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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 319 KB, 1280x960, 1630611920146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16639534 No.16639534[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Me? I had the usual.

>> No.16639539

Damn, you ate that entire knife?

>> No.16639551

olives look pretty sad but otherwise cute lunch

I had canned mock chicken and napa cabbage simmered with ssamjang paste. on a diet.

>> No.16639559

That's not your lunch, though. It was some iToddler on /pol/
>File: 1630611920146.jpg

>> No.16639580
File: 297 KB, 1280x960, 1619123655324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're really good olives, I import mine from Greece.

It's literally me, I was just upstairs on my iPad. I post my lunch all the time here. You must be new.

>> No.16639631
File: 3.13 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20210902_210912177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's bun bo hue

>> No.16639642


>> No.16639647

Just drink a glass of water, it's easy.

>> No.16639650

I made a chicken sandwich. I'm still terrible at cooking chicken so the chicken was dry as fuck but this time I was able to finish it since it was drowned in tomatoes and sauces

>> No.16639705

Do poor people really eat like this?

>> No.16639712

No, they typically eat fast food, like what you promote on this board.

>> No.16639724
File: 718 KB, 1920x2096, iMarkup_20210902_220559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin rate

>> No.16639728
File: 181 KB, 1071x379, Screenshot_2021-09-02 ck - Food Cooking » Searching for posts with the image hash ‘W7D6ayoV9r9YVZP9HkkoLQ==’ .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>File: 1619123655324.jpg
You expect me to believe you redownload your own images?

>> No.16639745
File: 1.86 MB, 2992x2992, 20210902_170820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some Jap curry.

>> No.16639763

>I import mine from Greece.
doesn't mean anything if they're pitted. they keep worse that way.

like i said, sad.

>> No.16639765

Pitted are fine as long as the olives are relatively firm. It also allows the brine to more fully penetrate.

>> No.16639772

4/10 looks watery

did you take this picture in portrait mode or something? it's fucking with my eyes

>> No.16639773

> It also allows the brine to more fully penetrate.
I know and I don't like that. I like the taste of olive not brine.

>> No.16639784

a bag of frozen paella from the Co-op and a packet of Quavers

>> No.16639787

I put an anti-faggot filter on it so that might be why.

>> No.16639809

Well buy your own olives, you can't have any of mine anyway.

>> No.16639816
File: 914 KB, 800x622, peace symbol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this motherfuckers lunch looks like a magic eye picture and he's trying to call ME a faggot?

>> No.16639855

Looks like its working.

>> No.16639895

steak tartare
avocado on toast
cream cheese and a bit of Münster
two glasses of kefir
extra dark chocolate

>> No.16639906
File: 1.74 MB, 1816x3793, Snapchat-607854859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grilled chicken, rice and baked broccoli and carrots.

>> No.16639913

What's your.method?

>> No.16639916
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>> No.16639927
File: 87 KB, 1024x1024, 1627545004570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't eaten lunch in years

Worst meal of the day next to breakfast

>> No.16639956

if people started eating sandwiches for dinner lunch wouldn't exist anymore

>> No.16640402

Well for dinner anyway
>Signature select frozen pizza topped with Tabasco
>Couple bags of instant rice with crystals and Tabasco hot sauce right out the pot
>A wawa Italian hoagie
>Family size bag of herrs rippled potato chips on the hoagie and finished off the rest by putting crystals hot sauce on it
>3 Miller lites
Might make the other frozen pizza I picked up in a bit for a snack don't think I could finish it though.
Lit a candle to help about the farts.

>> No.16640440

4/10 in the pot, 8/10 outta the pot covered in a fuckload of black pepper

>> No.16640456

Anon, I'll fill you in.
Having a space age phone still means you gotta put in work to make the photo look good.

>> No.16640486

I had canned clam chowder for lunch
For dinner I had smoked salmon and cream cheese on an English muffin topped with red onion and an avocado with balsamic and salt and pepper

t. Going out of town for two weeks and didn’t get groceries

>> No.16640569

Damn you must have had some rank toots after that one

>> No.16640635

I had some scrambled eggs with cottage cheese and chorizo. Cant fucking muster up the motivation to go cook with the current jointpaint i got so guess today i go 1 meal only. Its fine tho im fat so not gonna starve. Cottage cheese actually was decent for scrambled egg but i think ill stick to a tablespoon or two of heavy cream in the future.

>> No.16640661

Yeah it's easier than doing scp to take photos off one device to the next.

>> No.16640670

imagine thinking anyone would think you're cool for posting pictures of some stupid kukri next to a poorfag meal. go back, cringefag

>> No.16640711

>sluuuro slurp sluuuurrp

Mmmmm yes give me more. Here let me put cotton seed oil on mu dick. Mmmm yes just like that

>> No.16640754
File: 342 KB, 1536x2048, DB8DF3EE-0664-42B6-B798-F578053549DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you

>> No.16640774

chicken n broccoli

>> No.16640888

Did they not give you herbs?

