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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.58 MB, 2190x2234, foodsquares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16601813 No.16601813 [Reply] [Original]

Would you prefer to eat your food in condensed square form?

>> No.16601840
File: 188 KB, 1080x1080, d86bf03d8190b7d781af7e9e0e8fa4be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No that's disgusting. I only eat Garfield shaped foods.

>> No.16601854

I would hire these guys to launch any product of mine. It's just gonna keep getting posted and reposted everywhere

>> No.16601858

would be great on a hike or something like that

>> No.16601873

You bring a microwave and a skillet with you on hikes?

>> No.16601876
File: 35 KB, 735x258, 1612286211313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically yes
I can see ragging on this because it's insanely overpriced, but 99% of the negative reactions are people from people like the second commenter here. There's no thought or reasoning behind the visceral hatred. Are you a 4 year old who won't eat their vegetables because they're a yucky color? Are you a 24 year old who won't eat a piece of chicken because it was pressed in to a yucky square?

>> No.16601902

>There's no thought or reasoning behind the visceral hatred. Are you a 4 year old who won't eat their vegetables because they're a yucky color? Are you a 24 year old who won't eat a piece of chicken because it was pressed in to a yucky square?
That's 95% of American adult "men"

>> No.16601916
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I bet they would love it if it was japanese and came out of a vending machine

>> No.16601924

This is the future of the redditor's diet
Square foods and soylent.

>> No.16601928

I unironically thing they look kinda good, in a "savory mochi" type of way. They just aren't "$10 minimum per ~11 oz of food" good looking to me

>> No.16601930
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>> No.16601943

Garfield Eats: where lasagna costs 20 bucks and still sucks ass

>> No.16601949


>> No.16601985

you can cook food and bring it with you before the hike smartass

>> No.16602006

You bring fully cooked meals refrigerated with you on multiday hikes? enjoy your food poisoning

>> No.16602052
File: 157 KB, 640x426, goal-posts-moving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multiday hikes

>> No.16602075

even on a single hike you're at risk of foodborne illness illness after 2 hours
>tell me you've never been outside without saying you've never been outside

>> No.16602098

im pretty sure the squares are already fully cooked and shelf stable

>> No.16602099

>even on a single hike you're at risk of foodborne illness illness after 2 hours

If you're a pussy with a weak stomach just say that

>> No.16602105

>even on a single hike you're at risk of foodborne illness illness after 2 hours
I think that's not true. Even milk will take a full day to go bad if it's not refrigerated

>> No.16602108


>> No.16602116

The FDA says so and what they say is always the undeniable truth chuds.

>> No.16602121

These look like they would taste good and have a pleasant texture. Too bad they aren't worth a shit in terms of nutrition

>> No.16602124
File: 213 KB, 1380x639, fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toxic masculinity, the post

>> No.16602146
File: 142 KB, 1331x755, 1624620779404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can easily triple the FDA guidelines in most, or all cases, and still be perfectly fine. It's not like food just goes bad after exactly 2 hours, it's a gradient where bacterial/toxin loads become too much for your body to handle, and it varies wildly on a scale of DAYS, depending on a multitude of factors. Literally just taste your food and spit it out if it's bad.

>> No.16602168

Or you could just bring proper shelf stable food while hiking like normal people do because they're not retarded.

>> No.16602176

On a multiple day hike maybe. Single day hike, it's not necessary.

>> No.16602508

>Eat the bugs
>Get the shot
>Refrigerate the food

>> No.16602526

I'm gay, btw. Not sure if that matters.

>> No.16602531

Starburst is my favourite candy so I guess I already do. I wouldn't mind a bag of 3 course meal flavoured starburst.

>> No.16602563

This shit is always so stupid. Every single place on the Google top page just cites each other with exact wording about how long something can be left unrefrigerated, and they always fucking underestimated it. So I just stopped listening. Isn't that defeating the purpose of actually stating how long something is good for and giving a reasonable idea to people? I left cooked mince out overnight, tossed it into the fridge in the morning, and ate it the next day. I was fine. Left milk out all night after buying it and put it in the freezer the next morning. Still lasted a month. Rice supposedly can't be out for more than four hours but some fried rice recipes call for old rice to be left out for 12 hours. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.16602569

>I didn't wear a seat belt once or twice while driving and didn't die
>not sure why they're recommended ????

>> No.16602570

They look like shader balls but square

>> No.16602575

Imagine being this much of a retard. Nice false equivalence, jackass.

>> No.16602580

Nice strawman, Fallacy Joe

>> No.16602581

Nice ballsack, dude.

>> No.16602590

This particular company seems insanely overpriced/probably unhealthy but I don't really see anything wrong with something like this in concept. I've thought about going full meal-replacement but they're all too sweet and I don't want liquidy shits

>> No.16602618

I'd try it if it was cheaper. They're probably shit and terrible for you, but I'm down for trying some weird food like this.

>> No.16602649
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>> No.16602698


>> No.16602980

reminds me of my tumbled rocks yum

>> No.16602986

>They're probably shit and terrible for you
Their ingredients are pretty basic and nothing stands out as bad

>> No.16604598

as an underweight guy who has trouble eating a full meal without feeling sick, I cannot fucking wait until meal replacement is actually viable and actually contains the required nutrients and calories
I don't care if it's grey sand made out of spiders so long as it's easier and quicker to eat than actual food

>> No.16604602

What do you mean when you say "viable"?
Because there are plenty of options on the market already.

>> No.16604605

well im pretty sure one would die if they only drank protein shakes and ate meal bars

>> No.16604615

Must suck being malnourished, to think food cubes are a good idea sounds like hell on earth. Maybe try eating smaller meals more frequently rather than waiting for the dystopia to get a healthy diet.

