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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 193 KB, 1300x960, diner waitress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16614508 No.16614508 [Reply] [Original]

>"We don't carry Dr. Pepper, can I get you a root beer instead?"

>> No.16614512

I have a few bottles of tap water in the car so I'll take a coffee.

>> No.16614531
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>do you have lemonade
>its either minute maid or watery "homemade" lemonade

>> No.16614541

or even worse
>you expect nothing when ordering it
>it's one of the best you've ever had
>the place shuts down 2 months later

>> No.16614611

only if it's a Bang's Root Beer

>> No.16614635

that's acceptable

>> No.16614666

This is only a possible problem outside of Texas

>> No.16614741

that's a man

>> No.16614810

>orders soda
>proposes beer
I don't believe this ever happened anywhere in the whole world.

>> No.16614844

Do you not know what root beer is

>> No.16614854

I ordered a glass of water
because I am a grown man

>> No.16614896

damn this happened to my local mcdonalds. Why did it close?

>> No.16614904

I want to sniff her vulva through her panties

>> No.16614910

A type of beer?

>> No.16614913
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This is you right now.

>> No.16614928

>meet me out back behind the dumpster so i can fuck you

>> No.16614949
File: 179 KB, 960x540, fuck you.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We don't have Coke. Is Pepsi okay?

>> No.16614963

Sure, anything’s better than that garbage Dr. Pepper.

>> No.16614965

Nobody would ever recommend a root beer in place of Dr. Pepper.

>> No.16614979
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Can I have a regular pepper?

>> No.16614985

I did the opposite when I was working for mcdonalds and they got rid of root beer. A lot of kids love rootbeer because it has a deep, complex and evolving taste that lingers far more than Coke which is pretty one-note. When McDs removed it, I recommended Dr. Pepper to parents ordering kids rootbeers because it has a similarly complex flavor, though not as much as rootbeer.

>> No.16615065
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>we dont have Pepsi, is RC Cola okay?

>> No.16615372
File: 2.14 MB, 4032x3024, F96DFFF6-2452-46BA-A2B7-FEADEEF5E0EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pibb was dr. Pepper’s friend in medical school.

>> No.16615423

>delicious things

only children and women enjoys flavored liquid sugar

>> No.16615440

>look at me I'm so grown up I only drink flavorless plain water
You're not fooling anyone. Pulling this kind of shit on an anonymous herring pickling forum is pathetic

>> No.16615445

This is actually illegal in Texas so I preform a citizen's arrest.

>> No.16615479

Happens all the time.

>> No.16615490

Good choice, except that some parents want their kids to drink root beer because there's no caffeine.

>> No.16615522

>see her bring a coke to someone else later

>> No.16615528

>We don’t have Diet Coke but we have Diet Pepsi
If I wanted Pepsi I would have ASKED for Pepsi you vapid cunt. No wonder you’re “career” consists of being a glorified conveyer belt, you’re a fucking retard.

>> No.16615539

What a douchebag.

>> No.16615545

Just had a glass bottle pepsi, it was better than the plastic one
It felt less fake sugar

>> No.16615547

MOVING ON, I would like you to divert your attention to the mural featured on the right side of the picture, specifically the """""sandwich""""" the guy is holding. Your first, understandable reaction would be to feel intense disgust as you wonder aloud: "do americans really?"
Saddly, the answer is yes, americans really do.
truly a despicable country

>> No.16615557

>"do americans really?"
No, we don't.

>> No.16615561

wow rude

>> No.16615564
File: 184 KB, 848x480, EGcl-GcX0AYO5Ty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Order Dr. Pepper
>They bring Mr. Pib
>spill it on table, chairs, and floor before walking out without leaving a tip

>> No.16615576

>Oh you want just water
>just water

Yes, I want “just” the thing that keeps us all alive and is one of the key attributes of life on planet Earth, distinguishing it from all other known planets.

“Just” water please. Because I am an adult who is health-conscious and also doesn’t want to drown my palate in fucking sugar water like a fat kid or some dog-human hybrid who requires continual treats and nostalgia to be superficial content. Yes, “just water” please, I’m not sure why you had to repeat this statement back as a question with your eyebrow raised as if this is a surprising request.

