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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 282 KB, 1400x1400, 66eca83e118ba58b6db1b4a70e6cc22485-GettyImages-981866500.2x.rsquare.w700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16605604 No.16605604 [Reply] [Original]

Is a wok mandatory for a stir fry? Trying to impress my chinese gf with some authentic food but I don't have a wok.

>> No.16605612

why do you have a gf?

>> No.16605622

why don't you impress her with something from your ethnic background?

you really think a chinese girl is gonna be impressed by a weeb with a wok?

>> No.16605628

i'm white i don't have an ethnic background. idk what else I would make

>> No.16605631

>im white no ethnic backround no dishes
wtf? do americhuds really? where does your last name come from?

>> No.16605639

i think Germany. im not making sausage

>> No.16605641

>i'm white i don't have an ethnic background

todays kids man wtf is going on

>> No.16605642

as someone dating a chinese woman (who immigrated here as an adult), they will not be impressed at all by stir-fry. stir-fries are what you make when your mom or dad is tired and you have scraps of veggies and junk left in the fridge.

learn and cook an actual chinese dish that has a name besides "chao fan" or "chao mian" and you will impress her.

also you don't need a wok for most of these dishes. you will miss out on some potential flavor depending on the dish, but it is minor relative to hitting important notes.

tell me where your gf is from and i can recommend some easy dishes for you to make.

ALSO: this only applies if she's actually Chinese and wasn't someone who was born here. if she was born here all bets are off. my experience with american born chinese (ABC) or any foreign born chinese is they don't know chinese cooking well enough to give a shit. they only know the limited set of dishes their parents were able to make.

>> No.16605651

>Is a wok mandatory for a stir fry?
It's actively bad a lot of the time, because on most home stoves you can get much higher heat with a flat bottomed stainless or (situationally) cast iron saute pan. The most fundamental thing about wok cooking is the extremely high heat.
I can get wok hei with my saute pans. But not with my wok.

I use the wok mostly for cooking fried noodle / rice dishes where the large capacity and tossing function is key. Or for deep frying, or steaming/frying whole fish, few other things.

But not for stir frying. Its actually shit for stir frying meat especially.

>> No.16605655

i think she said Guangzhou at some point but idk if I'm remembering that right. she came to US for university

>> No.16605658


are you retards american? most americans are euromutts and to claim any specific ethnic lineage would be absurd. the best people can do is regional cuisines from where they grew up in america. i agree OP should just cook something tasty and not some garbage crap from China. my experience is most chinese suck ass at cooking, because most that immigrate here are spoiled rich brats.

>> No.16605659

Just make her some shrimp. Bitches love shrimp.

>> No.16605664

Make chicken abodo, fettuccine alfredo, a calzone, quiche or really anything. Hell! You say your last name is German, you can cook a damm good wiener schnitzel with fries and hot sauce!

>> No.16605669
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>Trying to impress my chinese gf with some authentic food

HAHAHAHAHA. Gweilo pls

>> No.16605675

cool it dude.

it's way more interesting to say
>my grandma took this recipe with her from serbia

>> No.16605678
File: 98 KB, 619x932, hong shao rou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you make Hong Shao Rou
there are a couple good recipes on woks of life

it's very low-skill. You can do almost all of the work in advance. And it's absolutely delicious. It was Chairman Mao's favorite dish. She will be impressed. You will impress an asian girl by giving her a lot of tasty meat.

Just serve it with jasmine rice and some greens, chinese greens if you're feeling adventurous.

>> No.16605697

the other most obvious chinese dish which is impressive, imo, is doing a whole fish, steamed or fried, if you have access to a fish market where you can buy good fresh whole fish

now, it's very possible to fuck that up by under/overcooking, but if you don't, it's extremely fun to eat, and a big cut above what people normally eat, and a big comfort food for chinese people that basically means 'baller'.

for a date you can just serve it in a big central dish with small bowls of rice and beers and eat it with your hands it can be a verrry fun meal.