>> No.16604619

>more efficient meals are "dystopian"
you are surely obese
eat to live, don't live to eat

>> No.16604623

Like I said; there are plenty of actual meal replacement products on the market.
I've had loads of patients who lived for years and years on liquid food because it was their only option. The brand we use is Fresubin if you want to look it up.

>> No.16604630

Valuing efficiency over enjoyment is absolutely dystopian, and you only dislike food because that is a symptom of your malnourishment.

>> No.16605896

methinks the lady doth project too much

>> No.16605902

The anon doth misquote Shakespeare because he never read him, methinks

>> No.16606162

i'd eat these if they had bugs in them

>> No.16606245

I'd try any of the non-meat ones.
A compressed meat square sounds gross

>> No.16607037

do amerisharts really?

>> No.16607546

No theyre not shelf stable. This product is so pointless people are making up things to make it make sense in their heads. Its just regular food in square form. Exquisite and super soft and tender.

>> No.16607551

Is it organic?

>> No.16607568

Why does square posting trigger the tranny jannies so hard. Constantly deleted and banned from the entire site just for POSTING in these threads, on /biz/, /pol/, and here too. If they're not cooking, then what are they ?

>> No.16607580

I've eaten 3 day old chilli regularly because I had no containers to put it in the fridge, worst case is I farted. I've done this literally hundreds of times.

>> No.16607585

These must be amazing if you sous vide them.

>> No.16607593
File: 632 KB, 3202x2239, 1418416939838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jetsons or Gundam food cubes sound amazing.

>> No.16607595

>this pussy won't eat something after 2 hours

>> No.16607602

>This product is so pointless
that's the point

>> No.16607603
File: 871 KB, 2600x2061, 1431821990745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But these food cubes are literally just pic-related, mashed up and packaged for long-term freezing.

>> No.16607612

Drink olive oil you retard. Alternatively, two scoops of protein powder (so about 70g), Greek yogurt, honey, and a bunch of whatever fruit you like, 2 or 3 big spoonfuls of peanut butter, with enough milk to lower the viscosity a little, will easily provide 50g of protein, plenty of fats, and about 900kcal.

That's enough for one meal if you're underweight, do this twice a day and you're likely at a calorific surplus with 2 "real" meals.

>> No.16607625

>Revolutionary meal plan, delivered fresh to your door
from the front page of their website
it's for people who don't cook, and order planned meals

>> No.16607646

So for people who bought a Juicero?


>> No.16607652

Like I said, mashed up and packaged for freezing.

>> No.16607664

It's for investors to get shit on a year from now while the starters jump out with golden parachutes.

>> No.16607667


>> No.16607680

planned meals are an undervalued component of the "athletic" market
people do not want to cook after working out, and are too lazy/busy to cook portioned meals beforehand

>> No.16608038
File: 519 KB, 811x767, 5FA3CEC4-BDE0-4B19-867A-BCBAA1B3597B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom found the food squares

>> No.16608174

no because then i cant make a big mess down my shirt for my wife to clean

>> No.16608286

I unironically might. I tried Mush and it actually wasn't bad. I want to retrain myself to eat to live, and food that's nutritionally complete but maybe not luxurious in taste is perfect that.

>> No.16608785

Based retard

>> No.16609654

You're not even supposed to eat cooked beef after 3 days in the FRIDGE according to the USDA

>> No.16610506

Drop the price. Press it with a cavitation in the middle so I can put it on my finger and nibble on it. Also, change name to SPAM or Naked for comfort.

>> No.16610527

fuckin hole

>> No.16610580

do people put donuts on their fingers?

>> No.16610600
File: 68 KB, 360x204, Food_paste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of pic rel. Don't trust the squares.

>> No.16610605

The thing is, I thought this was a product of nipon at first, but then realized its some Spanish scum

>> No.16610870

No and I'd unironically try to kill anyone who wanted to force that on me.
I won't eat cubes, I won't eat bugs, I'll eat the fuckers who try and make me.

>> No.16610916


>> No.16611891
File: 1.14 MB, 1411x944, 1629104023228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people collectively disagreeing with that comment are the same type of people who probably want to go colonize mars
thats a 3 year trip. you'll run out of 0 recycled yet water before you get sick of the food baggies

>> No.16611920

It seems like what I already eat with more processing and packaging.
Why would I buy ground beef, precooked and pushed into a square, when I could just buy ground chuck at the store a block from my house?

>> No.16611979
File: 561 KB, 1842x2000, b1375dce-0d28-4973-9f60-730c8b578191[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last I checked most hikers have a little gas stove, water purification tools, and dehydrated/freeze-dried stuff that doesn't weigh much.

Or you can just take a cooler with ice packs if you want something perishable.

>> No.16611982

Nice job sticking up for yourself man. I'm glad all those psychos who go around forcing people to eat food cubes know the score

>> No.16611989

These recommendations are primarily for food service environments where people fucking around with food safety can be a serious multi-victim incident, so they err very far on the safe side.

>> No.16612002

You don't need to bring any food on a single day hike to be fair.

>> No.16612021

Nail, meet head.
Most food safety measures are extreme so a restaurant can reduce their liability.
If you can reasonably create guidelines that reduce the chance of accidental poisoning to near-zero you aught to.
When eating something you've made yourself, the only judge of quality or spoilage is you.
You might eat a pizza that has sat out for 2 days and be fine.
The estimations of the FDA are, as you said, extremely conservative.

>> No.16612066

Reminds me of that one Eureka Christmas episode.

>> No.16612196

I've never met someone else who watched Eureka.
Not that it was especially good as a show, but I would expect at least one person to have heard of it.

>> No.16612316

It lasted five seasons. There has to others than us that watched it.