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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16628244 No.16628244 [Reply] [Original]

Why the FUCK is it so hard to poach an egg?

>> No.16628245

it's not

use fresh eggs

>> No.16628251
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>rolling boil
>vinegar, in
>crack egg into cup
>stir up a whirlpool
>lower cup into water and leave for 5 seconds so the egg partially sets
>remove with slotted spoon
>drain on paper towels
>wa la

doneness timing is a little hard to gauge i'll give you that but it's just doing it a few times

>> No.16628259

>yes anon, buy fresh eggs everyday because it's totally practical and everyone sane is doing it

>> No.16628260


>> No.16628266

dont do this it makes mustard gas

>> No.16628271

not him but he's right
doesn't have to be hot out of the asshole of a chicken, but just
'not close to the used by date'
and it's not about buying fresh eggs all the time, it's about making poached eggs only when you have fresh eggs

you know, cooking things. doing things with things when it makes sense to do so not just when you want to at any time

>> No.16628273

Dude. Just fucking bring some water up to a boil, put in a little bit of vinegar, and get it out with a spoon after a couple minutes.
If I could do this when I was in middle school so you can you.

>he doesn't eat eggs regularly

>> No.16628281
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Molly Baz says to stir the water into a vortex and poach it that way and that if you use vinegar you're a little punk bitch

>> No.16628285

youre using shitty eggs

>> No.16628288

wouldnt a vortex pull the egg apart rather than keep it together??

>> No.16628293

a whirlpool is superior to a vortex

>> No.16628301

do you have poached eggs every day?

>> No.16628382

line cook advice
>bring water to boil
>lower to light simmer
>add tsp vinegar
>add egg or eggs in one at a time
>swirl directly where you're placing the egg
>gently push water into the centre of each egg to corral the whites around the yolk
>cook 3-4 minutes
Sounds really technical broken down but its literally just boil water, lower heat, add eggs and swirl, done. maintaining the light simmer is really important tho

>> No.16628399

>wa la
fyi it's "voila"

>> No.16628405

>partially set egg whites
No one wants to eat that shit

>> No.16628450

can't see any in that pic

>> No.16628458

Poaching is cooking food in water just below boiling temperature. If the water comes to the boil you're boiling food, not poaching it.

>> No.16628465

For all intensive purposes, kys.

>> No.16628472

who cares

>> No.16628485

You guys ever poach an egg in chicken stock? You should.

>> No.16628491


no because the egg is more dense than the water. its the same reason you use a salad spinner to get water off ur greens and herbs

>> No.16628495

Salad spinners are such a worthless invention. Just don't wash your lettuce and then you don't have to spin it to get the water off. Simple as.

>> No.16628506


i aint eatin any of ur fuckin ass disgusting ass cooklet ass food with ur bruised ass cilantro ass lookin head ass

>> No.16628520

Instead of using water, try a thick broth. I've been having chicken feet broth all week, breaking eggs into the pot just as it comes to a boil. Immediately shut off the stove, lid on. Take a shower, eggs are poached. The yolks were not as runny last time, may have to take em out quicker. I tossed in 6 eggs. I could do a dozen cold eggs next time to lower the temp of the broth. Love eggs.

>> No.16628523

Another thing: because of the number of eggs I toss in, all the whites congeal into a white mat on the surface, resulting in a poached egg "cake" if you will, instead of separate poached eggs. It is easier to poach crowded eggs in concert than a couple that swirl all over the pot.

>> No.16628544

you're not funny. fuck off to the other site, shithead.

>> No.16628546

enjoy eating literal dirt and shit

>> No.16628554
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I know the process to poached eggs. But can you put more than one in at a time?
I've got a stainless steel pan that has a rack I guess you would call it with holes in it and it holds stainless steel egg cups. You boil water under them. I guess they'd be steamed eggs. They come out shaped and I always grease the egg cups with butter too so it's like fried steamed eggs or some shit. My only problem is the white never sets properly while keeping a runny yolk. So I just turn them upside down which actually happens to be the easiest way to get them out of the cups. Thanks for reading my blog.
>Mfw I actually said all that shit and I'm still going to hit the post button.

>> No.16628556

not if you drop the egg in the middle, if you drop it off centre then yeah it will rip apart

>> No.16628558

>But can you put more than one in at a time?
i always put two in at a time from the same cup. if they're fresh they'll naturally separate

>> No.16628561

>kids im home from the shop, come get your alotted ration of poached eggs, they wont be available for another two weeks to a month

>> No.16628567

>I know the process to poached eggs. But can you put more than one in at a time?
maybe the clue is in my picture where there are TWO EGGS

>> No.16628571

eggs last for about ~3 weeks in the fridge
So I would say within 1 week they are really quite fresh and suitable for poaching or mayonnaise making

Now, maybe you're buying eggs every 2 weeks, fine. You can do those things in the first week and not the second. OR if you want to do them every week, buy eggs every week. Buy smaller quantities. If you think a food being fresh for 'only' 1 week is difficult then you have far larger problems than eggs.

>> No.16628581

Yeah I was just wondering how it worked though. The vortex seems to be the crucial part and I was wondering how it worked with more than one egg. I really should ask my dad. He has chickens and poaches eggs the same as what you get at a cafe when you order breakfast.
He said his secret is it actually crack the eggs into a mini sieve and that gets rid of any loose egg white for a better final product.

>> No.16628590

You got two options.
Drop the first egg in and the white will firm up after 30 seconds, then you move it to the side, remake the vortex and drop the second egg in. Be sure to keep note of which egg it which so you can take the first egg out first.
Or you can poach it most of the way, remove and then poach the second in the pot alone. When it's almost done put the first egg back in so they finish cooking at the same time

>> No.16628591

you can just use more than one cup
you have two hands don't you?
it does also just work if you're fast with the 1 cup for 2 or the 2 cups for 4

>> No.16628595

man what. I just do it quickly, even with 1 cup the vortex remains
5-10 seconds in the cup to set
crack another egg in that cup
it's all done easy within 30 seconds and you can even treat them like the same timing it's all within a fine small margin

what you say makes sense but it also sounds like autism

>> No.16628598

thats just how i was taught, might be the traditional french method, they have weird habits.
we never cooked it while in the cup