>> No.16605698

you need to double check, guangzhou is the capital city in guangdong, and if she's from guangdong and not guangzhou specifically, there are a lot of different regional cuisines from the surrounding localities that also have lots of immigrants here (for example, taishan has tons of immigrants that come here every year, and it's got a different cuisine than guangzhou).

anyway, if she is from anywhere in the southeast of china, she most likely won't be able to handle spice. the southerners make white americans look like professional chili handlers since most can hold down sriracha or tabasco. so don't do spicy.

here are some dishes from the region that should be easy enough to make assuming you have some cooking experience with western techniques:

much easier, egg dish:

braised pork belly (a bit sweet)

cha shao:

in general chinese cooking demystified's videos are a good mix of authentic recipes with a southern-bend and a bit of history. impress her with your knowledge of 8888 years of history by watching their videos. that being said just ask her what she likes and just make that lol.

>> No.16605699
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>i'm white i don't have an ethnic background.
Absolutely fucking disgusting.

On a separate note, no you don't need a wok. The point of a wok is the high heat retention and surface area to cook/fry food quickly.

If you're making fried rice, some sort of stir fry, fried noodles, etc. you just need to use a pan that's steel or cast iron.

Additionally you'll want to be careful of adding too many ingredients at once so you don't end up cooling down the pan or having too much water and the food basically just boils.

There's also plenty of chinese/asian dishes that you can make with braising, grilling, broiling, and boiling. Idk dude just make something you feel confident in your abilities about.

Just make some american style chinese food. Beef and broccoli is the shit if you use quality ingredients and it's super easy. Then you can honor both your cultures, you fuckin weirdo.

>> No.16605701

and almost no americans have grandmothers from serbia. most americans have great-great grandparents from ireland or italy or germany, and not much else. anything specific would have been lost a long time ago.

>> No.16605707

hong shao rou is a good option too. it's braised so it's a bit hard to fuck up.

>> No.16605708

don't fucking gaslight him dude
those are all TERRIBLE meal suggestions for a beginner on a date.

and it's complete bullshit that people in guangzhao can't handle spice. I stayed there for a month with my friends family who were locals and they all ate spicy stuff and lots of local places served spicy stuff. Yes it's true cantonese cuisine is often mild af but the people aren't bitches.

>> No.16605717

char siu bao especially

have you ever made that? There are several places to fuck up spectacularly. It's hard. And it's not dinner.

roasting a fatty cut of pork is a bit pitfall too. And scrambled eggs? For dinner? What? Not to mention that too really relies on execution. You can't just cook good eggs of almost any kind because you can follow a recipe

>> No.16605720
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This, seriously. Shrimp is dead easy and always impressive. You don't have to do any fancy sauce just something simple and some pasta or rice and simple veg.

>> No.16605728

lmao what are you talking about? people immigrate directly from Serbia to the US, starting a lot in the 1950s. I know a lot, since there's a serbian area in my city.

In fact people from all countries immigrate directly to the US, we're a country whose population is by huge percentage immigrants. What the fuck are you trying to imply anyway?

>> No.16605730


i have no idea where i am gaslighting anyone, maybe you can elaborate

in addition, i have no idea what to tell you besides everyone i met who was from guangdong while i was in china refused to eat anything spicier than cholula hot sauce. if i went to a sichuanese restaurant or hunanese restaurant they'd order the most mild thing, usually some deep fried pork or beef ribs or maybe some soups. and hot pot also always required a divider for "spicy broth" and "not spicy broth", and they whined if someone's chopsticks let a droplet of spicy into the unspicy broth.

maybe you met some cooler people, but 0/10 always asking if they can handle spicy before going out.

>> No.16605731

Americans aren't white

>> No.16605734

>Beef and broccoli is the shit if you use quality ingredients and it's super easy
... is it though
i feel like it's pretty meh unless your technique is very good

i would not be impressed by a beginners version of any 'basic stir-fry'
like i'd be happy to eat it but I wouldn't be impressed

>> No.16605739

>hot pot also always required a divider for "spicy broth" and "not spicy broth"
lol this was my experience too but tbf the 'spicy broth' was devestating and all the men ate that one

and a lot of pig brain for some reaosn

>> No.16605742

you think this guy is going to be able to do a typical chinese dinner? if he does, he needs like 2-4 dishes and a side of rice. i am giving options, if he wants to make it for dinner or not that's up to him.

also when i was in china, people ate cha shao baozi for dinner in shanghai, so i have no clue what you're talking about. obviously not the main course.

but i also stipulated that he needs cooking skills to do most of them.

>> No.16605754

most devastating spicy broth i had was in chengdu, for the most part everything else was workable as an american that likes spice. i prefer chongqing style over chengdu style anyway.

