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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16621676 No.16621676[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How often do you change up your food/cooking repertoire/routine? I think it's pretty normal to have ~15-20 staple dishes that you rotate every month, but how often do you seriously try something new? I made some fried chicken and picked up Del Taco. It was pretty good.

>> No.16621679


>> No.16621691

It's pretty rare for me to cook one specific dish more than a couple times a year. There are so many, why limit yourself?

>> No.16621701
File: 464 KB, 1416x868, killmepls2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off fatso

>> No.16621704

Your burger looks a lot better than your fried chicken IMO

>> No.16621755

I tend to do the same thing for awhile, and then buy some new cookbook for a food type I've never really cooked and I exclusively go through that for a while. It comes and gos though. I'm dieting right now as well, and so I tend to stick to easy staples when I'm dieting.

>> No.16621771
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I always chuckle a little when I see this posted on the food and cooking board. Like, what do you think you're supposed to do with food?
You seriously don't have staple dishes that you fall back on?
Fried food doesn't really do well when you put it in a box and let it sweat for ~20-30 minutes (but yeah, my burgers are better than my fried chicken).

>> No.16621784
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My fried chicken is really good, though. People irl literally ask me to make them my "special" tendies, and I fucking hate it.

>> No.16621818

Does doodoo dollar still post on /ck/?

>> No.16621832
File: 36 KB, 368x341, killmepls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k fatso

>> No.16621921

It's probably been close to a year now. Probably died of the 'rona.

>> No.16621927

God I hope so.

>> No.16621939

Is /ck/ challenge still a thing?

>> No.16621962

why don't you challenge my cock nigga

>> No.16622021
File: 2.03 MB, 2994x3992, final ck challenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I'm pretty sure pic related is from the "last" round of the last /ck/ challenge. I technically won the last two, but there was almost nobody participating or voting, and the anon who was running it flaked out both times. Before that Borneo did one - and flaked out. Before that Bubbles ran one, which was the last serious one. Prior to that it was always run by Hearts, but she fucked off a couple years before moot realized the ship was going down.

>> No.16622036

Weren't you yellowmug back in the day?

>> No.16622043
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After having duck I refuse to eat chicken ever again unless I raise it myself. Holy fuck it tastes like cardboard.

Anyways here is my dinner tonight, duck breast and some vegetables from the garden.

>> No.16622062

I mean I guess I'm cooking things like burgers and fried rice and carbonara more often than that to use leftovers or whatever
But if I'm planning meals, and most of my meals are planned, why not try something new?

>> No.16622069
File: 3.54 MB, 2994x3992, DT 8 28 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, yeah. I won a handful of rounds that year, got sent a prize package from halfway around the world, and just missed the final 3, but for some reason people still hated me even back then (I mean, I did serve mini liverwurst sandwiches in a pink dog bowl for the "cookies" round, and probably would have won if it weren't for that).

>> No.16622076

Haha, I love your posts, dude. Every few nights you post a nice haul of snacks, usually a lot of variety, and a little bit of booze for the night's party. I envy your friend group that comes over to enjoy those and chill, you must be a rad dude to throw parties so often.

>> No.16622097

>for some reason
They hated you because you're a fucking cheater.

>> No.16622107

So this is what mental illness looks like.

>> No.16622183

>it was only 5 years ago and i'm still amazed that anyone else from that time is still here
I never cheated. I was drunk as fuck the entire time and did a combination of serious entries and joke entries, which made some people really like me and other people hate me (because my serious entries were semi-professional, and I guess they thought I was just messing around by doing dumb joke shit here and there). People who liked me voted high for me when I did joke entries (I mean, they were still pretty well executed), and the people who didn't like me couldn't believe that it wasn't just me voting for myself, which it wasn't.

>> No.16622218

Depends on what's in season and what's on sale. I'll probably start doing a lot of slow-cooker meals or roasts with potatoes, carrots, gourds, etc. Less fruit because it becomes unavailable or too expensive. Apple season almost here though.

>> No.16622239

Whatever. You're a cheater and you're the reason /ck/ challenge no longer exists.

>> No.16622248

I always thought yellowmug was based

>> No.16622297
File: 1.61 MB, 1275x834, bloody mary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're the reason /ck/ challenge no longer exists
I was an easy target for election tourists because I did really stupid, over the top shit. Yes, it caused a lot of drama and shitposting, but I did the same thing a year before (and a year before that) and it wasn't an issue. The board demographic changed; I was here long before that.

>> No.16622303

Pretty sad. You should honestly just go away.

>> No.16622322

>you should honestly just go away
You're right. I should have asked all the other quality posters where they went when they left years ago.

>> No.16622324

damn this brings back memories. I was an /alck/ie in pretty deep back then and was certainly drinking along.

>> No.16622380

Haha I know you didn't cheat, I was just trying to stir shit up again. I think most of us anons who accused you of cheating were just trolling anyway. If anybody is responsible for the demise of /ck/ challenge it would be anons like me. But hey you've adapted to the even further devolution of the board with your fucking Seagram's vodka and fast food threads so cheers to you Yellowmug you cheating fuck.