You’re a fucking dolt and it takes a special moron to not do something as pathetically basic as a serving job. Take my order, bring it to me, clear the dishes, clean up, repeat. Don’t talk back, don’t question me, don’t ask me about my personal business or tell me about yours. Just take my order, keep your dumb bitch mouth shut and do your FUCKING JOB YOU PEON COW!

>> No.16615591

most reddit post on /ck/ today, complete with self-indulgence and impotent rage. well done!

>> No.16615617
File: 802 KB, 2847x2847, GettyImages-913796622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hrer's your water that will be $4.99

>> No.16615619

do you drink beer

>> No.16615622

Waiters don't clean or wash the dishes anon, it's a separate position in most restaurants. Waiter can wipe the table quickly but that's it.

>> No.16615624

Why would you order it then, retard?

>> No.16615632

This is the nicest image of cold ice water I have seen in my life and it makes me thirsty.

>> No.16615633
File: 317 KB, 800x800, 1623940411247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a coke slurpee from 7/11
>owner is a cheap piece of shit who filled the machine with some generic cola syrup that tastes like black licorice

any time this happens, I complain to corporate, fucking jew owners.

>> No.16615638


>> No.16615645

Aren't they supplied by the company's chain and literally don't need to give a fuck about product quality??

>> No.16615669

>It's nice....FOR WINE

>> No.16615687

The condensation sells it desu

>> No.16615791
File: 1.68 MB, 4032x3024, D8CD96EC-9CCA-4864-8B55-39D1D196206D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to the dr. Pepper museum last weekend.

>> No.16615805

>"We don't carry Dr. Pepper, can I get you a 7up instead?"

>> No.16615814

Was it worth it?

>> No.16615829

>He doesn't know the REAL name

>> No.16615831

Getting out of town is always fun.

They are in Waco,tx near Joanna Gains place.

They do give you a free hand mixed dr. Pepper.

They had 7 up gold cans.

>> No.16615838
File: 2.75 MB, 4032x3024, E93C1788-153E-434E-B87A-B45C5B424254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16615843

He's just mad because he makes less than her and he doesn't get benefits at his job.

>> No.16615850

Anyone who complains makes less than the Waiter/Waitress does.

Anyone who bashes this post proves me correct.

>> No.16615856

>Anyone who bashes this post proves me correct.
That's a really shitty defense.

>> No.16615868

We've literally evolved to like that taste on this planet.

>> No.16615893

Did you go by where the feds killed the branch Davidians?

>> No.16615905

Did they have 7up with lithium in it there? Jesus must have been a great time to be alive when your cola had cocaine and your citrus soda had lithium. Just hanging out in an opium den surrounded by some Chinamen

>> No.16615914

This is actually a tort called "passing off".

>> No.16615924

learn to use google

>> No.16615935

But the mural says Montreal smoked meat

>> No.16615941

The museum started out by covering the history of the medical beliefs of bubbly water. They even covered the 7 up lithium and Coca-Cola cocaine. A lot of people had a profound belief in healing water and the soda industry was born out of that.

>> No.16615949

Was thinking about it, but it’s not really in Waco and I’ve seen YouTube videos and it is completely empty.

>> No.16615958
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yeah!!!! :D

>> No.16615962

Yeah, the place is called Frenchie's and is in Vancouver. Pretty good comfort food.

>> No.16615990

Glass > Metal > Plastic > Wood > Paper
That's the hierarchy for drinking from containers.

>> No.16616012

can't think of many places that don't carry dr. pepper now since it's owned by coke

>> No.16616083

Just because Coca-Cola owns it doesn't mean all the buyers decided to stock it.