> pig brain

fuck zhu nao. fuckers think its amazing when its got a weird texture and a mild taste. definitely prefer intestine over it

>> No.16605755

you are objectively wrong and just spreading misinformation

>> No.16605778
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>weird texture
this is why they like it lol
this is why they like jellyfish
and sea cucumber
and cartilidge

the major food gulf i haven't and don't desire to cross

>> No.16605779



> Population: 184,818

let's ASSUME they all had 3 children. that would put serbians of pure serbian lineage at MOST 500k people of serbian descendants in a country of 330 million. just because you live in an area with a ton of serbs has little to do with anything i said. there's a ton of amernians where i live. do i say that there are many armenians or armenian descent people all over the US? nope, cuz i'm not a retard.

ok, whatever you think. i'll just ask all my friends with hyphenated names: do they feel more irish, italian, german, polish, english, welsh, french, portuguese, or greek?

>> No.16605783

First generation Serbian American here. Mom was born in Serbia. Dad is Croatian.

>> No.16605794

sea cucumber is OK, but i can't get over the cartilage stuff. one of my friends tried to get me to eat balut while i was in china and i had to refuse. grossest looking thing

>> No.16605801

Ive had better luck stir frying in stainless steel frying pans.

>> No.16605804

> sample size of 1

what's it like being a halfie and claiming to be a serb? i wonder what the people in serbia would think of that...

>> No.16605815

This 100%. Make pasta.

>> No.16605816

Yeah it is super easy. I mean if you're not good at developing flavor and don't use quality ingredients it won't be good.

I guess I don't know your style of cooking. I'm normally impressed by a well executed meal that's properly seasoned and enjoyable. I find forced authenticity contrived. If you have to go to a asian grocer and spend $50 on random ingredients you never use and likely never will use in the future to make a single meal seems stupid and forced to me.

If you want to impress her take her out to a nice dinner and find a legit chinese place if that's a must. if you are so motived you could even reach out to the restaurant in advance and see if they have anything special for your gf from China since they often have separate menus that are more authentic.

You do you though, maybe ask her if she has any favorite dishes you guys could try to make together. Then it's an actual activity and you can show off your skill in front of her.

>> No.16605820

bao and chinese dumpling-esque things in general are quite hard to justify making in big cities with chinese people in them because it's like the cheapest good food you can buy and any of it if made from scratch WILL btfo yours

It makes way more sense to buy it.

>> No.16605827

I still don't understand your fucking point, you were acting like it was impossible to have serbian grandparents. 4.8 million people currently living in the US are immigrants from Europe, that's fresh off the boat. Then they have kids and cousins and marry into other families. My point is there's a fuckton of people in the US that have grandparents or close relatives that are directly from Europe, or at least first generation.

>> No.16605831

I'm not the op and that's kinda a false dichotomy. My example of something more impressive was hong shao rou or whole fish. Neither of which are necesserily that expensive (more expensive probably though) nor with a bunch of esoteric ingredients.

i like beef and brocolli and stir fries in general but it's just not something i'd suggest serving to impress someone as a beginner cook.

>> No.16605840
File: 3.18 MB, 3648x2736, yoroshiku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can show off your skill in front of her.
>Is a wok mandatory for a stir fry?

>show off his skill

>> No.16605865

If you're not OP, then how am I supposed to know what you suggested? I wasn't making a false dichotomy because I didn't even know what you suggested.

I wasn't comparing it to your post, I was comparing it to any number of things I could think of that are more "authentic" chinese dishes that may require specialty ingredients and techniques OP isn't used to.

Throwing shit in a pan and making some rice is dummy proof. OP didn't strike me particularly confident in his skills with chinese food. Also I was half making fun of his weird fascination with making food of the same ethnicity of his GF.

>> No.16605885

Lmao well he might be good at cooking other things and might ask really stupid questions.

>> No.16605888

are you daft? there is amazing german dishes. Lentis with spaetzle, Maultaschen, Kutteln, flammenkuchen, Kartoffelsalat, Kartoffelsuppe,Sauerkraut mit Kassler, there is alot of good food. do some research

>> No.16605899

asparagus dishes, Dishes with mushrooms, pancakes german style, flädlesuppe

>> No.16605900

I would fuck three of those sober, four of them drunk.
Sorry, fattie.

