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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16590585 No.16590585 [Reply] [Original]

The eternal debate...

>> No.16590593

With milk, about 1 - 2 tablespoons of milk per egg, cooked in butter, served over toast with salt, pepper, and chopped parsley.

>> No.16590598

no milk but i find a teaspoon of butta per egg is really delicious. not mixed up super smooth but get dat butter in there!

served on a white plate with your choice of vineg'ry hot sauce

>> No.16590605

I use chicken stock.

>> No.16590606

I use sour cream instead of milk

>> No.16590607

if you really want to get spoiled use a lobster or crab bisque :d

>> No.16590611

I skip the milk and let the egg cook in my rice to kill the salmonella

>> No.16590620

Rice doesn't have salmonella my guy.

>> No.16590622

Can I use almond milk instead of regular?

>> No.16590625

Give it a try. I can only assume it won't turn out that great, it will probably still be edible though.

>> No.16590626

might as well just add water at that point. if you don't know what cream's purpose is in cooking then maybe get your mom to pour you a bowl of almond milk cereal

>> No.16590627

I've done this and it's a bit runny †bh. You're better off with nothing added.

>> No.16590630

I've tried a few methods of cooking scrambled eggs and my favorite is the easiest possible. Butter pan, crack eggs in it, and scramble with spatula as they cook. Don't overcook them and they turn out delicious. Makes me wonder how much other effort or ingredients is put in to cooking certain dishes that isn't even necessary.

>> No.16590631

allman milk in cereal is hands-down one of its best uses. as long as it's unsweetened

>> No.16590637
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>> No.16590640
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I know we all enjoy a mindless internet bant here but why must you mock, anon?

>> No.16590643
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>> No.16590650
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>> No.16590652

terrible thread

>> No.16590665

Vegan here. Eggs should be dry and rubbery.

>> No.16590678

based. fags who enjoy runny eggs should be executed

>> No.16591236
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Fortunately my country's food and health standards ensure eggs are healthy for any kind of consumption, so I can get the right consistency just by cooking them less without having to add milk/cream/anything or overcooking them.

>> No.16591260

Based Americhad.

>> No.16591270

milk, american hard scrambled, with lots of black pepper, fuck the french gooey bullshit, I need bite to my eggs

>> No.16591463

They both look under-done.

>> No.16591467

if your so weak bodied you get salmonella you deserve it

>> No.16591482


I assumed that adding milk was just a way to inflate the volume to feed more kids on the cheap.

>> No.16591541

1:1 ratio of milk to eggs
A dash of nutmeg
Thank me later

>> No.16591615

I prefer to make them without milk if I'm making soft scrambled eggs - but with milk if whoever I'm cooking them for prefers their scrambled eggs well done.

>> No.16591623

No rum?

>> No.16591627

For me, it’s salt, pepper, and cheese. Nothing else.

>> No.16591791

You killed that beautiful horse didn't you

>> No.16591857

if you add milk, you need to be aerating your eggs adequately to take advantage of it. it doesn't change the taste enough to warrant inclusion.

>> No.16591921

It increases the liquid content, which - depending on what you're doing - increases cooking time. If you like big curds of egg, milk helps with that. If you like your scrambled eggs just barely set, then milk gets in the way.

>> No.16592012 [DELETED] 

I am trans btw

>> No.16592919
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for me, its no milk.

>melt some butter in a pan
>add the eggs to the pan
>stir until theyre done

ez ez ez

>> No.16592982

so what, it was a fuckin' horse!

>> No.16593532

I just use mayo

>> No.16593544

youse the bean juice from a can of chickpeas.
its how you make vegan merange

>> No.16593709

throwing in the cold butter to cool the eggs off after they are done is the secret m8

>> No.16593890
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I once used chocolate milk because I didn't have any regular milk.
I gave them to my roommate.

>> No.16594037

>metal fork scraping sounds
I can hear it in my teeth

>> No.16594055

milk has less fats in it, might as well as water since you're diluting it. Butter or cream are the only ways to get more fat into eggs,. Once you know low heat is king you won't need to add anything at all, or you'll start poaching them.

