was food poisoning, but later at the hotel I was shitting like you wouldn't believe. Pic related was my face the entire time.

>> No.16642934

I ate taco bell last night and have vomited 3 times this morning

>> No.16642942

So what is your swedish gf like?

>> No.16642944

They always do that. Rebrand and the same dimwitted asshole is working the sloppa tray out the front.

We didn't used to have this problem.

>> No.16642951

It all goes back to Reagan ending the Fairness Doctrine.

>> No.16642959


She came here when she was 12, so outside of a slight accent and cursing in Swedish she's just like any other American. She's also three inches taller than me.

>> No.16643005

Did you die?

>> No.16643086

>litre of vodka
>6 fried eggs
>under cooked chicken
>box of wine gums

let stew overnight for maximum fun

>> No.16643111

I feel you. It's absolutely horrific

>> No.16643114

I think it was the chicken

>> No.16643132

i havent had a solid bowel movement in over 2 months

>> No.16643143

>i am deadly allergic to something
>dont read ingredient list
>its the produuucers faaault

>> No.16643145

Knew that joint was in Australia just going by the pic. Suffer any permanent damage?

>> No.16643160

I swallowed some motoroil that was floating in the water. Had to get an saline drip because I was puking and shitting for days and I couldn't keep down even a drop of water.

>> No.16643165

Orange chicken from some local Chinese place. Spent the entire night and the morning of the following day vomiting and shitting water. Haven't eaten chicken from any Chinese place since then because the mere thought makes me nauseous.

>> No.16643171

I got "thai" food in montana (parents did it, I would have never done that willingly).

first, it was just a bunch of disgusting tomato water with some rank ass chicken in it and badly cooked rice, not sure what type of dish it was supposed to be but it wasn't thai.

when I got home I was alternating between vomiting and diarrhea for a solid 8 hours, sometimes barely making it to the toilet, then it came back the next day, we had to stay in the hotel room since we couldn't drive in that condition. TLDR; fuck montana

>> No.16643190

The first time I got drunk I was like 15 at a party with a bunch of 18 year olds, and I had no idea how much to drink.
I distinctly remember opening with three shots of vodka back to back, then going to smoke some weed. I told one of my friends “oh man, I feel really drunk” and he said not to play it up or people would be annoyed, so I figured I needed to drink more. I still can’t even smell vodka without gagging.

>> No.16643202

I had to get an IV drip from booze once when I was in high school. I had scored some vodka and I poured a bunch of pink lemonade mix into it, then proceeded to watch Star Wars and take a shot every time R2D2 makes a funny noise.
That wasn’t fun. The nurses said if I had shown up an hour later I might’ve died, because my veins were beginning to collapse due to lack of fluid

>> No.16643210

>Suffer any permanent damage?
physically I would say no, but mentally I still have a weird ptsd reaction to certain types of *those smells*

>> No.16643217

How did you cook it? I thought high heat would kill anything.

>> No.16643223

Refer to the pic related >>16642794

>> No.16643234


>> No.16643235

You what mate? I sometimes have a bite of raw bacon when I'm cutting it up. That shit must've been old, green and stinky.

>> No.16643248

kek my brother did that once. went into a bar with a fake ID when he was 18 and got trashed beyond memory. All he knows is at some point the cops threw him in the back of the cruiser and he puked all over the inside of the car. Woke up in the hospital in daylight and decided he had to gtfo. Pulled the IV drip out of his arms, put his shoes on and on his way out stopped at the nurse's station and made them find his fake ID and give it back, and then he took a cab home.

Funny thing is a year later he gave me the same fucking fake ID which I used for like 3 years

>> No.16643277
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Some shitty hotel breakfast buffet I had on a road trip. I couldn't eat anything but sprite for three days on the road. After the third day I cooked the most basic spaghetti ever in the parking lot of a motel, and it was one of the greatest things I have ever tasted. It was enough to make me cry.

>> No.16643381

You are based.

>> No.16643571

Wild mushroom pizza.
Come to find out you cant mix morels with large amounts of beer. Me, my brother and my ex wife all ate it and all got sick. Puked and shit for three days. While on vacation (visiting my brother out of state)

>> No.16643600

Hands down OYSTERS
Puked and shit for days

>> No.16643616

chicken bao bun at some chinese place.

I can handle the diarrhea and the tummy ache but the headache made me genuinely delirious. Like a hot knife working its way into your head.

>> No.16643643

i ate month old wendy's chili with a sour cream packet that had been left out for as long. My roomate said he bought it before he went on vactaion. I hadn't realized he didn't mean from when he went home to be with his family. He meant from when he quit his job a month prior.

I shit slime within an hour of ingesting it. I had to call into work and they sent my manager to check up on me. He drove me to the doctor who told me to "just get it out the way you've been doing." so I just kept hydrating and vomiting and shitting until I no longer shit slime which was about a week later.

>> No.16643693

>workplace is so cucked that they send a manager to your house when you call in sick to make sure you're not lying
Where the fuck do you work?

>> No.16643719

any spaghetti after a long week is really something

>> No.16643720

>a full month
Bro wtf?
Did you ever find out what was wrong?
That sounds like more than food poisoning

>> No.16643727
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>> No.16643753
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Me and the gf ate some homemade enchiladas for dinner not that long ago. She's currently shitting and puking in the bathroom. I guess I dodged a bullet. Never had food poisoning.

>> No.16644122

tie between bad vegetable oil and bad canned herring
veg oil was a day of vomiting and feeling every millimeter of my alimentary canal burning
canned fish was splitting headache and vomiting

>> No.16644129

>The only one I can remember is from eating a fat bit of chocolate log and swallowing a whole bunch of bubble gum. Spewed in the shower. It was brown with red and blue balls of chewed up gum in it.

>> No.16644132

>raw pork
jesus christ

>> No.16644136

also ate at some fish restaurant in Turkey. I was literally pissing from my ass for a few days.

>> No.16644153

Weird dreams are worth more than a day of boring reality. Wouldn't sacrifice gastronomal peace for it though.