>> No.16605987

you have been brainwashed into thinking that, wake up

>> No.16605997

I guess she'd prefer some pig uterus noodles

>> No.16606003

I just thought it would be a nice thing to do idk. I'll try to make something that isn't too spicy I don't like that either

>> No.16606016

>Trying to impress my chinese gf with some authentic food
It is basically impossible for a westerner to do "authentic" Chinese food. You can do very good Chinese but it'll always be slightly off from "authentic."

>But Anon, very good is basically the same as authentic, no?
Not in my book. That said, that you tried should earn you points with your GF.

>> No.16606054

this is the correct approach but its not really about a weeb and a wok its more along the lines of
why the fuck do i want to eat the same shit ive been eating my whole life or even a walmart version of it?

>> No.16606075

if shes from China nothing you make will be authentic. So use whatever.
find a beef, Beijing noodle recipe and make that. it's the closest thing to edible, real, chinese food.

>> No.16606078

first you have to catch and butcher your neighbor's dog

>> No.16606092


>> No.16606094

then you have to get some urine from underage virgin boys and soak eggs in them

>> No.16606099

If you want to do it properly, fuck yeah it is.

>> No.16606157


>> No.16606185

No, but the only real acceptable substitute is a cast iron pan. You want something that stores a ton of heat so when you crank the dial up to max, the food gets instantly seared the moment you drop it in.

>> No.16606590

>high heat retention
you dont know what this means

>> No.16606615

First post. Personally, my family was muttified before they came to America.
My great grandfather was a (mostly) Scott who married a Swiss woman born from a Germanic Swiss woman and a Frenchman, and they moved to Ireland after marriage, before making their way to the land of the brave.

>> No.16606667

>stainless steel or carbon steel pan
>very high heat
>keep stirring
voilà, that's basically a wok

>> No.16606668

Yes I fucking do, it means it retains heat well. What the fuck do you think it means?

Most good woks are either cast iron or carbon steel. Both of those have good heat retention capacity, as opposed to an aluminum non-stick skillet. Also you don't want to use anything non-stick in general since you aren't supposed to get those pans too hot.

>> No.16606670

It's only mandatory if you're trying to wok her world!

>> No.16606693

lmfao "ethnic background"

most people just make dishes that are popular globally, it's not the 1800s anymore

>> No.16606695


Also see this comment, the reason you keep moving and spreading the food out is to increase the surface area that is in contact with a very hot surface.

The benefit of a wok's shape is that all the food settles at the bottom and you're able to keep the sides ripping hot while you stir the food around and have more surface area to deal with.... stir-fry get it?

>> No.16606721

>i'm white i don't have an ethnic background
stop learning history from twitter

>> No.16606921

The most important thing is the heat and you can't get that on a regular stove. Now fuck off normalfag.

>> No.16607024

It do be like that doe

>> No.16607058

>i'm white i don't have an ethnic background

This is so offensive it's almost funny

>> No.16607064

Imagine going over to your Japanese gfs house and she tries her best to make you a burger. It’s not about the food, it’s about the desire to show affection by providing your best attempt at a “comfort food”. Not all people from every country is a professional chef when it comes to their local cuisine and are used to moms cooking which is likely average or subpar by culinary standards for that area. By presenting them with something they might be used to, even if poorly done, they’d still be appreciated. Even if it tastes like shit they’ll love the gesture and give you high-quality sexings.

>> No.16607068

Do you really have no regional cuisine? What midwestern shithole do you live in?

>> No.16607095

What did they do to you.

>> No.16607102
File: 84 KB, 827x1024, 69CC04EC-1161-4C88-8A3D-48E58CF7D575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting meme couple, just by being born with white skin is enough to impress your Chinese rat whore so don’t bother… that is until a better looking white chad comes along ;)

>> No.16607113

If my Japanese gf's burger was bad or mediocre, but I know her Japanese cooking is good, I would tell her I prefer her Japanese cooking. Why would I want subpar food? I can make my own burger, better than her, but I don't know how to cook Japanese food.

>> No.16607129

put tinfoil all over top of stove leaving holes where the gas comes out. remove the hat from the gas top so you get straight flame.
Turn on high gas mark. Ignite.

>> No.16607146

You are making up people to be mad about. I've never seen a single person on twitter say white people can't have an ethnic background. It's true that "white" isn't an ethnicity, but that doesn't mean whites don't have an ethnicity. What do you think Irish, German, etc. people are?

