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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16603376 No.16603376 [Reply] [Original]

>literally killed himself like a bitch
>wife cucked him
>weak minded drug user
>literally gray and hunched over lanklet
>eats nothing but street food with parasites
>show on CNN and travel channel- attracts only cucks and incels

>unironically wears flame shirts
>confidence for days
>gorges himself on grease and delicious hearty meals
>so tan that he literally draws attention to himself
>has his own catchphrase
>signed the biggest contract extension for a tv chef ever
>on mainstream food network where all the MILFS enjoy him

>> No.16603385


>> No.16603388

I like em both

>> No.16603421

you forgot

>> No.16603438

Guy Bourdain.
Anthony Fieri.
Need more proof?

>> No.16603448

>At a roast of the popular chef, Fieri said, "I want everyone to understand that I'm going to be the bigger man. I'm going to take the high road. I wouldn't dare come up here and call Anthony Bourdain any of these things that people have called him: No-good, loud mouth, jerkoff, wannabe authority, pseudo rebel, nerd, s***-talking, blow hard, celebrity-seeking, Eric-Ripert coattail, Mario Batali ass-kissing hate monger... Jose Canseco of the food world, snaggle tooth, Lurch-looking motherf**ker. No, I'm here to take the high road."

>But Fieri went one step further andmentioned Bourdain's drug use as a joke. "Anthony, I gotta ask a question, why do you hate me so much brother? ... Is it because you went to a fancy culinary school and I didn't? I hear you're the only one in class who did most of his cooking with a spoon and a Bic lighter," Fieri said, perThrillist.

>> No.16603514

holy mother of based

>> No.16603538

This was at a roast though? That means he was saying as a joke then? If that's true I'm pretty disappointed

>> No.16603545

It was funny because it's true.

>> No.16603702

They had a rivalry that both sides enjoyed. Fieri and Bourdain are sort of two sides of the same coin. Diners Driveins and Dives is the redneck version of Parts Unknown.

>> No.16604785

Damn it. I've always thought Bourdain was annoying as hell, I thought Guy legitimately hated him.
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

>> No.16604826

Based Fieri I am in Aww

>> No.16604868

One killed billions, the other didn't

>> No.16605280

Looking up which local places have been on Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives is a pretty reliable strategy for finding fun places to eat when you’re traveling.

>> No.16605284

bourdain didn't even know how to use kitchen tools, he cooked fish in a dish washer for fucks sake

>> No.16605336

based guy dabbing on dead kikes

>> No.16605343

Tony joked about his OWN history with drugs all the time.

>> No.16605347

He did most of the cooking with a poon and a Bic lighter according to inside sources

>> No.16606361
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>I hear you're the only one in class who did most of his cooking with a spoon and a Bic lighter
I love this guy now.

>> No.16607290
File: 415 KB, 828x1024, B47FDEF5-FA42-4720-BDAF-A8FD88195A02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using incel as a derogatory , comparing it to a CNN viewer , essentially using “incel” as anything you don’t like

Looks like you share something in common with Anthony Cuckdain

Maybe try sharing another thing in common and consider rope

>> No.16607303

holy based

>> No.16607308

Guy seems like a guy you could drink a beer with and shoot the shit. Bourdain is that one annoying friend that won't stop talking about politics or trying to debate people.

>> No.16607435

>>show on CNN and travel channel- attracts only cucks and incels
seriously wtf? even the casual retard knows cnn is faggotry for terminal faggots, but he worked in television and did it anyways
he's a piece of shit on this basis alone

>> No.16607453

Bourdain is a weakling who would get paranoid if you took him to a bbq in Alabama, especially today
but if you took Guy to a Manhattan restaurant, he wouldn't give two fucks about people giving him the stink eye

>> No.16607454

I need a good comparison. Show me where Guy Fieri gets stoned then eats something? Or does he do lines of coke before camera takes?

>> No.16607756

Highly based. Imagine not living in flavortown... ngmi

>> No.16607776
File: 43 KB, 500x129, ICE BURN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking savage

>> No.16609381

Need to photoshop those teeth to be less revolting

>> No.16609666


>> No.16609702

You're the only one who's brought up incels

>> No.16609705
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>> No.16610788

someone should number these and we can roll for what phrase we have to find a social opportunity to say the phrase at least once a day for a week.