>> No.16644175

>Used to eat at a local whataburger all the time
>Management changed and they switched from staffing kids from nearby college to staffing locals from nearby ghettos
>Get food
>a few hours later, stomach feels terrible and am in pain
>poop out contents of entire intestines, then throw up
>fall asleep for 3 days and only can drink small amount of liquid at a time, never hungry
>Finally recover after 5 days
>Wasnt sure what it was bc was too extreme for food poisoning
>try to eat there again and same thing happened
I felt like i was going to die. i have never been more tired in my life and could not keep anything down

>> No.16644180

It was. I continued to work there for another year afterward. I think it went under in maybe 2002, changed hands at least twice since then. The food was really good, I mean for pizzas and shit. I just got unlucky somehow.

>> No.16644193
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>fish restaurant in Turkey

>> No.16644212

Made bacon wrapped stuffed mushrooms on a camping trip. No one else got sick so I assume it was from inadequate hand washing after handling the raw bacon. Puked my guts out, couldn't even keep water down. Terrible cramps, headache, chills and sweating profusely. Had my head hanging out the car window most of the 2 hour drive home. Glasses blew off my face. Asked friend that was driving to leave me at the hospital near my house but he didn't. Don't think I've ever been sicker.

>> No.16644270

Wendy's. I got off work late and went to the wendy's by my house and got a chicken sandwich. Just the sandwich. I ate it, watched TV, and went to bed. 3 hours later I was vomiting and shitting uncontrollably all over myself and sheets. I had to crawl to my bathroom. All while shitting and puking all over the floor. I just climbed into the shower and turned on cold water because I was not only drenched in shit and puke but also I was sweating buckets like I was in the Sahara wearing a winter jacket. I just laid there for hours. I couldn't stand at all and couldn't even call off work. Thankfully I did not get shit on my face but the smell was making me puke pure bile. I have no idea why that sandwich gave me this reaction. It was cooked fine and it didn't have mayo on it. Anyway now everytime I see a wendy's I gag. The smell alone can make me puke if I'm slightly nauseous. I was at a party a few weeks ago and they kindly bought wendy's for everyone and I almost puked when they opened the door with the food. It was embarrassing. I will never go there again.

>> No.16644284

>be me
>be 17
>went to the store
>bought half gallon pickle jar
>fucking love me some pickles
>ate some pickles as soon as I got home
>so good I decided to eat more of them
>head over to computer
>start playing vidya
>urge is not sated
>go back to life-giving pickles several more times
>start eating more pickles
>start eating several pickles at a time
>after an hour the jar is empty
>400% of my daily sodium never tasted so good
>thirty minutes later I hear a churning in my stomach
>not a light rumbling, sounds like the noise an old tub makes when you suddenly pull the drain
>initiate usain bolt sprint to bathroom
>barely get my ass on the toilet as a fucking waterfall emerges from my asshole
>never in my life has relief and horror been such close bedfellows
>after about ten seconds of continuous flow it subsides to a trickle and stops
>toilet water is green and smells like vinegar
>body didn't even try to digest that shit
>clean up and go back to playing wargame: red dragon
>thinking "thank god that's over"
>Not. Even. Close.
>five minutes later the rumbling is back
>even louder this time
>sprint to bathroom, lather, rinse, and repeat
>even louder this time
>sprint to bathroom, lather, rinse, repeat
>this happens five more fucking times
>it's finally all gone
>stomach is concave; I have never had less food inside my body
>completely cleaned out
>cue rumble
>sit on toilet but it's difference this time
>i KNOW there's nothing in there
>shit out a tiny amount of liquid, immediately feel better
>"well I guess there was just a tiny bit left, that wasn't so ba-"
>all at once the burning of a thousand young suns sets upon my anal sphincter
>I had just shat out pure stomach acid
>frantically wipe at my ass to prevent it from melting away like the spaceship floor in Alien
>crawl in shower, turn cold water on full black, and lie prone while gently sobbing

>In retrospect, completely worth it
>I Love me some pickles

>> No.16644344

Domino's Lava Cake. I was out of commission for about 5 days. Luckily it's the only bout of food poisoning I've had so far.

>> No.16644351

Never because I'm not mentally weak. I also don't get carsick, seasick, not a picky eater, nor do I enjoy oreo-flavored pies-- all indicators of mental weakness.

>> No.16644369

A mexican taco truck in Akron.
I had a fever and the chills. Wife also had a fever but was hot and sweating. Thankfully we didn't get any for the kids. Took 3 days to recover. Never saw the truck again.

>> No.16644466

>Capers are horrible.
Why would you say something so demonstrably false?

>> No.16644490

Anon please tell me you went to at least a doctor at some point, preferably an actual fucking hospital.

>> No.16644495

>>box of wine gums
>wine gums

>> No.16644499

There's no way you're living until the end of the year.

>> No.16644516

He might not have had insurance. We can't all afford to go to the doctor.

>> No.16644522

Berlin burger in Mongolia.
Had a pizza slice that was kept under the heat lamps.
Couldn't drink more than a bottle cap full of water without shitting myself.
After 4 days if this I got some russian medicine that sorted it, but it killed all my gut flora. Took over a year get my digestion back to full normal.

>> No.16644526

I don't remember what I ate but when I was a kid I covered the entire bathroom floor in about a half inch of vomit, instantly felt better afterwards.

>> No.16644535

they're a british gummy. really good

>> No.16644544

Clearly it wasn't the enchiladas if you're feeling fine, that's now how food poisoning works

>> No.16644589
File: 209 KB, 1280x720, pinwheels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a small pack of these from costco, had a few of them and put the rest in the fridge, wake up the next morning sweating like a pig and puking from trying to drink water, only lasted a day but fuck those pinwheels

>> No.16644623

Tfw you're too retarded to even troll right

>> No.16644624

>Live in San Francisco
>Stop by Chinese place to get some pork buns
>Pork buns taste a little sickly sweet
>Ah well
>Finish work and head to cousin's graduation.
>Aunt gives me ride home
>Feel a bit carsick, often happens think little of it.
>Get home, feel shitty over some small stuff.
>Go to bed kinda sad/angry
>Wake up
>Rush to the toilet heaving my guts out from one end or the other
>So sick I can barely move
>Have some bedridden farts where I gambled and lost terribly
>Can barely sleep because sleeping's uncomfortable and prone to splitting headaches
>Could barely move to turn off the TV, loud as it was or the lights, bright as they were.
>Days of bedrest and weak appetite, weekend wasted over ailing half to death.