>> No.16607149

Twitter-tier response

>> No.16607154
File: 40 KB, 574x574, AnimeGirlSmug14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no argument

>> No.16607172

>twitter anime-poster
No cap on god senpai, you sus. Lemme finna get back to this microwave ramen real quick sis

>> No.16607180

>i'm white i don't have an ethnic background
I suggest you kill yourself, retarded troll.

Don't do this. You'll die.

>> No.16607232


>> No.16607242

mate chinks litterly eat sewage and rats.

>> No.16607249
File: 146 KB, 1773x1773, 96230CCA-719D-4366-B39E-070683A73435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet you cumskins crowd in droves to our food

Posting on ck asking for advice on how to make chink food


>> No.16607304
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, 18CFE7DB-3B0C-45D3-A81F-D397A2C43EE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I impressed my lao gf with khua mee. And her sister said I make asian ribs better than their dad

>> No.16607320

Their both whores that would feed their father to a paper shredder for white cocku so it doesn’t mean too much

>> No.16607337

1 (one) Chinese Yuan has been deposited to your account.

>> No.16607371

I wouldn't go as far as calling americans cumskins. And I would not call it food.

>> No.16607389

No need I’m not the whitey making threads about Asian food advice am
I? Practice what you preach, if you wanna be a coping polturd atleast don’t inquire about Asian food every other thread also


>> No.16607390

im 26 and never kissed a girl

>> No.16607397

Odd if it’s not food, why do these Nee Asian American restaurants in cities with whites as the majority of customers flourish so much, even when they charge 5 bucks for a bowl of rice?

>> No.16607401

Brutal , stats?

>> No.16607407


>> No.16607408

because they have nothing in common with what is actually considered as "food" in china.

>> No.16607409

Good, those genes should never be passed on

>> No.16607411

Whiter than you, kike.

>> No.16607424

My advice is to cook something you've made before and reliably know how to make. If you're trying to get your dick sucked you don't want to screw up. This website is a decent place to learn how to cook Chinese food: https://thewoksoflife.com

I cook Chinese in a cast iron pan. I never bought a wok and one one of those burners they sell at the Asian grocery store to get the really high heat for that wok hay flavor.

>> No.16607428

>the other most obvious chinese dish which is impressive, imo, is doing a whole fish, steamed or fried, if you have access to a fish market where you can buy good fresh whole fish
> now, it's very possible to fuck that up by under/overcooking, but if you don't, it's extremely fun to eat, and a big cut above what people normally eat, and a big comfort food for chinese people that basically means 'baller'.

You can definitely fuck up steamed fish by cooking too long or not long enough, but it's easier than most dishes if you've never cooked Chinese food before.

>> No.16607517

Seethe more whitey your food sucks and your cucked whites are obsessed with gook food, I prefer it not be this way because I don’t like paying 20 bucks for a bowl of noodles when the white cucks drive up prices

>> No.16608141

>chinese gf without a wok

>> No.16608199

carbon steel woks are like 1-2mm thick
they have terrible heat retention because they have next to no thermal mass
they're designed for precise/fast heat control. Those things are diametrically opposite to heat retention.

Cast iron woks exist but they're an archaic niche thing

>> No.16608205


>> No.16608254

>i'm white i don't have an ethnic background. idk what else I would make

Why is this upsetting, if you actually read into what he means in context? If your direct family don't have a good food culture, you as an individual don't have a good food culture. Your food starts with you. You can probably re-discover your traditional ancestoral culture through history if you chose, almost all of which are good, but that's something you might feel completely alienated from. It's not your identity and it doesn't have to be, as a new world person.

Why would it necesserily make any more sense for some fifth generation american, whose family have long since forgotten their roots, to learn to make spaetzle than chow fun? If you're going to base it on their contemporary culture, for an american chow fun probably IS more part of that than spaetzle because there are more likely to be restaurants that serve it where they live.

>> No.16608306

I was the other anon, I wish you ignored that idiot and let he live in his own pool of ignorance

>> No.16608332

He's implying that "white people", meaning the entire continent of Europe, has no food culture. He's an ignorant yet narcissistic self-hating pathetic little faggot who should fuck off back to lé réddite.

>> No.16608348

I don't think he was.

That doesn't even make sense. And you won't find even so called 'anti-white liberal racists' who deny spanish/greek etc food exists and is good. That's not a real strawman.

>> No.16608355

I think maybe you're confused because you think white=identity and therefor the entirety of europe is your own culture? That's not how most people think so there isn't some inverse form of your perverted logic.