>> No.16641039

that knife's at the bottom of my collection, worth-wise

i have some pre-British broad leaf and sirupate kukris which are worth more than you

>> No.16641060

Enjoy your hypertension.

>> No.16641062

>not drinking water

>> No.16641088

beef stew, saltines, sargento cheddar and a red wine that had a lot of sediment

>> No.16641124
File: 1.27 MB, 3840x2160, IMG-20210902-WA0030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red beans baked and green onions with nutritional yeast, oil, garlic powder onion powder and cayenne

Its so good i have it very often. Im gonna try adding some panko tomorrow and see how thats like. Im stoked

>> No.16641473


that shit aint kosher

>> No.16641486


I'm honestly impressed you managed to cram an entire Kukri up your ass.

>> No.16641495

Pretty gay bud, you in sf?

>> No.16641505

Mixed nuts and stonefruut

>> No.16641523

samefag and autist

didn't get it quite right the first time, hit "send" then thought better and replied twice

>> No.16641530

I ate a fillet of smoked salmon, a bowl of cherries, and a protein shake.

>> No.16641539

Actually I did post twice but it was the stone fruit and the pretty gay bud posts.

>> No.16641540
File: 3.34 MB, 2678x3773, 66414AE9-80B5-47C4-A65D-9DD093A30A96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, its the gut knife. The only lunch for me.

>> No.16641543
File: 60 KB, 750x742, 1610735474622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shit I just realized how dirty those two on the left are. :(

>> No.16641544

Cause that's a lunch for a homo but I wanted to participate in the thread too.

>> No.16641623

You guys eat some weird shit.

>> No.16641659

0 fucking sauce adhesion
overcooked pasta
gaudy boomer plates
apply yourself.

>> No.16641788

>Name of book country staped on blade
Why do people buy this shit again ?

>> No.16642373

whys your curry shouting at me bro

>> No.16642376

I hate it how neckbeard MGTOW poverty types have tarnished sardines with this poorfag DEENZ meme, couldn't you have just stuck with ramen and fast food?

>> No.16642377

what marinade do you use for the chicken?

>> No.16642389

>hardcore detective skills
>uses the term “iToddler” without irony
It can only be the famous hacker known as 4chan.

>> No.16642393

nobody cares

>> No.16642459
File: 662 KB, 2742x2858, C926E66A-B3D0-4D82-97A7-717908E2A9D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thiccscuit and graby

>> No.16642466

You really couldn't take a pic of your food without showing off the fork?
We can't all afford that kind of luxury, asshole. There's no need to rub our faces in it.

>> No.16642475

why the fuck are you eating it off a paper plate you spastic fucking retard

>> No.16642483

why, i ate ass of course!

>> No.16642505

you can't make me

>> No.16642711

nigga just glob the files holy shit
you really running scp for each file?

>> No.16642786

>look at reflection in knife
>OP is bread
happy halloween

>> No.16642822

recipe lets go. a few times of year i'll make this on a sunday morning; usually get the take n bake biscuits but some then add flour to the ground sausage fat and do it right.

>> No.16643010

Is that a Napoleonic sword? Can you post the full blade?

>> No.16643082

I do that all the time as well...
I just don't like having my files in a cloud.

>> No.16643376

You cared enough to make a comment, clearly you're jealous.

>> No.16643380

Yes, it is. And no, not right now because it's in my sword safe, next to the gun safe. Which are both located next to the treasure safe.

>> No.16643528

Checked. Not him but this is my go-to biscuits and gravy recipe that I've been using for a while now. I don't always make the biscuits from scratch but they're really easy in this case. I usually do a pound and a half of sausage cause I like it real meaty. My family loves it and it always hits the spot.


>> No.16643559
File: 421 KB, 1024x572, image_20210730_201500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How based can one lad be?

>> No.16643561

Change the brie with feta and add some cherry tomatoes and gud-2-go
I skipped lunch, woke up at eleven, had some coffee and baguette with cheese.

>> No.16643564


>> No.16643659

grilled cheese, muenster and cheddar on wheat bread

>> No.16643747

Well I'll be sure to check future deenz threads if you ever decide to post it.

>> No.16643913



I had to go into work today, I took a PB and J and apple.

>> No.16643927

Hardees western bacon burger with curly fries

>> No.16643960
File: 2.62 MB, 957x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made some Basque chicken. Looks a bit messy and I served myself a fatass portion, but that shit was good.
Wasn't really too watery, it's just that I had not mixed the rice and the sauce yet.