>> No.16594070

milk/water isn't there for the fat content, it's there to make the eggs fluffier. The water content transforms into little steam pockets and gives the eggs more loft, or at least that's the theory

>> No.16594775

try using a bullet

>> No.16594779

Non milk is obviously tastier but a dash or two of milk makes it go farther.

>> No.16595049

If making scrambled eggs - milk
If making an omelet - no milk
Simple ass

>> No.16595056

No milk, but a bit of cream near the end.

>> No.16595076

With milk, just a splash of it.

>> No.16595091

I like without milk because it is denser. Milk is fine too, but I prefer a less fluffy egg.

>> No.16595152

It's not really how it turns out in practice. Eggs are pretty wet as it is.

>> No.16595168

Of course with milk, fuck I would fucking beat the shit our of every faggot who doing this without milk.

>> No.16595174

How about you hit them books first, Rolando?

>> No.16595190

I bet you’re the kind of person that is psyched about how the CDC’s recommendation for hurricane preparation is 1) prepare for hurricane 2) get the covid vaccine

Runny eggs are delicious and you’d be surprised how much raw egg you consume in your daily trip to mcdonalds

>> No.16595199

My parents have always made scrambled eggs with milk so I always did as well, until I was probably 20 years old and made them without milk for the first time for whatever reason and realized there was literally no difference except less work time and calories, so I’ve never done it since. I’m doing keto so I must eat scrambled eggs 3-4 times per week and I would never dream of putting milk in. I’ve even used butter only to find it made no discernible difference.

>> No.16595205

You can get the same effect by whipping the eggs over low heat. They're plenty creamy as is. Maybe add some butter to whatever you're frying in if you like the butter flavor.

>> No.16595236

You only need to put milk in if you're a retard who's scared of "undercooked" eggs.

>> No.16595297

Absolute pleb take.

>> No.16596198

use whole milk or you are wasting your tranny skim milk

>> No.16596237

This is the best way

>> No.16596264

Honestly can't tell whether that's mashed potatoes or it's supposed to be scrambled eggs. Looks like absolute dogsshit either way.

>> No.16596386

How fucked are your mashed potatoes?

>> No.16597117

No milk just butter

>> No.16597194

My grandfather ate runny yolked eggs almost every morning of his 92 yrs on this Earth. Never caught salmonella. You're probably right to overcook your eggs, though, salmonella may only infect faggots.

>> No.16597212

This. Although I'll often through some onions and peppers in the pan to get things started.

>> No.16597215

rook same

>> No.16597459

i add milk because that's how my dad taught me to make eggs as a kid. i have no idea if it does anything.

>> No.16597479

i dont like scrambled eggs its disgusting, eggs cooked in any other way is great though

>> No.16597495

French omelette is just rolled scrambled eggs

>> No.16597569 [DELETED] 
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based basil :DDD
for any non-finns, this guy is a walking garbage truck, he lives surrounded by trash and eats expired food from containers that he never cleans, EVER. Every food spill on tables and counters he never cleans, his stove is covered in grease and shit.
He says not cleaning the previous food from the pots, pans and kettles gives the next serving of food a nice "aroma" and special taste.

>> No.16597598
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>Not whipping the whites separate from yolks and making egg souffle

>> No.16597777
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>> No.16597786

>being afraid of salmonella
Pathetic. I bet my gut flora could beat the shit out of your gut flora.

>> No.16597798

I can tell the difference. I'll put something in even if it's just a little water.

>> No.16597807

>2 tablespoons of milk per egg
a quarter of a fucking cup of milk for 2 eggs? Do you eat yours with a straw? Disgusting cooklet.

>> No.16597825

Tell me how man mL you think goes into a tablespoon.

>> No.16597842

One murican tablespoon is 15ml
Two eggs at two tbsp/egg is 60ml
A cup is 236ml
Yes, a quarter of a fucking cup of milk

>> No.16597856


>> No.16597867
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Nice digits fren

>> No.16598099

I've been trying to remember this guy for a while. whats his yt channel?