>> No.16622391
File: 1.81 MB, 1507x1064, fish taco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember one guy got mad at me and scored me low because I had a porch with a white picket fence and green grass. I was really just having fun that year, but the shitposting got out of hand, and I got kind of annoyed that round when one person did sliders and another person did tacos, and they both scored higher than me when I did both of those (probably better), in addition to 4 other things.
>with your fucking Seagram's vodka
I'd still be drinking Skol if they sold it where I live now.

>> No.16622420 [DELETED] 

I drink 0.5l of vodka with oj and a beef or pork steak with tomatoes from my garden every day and I’m still 6’4” 230lb of lean muscle I feel like I’m dying but I’ve never looked better or fucked had so many women literary drooling looking at me

>> No.16622502

This image looks like it was taken in 1996, but is still better than most OC posted these days.

>> No.16622580

sausage and milk for breakfast; maybe french toast sticks; with milk

pasta, focaccia, or tortilla (quesadilla style) with chicken or pork

baconator and 4oz bourbon for dinner.

these are my average meals for about a year now

>> No.16622589
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>> No.16622702

It doesn't look bad man tendies are always the shit. I was just saying that your burger looks better. Enjoy your drunken feast.

>> No.16622709

so childrens toys
unhealthy food
cheap booze
what would you say is even remotely positive in your life?

>> No.16622731

Somehow your fried chicken looks even more vile than the raw burgers you make. I fucking hate this faggot so much

>> No.16622737
File: 394 KB, 828x768, 314C1A74-81EB-45C0-9775-6681128A982D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself you fat fucking loser.

>> No.16623159

Don't you have any friends you stupid fat fuck

>> No.16623167

Oh damn that's a cute plushie

>> No.16623174

Has anyone figured out where this dumb faggot lives? It's gotta be somewhere in Modesto-Sacramento area

I've seen this retard post pictures going to a Raley's which tell me he's in Roseville-Sacramento area

>> No.16623180

ah, another night alone with your little toys and disgusting takeaway slop. I'm so glad I'm not you

>> No.16623185

If someone doxes this hamplanet I will drive to his location, stomp on his takeaway, then push him over and laugh at his feeble attempts to stand up

>> No.16623186

I've recently come to the conclusion that I only like a few things. Beef, pork and potatoes. I grew up eating fish, chicken, vegetables, different kinds of bread and cheese and...it just hit me the other day. I don't like any of that. I fucking hate fish, the way it looks, smells, tastes, the bones etc. Chicken is just boring beef. I'm not saying other people aren't allowed to like these things but the fact that it took me almost 30 years to realize this blows my mind. I don't know if it's because I'm autistic or because I'm retarded but either way this changes everything.

>> No.16623193

you're definitely autistic

>> No.16623195

imagine if this guy was your son

>> No.16623207

Wow a ck contest. That sounds like a really fun shitshow. Would you mind briefly explaining what the contest, prizes etc were?

>> No.16623425

>sounds like a really fun shitshow
Not really. /ck/ used to be a legit slow board. People here were always mean, but it was more gatekeeping rather than shitposting, and it used to be more inside jokes rather than forced memes and endless e-celeb threads. Oh, and people actually celebrated people posting OC. The /ck/ challenge was put on by a few tripfags, and was (usually) an ongoing, weekly contest where you cooked a dish according to a theme and the community judged you and after a few rounds the people with the lowest cumulative score would be eliminated, until after ~8 rounds there were only 3 left for the final round. The rounds always changed, but they were pretty general to keep it accessible to people from different countries (fire, cold food, childhood favorites, roll for a color, baking, etc.). The prizes for the top 3 used to be trophies and custom
"/ck/ challenge" mugs, but anons could also sponsor individual rounds and send the winner prizes, which were usually cookbooks or snacks/ingredients from their country.

>> No.16623488

Sounds pretty fun. Thanks.

I post a fair bit on diy usually about knifemaking/blacksmithing and slow boards are pretty nice. The people are knowledgeable in the knife thread specifically and not complete spergs like so many on ck. Even people who make crappy knives usually only get constructive criticism and honest advice.

I've gotten some great tidbits here(olive oil cake recently), but they are rare. I've also had some good fun doing "live" cook along threads and I did the baked bananas thread yesterday. Shame more people don't make comfy threads.

>> No.16623545

>post a fair bit on diy
>slow boards are pretty nice
>people are knowledgeable in the knife thread specifically and not complete spergs like so many on ck
>usually only get constructive criticism and honest advice
>shame more people don't make comfy threads
/ck/ was never quite /diy/ tier, and was always biased towards home cooks rather than professionals (for a long time the only meme/running joke was "/ck/ was never good"). But it used to be a lot more comfy, and feel like a small community of autistic assholes who would actually reply to genuine questions with "constructive criticism and honest advice". The problem is that there was no barrier of entry, as everybody has to eat, and technically everything food related is on-topic (it's kind of like /tv/ in that way, if you know anything about that board). We really took a hit around 2015-2016 with gamergate, the fappening, and then the 2016 election (and the waifucaust on /tv/ - the non-stop youtuber threads are a relic from that); fast boards realized that we were slow, and easy to troll. We used to have homebrewing and knife sharpening threads, but those both moved to /diy/, which was for the best.