Not going to that restaurant again but haven't been turned off pork buns from that incident.

>> No.16644755


i had just moved to the philippines to get a cheap CS degree about four months in around december of 2017. way before covid.
sign up for school and enroll and find it's an okay commute to facility, 2 hours into the city; two hours back out into the suburban countryside.

one day I make breakfast, a hot dog an egg with a roll. down my gullet after less than a minute I feel an roiling urge for the chewed up gristle to come shooting back straight up and out, run for the screen door and a jet of projectile slurry comes out of my throat and mouth.
I drink a bunch of water and go for a run and am seized by abdominal cramps and sudden pain. I projectile vomit the water and yellowish bile. Long story short I webmDed myself and found I got some sort of
>norwalk virus

from I'm not sure where, probably the CS facility.
It was about two and a half days of hell, not being able to keep water down except in small sips and literally piss shitting fluid out of your ass every twenty minutes or so. Thank god it caught me while I was at home and not at work or traveling.

>> No.16644775

>has no face
Do Americans really? 360 and walk away.

>> No.16644781

I ate some rotten seafood at a hotpot that fucked my shit up so hard for a week, I kept shitting until only liquid came out, and my asshole was burning 24/7, I even leaked liquid shit in my sleep cause my body couldn't stop shitting due to how bad it was, and I also project vomited on day 1 into the toilet, was cool, like a DBZ character shooting a mouth beam

>> No.16644943

>I even leaked liquid shit in my sleep

>> No.16645281

Lidl chicken nuggets. Bought them 3 times and every time they gave me really bad food poisoning

>> No.16645290

I vomited and shat at the same time every 20 minutes for hours, with chills and skaing in between.
I wanted to die, and if I had had the prescence of mind to figure it out would probably have done myself in.
Somewhere in those hours I ran out of toilet paper and had to shower every 20 minutes.

>> No.16645307

How did you survive without IV fluids?

>> No.16645323

I broke out in weird bumps/hives one time when i are a filet'o'fish from McDonald's. I think I was in middle school or around there. I remember my dad making me chug milk because he said it would flush the crap out of me. They went away after so I guess he was right.
I still eat the filet o fish but I haven't had a reaction like that ever again with their sandwiches or any fish. I guess my body learned to deal with mcfish.

>> No.16645440

Not food poisoning, but the entire restaurant I worked at got a stomach virus once. They had to shut down because the entire staff was shitting for 2 days straight. The store manager just emailed us and said "let's just not talk about this."

>> No.16645465

military i just used office jargon

>> No.16645484

>The store manager just emailed us and said "let's just not talk about this."
Boy that sounds like a great business.

>> No.16645499

Eh, got me through school.

>> No.16645508


>> No.16645529

Salmonella from kebab place probably, got a free ambulance ride while shitting black blood and crying from half a night of bile puking. Worst pain in my life...

>> No.16645542

how is this even possible?
the chicken looks completely uncooked but breaded?

>> No.16645546

I don’t believe you. A reheated fried onion isn’t capable of poisoning you. Go back

>> No.16645594

good lord, this thread. i've eaten pink chicken so many times bc fuck it. eaten weeks old food out of my fridge bc fuck it. never had food poisoning. worst thing I got was some nasty diarrhea from Popeye's, multiple times, unfortunately. I love that chicken and I kept trying but that particular restaurant kept giving it to me.

>> No.16645604

Pretty sure some shitty wagecuck didn't wash his shit stained poo hands and contaminated my soft pretzel. Shat my brains out and vomited for 2 days straight.

>> No.16645620

Did the pretzel taste like poop?

>> No.16645627

Pretty sure I got salmonella from carbonara at a fancy place, my gf and I eat together and it was pretty much the only thing we had that was different that day.

I've had food poisoning a few times and it usually resolves pretty quick, I was pretty fucked up for like a week from this, but I never got tested or anything so I'll never really know.

>> No.16645630

>get a burrito from local mexican place, tasted fine
>go to work the next day, nice cool autumn morning
>start sweating like I'm in the heat of the summer
>run to outhouse and start the shitstorm
>shit tsunami subsides, say fuck it and go home
>spend the next two days shitting and puking every hour on the hour

>> No.16645660

Raw chicken doesn't just inherently have salmonella because its raw, its something spread to a chicken and then eaten by you. So eating undercooked chicken does not automatically mean you're going to get salmonella.

Well the nasty diarrhea definitely could have just been mild food poisoning, you don't have to be puking, especially if you got it multiple times from the same place, they probably have some shitty sanitary standards, it is a Popeyes after all.

>> No.16645705

About 2 months ago I ate a shawarma and it was terrific. The ingredients got to know each other and it was overall a good experience. Sadly, it wasn't so great coming out. I had to sit on the toilet buck naked with the door opened because I wasn't getting enough fresh air.

>> No.16645718

Cooked some salmon with lemon, butter, and dill. It was delicious. Took a portion on the road with me (cross country trucker) and forgot about it for three days. Found out 1) why the Arabs have that proverb about guests and fish and 2) what meat sweats means and 3) how much ass cleaning you can do with a few glovebox napkins and your underwear when you have to take a trembling squat outside Barstow at 3am.
Still tasted great after 3 days, though.

>> No.16645772

You used your underwear to wipe your ass?

>> No.16645780

sides in orbit

>> No.16645850

I went to Mardi Gras in New Orleans with my 2 roommates back in 2014. We were staying at another friends parents house in the Garden District, really swanky place. Anyways his parents invited us and a few other to come by their tailgate and eat some of their food and drink their booze. It had basically every Cajun food under the sun but what I think ended up getting us was the raw oysters. Ate those in the late afternoon and then we went out to some bar. My buddies mom came and picked us up and was driving us back to their house and right as she opened up the trunk that I was in I vomited into my ballcap, couldn’t puke in this ladies car. Anyways I proceed to park my ass in the bathroom for the next few hours when one of my roommates comes in while I’m lying on the floor and he starts puking and shitting. Neither of us could keep anything in so I went upstairs and laid down in a bathtub just puking down the drain and getting up to shit if I could muster it. My last roommate barged into the bathroom and he proceeded to start puking and shitting his guts out too by this time I was so weak I just closed the shower curtain so we could have some separation from our misery. Morning comes around and the 3 of us are in awful shape but we have to drive back to Baton Rouge because of school shit. Since I had gotten sick first I wagered that I had the least amount of fluids left in me, so I popped a Xanax the mom gave my and drove back to Baton Rouge. The 2 other guys threw up in pots we brought but I made it then proceeded to lay on my bathroom floor the next 12 hours. The three of us were sick for about 24 hours each and I have never felt that awful in my life. Even though their food did us in I still wrote them a thank you letter for dealing with my sick ass and giving me the Xanax to get back home. We found out about a month later that like 3 other people who were at that tailgate got sick also.

