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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 176 KB, 1200x900, beaver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16616661 No.16616661 [Reply] [Original]

Do Canadians really eat deep fried beaver tails? That's fucking disgusting.

>> No.16616669

All canadians jack off to hentai, what more do you expect from a country that's been economically annexed by china?

>> No.16616692

it started when french fur trappers couldn't catch fight for during lent,so the catholic church decided the beavers weren't meat

>> No.16616725

I go up north to catch my own beavers to eat

I deep fry the tail and compost the rest of the beaver

>> No.16616816

This is true

>> No.16616837

with beaver tails that look like thatd youd eat them too.
I wish reces peices beavers were indigenous to united states

>> No.16616850

I'm a firm believer in the classic original beaver tale. The rest are too much.

>> No.16617119

responses fit for reddit

>> No.16617128

I'm Canadian and have never had a beaver tail. It's just meme carnival food

>> No.16617135
File: 525 KB, 647x1031, rent_free.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16617239

Apparently there is a franchise for these, but I've never seen it in Toronto other than at the summer fair where they have all kinds of fair food like deep fried chocolate bars and etc. Maybe it's popular in other provinces. They aren't special or very good, might as well have donuts.

>> No.16617245

Based gif

>> No.16617247

I've always wanted to try one of these. They always look great

>> No.16617258

I've lived i Leafistan for close to 40 years. I have never seen these.

>> No.16617262

It's tourist food.
you put a beavertail shack on the boardwalk where cruise ships disembark and then forget about it.

>> No.16617357

Theyre all over the place... you must be in your house because of covid 24/7

>> No.16617392

Bro there's 5 stores in the GTA stop gaslighting me.

>> No.16617397

That is bread

>> No.16617409

"beaver" tails aren't made with real beaver meat, but we do eat real beaver tail meat yes.

>> No.16617431

I'm gonna fuckin puke

>> No.16617480

do americans truthfully not understand that natural foods (no matter how ridiculous they may seem) are infinitely healthier than shoveling down preservatives and chemicals down your gullet? I guess not, jesus what a pathetic country

>> No.16617496

>not healthy
What's the purpose of being healthy retard? PRESERVING your life. You're just assmad americans figured it out better than your backwards dirtfarming ass.

>> No.16617508

Jesus CHRIST, you americans are so retarded and arrogant.

>We're always in the papers! That means we're more important than countries like Australia, Belgium and shit!
Always being on the news isn't a good sign, buddy.
You know why Australia, Belgium, the Netherlands etc. are never on them? Because they're countries that fucking WORK WELL, instead of starting shit on the whole planet every other day and being plagued by social and economic issues that make you basically a 3rd world country.

After a party, nobody talks about the guy that drank 2 beers, had a good time and went home. Everyone talks about the loud moron that got so drunk he simultaneously shat and puked on himself and then fell from the stairs. And the morning after, that moron is proud of that.
You're that moron, USA.

>Fuk u jelly yuropean! dey talk bout us cause we're de most powerful!
Maybe 50 years ago. Now that title belongs to China.
The America of the 21st century is a sad piece of shit with busted economy, busted social systems and a medical system worse than Ruanda.

You have no history, no real literature, no philosophy.
Your deepest spiritual message is: "Get more money and be louder than the others! That's what success is all about!"

Your TV is the shittiest in the world.
Your food is the shittiest in the world.
Your women are the shittiest, most entitled, bitchiest ones in the world.
Your men are the most obnoxious, obtuse, ignorant ones in the world.
In the past decades, your only contribution to this planet was making everything bigger, more toxic and more violent.

And let's not forget that the USA are the country that committed the worst genocide in history (50-80 millions native americans) and the ONLY one to ever use nuclear bombs on another country.

>ur just jell...
No. Nobody is jelly of you. We're SICK of you.
You're a cancer that is luckily running its course.
Enjoy your decadence, USA. You won't be missed.
You will, however, be mocked

>> No.16618745

Holy fuck you're mad. Sorry we were better than you at everything brah. I'm sure your unimportant country does something pretty okay. Keep your chins up

>> No.16618773
File: 68 KB, 736x555, 1605019664786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people think lenin is dead, he's not, he immortalized himself by consuming so many preserved foods his metabolism slowed down to the point of becoming stuck in perpetual statis. Until the fall of capitalism, only then will he rise again.

>> No.16618785


>> No.16618788

The majority of Canadians have never eaten a beaver tail. This is some effort underway to meme them into being some part of the national identity by Big-beavertail though