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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 232 KB, 1222x1542, Nutrient Squares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16599561 No.16599561 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on Food Squares

>> No.16599567

How do I achieve this natty?

>> No.16599568

look mum I posted it again!

>> No.16599576

I keep mine in my fingerbox.

>> No.16599625

Are these actually good for you/filling? Could be an easy way to skip breakfast if you're running late/feeling like shit in the morning

>> No.16599644

They look cute, I would try them

>> No.16599665

turn into more of a square shaped feeeewwwwdd

>> No.16599917

Maybe I’m just autistic but these don’t really seem that bad. People are acting like this is the beginning of the end, it’s literally just novelty food

>> No.16599924

damn I'm feeling old.

>> No.16600054

I get this reference

>> No.16600059 [DELETED] 


>> No.16600095

I don't get it. I might get it if they were all the same calorie content, but they're all the same size so no.

>> No.16600102

The biggest problem with processed foods and meal replacements isn't necessarily their lack of nutrients or filler but rather how soft they are. By losing good chewing habits, we atrophy and weaken out jaw's muscles causing our teeth and general health to deteriorate.

>> No.16600115

chewing gum

>> No.16600133

Just chew mastic gum. It’s not like any of the food we eat provide us adequate chewing material, even if they’re not processed.

>> No.16600158

I'd give it a try, but only as a novelty food

>> No.16600175

>chew gum and be apathetic of our state of food
No, change your diets, you fat mouthbreathing smooth brains.

>> No.16600184

the pistachio and pancake ones are the same just with a color change
the peanut one is almost the same, along with it's variant the hazelnut square, but it's missing one of the creases unfortunately.

>> No.16600353

They were probably made with the same mould.
Or they announced the product before it was ready and used photoshop lol

>> No.16600362
File: 75 KB, 645x770, 5c5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16600395

The ingredients are the cleanest labels I’ve ever seen on a food tech startup.
They’re probably good and the designers are geniuses because the shape will get people to talk about them endlessly

>> No.16600403

>They’re probably good and the designers are geniuses because the shape will get INCELS to talk about them endlessly

>> No.16600404

Yours are big enough? Richfag

>> No.16600407
File: 111 KB, 900x1200, 1472151848332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16600417

Pure autism from the mind of an engineer who things his engineering skills automatically translate to any other field.

>> No.16600422


>> No.16600434

Maybe I'd bring a few of these backpacking with me. Can't be any worse than some of the MRE's or ultra processed stuff I usally pack.

>> No.16600440

>incel continues to eat hotdogs, bacon, fast food, soda, etc

>> No.16600459

Okay but not gonna lie these would be nice for people who take issue with how certain foods look or feel in their mouths. If these have any consistency they could very likely be used as a form of food therapy for people with problems eating.

>> No.16600485

All with a texture of mochi or heavily processed meatballs... These look like they'd be the kind of texture most people have a problem with, but I'd definitely try a few.

>> No.16600574

>Hazelnut, Coconut Milk, Oat, Cocoa , Honey, Stevia

>> No.16600630

What’s wrong with stevia?

>> No.16600631

This all seems pretty low in fiber.

>> No.16600655

it's literally just shitty 3d renders. compare chicken (2nd top), beef (4th top), seabass (1st 3rd row) and salmon (3rd 3rd row). they all have the exact same 3 indentations at the corner that is facing the camera ==> 3d render

someone made this is in maybe an hour in fucking blender and for whatever reason people here are discussing it?

>> No.16600690

so who is going to order some and give us a taste review?

>> No.16600738

I want these people arrested and executed

>> No.16600856

They don't ship to my 3rd world country, but these are some expensive memes, starting at $6.50 for 250 calories? And the website doesn't seem to have anything but breakfast meals in subscription mode. Bad websites that make you register before giving you an actual price seem shadier to me than shaping ground food into squares

>> No.16601443

Gives me panic attacks

>> No.16601479

I'm gay, btw. Not sure if that matters.

>> No.16601489

gross, this is a blue board

>> No.16603135

Why is vegetal burger so shiny

>> No.16603170

While most are perfectly satisfied laundering money through restaurants or salons the tiny hat people need to feel like they are especially clever plus an added bit of humiliation with complete bullshit like this.

>> No.16603172

I'll take the soft and tender vegetal burger

>> No.16603173
File: 335 KB, 1700x1700, EFWpGljUUAAtE90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Hot Cubes.

>> No.16603178

I don't want to be rich unless I got the money basically scamming rich retarded city faggots. Fuck, why can't I think of an idea like this. Its genius.

>> No.16603183

You're not ready.

>> No.16603184
File: 125 KB, 1400x1400, 1602443204026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wanna be the guy that spoils the fun, but its worth it because this thread will stop being made. Like >>16600655 said, they are fake 3D renders generated to be sold as crypto NFTs. They are a /biz/ meme because they are stupid and gross looking. There is no such thing as Nutrient Squares as seen in OP's image, they are simply goofy images to be traded on the blockchain. They are the same as CryptoKitties, CryptoPunks, etc.

>> No.16603195


>> No.16603439
File: 55 KB, 519x539, 1602969808674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