>> No.16599199

This, I've been fed skimmed milk my whole life until I got to try whole milk when I had to live alone in Austria (because it was cheaper).
It has much more flavour and holds cooking much better.

>> No.16599237

my grandma, bless her soul, somehow always has the eggs be really curdled and also weep water if they sit on your plate. I still dont know how she does it. I take a spoonful out of courtesy, but usually just stick to toast...

>> No.16599572

Food science disagrees with you. Professional chefs disagree with you. Common sense disagrees with you. Everyone's* tastebuds disagree with you.

*outside of the trailer park

>> No.16599578

Protip: no milk, no cream. Try stirring in a dollop of yogurt immediately before plating.

>> No.16599586

almond milk is made from milking almonds in a farm by a farmer who sits on a stool and milks almonds one by one. That's why it's called milk. I mean, you couldn't just read the label and see that it's just water and sugar because taht would mean using your brainpower and seeing that you're a dumb faggy piece of shit who consooms garbage, right? So yeah, picture the little almond farm next time you drink your almond milk, faggot.

>> No.16599589

This. Don't put it in while it's cooking like the retards above are doing with milk. God, what the fuck is even the logic behind using milk? It's thinner than the fucking eggs and doesn't add any flavor. Just use butter and/or yogurt/creme fraiche

>> No.16599592

Can confirm, I masturbate the almonds to artificially inseminate the females (we call them marzies)

>> No.16599964

a whap of sour cream, and some finely chopped chives and dill makes a pretty good soft scramble too... especially useful if you've left the eggs on just a bit too long.

>> No.16599974
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dangerously based

>> No.16600094

>turn on heat, put in a little olive oil (tell myself its for health but really just makes cleaning the pan a little easier), crack the eggs and toss em in, splash some milk, chop/stir the shit out of it as the pan heats up, toss in whatever else is going in while letting it solidify a bit more, after its more solid toss on the salt/pepper/whatever, chopchopchopstirchop done
have I fucked up somewhere

>> No.16600157

I'd put a knob of butter in with the eggs instead of olive oil personally, because for me the butteriness of the scrambled eggs is basically the whole point. I also put salt straight into the beaten egg before pouring it.

>> No.16600178

>cooked in butter
Imageboards are obviously a dead trend.

>> No.16600209

Everyone cooks eggs in butter unless they're a faggot

>> No.16600246

Fuck your retarded scripted bot, and finally do it this time.

>> No.16600261


>> No.16600268

Both eggs and milk are unhealthy.

>> No.16600307

maybe you are just obese

>> No.16600665

spoon of pancake batter for about 3 eggs and a quarter cup of milk, +++ salt & pepper
butter in a pan at medium-low heat
cook until just a little gooey
and then i go to bed

>> No.16600752

Cream and butter

>> No.16602069

Based and Soprano-pilled

>> No.16603115

Milk does nothing. Heavy cream on the other hand... makes the eggs silky and taste like cream.

>> No.16603125

Vegans should be mashed up into paste and fed to wild dogs.

>> No.16603410

Good idea, that way we can reduce wild dog populations by killing them off with malnourishment.

>> No.16603451

Too much work at my altitude

>> No.16603518
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>> No.16603554

ive debated trying this because unless I buy milk to cook with I never have real milk on hand. If you were to try it I would go with an unflavored oatmilk. I made mac n cheese with vanilla almond milk once because I was curious and I wouldn't recommend it

>> No.16603588


>> No.16603611

today was the first time I ever cooked scrambled eggs in something other than my cast iron pan. Was recently given a set of chantal stainless so I figured I would give it a go. I was shocked at how easy it was to get clean, light, fluffy eggs. This might be the one thing I will admit cast iron doesn't do better. Just seemed easier to keep it at a nice low temperature, I used 2%

>> No.16604226

didn't even know with milk was a thing but seems gross. just cook with olive oil, then add butter in pan when it's half cooked.
this is the best way.