>> No.16645871

alfredo lasagna brought back from a church picnic, good lasagna, almost worth the vomiting and chills, took about two days to get over
can't trust those cream sauces

I have raw bacon sometimes, never gotten sick from it, lovely chew, that

>> No.16645890

I am scared shitless of puking. As a kid I would pitch a fit and cry when I was throwing up and these days even though I haven't thrown up in probably over 10 years any time I think it could happen I start to panic

If any of the stories in this thread happened to me I think i'd probably need therapy lol

>> No.16645905

That's a big 10-4 or something.

>> No.16645914

literal kike + not reading ingredients like a retard fuck out of this thread

>> No.16645932

Anon I agree it's bizarre they would put milk in mayonnaise but if you're that allergic I'd say you hopefully learned that you and you alone are responsible for your safety

>> No.16646398

same thing kind of happened to me but with absinthe. was one of my first actual parties with alcohol and some girl brought absinthe. we weren't even drinking it properly, just doing a retarded number of arbitrarily measured shots out of fucking red solo cups. and lo and behold i cannot smell absinthe to this day without gagging either

>> No.16646670
File: 13 KB, 300x300, img-thing_imad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to work one Memorial Day™ and therefore missed my friend's BBQ.

Not to worry he says, saved me some leftovers and I could come by his house for beer and BBQ the following day he says.

Well, the leftovers were chicken, sausages, and patties THAT HE DIDN'T COOK THE DAY BEFORE. He just cooked enough for the guests and covered it all in foil and put it back in the fridge. And then cooked all this raw salmonella slop up real quick for me the next day.

I was in bed hallucinating for like 12 hours and my puking was so off-putting my parents left the house for the entire day to just let me die in peace I guess.

PRO TIP: cook fucking everything at once and serve reheated leftovers. you don't take shrimp and chicken and pork out for the afternoon and then change your mind and decide to cook it all another day

>> No.16646684

Never trust chicken or fish from any place that isn't cooking it fresh on order, and even then be suspicious.

>> No.16646685
File: 123 KB, 399x300, de35c13a660a53f1cf7185235820477a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got botulism from an orange, didn't stop throwing up until every piece of it was out of my stomach.

>> No.16646694

are your sure it was the botch? it's really hard to make botulism and getting it from a fresh fruit I think is even more unlikely. perhaps it was contaminated with salmonella or e.coli?

>> No.16646702
File: 607 KB, 600x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quicktrip chili covered nachos and Haribo cherry candies. Had me dry heaving at day 2 and curled up in fetal position at the base of my toilet. I've always thought it was gross how drunks hang out at a toilet that they're using to throw up in. But now I understand.

>> No.16646709

I don't understand this post, why would it suddenly go bad if it was refrigerated? It's not like he left it out all day and then cooked the meat that's been sitting there at room temperature.

>> No.16646714

Hello, fellow alchy

>> No.16646715

he left it out all afternoon the day before. when his guests had their fill he stopped cooking and put the raw shrimp, chicken, sausage back in the fridge to cook another day

>> No.16646830


>> No.16646957

Yeah probably

>> No.16647019
File: 507 KB, 1080x1080, 0002010210202120020202129873645673829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else never had food poisoning before? I mean I'm not made of stone, sure I've felt ill after eating some things before, and sure it's given me runny shits before, but at most it lasts a few hours. Never multiple days. That's crazy.

But some of the stuff I'm reading on here sounds insane. Throwing up and diarrhea at the same time? Not being able to move from the toilet because your entire body is in pain/you'll shit yourself if you move? What in the fuck is going on with you guys, that sounds insane. Maybe I've just been lucky my entire life, but I've never had anything close to that.

>> No.16647029

What you are describing is food poisoning too. People in this thread have just had much worse cases of it. And it often seems to be because they eat food from a truly vile place.

>> No.16647061

Shut, that means I've just been getting lucky this entire time. This fucking thread is making me paranoid as fuck.

>> No.16647177

Not the worst, but got some effects this morning. Worst part was I mistimed the regurgitation and was choking on my own vomit

>> No.16647187

Feels like round 2 is coming up

>> No.16647199

Worst is definitely caffeine. Too many times to mention. Mother still tries to poison me a few times a year but I just take it and throw it in the trash at home. Long given up on them listening to anything I say.

>> No.16647215

> I've never had food poisoning
> 36yo
> Lived in literal 3rd world shitholes for work
You're all fucking stomachlets who need to drink more when eating at shady places

>> No.16647272

Nah I can't stand alcohol. I think people only drink it because of societal pressure because it tastes like garbage.

>> No.16647288

I wouldn't have to drink so much if you were less of a little niggerfaggot.
t. everyone who had ever the misfortune of meeting (You)

>> No.16647756

7/11 chicken caesar wrap. threw up for 2 days, never ate gas station shit again

>> No.16647867

When I was 7 years old we went to Florida on holidays and my sister and I had some ice cream. I don't recall much of it but we were throwing up and in so bad shape our parents had to get the hotel to call a doctor.

>> No.16648131

normally you go to the butcher and select a piece of fresh pork.
the butcher then sticks it into a mincer standing in the fridge. you take it home and eat it.

because its minced means it goes bad really fast.

>> No.16648154

Idk what i ate but I ended up sick for 3 days. Throwing up and shitting all day. Second day was a bit better and third was just bad stomach. Honestly that was worse than covid. Ive eaten in third world and nothing over there was as bad as this.