>> No.16608423

>this dishonest backtracking
Fuck off you racebaiting cancerous tourists. You're ruining /ck/ and 4chan overall with your cancer.

>> No.16608436
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>have a chinese girlfriend
>try to make her authentic food
why are you setting yourself up for failure?

>> No.16608452

Hey boys looks like we've got a sex haver here>>16605604

>> No.16608457

not an argument

>> No.16608473


>> No.16608507

You have to go back.

>> No.16608734

Do you even have the necessary stovetop for a wok?

>> No.16608753

any gas stove can use a wok
the metal trivets it sit on are very easy to buy/ improvise

>> No.16608762


american regional cuisine is really based its a shame most people dont understand it, even americans themselves.

>> No.16608776

Clam chowder

>> No.16608780

An optimal shaped wok, with a round bottom, is superior in mixing of the rice and vegetables

>> No.16608805

The absolute state of Americ*ns.

>> No.16608931

Make her fillet in a blue cheese sauce, accompanied with a green salad and a baked potato.

>> No.16608936

Everyone has a favourite dish from their childhood. Which is then often passed on their kids.

>> No.16608939

whats your favorite dish anon

>> No.16608952

Anything roasted pork is right up my alley.
But if I'm gonna pick a dish from my grandmother I will say goulash.

>> No.16609241

I would recommend making a high quality spaghetti and meatballs, or braised beef dish. Braised beef will take a lot longer but mostly unattended, whereas a good spaghetti and meatballs will require less time overall but you'll be stuck in the kitchen longer.

For braised beef I would either YouTube chef john or find beef Burgundy from Julia Child. For meatballs and sauce I like to do this

>meatball mix - 50% 80/20, 50% either ground pork or a pork Italian sausage of high quality you like.
>season with garlic, oregano, rosemary, lemon zest, salt, pepper
>breadcrumbs, one egg
>mix, form balls
>preheat oven to 300 f
>pan ripping hot
>sear your balls good, set them aside in batches on baking pan.
>if making big meaty balls these can go in for about 18 minutes and done but still juicy. Check on em halfway
>in the pan throw diced onion, a little grated carrot, and garlic
>once onion softens add wine and deglaze
>depending on how big your pan is you probably might need to transfer to taller saucepan. Do so, and add a large can of your favorite tomatos. Blend or break up the whole tomatos prior of course depending on what consistency you want
>cook down, adjust seasoning. I have fresh basil I like to toss in there.
>take out meatballs, place them in sauce, pour in all drippings from pan, and I guess just keep everything warm until ready to serve.

Idk how "correct" this is, but this is a recipe I've basically been tweaking that my grandmother had with tips ove picked up from the restaurant biz over time, but its probably one of the best things I make that is also simple.

>> No.16609242

If she wanted to eat bugs, she would have stayed in China

>> No.16609429

>miscegenating moron says he has no ethnic background

I wish I could hate you to death

>> No.16609431

>Is a wok mandatory for a stir fry?
you just need a pan and to stir shit around in it. woks are probaby better but any big pan and whatever is fine

>> No.16609437

>chinese gf
Sounds gay

>> No.16609453

Anon I impressed my Chinese gf with a literal cider and tarragon ENGLISH chicken stew. She even put it on her wechat moments lmao. If an Anglo like me can do it, so can you. Remember that everything you consider basic is cool and exotic to a Chinese person.

>> No.16609469

Also literally just make her a steak you stupid fuck. Steaks are sexy as fuck because they're associated with prestige and wealth and romance in the west, let alone in China, where that association is multiplied tenfold. It's also considered exotic as fuck to eat medium rare meat rather than cooking it all the way through -- which will probably be something she loves, but it might weird her out, so do check beforehand. And don't fucking come to me saying that steak isn't part of your ethnic culture, because it is.

Besides that, no, you don't need a wok to make stir fry authentically, but it REALLY helps. You need to cook stir fries for longer at lower heats on a normal pan, while a wok can fit more food and just fucking blast it with heat for a short amount of time which gives it a better texture and is just more convenient.
I think that's unfair. A Chinese woman who loves you will be impressed by your first attempt at cooking a stir fry.
lmao rip you
Woks get hot in a second and cool down in a second. They're not creusets, they're the opposite.

>> No.16609603

>Both of those have good heat retention capacity,