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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 19 KB, 720x280, Starbucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16604403 No.16604403 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand the hype AND the hate. It's good. Would I take it over an authentic Italian or French style coffee house? No. But it's good.

>> No.16604672
File: 110 KB, 1080x1149, cinnamon-dolce-frap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their original model was based around the idea that you can't get coffee that isn't shit quickly. You had to go to a gas station or a McDicks. So they filled that niche. As time went on their model evolved (or devolved) into serving 600 calorie per serving "coffee" beverages to women at such an insane markup it makes investors cum in their pants. Just look at the stock price.

>> No.16604681

>But it's good.
No it's not

>> No.16604692

yeah, I thought all coffee was the same until I bought an ice coffee from starbucks (black by accident). It had a sweetness and complexity I never experienced before with coffee.

>> No.16604698

all coffee is shit for faggots anyway

>> No.16604701

Their coffee is expensive and tastes burnt.

>> No.16604749

/ck/ told me that starbucks is bad, so I hate you OP

>> No.16604751

I drink coffee because it makes me shit everything I have in me so your dad can fuck me in the ass without getting shit all over his dick so I guess you're not wrong but still, fuck off fag.

>> No.16604753

t. subhuman with the palate of a toddler

>> No.16604774
File: 24 KB, 620x634, sbx20190528-30366-mochafrapp-ongreen-corelib-srgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realize this makes me a gey but once or twice a year when I'm in a good mood and the weather's nice I'll spontaneously pop into a Starbucks for a Mocha Frappuccino, no whipped cream.

Shit is fucking delicious. McCafe does a good one too but they don't staff them properly well anymore, everything is dirty and sticky and there's nobody there to help you

>> No.16604827

>It's good
It's really not. They use low quality cheap beans and over roast them to mask the poor quality. To the undiscerning 18 year old girl who doesn't know any better, that "strong" dark taste is "real" coffee because all she's ever known is flavourless instant. You can actually make better coffee yourself with just a French press and any generic bag of supermarket roast and ground, purely because those beans won't be roasted to hell and back.

>> No.16604843
File: 164 KB, 1300x953, offices-of-media-agency-agence-france-presse-afp-C3C0DK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your French press advice is fine but all the rest of it you literally pulled out of your asshole

>> No.16604847

I've never had an Americano from Starbuck's that didn't taste burned.

>> No.16604887

Get over yourself. Everything you said is basically hearsay. Do you have a sources on that? Or is it just something you heard online? It's good. It's a meme to trash it. Usually it's a symptom of bad or new employees.

Their drinks can suck if the barista sucks. But guess what that's every coffee shop.

They sell some amazing single estate coffees too at their Starbucks Reserve locations too. Their regular beans they sell can be great too. And their coffee from their clover machines are delicious.

>> No.16604892

Yeah okay Mr Starbuck's Rep.

>> No.16604901

>You can actually make better (anything) yourself

God I hate guys who say stuff like this. Yeah, I can do it better and cheaper myself but I don't happen to have a french press in my back pocket. I know, I know, /ck/ fuckup here. But sometimes I just want a fucking coffee and I'm not 10 feet away from my kitchen.

>> No.16604905

>He doesn't bripe!

>> No.16604906

I like their chai tea lattes

>> No.16604963

What a failure of a reply. Just admit your full of shit.

>> No.16604978

Yeah his point is still valid there. It's a cope for various circumstances. You're not gonna treat yourself to shitty coffee and leave your house for it

>> No.16604983
File: 61 KB, 474x632, retard chamber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything you said is sourceless hearsay
>proceed to just say uh actually its good and its good and this machine is good also you just gotta get the one good barista i know also other coffee shops are all shitty too uh uh im gay!
fuck off retard

>> No.16605067

My favorite is the caramel frappe, very basic but it tastes good and is very refreshing

>> No.16605110

Starbucks is good coffee. It's not some God tier amazing coffee. It's overpriced for what it is. But, it's not bad coffee. Anyone who says their actual coffee or espresso is bad are just memeing. Can you go to a locally owned coffee shop and get better quality coffee? Yeah, probably. But, not everywhere that has 4 Starbucks has a good local coffee shop. If you consider that they serve good coffee fairly quickly, and are pretty much everywhere, it's a good product. I'm taking it over any gas station or fast food coffee any day, that's for sure.

>> No.16605123

I don't know but I remember when you could finally get good coffee at the airport so I think that's cool

>> No.16605148
File: 430 KB, 606x611, 8BD05B54-2648-4D20-8A48-260132C85A8B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking the brewed Jew

Addicts. Caffein addicts. That’s what you goyim are. But you deny it and claim it isn’t true because “caffeine is friggin legal!!” For you daily coffee drinkers. Cut it cold turkey and see what happens. Feel the irritability, brain fog, lack of motivation, and possible head aches. That’s because you’re hooked. And now caffein doesn’t even give you that hit you first enjoyed at the beginning of your coffee parade. All it does now to coffee brains is brings you back to your basal state prior to your addiction. Let’s not forget the increased cortisol, drastically increased risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s, cerebral vasoconstriction, and many other bad side effects.
>wahhhhh don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee!!!