>> No.16610875
File: 28 KB, 600x600, AC8EBC3D-DA31-4553-9BB6-061A211A1D62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that’s a money idea, brother

>> No.16610899
File: 128 KB, 1272x662, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great thread, thanks to all that contributed

>> No.16610904

Weak, to be honest. Bourdain himself made better jokes about his addiction.

>> No.16610931

>Be me in junior year of college
>Out of my mind drunk at a house party just off campus
>Run out of beer around midnight
>Go with some friends to pick more up at the Walmart right next door to campus
>Can't see straight, but I'm about to pass a figure in a flame hawaiian shirt, spiked blonde hair, goatee, and a microwaved orange tan
>Remember that Guy Fieri was in town to film Triple D and people had spotted him
>Once I'm close to the guy, I throw my arms around him and say "Give me a 'Flavortown' man, you're my hero."
>Still can't make out if it's really Guy because I'm so plastered
>He replies back "HEY HEY! Fuck you, brother!" and fost bumps me and walks off
>Literally so dejected I start crying in the store while hammered
>To this day still have no idea if Guy Fieri told me "Fuck you" or if I just pissed off a look alike who probably got sick of being called Guy Fieri
A mystery I lay awake and think about at night 9 years on from. Love the dude and his shows regardless though.

>> No.16610935

I’ve considered your arguments and evidence and I can only conclude that you are, in fact, correct.

Look at Fieri in this picture:
>based 90s frosted tips
>cool beer-swigging uncle sunglasses (indoors most likely)
>pirate earring
>dyes his cool facial hair
>tasteful bling chain
>v-neck shirt showing off his masculine hairy chest
>urban camo (!!!) sports jacket
>paracord bracelet in case shit gets real

He’s the dad at the beach that you cringe at but secretly wish you had an oz of his virile confidence. This guy is unconsciously, unironically, unabashedly doing his own thing and doesn’t give a fuck about what you think about it. Think he’s tacky, gaudy and a try-hard? We’ll line up your cock and your bank accounts next to his and we’ll see if bullshit walks.

Bourdain was a mess and no amount of “dude I did drugs lmao” will hide the fact that he was a little bitch wannabe hipster. Look at those jug ears, janky ass yellow teeth and dated black-on-black ensemble. The fact that he went to CNN should tell you everything about him. And yeah he hung himself, the most feminine and cowardly way to kill yourself, because his wife made his feelings go ouchy. Pathetic. Sad!

>> No.16610980

How do you do this

>> No.16610986

Bourdain was shitty and everyone likes to draw obvious if incorrect comparisons with Hunter S. Thompson. I wouldn't say he writes like HST and I'm not sure if he is a plagiarist, but his writing style is hackneyed.

It is a bland Kerouac-esque style with the tone of a white elitist who makes an exorbitant living by frowning upon the luxuries and N. American ideals that he obviously embraces. Of course, he falls upon his illicit drug use for "street cred", which is just sad. What grown man waves around their behavior from decades ago in attempt to seem hip and in the know?

Anyway, if you think his writing voice and style is original and exciting, you should read more. He is bland and cliched, nothing more. But he had millions of dollars and a show on CNN, so he was still "keeping it real" and fighting the good fight against the mainstream swallowing up what's good in the world.

No wonder he killed himself, the realization that he was Anthony Bourdain eventual hit home.

>> No.16611067

Imagine having every opportunity in life and you still get addicted to heroin, could you be anymore of a failure as a human being.

>> No.16611110

I loved when Bourdain was on Andrew Zimmern's show and he was just so chuffed with himself because he was eating mini corndogs. The whole scene was him saying, look at me you dirty fucking proles, I can be just like you! No ketchup of course. He wasn't going to debase himself with something THAT underclass.

>> No.16611143
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Also worth mentioning Fieri has multiple successful restaurants, a non-whore wife, and his kids seem to genuinely like him.

>> No.16611163
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>> No.16611480


Any of things in Japan make him seem like a retard

>> No.16611496

I like you, lets go slam some beers brother. Maybe we can find Bourdain's ex wife and make her happy

>> No.16611501

Can I like both?