>> No.16616091
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>> No.16616117

Coke is the thinking mans soda
>no artificial flavors
>no sodium benzoate that will kill you like dr pepper
>best tasting

>> No.16616170
File: 32 KB, 480x439, 1600895982902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work with at a shithole with no Dr. Pepper and I asked a new girl for one one time as a joke and she didn't even ask me, she just brought me a root beer

They also ask the customers this nonsensical question all the time

>> No.16616173

>"that's alright, sweatie. i'll just sit right over there near the front window and watch tumbleweeds go by".
>"don't mind him, he just really wanted a dr peppa

>> No.16616175

She likes you and has a lot of rootbeer at her place anon

>> No.16616177
File: 49 KB, 800x800, souixcity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got any sarsaparilla?

>> No.16616208

his wife probably came up with the name and he didn't want to admit it

>> No.16616277

Is that why sparkling water is called "tonic"?

>> No.16616488

Something like that.

Towns that had interesting water were often named for it.

Hot springs, AR
Mineral Wells, TX
Sulphur Springs, TX

>> No.16616643

name one place that doesn't

>> No.16616882
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big red + homemade vanilla float!

>> No.16616890

ok! I prefer root beer anyways. In fact, I never asked for pepsi. Coke and pepsi sucks.

In fact, can you put a scoop of ice cream in there? Thanks!

>> No.16616916

Barks has BITE

>> No.16616945

It makes my teeth feel weird

>> No.16617380

>those fingernails

>> No.16617435

Why do I care what serfs do? Their jobs are to make my life easier while noticing their presence as little as possible.

>> No.16617499

You sound extremely underage go back to r*ddit

>> No.16617501

>pick generic stock photo
>make up fictional greentext one-liner
>oh yeah, thread is go xD

Isn’t /qst/ literally for this sort of imaginary role-playing?

>> No.16617524

>Normal thing
Drinking 11% sugar water with a meal is only normal because a massive corporation convinced you it was and your uneducated, uncaring, negligent parents gave it to you. You know see it as normal and associate it with nostalgia and comfort.

You are like a dog getting a treat.

>> No.16617531

>>He doesn't know the REAL name
fat goy’s liquid candy seltzer? Americans are pathetic

>> No.16617532

I fail to see how dr pepper would weigh more than a rootbeer

>> No.16617545

It’s a union thing.

>> No.16617854

Kek, this.

>> No.16617861

>They do give you a free hand mixed dr. Pepper.
I would 100% smuggle in some booze and enjoy the best mixed drink of the century

>> No.16617870
File: 57 KB, 438x445, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Midwestern Swedish/Norwegian/Dutch/German/Russian/Scottish/Irish mutts with blonde hair, big blue eyes, strong features, long mid-faces, and massive tits
Ayup, that's my type alright.

>> No.16617911

>ordering food/beverages by the brandname

Americans are so indoctrinated by advertisements, it's fucking unreal

Real men drink beer.

>> No.16617915
File: 1.28 MB, 2048x1533, soy golems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real men drink beer.

>> No.16617917
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Oh wow he ordered just water.

>> No.16617920

Dr. Pepper is owned by Keurig Dr. Pepper, which is in turn owned by JAB Holdings, Coca-Cola only had a 17.4% ownership of Keurig prior to the acquisition by JAB.

>> No.16618342

Jesus wept.

Gorgeous tits on this broad

>> No.16618378

You can get fucked.

>> No.16618570

Is this jez
I'm watching peep show right now

>> No.16618584


>> No.16618614
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This, unironically
Ill drink water

>> No.16618625
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I must say, I like the design of their cans/bottles.

>> No.16618635

RC Is unironically better than pepsi
Still sucks compared to coke though

>> No.16618738

Wouldn’t be too difficult a task

The hand mixed dr. Pepper tasted much better than canned or automated mixed Dr Pepper

>> No.16619466

>only children, women ann americans enjoys flavored liquid sugar
fixed that for you

>> No.16619471
File: 55 KB, 518x492, baked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no root beer gf

>> No.16619474

We don't serve carcinogens, sir.

>> No.16619480

Your mom's kitchen.

>> No.16619482

I would love to live in your fantasy world where a restaurant always has the drink you ask for, every single time.

>> No.16619485
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>Is Pepsi okay?
I prefer it.