You know what else makes many you goyim dumb when it comes to coffee?
>dude! this $10 iced coffee from Starbucks is so friggin worth it!
>dude $20 frappe

You goyim who own up to your addiction are pissing away your money by buying coffee from places le epic Starbucks. At the very least you can make your own caffein charged concoction with some instant coffee and a myriad of your own creamers, milk, sugar, etc for about 15 cents per cup.

Pick related is your average coffee drinker

>> No.16605162

it's not good tho. it's very pricey. simpletons flock there b/c they don't know how quickly they can make a good cup of coffee at home; and other simpletons flock there because it has regular customers and they just want to be in a crowd.

>> No.16605192

for the price of 3 cups of coffee, you can get a french press and make up the money in say 3.05 cups of coffee.

>> No.16605785

God DAMN I hate advertising
I haven't had coffee or shitbucks in over ten years but this reminds me of having a frappachino and how fucking good it was, and now I'm craving one; its basically a coffee milkshake

>> No.16605795

thanks steve albini

>> No.16605805

I don't understand why all the hip liberal types of women drink only starbucks, I thought it was a white girl meme until my younger sister got into college and she would always have a starbucks on her and her room would always have a couple empty starbucks cups. Is there some kind of secret society going on?

>> No.16605806

i would probably go back to the drawing board with this b8

>> No.16605835

Starbucks (and Peets) were groundbreaking in the 70s because coffee at the time was something you bought in a tin at the supermarket. Sbucks came along and now boomers could get an espresso drink, or a not disgusting black coffee anywhere you went (dark roast ensures little variation). But they haven't innovated past that point except for adding a shit ton of sugar and milk to their drinks which is why the boomers still like Sbucks but anyone who's interested knows there's better coffee.
Turns out dark roasts basically taste the same and if you roast coffee lighter you can make better coffee. Theres a lot of pretension in '3rd wave' coffee but if you drink black coffee or small espresso drinks it's genuinely a much better product.

>> No.16605875

its the stacey hot girl secret society

>> No.16605876


>> No.16606071

I quit coffee after my best friend died...

>> No.16606079

I like their americanos. So smooth. I guess it has something to do with their high quality water.

>> No.16606093

Not him, I personally just much prefer tea.

>> No.16606106

i get the strangest looks from the baristas when i order black coffee

>> No.16606170

The shots for espresso beverages pull badly sometimes. The espresso machine tells the barista that it didn't pull right. The barista 99.99999% of the time will ignore it and give it to you anyway. I'd say that the shots pull badly about 1/5th of the time.

>t. a Starbucks barista

>> No.16606265

I'll get a blonde pourover from them if I'm far from home or any real coffee shop and it's not the worst. Better than the stale burnt coffee from any other fast food place.

>> No.16607105

>chai tea


>> No.16607250

It's like subway. It's edible if you for some reason need it*, but it doesn't deserve to be on every corner.

You know, you can drive for hours and hours in the badlands of idaho/utah without seeing single building, but if you do finally find a gas station, it will have a subway.

>> No.16607257

When the grocery store is out of the best quality Stok brand cold brew coffee (red jug - lightly sweetened) - I get the Starbucks vanilla medium roast - it isn't great, but it doesn't have any off flavors (apart from the vanilla) and it is slightly undersweetened - 5-10% more sugar would make it better I think - doesn't need to be VERY sweet.

Also, I've understood the appeal of Starbucks now because I hike in some pretty remote areas and some coffee shops just don't serve espresso and if you want to be guaranteed that normal ass espresso drinks are available (my dad insists on them) starbucks is a no-brainer for that. It doesn't make as much sense in a big city where you are spoiled for choice - but in a rural area Starbucks is sort of a guarantee that the normal basic elements of a coffee shop will all be present without issue.

I try to find local coffee shops where possible - but Starbucks is an ok default/backup if there's nothing else.

>> No.16607262

>I don't understand the hype
wifi people and pumpkin spice freaks mostly but, the quality has improved every year, estate blends, less sugar, great grab and go items
>AND the hate.
Used to be over roasted long ago. The reason to hate them now was the political aspirations of their leader, who thought it was just great to let drug addicts, homeless people, and loitering people trash the bathrooms that used to be reserved for keyed access to actual customers.

>> No.16607275

>>>16604403 (OP)
>I don't understand why all the hip liberal types of women drink only starbucks, I thought it was a white girl meme until my younger sister got into college and she would always have a starbucks on her and her room would always have a couple empty starbucks cups. Is there some kind of secret society going on?
She's in college, and therefore studying long hours. For every 12 credit hour, you spend another 40 hours studying that week. Starbucks has chill music, free refills and gets you out of some no-food-no-drink library at school.