>> No.16648180

gas station sushi was bad, but i think train station chicken teriyaki was worse - just 36 hours of it coming out of both ends, barely left the bathroom.

>> No.16648187

You shouldve fucking died you moron

>> No.16648217

I had tests done on suspicion of salmonella or norovirus but they were both negative.
I'm an RN myself and one of the girls from work, bless her, came by with an IV line and some isotonic glucose and Ringer acetate.
She also did the shopping for the orange juice for me.
It was not a good time for me.

>> No.16648222

No but the sauce is, or if OP has poopy doodoo hands anything could give him food poisoning

>> No.16648285

Right? Worst I ever had was day old avgolemono (raw egg) from some greek place. Gave me godawful cramps for a few hours until i took a giant, dark green, almost black shit which I'm pretty sure was the entirety of my gut flora. But then it was over. Once in a while I get some bad cramps followed by some hershey squirts, but I have not thrown up from anything but alcohol since I was 10. I don't know what you fags are eating that's turning you into human fountains, I eat plenty of undercooked meat too. I am currently leaking blood and pus out my ass, but that has nothing to do with what I'm eating. Ya'll just weak.

>> No.16648320

Are you gay?

>> No.16648329

>so I popped a Xanax

>> No.16648333

Post tits

>> No.16648350

>I got botulism from an orange
No you fucking didn't you imbecile.

>> No.16648366

You need to accept her coffee and then puke on her. It's the onky way she'll learn anything.

>> No.16648369

That's why cocktails exist my child.

>> No.16648457
File: 71 KB, 341x512, zombie burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not me, but i heard about this place in Iowa called "zombie burger" and it ended in endless shitting for a couple of friends

>> No.16648489

So I wouldn’t feel like death for a little bit, only had that was strong enough to stave off the feeling of my mortality.

>> No.16649021

Thank you for not being a retard, I'm glad you didn't poopbarf yourself to death

>> No.16649025

Nah, backdoor is a one way exit

>> No.16649032

Heterosexuality is an attraction to the opposite gender, not an aversion to prostate stimulation.

>> No.16649082

Ate a hotdog made with a chicken sausage, got salmonella. i couldnt leave my bed in two weeks. I was like 10 years old

>> No.16649114

Not food poisoning, but once I nearly killed myself with a salt overdose.
McDonald’s forgot my sweet n’ sour sauce and I had no ketchup in the house so I decided to dip my nuggets in water and roll them in table salt for extra flavor.
30 minutes after consuming the nugs I was blasting like a fire hose out of both ends, I even had a seizure at one point.
Parents felt it wasn’t serious enough to merit a trip to the ER though.

>> No.16649215


>> No.16649229

In Vegas. Was a nice Italian restaurant and I decided to get some squid ink pasta.
Right near the end of O puked up a black liquid. Then my cell phone fell out of my pocket and into the black liquid. I quickly grabbed it and wiped it off. It still worked.

>> No.16649240

Either a dodgy salad or some multiple year old mustard, but it had me crawling around on the bathroom floor trying to cool the sweat between toilet visits. I swear I felt the cramps travel the whole length of my digestive system, from throwing up to the pain slowly moving all the way down, up one side and down the other again. After it all emptied out my body didn't give up, I spent most of the night doing the ass equivalent of dry retching.
Fucking awful in the moment, but honestly I kinda appreciated the experience.

>> No.16649241

How did your cell phone fall our of your pocket and into your food, were you standing upside down on the table or something?

>> No.16649263

last food poisoning was from college campus mexican food 6 years ago. haven't had any food poisoning in 2 years living in Japan. I even ate some raw chicken at a yakitori restaurant unknowingly, thought I was going to die but literally nothing happened.

>> No.16649274

I'm exactly the same
haven't vomited at all since 2013, never had food poisoning as far as I can tell

>> No.16649299

First time I had a burger from Culver's, I'm pretty sure it was the tomato. I still like their food though.

>> No.16649356

I nearly died of botulism from some fucking home-canned meat my mother served me when I was 11. Bitch had literally NO IDEA that you have to pressure can meat to avoid killing people.

>> No.16649374

ate something in Cuba that knocked me out of commision for four days--was probably contracted from eating dairy. most cuban food is quite good but the cheese is not.....very ripe, in an unpleasant way

>> No.16649391

fellow emetophobes. i'm extremely careful with alcohol for fear of throwing up. I could barely stand to see throw up scenes in movies, although now I'm a bit better with that it still bothers me a lot. if I'm ever around some mentally ill person I have an irrational fear that they'll throw up on me.

>> No.16649440

ate some fox's golden crunchs and the cream inside was off
spent a week in fucking agony. could barely sleep due to the pain so was delirious too

>> No.16649441

Every single time I've eaten McDonald's have made me sicker than I've ever been. Half of a spicy chicken sandwhich had me stuck on the toliet for an hour, and the parfait had me laying on the bathroom floor with lava pouring out of my ass because I was too exhausted to get up and sit on the toilet

>> No.16649454

This isn't food poisoning, this is your body being intolerant to heavily processed food.

>> No.16649467

I was a bagger at Island Foods in Island Lake, IL and ate a bakery roll and a Hershey’s Symphony one night shift. Spent the next 2 days simultaneously shitting and puking myself to near death. I assume one of the dirty deli ladies didn’t switch gloves and I got some raw shit on my bread.

>> No.16649497

Why not?

>> No.16649514
File: 1.27 MB, 1057x771, Master of Atlantis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're like me. Strong. I've had covid twice and both times it was just a stuffy nose and total loss of smell and taste. We will rule the world some day.

>> No.16649529

Twice? And you post a picture of that scumbag? Let me guess, still not taken the vaccine? You'll be dead.

>> No.16649647

>Wargame: Red Dragon
Based. Stoked for the South Africa DLC

>> No.16649749

the yellow-red color makes me feel that nogs work there

>> No.16649781

Subway. I puked and puked and puked until blood started coming out. The pain of your body trying to puke when your stomach is already fuckin empty is pretty damn intense

>> No.16649788

I'm immune. I got an antibody test recently and made the people at the lab scared. They said it was the strongest result they'd ever seen. I am the Kurgan.

