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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 280 KB, 1440x1131, Katzs_Delicatessen-1440x1131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16600753 No.16600753 [Reply] [Original]

You DO go to Katz’s Delicatessen every day for lunch, right anon?

>> No.16600771

Look up the prices.

>> No.16600785

What about them?

>> No.16600795
File: 471 KB, 2048x1319, 29LdeliWeb-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of what you get ends up in the garbage

>> No.16600796

Total ripoff

>> No.16600803

$26 for a reuben.

>> No.16600876

absolutely not lol

>> No.16600879

overstuffed see >>16600795

it's a dumb gimmick and coasting off its rep for far too long

>> No.16600880

I love Katz’ deli! I met the owner once. He made a big deal about being Jewish, but I noticed his meat products came from places which didn’t do kosher slaughter, probably because it’s cheaper.

>> No.16600884
File: 45 KB, 1008x259, mumoccl0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck katz

>> No.16600933

I went to grad school in NYC and walked by Katz's every day. I think I ate there twice in 2 years, when people were visiting.

>> No.16600941

I don't like spending $25-30 for lunch, that's dinner pricing.

>> No.16600944

That's horrible, Jews really are born psychopaths aren't they

>> No.16600960

No, I do not give money to jewish people.

>> No.16600962

Good, fuck that annoying retard. Have your order ready when you reach the line you fucking idiot your holding up people who actually know how to order. Probably lying about the brain injury too.

>> No.16600963

To be fair, in the Third Reich anyone with speech difficulties that severe would've been put into a labor camp anyway.

>> No.16600964

$0.02 Katzbucks have been deposited into your account. Enjoy your meal!

>> No.16600967

Even if he really DOES have a speech problem, write your order down and just show them your order.

it's not like mutes don't order food too, they manage just fine.

>> No.16600972

Based. Wish I could try Katz now.

>> No.16601031

you're a worthless piece of shit so the 2 extra minutes of your time that will be spent waiting in line cause someone is slower is irrelevant.

>> No.16601038

Literal who ?

>> No.16601074

Tongue sandwich is unironically very good. shame its in New York though

>> No.16601087

Far too expensive and too far away.

>> No.16601095

>pays any taxes
Buddy I got some bad news for you

>> No.16601115

How dare that fucking goy waste $1.27 of his time, he should be sued for emotional and financial damages!

>> No.16601283

I don't care how much meat you pile on a sandwich; I'm not taking the jab.

>> No.16601294

No, I go to langer's because it's way better

>> No.16601296

>what else can I get for you sir?
How about a loaf of bread and three other people?

>> No.16601302

For the amount of meat they give you it's probably not that outrageous of a deal desu.

>> No.16601309

see how well you would turn out if you were viciously molested at birth

>> No.16601522

kek. I think they have a sign there that says if you lose your ticket you have to pay fifty bucks. tard filter

>> No.16601528

is that the place from seinfield? no thanks, "yeah give me a sandwich made from the lowest quality meat you could buy on a hard roll (a bun that's 4 days old)."

>> No.16601531

Is that a Jew thing?

>> No.16601535

I can't eat food that's been sacrificed to other beings, so no kosher or halal for me, so that's a bonus.

>> No.16601541
File: 139 KB, 750x1000, 1618667603706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like one of those places you 'have' to try when vising the area but is ultimately not at all worth the money or effort.

>> No.16601542

Dude should've just written down his order if he knew he had speech problems. What an idiot.
>>16600962 is a cunt though

>> No.16601545

Based Hedburg poster

>> No.16601611
File: 394 KB, 640x610, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/2 sandwich with soup : 18.45

>> No.16601622

in 6 months that will seem like a good deal
get some btc now

>> No.16601628

Free market. The local consumers have approved the price of these entrees with their continued patronage. Seethe more commies. You will never be a New Yorker and will be doomed to forever eat sub-par knockoffs of New York classics. You don't even have proper water (New York City water) to make real pizza or bagels. Don't ever talk shit about New York's crown jewel establishments again. There's a reason they are famous world-wide while your local flyover shed of a restaurant is known only by the local swamp dwellers. Never forget that New York is the culinary, cultural, financial, economic, and progressive heart of America. At best, your third-rate wasteland is vestigial appendage.

>> No.16601635


>> No.16601648

/biz/ pls

>> No.16601651
File: 1.14 MB, 1200x650, 0000edaed6d7789dsfhf87dg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16601655

Can someone explain what this soyjak means?

>> No.16601664

>The local consumers have approved the price of these entrees with their continued patronage
I know this is bait, but New Yorkers approve of $1000+ rent for 60sqft rooms with communal bathrooms. New York is the absolute worst place on planet earth and it and all of it's smug residents should be nuked into oblivion and then some.
>Verification not required.

>> No.16601669

You sound poor

>> No.16601674

90% of people in New York are from bumfuck Ohio or some other shithole

>> No.16601689

Rich people don't just throw away money. That's more of a poor person thing.

>> No.16601690

In another life I was living in New York and working in a bank midtown.
One day I told my boss to fuck himself and gave him my resignation.
It was 6 years ago, now I'm super rich with crypto, I don't have a job though, also I live in Europe, funny how life is.

>> No.16601704

What a shitty 4chink fantasy

>> No.16601708

I know it looks like it LOL

>> No.16601721
File: 145 KB, 640x480, Carnegie_deli_exterior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The superior deli closed sadly.

>> No.16601761

it was in When Harry Met Sally

>> No.16601771

Ah, I wonder how many jokers go in and say "I'll have what she's having" on an average day

>> No.16601778

Given what happened to the brain damaged guy I wouldn't risk that shit.

>> No.16601787

What's the worst that happens? You have to find somewhere else to eat, oh well.

>> No.16601820

That's not the stage delicatessen

>> No.16601899

Honestly based. Flyover incels will seethe, though

>> No.16601922

jesus christ. you better get 6 for the price. but i know its probably 2

>> No.16601933

>t New Yorkers approve of $1000+ rent for 60sqft rooms with communal bathrooms
Because it's located in New York. Which is:
>the culinary, cultural, financial, economic, and progressive heart of America.
That's their job. We run the country, they seethe. Just how America works.

>> No.16601934

What's really funny is when you reralize that the whole 'wypipo don't season they food' meme pushed by the social media entertainment complex actually refers to their own flavorless and awful food, stuff like latkes and gefilte fish

>> No.16601940

>lowest quality

It’s known to be the one of the top pastrami’s in the world

>> No.16601942

Not only no, but fuck no.

>> No.16601966

is the location in Vegas still around?

>> No.16601983

No. They closed a few years ago

t. always stay at the mirage

>> No.16601993

>No. They closed a few years ago
You bet. Why would people buy a sandwich that costs the same as their hotel room, and that's filled with fake ham?

>> No.16602035

>It’s known to be the one of the top pastrami’s in the world
Is it though? Do they give the good stuff to the goys?

>> No.16602055

How would that even work? What are they gonna do, kick me out without serving me lol

>> No.16602058

>"Citywide" catering
>"Nationwide" shipping
Jews are fucking hilarious

>> No.16602077

I hate NYC so fucking much

>> No.16602126
File: 182 KB, 1150x650, 1617694485406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ain't kidding.