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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16596372 No.16596372 [Reply] [Original]

>botched with babish
what are your thoughts on the new format? Is it new? This should be his channel name.

>> No.16596632

A non insignificant portion of his viewer base probably left over the nail paint thing, even among hipster normies that shit is cringe.

>> No.16596641

Where's the nail polish?

>> No.16596788
File: 370 KB, 1560x720, Screenshot_20210824-131859_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes actually wearing it in this video

>> No.16596797

>A non insignificant portion of his viewer base probably left over the nail paint thing
You're fucking delusional.

>> No.16596808

Sooo what's wrong with nail polish, exactly?

>> No.16596823

>shit is cringe

>> No.16596829

Ah ok. Well you people seem to think having sex with women is cringe. So I guess there's no problem then.

>> No.16596852

Its homosexual

>> No.16596857

More like Botched Surgery after his transition

>> No.16596872

It can be pretty cringe, see ChrisChan. We know this is you babish, you let the fame get to your head and it stinks, cut the shit and make cooking videos not vlogs

>> No.16596878

I stopped watching this faggot after he gave airtime to Sohla. The nail polish basically reaffirmed that I'm not missing out.

>> No.16596883

What is inherently sexual about nails or nail polish, let alone homosexual?

I've never watched a single video of his, just curious about the reactionary outrage over someone doing something that has 0 effect on you. I wear nailpolish from time to time when I go to raves and it catches girls' attention without fail. If it's so homosexual and cringe, how come I've lost count of the number of girls I've hooked up with while wearing nail polish?

>> No.16596886

its really unfunny and so is everyone on set
your dumb

>> No.16596908

I said cringe no homo, so ill let the other anon handle that point.
Its cringe when girls do it, its cringe when guys do it. The cringe comes from a deep saddness that someone would have such a lack of taste, which for a cook is rather important. The lack of taste is present throughout the video, the editing alone is super cringe. If you want to do it go ahead, but I wont be watching your cooking videos.

>> No.16596911

it makes you look like a little girl. are you being dense or actually stupid? same reason why men wearing bright pink were considered gay

>> No.16596916
File: 92 KB, 640x674, holes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babish will never be your knight in shining armor, you whiny queen.

>> No.16596921
File: 90 KB, 676x676, guy-fieiri-flame[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The cringe comes from a deep saddness that someone would have such a lack of taste, which for a cook is rather important.
Fashion and cooking taste are two different things. Pic related.
Didn't realize I was gay when I had relations with all those women. Sorry for being such a homo.
I honestly hate using this word, but there is no other appropriate word to use. Incel - that's what you are.

>> No.16596928


>> No.16596950

you must be a huge pussy in real life. why are you so offended that some random anon said wearing nail polish makes you gay? just do what you want. but careing this much and being such a pussy about it makes you 100% gay.

>> No.16596970

> why are you so offended that some random anon said wearing nail polish makes you gay? just do what you want.
why are you so offended that some random guy wears nail polish? just do what you want.
>but careing this much and being such a pussy about it makes you 100% gay.
the irony is strong

>> No.16597027



>> No.16597037

Go away roastie.

>> No.16597060

Why is a man wearing nail paint

>> No.16597062

botched is way too fucking cringe. basics and binging are fine, but i can't watch this.

>> No.16597064


I've been seeing more "men" do this and I don't get it. When did this faggot trend catch on?

>> No.16597113

I'm ok with homosexuality, but I despise faggotry.
Babish's blue nail polish is 100% faggotry even if he's straight.
nail polish for a dude is only acceptable if it's black and you're the singer of a early '00s emo band.

>> No.16597127
File: 1.03 MB, 565x720, 1622225785302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm assumed he ran out of food from bugmen shows/movies?

>> No.16597139

Why do women always end up calling their opponent a virgin when being beaten in an argument?

>> No.16597142

Didn’t answer his question you just deflected

>> No.16597154

>wear nailpolish from time to time when I go to raves
>drug addict

checking all the boxed i see

>> No.16597155


>> No.16597165

You sound like a fuckboy

>> No.16597251

>what's wrong with a chef that regularly touches his food, and puts dangerous chemicals on his fingernails that's guaranteed to flake off into said food

>> No.16597312
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, Consider the following 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> what's wrong with nail polish
Morally speaking, nothing, but it gets murky when you consider *why* he is wearing it. I don't buy that he actually thinks it looks good or even likes doing it. It's some Gen Y tier virtue signaling, as if he wants to make a statement or wage a battle without actually waging one or putting in any meaningful effort. In other words he has a right to do it, but it's obviously for attention and to give himself something to cry about when out of his millions of viewers, unavoidably, at least a handful will bully him for it.

>> No.16597342

You bullies think everything is about you

>> No.16597731

>weird voice
>makes cooking videos
Oh so this guy is just StamperTV without the crack addiction.

>> No.16597800

this is my life. literally everything is about me.

>> No.16597896
File: 76 KB, 1070x734, 0E23933A-AF70-4D3D-86F5-1E3271D9C7FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paints nails
>bursts blood vessels in thousands of turmptards “brains”
Exceptionally based
These fags are so obsessed with other men it is literally making their lives shorter.
Based babish

>> No.16598509
File: 12 KB, 386x324, waitwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice larp homo

>> No.16598988
File: 265 KB, 209x262, ape.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more mad he consistently makes shit food but okay "guys" whatever you queens say

>> No.16599081

Fags and their enablers are not /ck/ and deserve the rope. Dick is not food.

>> No.16599173

he makes food for himself and some stoner friends in front of a camera

>> No.16599182

why is it cringe?

>> No.16599222

I am pretty sure he is fucking up on purpose. It isn't hard to just find a video of a dude making a proper cheesesteak. I mean, damn, it is basic knowledge that you put the bread on the meat while it is on the griddle.

>> No.16599259

He is, he's done shit similar to cheesesteaks at least once before without issue.

>> No.16599301 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 480x370, 1628632292953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's associated with degenerate faggots like you. It makes you seem like a drug addict pro-LGBT commie who goes to raves. Do you have a nose piercing and tattoos too? You're exactly what people hate when they see Babish wear nail polish.

>> No.16599314
File: 214 KB, 902x1024, 1627454547455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just dare to criticize the impeccable fashion sense of Guy Fieri, king of cooking? You wish you had a miniscule fraction of his stunning, virile masculine perfection.

>> No.16599327

Yeah, getting your ass pounded by Miguel and craving his cock juice is totally not faggotry, as long as he doesn't flaunt it in your face. Shut up, fag-enabler, no homosexuality should be tolerated by any civilized society.

>> No.16599361

because more often then not it's true. lots of the angst you see on the internet and in the world could probably be solved if those individuals weren't so angry with their lack of sex.
It might not be a conscious thing even, just the lack of sex pushes these idle minds to some dark places. Probably because subconsciously they know, their primitive monkey brains know deep down they have already passed the biological age in which 99.99% of their ancestors had passed on their genes. So they rebel in any way they see fit.
Quite sad, innit
Literally most of the world's problems could be solved if there was a government program that would pay a monthly amount so incels could finally have sex.

>> No.16599362

Not him but a couple of my goth buddies used to paint their nails black and they got pussy. I used to like raves as well but I think I'm too old now

>> No.16599841

>goes to raves
>pro-lgbt commie
>probably has tattoos and piercings

You are the problem. People hate babish painting his nails because it reminds us of degenerate faggots like you. Shape up and join normal society or kindly kill yourself.

>> No.16599848


He looks like someone's dad trying to audition for a pop-punk band in 1996.