>> No.16649793

Got a Hambones pizza in Cheyenne, Wy.
Greasy as hell. 45 minutes later liquid green shit shot forth from my ass. Didn't make it to the toilet. So I had to shower, change clothes, and wash them in the tub. It was just that sudden and violent.

13 years ago. When I was in the army. I woke up for my night shift. Vomited. Got ready for work. Bought some Gatorade and Mac and cheese. Relieved the day shift guy. 30 minutes later and for the next hour. I was vomiting and shitting liquid every 5 minutes. I called the squad leader and told him to find a replacement. I called the base ambulance. They took me to the Japanese hospital off base. Where I spent all night on an IV. Then in the early morning. As I was checking out. I got the shits again. Ruined my ACU pants and socks. Sat on a washlet toilet for 30 minutes. Shitting liquid and then washing my ass. Went home in a cloth hospital robe(which I still have) and paper pants with a split in the ass for colonoscopies. Went to sleep. When I woke up later. My nco was checking up on me. Told him the Japanese doctor told me to stay in bed for the next day or two. Since I didn't have a note signed by an army doctor. Squad leader made me go to work anyways that night. So I locked the doors, turned up the volume on the phone and computer, and slept all night at work.

>> No.16649800

I had a Samosa from some small Indian place during Christmas. Spent the whole day shitting myself and vomiting. I watched nearly the whole boxing day test match, completely sick. Watched roughly 80 overs.

>> No.16649872

Just got a piece of candy out of the fridge in the garage and it slipped out of my hand and dropped onto the garage floor. I'm threw it out and grabbed another one but it slipped out of my hand again so I decided I'm not wasting two pieces of candy and ate it. Hope it goes okay. It's like an off-brand Reese's that I've had a lot before so it was wrapped with one of those cup things except for on top and I don't think the top touched the floor, but I'm not sure.

>> No.16649900


>> No.16649953

Likely thanksgiving, but it was strange because I was the only one to have gotten sick? I didn't eat much the days leading up to it, but the day after Thanksgiving around noon my abdomen started to hurt, and at 3 pm I was on the kitchen floor hurling into a trashbag before I picked myself up, crawled upstairs to the bathroom, and stayed there for the next two days vomiting and extreme shitting constantly. Tried to lie completely still in bed for as long as I could, but the moment I moved, I'd immediately have to get to the bathroom to vomit and shit again. I had lost like 15 pounds and still couldn't eat for like three days afterwards.

>> No.16649956

I hope this happens again

>> No.16649999
File: 1.28 MB, 1552x673, chicken treat front page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm thinking he's right tho

>> No.16650040

I ate at this Italian restaurant that gave me debilitating stomach cramps and diarrhea for like 4 hours within 30 minutes of eating it. Then for the next 5-6 years after that, I'd get sick from eating basically anything but steamed vegetables, simple carbs and boiled chicken. Then one day it just stopped happening and now I can eat normally again.

>> No.16650129

Mistakenly made myself 4 pita pizzas with expired string cheese. It was only a week old but it gave me the worst food poisoning ever. I vomited 6 times in 48 hours and had nonstop BURNING acid diarrhea for 3 days
On the plus side I lost 10 pounds and I've never felt better. Now I portion control and double check ingredients instead of being too lazy and just grabbing whatever.

>> No.16650205

My best friend growing up did this. He go super drunk one night and passed out in the middle of the road. Luckily he didn't get hit, but some people saw him and called an ambulance. He woke up in the hospital confused, then snuck out, crawled past the nurse's station and whatnot, and walked multiple miles home in the gown and hospital slippers

>> No.16650211

It can be. Some people have iron stomachs.

>> No.16650221

undercooked chicken from a neighbour's house.
i usually never feel cold even during canadian winters, but i was shivering like hell under 2 blankets in the middle of the summer. it felt like heat was leaving my body and my bones were chilling, also shat so much that my ass felt like acid was thrown at it.

>> No.16650224

Ugggh. Liyue people must have iron stomachs.

>> No.16650249

Oyster Kilpatrick at some pub.
Laying in the shower, violently retching stomach lining and blood.

>> No.16650441

I've never had food poisoning but my dad has from red lobster. I remember he got some crab legs and mentioned they smelled strange but the crazy fucker at them anyways. He was sick as hell. I was only like 12 but I remember him laying on the couch and moaning. He threw up a lot, and shit his pants like 3 times. It was kind of disturbing because that was the only time I've ever heard the dude throw up. Sounded horrific.

>> No.16650624

Went to a sketchy Vietnamese restaurant with a couple of buddies for one of their birthdays in my early 20s. The cooks were having a party in the back, taking shots of something and snapping selfies with loud as fuck music playing. Looked like they were having fun.

They also undercooked the already shitty quality meat in my pho and by the end of the night I was expelling fluids out both ends.

>> No.16650657

Yeah I've never had food poisoning before
Sometimes I wake up with pains in my abdomen that feels like it's being stabbed with knives and eventually I do a huge soft shit and the pain goes away but never had actual food poisoning
Do people actually have food poisoning that lasts for more than an hour?

>> No.16650685

Related question, are shits not normally supposed to be soft? I have those a lot.

>> No.16650747

Pickles are cucumbers which means they are 96% water, the highest percentage of any food on earth so you literally OD'd on a neigh-aqueous "food" that your small intestine then secreted more water content into thinking it was something normal that needs help to digest and then had it Street luge through your large intestine (colon) before any of the liquid could be reabsorbed back into your system. On top of that, they're very acidic which is probably was what repeatedly aggravated you at the end instead of actual bile. I had the same exact thing happen to me binging watermelon (90% water), I thought it was blood at first with how red and liquid it was, but on closer inspection it was slightly-chunky undigested watermelon.

>> No.16650758

Based manlet

>> No.16650787
File: 777 KB, 233x173, 1378357463336.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so I decided to dip my nuggets in water and roll them in table salt for extra flavor.
Holy fuck..... D-Did they taste good?

>> No.16650922

Alex Jones did nothing wrong

>> No.16651057

You probably just have a strong stomach. I've only ever had poisoning of note once and it only lasted two or three hours
Peruvian chicken, an hour or two after eating it I puked once and then shit a lot for a couple hours
Probably would've laid some other people in thread out for days

You should still be wary though

>> No.16651062


>> No.16651452

How the fuck did you not realize it was bad when you ate it holy shit

>> No.16651487

Anyone who enjoys sour cream to begin with has absolutely garbage taste buds so I'm not surprised he was unable to tell it was rancid.