>> No.16609348

post sister

>> No.16609425

>but I don't happen to have a french press in my back pocket
I used to own a travelling french press that I stole from Starbucks when I worked there 16 years ago.

They had a few good blends, mainly the African ones. Kenya and Ethiopia Sidamo or whatever. I've only drank Starbucks while waiting for bars to open and chugging booze or taking a shit in their bathrooms since about 2008 so I don't know much about their current state.

Their prices aren't that much worse than any hipster shop. I know they get shit for being "burned" or whatnot but I think that has more to do with how mild McDonalds or Dunkin Donuts coffee tastes. Also they would have Italian/French/Espresso as the roast of the day which I could totally see someone considering it having a burnt flavor. They were smart for making that daily roast that's bland as fuck.
I dated a small town girl that was newly rich and she considered Starbucks part of her "coming up" routine or some garbage. I even stole a container of the White Mocha pretending to be a refrigerator technician and made her the same exact drink at home but she refused and would wake up at 7 to drive 4 miles to get the same shit. She also had mental issues and thought every barista chick was her friend. Whatever.

>> No.16610243

It's the roast, not the machine. It's reliably over roasted every time.

>> No.16610256

Coffee is like wine, all differences are imaginary and are better used as bases for better, mixed drinks

>> No.16610261

Hating Starbucks is very hip on reddit. I am a proud redditor and mod various coffee subs. Needless to say, I wouldn't be caught dead in a Starbucks.

>> No.16610264

literal scum

>> No.16610266

Of what?
Bear attack?

>> No.16610276

t. shitbucks barista

>> No.16610283

>I don't understand the hype AND the hate.
How can you not understand something so simple and obvious?
It’s hyped by people who like to appear “with it” because it’s popular.
It’s hated by people who like to appear “better than those common plebeians” because it’s popular.
There’s literally nothing wrong with their coffee drinks, and most people don’t pass 3 “authentic” local coffee joints on their morning commute. It grew to the size it is because when the company was just starting to expand, you couldn’t get decent coffee at fast food places or convenience stores. So people went there for decent coffee as opposed to buying shit coffee.
They stay big simply because it’s part of everyday life for a ton of people now, and those people like consistency. Your double-whatever-light-whatever-plus-whatever is gonna taste the same in Osaka as it does in some flyover town.
Besides, it’s not nearly as hated as it would appear on /ck/; this board simply has a high concentration of faux-snobs who feel that shitting on popular things and parroting their YouTuber of choice makes them appear more sophisticated.

>> No.16610287

>go to starbucks
>the one by me exclusively hires chipper teenage girls with nice tits
>enjoy their bouncing around while they get me my crappy latte and sausage sandwich

>> No.16610295

if I wanted some plain ass dark coffee I have a coffee machine at home
of course when I got to Starbucks it is for when I am in the mood for the most unholy sugar+cream with coffee flavoring stuff I can think of

>> No.16610296

Lol, simping for starbucks

>> No.16610375

I wouldn't consider myself addicted, but I've been off it for two weeks and the brain fog and lack of motivation is real. Going to stop after finals since I have 4 weeks off to recover my fried dopamine receptors.

Hard to say if it's due to the coffee though, since it's also finals season and I'm just burnt / fogged out anyway. I don't really notice much of a difference when I have coffee, just makes it harder to sit still and I get more ADHD.

>> No.16610382

Should I invest in Starbucks or have I missed the boat?

>> No.16611091

no, it isn't good
the few times I've been at a starbucks it's genuinely been some of the worst non-instant coffee I've had in my life
it's burnt to all shit, tastes like tar
it's literally worse than McDonald's coffee and quite a bit worse than most other coffee chains, yet it costs 50% more than these other chains (at least here in Europe)

of course they still attract customers because the real reason most people go to starbucks is not to get good coffee but a vaguely coffee-flavored milkshake / dessert type shit they can post on instagram or something

one of my friends who works at a starbucks told me these drinks cost literal pennies to make, they don't even use normal coffee in them but some sort of semi-instant stuff and there's only a tiny amount of it in each drink. the mark-up is at least 50 times more than the price of the ingredients. they make way more money of these than off their actual coffee (which is also cheap shit of course and with a fake fairtrade certificate they made up at that)

tl;dr - if you like coffee, go to a proper coffee house and get some proper specialty-grade shit (it'll often even be cheaper than at Starbucks). if you like sugary drinks, make one yourself at home for a fraction of the price

>> No.16611159

they are currently undervalued and pumpkin spice just hit. If anything now is the best time

>> No.16611162


>> No.16612643

not only that but there's an infinite hierarchy among those drinks that snobs can cling to to feel "unique" and opinionated.
>check this 1989 Brazilian dark light medium roast made from bull shark testosterone

>> No.16613596

specialty-grade coffee tastes literally nothing like your average burnt, stale supermarket shit. if it's also a light roast, it might as well be a completely different drink