>> No.16643978

Bland looking sloppa. Needs some more sauce of any kind.

>> No.16644098

Madsen, is that you?

>> No.16644102

>the usual
>shitty olives
>shit canned fish
>ass cracker
>shitty cheese
>b-but I got a mallninja kukri, look how cool I am


>> No.16644115

a potato and 5 carrots, cubed and sauteed in sesame oil. i ram out of food. I opened a bag of lentils I've had for years, and it smelled exactly like my uncle's old hoarded disgusting house that I visited 20 years ago, so I'm not eating those, thanks for reading

>> No.16644288

It's interesting to see you reuse the same rhetorical tricks in your projection / seethe posts.

>> No.16644515

>that smallsword
that conversation was fun, good to see you're still holding up anon.

>> No.16644531

oh sweetie, try harder next time.

>> No.16644928

>basmati rice

>> No.16644975

I made a thread on /k/ and asked everybody to post a *real* sword and they went totally insane because nobody had a real one excepting like two people.

Thanks for the regards.

>> No.16645000

"haha I have a big knife and I eat le epic deenz, aren't I a manly man?"
"haha I went to a restaurant in a middle of a pandemic, aren't I piece of work haha"
We can tell your moms bought those plates.
Oh wow, an actual good looking snack.
I'd eat it but it's looking a little dry
That's it? Just a huge piece of bread and gravy?
Looks great, best one so far.

>> No.16645004

yeah /k/ is not the place for sword discussion lol

>> No.16645010

I was wondering if anybody would be able to tell that's a punkin. It is, I grew it myself.

>> No.16645021

No that's why I did it. We even had some guy post a sheet metal "katana" and then use verbiage which outed him as some autist who had purchased and reviewed the sword.

Cost him $400.

>> No.16645044

that's rich lmao, sword discussion online is already shitty and people like that don't help.

>> No.16645055

Only place with decent discussion is the viking swords forum, that's actually decent and the people there are generally quite nice.

It's not a super popular hobby to begin with, most people who want a sword just want to wave it around in their back yard and slice up watermellons.

>> No.16645068

>viking swords forum
yeah there's other forums that are pretty good too, but very specialized, and VERY slow. I use the schola gladiatoria forum on occasion but is got like 5 active posters at any time.

>> No.16645286

wot's your sword interest there fellow blade fancier?

>> No.16645292

Sitting out of the frame

>> No.16645300

>"haha I went to a restaurant in a middle of a pandemic, aren't I piece of work haha"
Kill yourself you stupid faggot. Covid is OVER in Texas, get over it.

>> No.16645527

I'm a sabre guy myself, I've been studying Michał Starzewski's manual on polish sabre for about 5 years now.

>> No.16645562

>That's it? Just a huge piece of bread and gravy?

im not the anon you replied to but being from the south, homemade buttered biscuits and sausage gravy is one of the best comfort foods. there's nothing like it

>> No.16645938

I bet there's still room to eat a gun for dessert.

>> No.16646380


>> No.16646390

Soooo... in response to concerns about frequenting places that people gather without masks, you decided to post:
>self harm encouragement
>science denial
>COVID misinformation
>antivaxx BS
>south dixie BS

And you think this makes you look... what?
Smart? Nope.
Educated? Nope.
Cool? Nope.
Rebellious? Nope.
Like a brainwashed Karen? Yep.

>> No.16646401

Imagine associating your masculinity to sharpened utensils while eating stuff out of a can, jar and packets.

>> No.16646404
File: 56 KB, 480x269, IMG_5256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16646725

make me wear the mask you fucking subhuman filth

>> No.16646938
File: 201 KB, 463x684, AC80D541A0614B45AA6F669BAA7FC1D1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say SCIENCE?!

>> No.16646949


>> No.16648056

I don't have to, the owners of establishments do. Good luck acting tough when they tell your anti-vaxxer ass to leave the premises for not respecting their mandatory mask policy.

>> No.16648866
File: 1.80 MB, 3120x4160, fu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing Special

>> No.16649507

Good luck trying to force businesses to do that shit with faggot ass mandates that nobody wants you stupid punk

>> No.16649562
File: 2.21 MB, 3456x4122, IMG_20210904_191201_355~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks great!

Made lamb biang biang noodles
First time making handmade noodles this way, really fun!

>> No.16649593

still high on sodium anon ?

>> No.16649611

Please someone post the whiskey steak karambit combo

>> No.16650534

He's working his way up to sword swallower.

>> No.16650559

ate an entire plate and fork, as well......the man's a beast

>> No.16650925

Machetes are generall bad for your digestion, chunibyo kun.

>> No.16650930


>> No.16650937

Seems pretty tasty, actually. Keep it up and maybe one day we can turn this fatass mcdonalds idolizing board around.