>> No.16651492

Good to know there's other wimps like me out there.

>> No.16651508


>> No.16651542 [DELETED] 

Eat shit kike

>> No.16651553

Why did your post trigger so many people?

>> No.16651561

what does poop even taste like?

>> No.16651564


>> No.16651568

It tastes shitty.

>> No.16651576


>> No.16651583

Thanks, anon

>> No.16651618
File: 60 KB, 800x420, 1626961201644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I had food poisonings, was when I went to pic related as a kid. Didn't get home before I had the shits and vomiting, felt like i was going to die, while my family cracking up about the experience.

Anytime the family wanted to go out, i declined and stayed home. Never been in a resturant or had fast food ever since. Never had food poisoning since

>> No.16651662
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>> No.16651685

>getting a permanent tattoo over some dumb trend.
I hope he feels ashamed of himself a few years later when he "wakes up".

>> No.16651690

Fish filets from Long John Silvers. I was a kid and ate the fish by accident, tasted funny but didn't think too much of it, when I normally eat their chicken tenders and later that night I woke up and ran to the bathroom puking and then shitting for at least two hours, then spent the rest of the day shivering and nauseous. Could only drink watered down Gatorade and was able to eat in at least two days. It was horrible.

Never ate there for five years and only order the chicken on the extremely rare occasion I do eat there.

>> No.16651737

Dude said the n-word when he made that post, those people never wake up.

>> No.16651789

>get home late as fuck from a gig
>don’t eat before performing so I’m starving
>gf mentioned she got KFC earlier, left some in the fridge
>fuck yeah
>stick piece of chicken in oven, smother in hotsauce and blue cheese crumbles
>go to sleep
>wake up 2 hours later to stabbing pains in guts
>hope I can just fart it away
>go to fart
>run to bathroom and shit brains out
>magma liquid between large solid chunks, all propelled at Mach 2 by horribly noxious high-pressure farts
>Jesus wept
>the smell was so bad I started puking at the same time
>thankfully the tub is right next to the toilet
>end up vomiting so hard I popped blood vessels in my eyes
>gf stumbles out of bed at 4:00am to see me exploding from both ends, red-eyed and tearful
I don’t know how she managed to respect me after that. I spend the next three days eating nothing but apples and plain white rice.

>> No.16651803

It's 2021, not 1972. Tattoos aren't permanent. You can just have them removed when you want.

>> No.16651833

>>hope I can just fart it away
Does this normally work for you?

>> No.16651843

Sometimes I’ll be awoken by stomach discomfort, but if I roll over and open the gas valves the pressure is relieved and it goes away, then I can just go back to sleep. I was hoping I was just gaseous. Not the case that time, unfortunately.

>> No.16651850

i threw up over a dozen times in one day. it was nothing but dry heaving after the second or third time. my throat actually bled a little.

>> No.16651903

Read the fucking ingredients next time then you fucking dipshit

>> No.16651991

>I don’t know how she managed to respect me after that.
well, maybe bc she loves you anon

>> No.16652042

One can only hope so. Women are fickle creatures.

>> No.16652049

People of 4chan are generally unsympathetic hive mind bootlickers who worship the system.
That's fucked. Even if you are allergic you shouldn't need to check fucking MAYO for milk

>> No.16652050

I had a similar experience, although not as extreme.
I heavily over-salted rice once when I was first living alone and cooking for myself. The taste of it was disgusting, but I forced myself to scarf it down because I couldn't stand wasting food. Developed a killer headache and had to chug down water for the rest of the night.
Woke up in the morning fine, and threw away the leftovers.

>> No.16652066

Good grief. After that post, I too am completely flabbergasted that she could have any respect for you.

>> No.16652071

>last week
>at state fair with the lads
>89 degrees Fahrenheit, almost no breeze, super humid
>drink nothing but beer all day
>eat salty fair foods like curly fries and nachos
>get home
>go to piss
>it’s dark yellow and actually stings from how salty it is coming out
>begin rehydration sequence
>as I drink water, I can literally feel parts of my neck reinflating
That was weird but felt so good in the moment

>> No.16652170

>Deathly allergic to fish as a kid
>Immediately run to the toilet and throw up 5 minutes into the meal every time I eat it
>Mom and dad: Eh.. He probably just doesn't like it
>Proceeds to feed it to me another 20 times before realizing something's wrong

>> No.16652522

>I'm immune
>had it twice

>> No.16652538

Technically not raw it comes from the factory smoked

>> No.16652582

If his antibodies are so high, he's as good as vaccinated
Sorry your little death fantasy for anyone who disagrees with you didn't work out

>> No.16652604

>If his antibodies are so high, he's as good as vaccinated
So you're saying the vaccine works and makes you immune?

>> No.16652625

Can relate, I bought half a pound of discount shrimps. Light strifry over rice, it was delicious.
The next day I went to work with mild stomach pain and it progressively worsened over time, so at about lunchtime I was already home, losing water by ass like crazy and then spent the rest of the day in fevers halucinating like some fucking Biden voter. Discount seafood never again.

>> No.16652641

Kek, I have a really similar story. I was arrested for contacting a girl on social media who I made rape threats against a couple years prior and I refused to eat anything in jail . I was only there for a day thankfully but when I got back I ate half a large pizza, four cups of rice, 2 7ish pound burgers and more I'm probably forgetting and I ended up puking 8 times that night. How much was your bond? Mine was $200 but the prosecutor wanted it to be $25K because I had also made terroristic threats to my high school a couple years prior.

>> No.16652700

if he's ALLERGIC he should be checking fucking everything's ingredients, it takes two seconds, and with milk especially they add it to completely random shit

>> No.16652771

Takeway from some generic pakistani place. I honestly thought I was dying at one point. I shat and I shat and was shaking and unable to sleep the entire night after, and the next day after that was much the same. If I was less of a "good person", I'd have bricked the cunts windows.

>> No.16652785

You sound insufferable.

>> No.16652805

I went to a business lunch at some Indian restaurant and to an Italian one for dinner. Had the weirdest fever dreams and shat/vomited water. Could not really pinpoint if the Indian or the stuffed zucchini flowers did a number on me. My friend suggested it was the ghee and I agree, pajeet cuisine never again.

>> No.16652844
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I’ve never had food poisoning because I’m a man and I have a strong stomach and immune system not like you little hipster pussies

>> No.16652860

>chilling with the boys
>playing vidya(this was over 10 years ago)
>decide to order some pizza, wings, chicken etc etc
>we all eat all of it
>also have strawberry soda
>the cheap dollar store shit
>its like 3 hours later
>I don't feel so good.jpg
>make a b-line for the toilet
>puke up all the stuff I ate
>it smells and is all bright pink from the strawberry soda
>oh and I missed the toilet bowl somehow and most of it hit the back wall behind it
>start panicking as I empty the rest of my stomach into the bowl
>spend like 20 minutes scooping it all up with toilet paper
>the fucking toilet clogs from the vomit and paper
>to make matters worse my friends mom needed in the bathroom
>there was still pink stuff everywhere

much later
>end up repeatedly sick when transferring to this new school
>basically in and out every other week constantly vomiting
>the worst things I puked up was an entire plate of mac n cheese into the sink
>some salty pizza rolls
>and apple cinnamon waflles

>> No.16652892
File: 2.47 MB, 640x360, Indian Cuisine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you got a bit too much special seasoning off the designated wiping hand.

>> No.16652902

Yeah and I'm saying people who get angry at others expressing their medical freedom are scum
If I could confirm I had it at some point I wouldn't have taken the experimental emergency medicine with only short term testing

>> No.16653004

Where did I get angry? All I implied is that it's silly to say you're immune to something you had twice. Do you think he thought himself immune after the first bout?

>> No.16653034

I had the Kraft Mac and cheese microwavable cup when it first came out and was spewing from both ends for a full week.
My mom and friends thought I was gonna die lol.

>> No.16653074

>Morgan Spurlock keeping the dream alive
You're a piece of shit dude. Deceivers deserve death.

>> No.16653102

You're being a pedantic twat. At least posture your argument to properly show that it's a semantic one and stop acting like you're defeating the crux of his argument.
The counterargument that he'll die because he's "not immune" is laughable, by the way.

>> No.16653115

Why do you type like a literal 3rd grader?

>> No.16653124

Where did I say he was going to die? Quit putting words in my mouth. You call my arguments poorly formed, yet you haven't done anything except invent points to counter.

>> No.16653223

neanderthals had fire and probably ate their meat cooked.

>> No.16653251

The only reason is that cro magnon scum were greedy, murderous, prolific breeders who could throw things further and run faster. Neanderthals were God's true chosen people.

>> No.16653294

had this one where i was in a building in ny i think with oneyng and psychicpebbles and a few other guys and then some sign turned chinese and it was some state of emergency thing and i kept blaming oney for learning chinese and then i kept running between two places being betrayed by people over and over

>> No.16653309


>> No.16653340

You sound like a fucking mongoloid. Jesus.

>> No.16653452

>Order takeout from Balkan restaurant
>Fucking delicious
>Wake up 3 am with cold sweats
>Run to the the bathroom
>Violently vomiting
>Execute georgefloyd.exe
>In between heaves fight for air
>Crawl on hands and knees to the refrigerator for tepid coke
>Get in bed and curse the gypsies

>> No.16653477


>> No.16653482

>Where did I say he was going to die?
>You'll be dead.
Doesn't matter if you're a different person, you carried on the conversation.

>> No.16653484

>Where did I say he was going to die?
Right here lol >>16649529

>> No.16653813

Me too, but the piss-shitting is more terrifying to me. It traumatised me when I had it as a kid.

Last time I vomited was a year ago when I didn't eat for a few days, I guess the first thing I ate after irritated my stomach so much that I had to puke out bile a couple times, not fun but it was over quick

>> No.16653962

Mmm, some nice room temperature shellfish. Same shit happened to me, at a hotpot no less.

>> No.16653963

>11 months later and still so mad that you lost that you randomly cry about it on the cooking board
Lol, /pol/tards.

>> No.16653972

Yeah well at least I'm not the one who's so insecure that he needs to pretend to have a girlfriend.

>> No.16653973

Pad Thai with undercooked shrimp
Gave me extremely stinky, slimy diarrhea but somehow I was okay otherwise, no nausea.

>> No.16653981

Also the experience kinda ruined Pad Thai for me, I used to fucking love it but I don't know when I'll be able to eat it again. I knew the shrimp were definitely not cooked right and thinking about the undercooked texture makes me sick. Dunno why I ate it against my gut feeling, guess I convinced myself it was fine.

>> No.16654004

You really are a miserable cunt aren't you?

>> No.16654018

Maybe it was in his shirt pocket.

>> No.16654028

>for me, it's the McShitcken

>> No.16654045

when I was 20 I got pizza hut and ended up spending 24 hours on the shitter just pushing out bile all while it felt like I was being fuckin prison shanked

was so worried I called the healthline for advice and had to pretend that my flatmate was asking me something so I could mute the call for a sec so the nice spanish lady on the line wouldnt hear me struggle like a rape victim to force out more bile-shit

>> No.16654050

Night shift
Hungry wanna eat
Stop by Mexican drive thru
Get an enchilada plate and eat it in the car
Couple hours later on the toilet rocketing my poop out
Only once, never happened before/after
That was disgusting

>> No.16654134

For my past crimes or how much I ate? I was just a retarded edgelord in highschool.

>> No.16654202

your comment is angrier and contributes less than his
I'm gay btw

>> No.16654215

>tfw anon never actually hit the mute button

>> No.16654226

Your crimes. It's all good, pal. We all fuck up.

>> No.16654290

>2 7ish pound burgers
pls explain

>> No.16654339

2 hamburgers that were about 7 pounds.

>> No.16654346

Seethe, /pol/cel. Seethe.

>> No.16654350

Kek, shit, I meant ounces

>> No.16654399
File: 125 KB, 1375x749, 1629897214895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, I wanted to believe you were throwing back fourteen fucking pounds of grade A beef.

>> No.16654971

Holy shit pizza place right?

>> No.16655754

so you're like 20 max