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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16579236 No.16579236 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16579251

With the exception of the "muh authentic" children, I'm sure everyone already knows this.

>> No.16579254

I don't think so but I would like to try so I can confirm.

>> No.16579262

>With the exception of the "muh authentic" children
Dude, as long as you don't make abortions like "burrito bowl", everything else is fair game.
I mean, a "burrito bowl" isn't a fucking burrito. That's not how burritos work.

>> No.16579269

I've never eaten one of those and I've lived in 10 U.S. states.

>> No.16579272

I don’t know what kind of meat is in those tacos, but when I’m eating them I don’t really care. A friend of mine used to joke about them being ground kangaroo.

>> No.16579277
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apparently, birria tacos are top tier, but I never tried them before.

>> No.16579316

that aint a choco taco

>> No.16579319

Op likes fake soy protein meat. Lol!

>> No.16579337

Those things are only good if you are really drunk or high. When burger king stopped selling tacos it all went downhill. That dollar smokey bacon cheese wrap and two for a dollar tacos got me through some hard times in my 20s

>> No.16579357

>Burger King Tacos
In what country?

>> No.16579366

Burgerland but it's been at least ten years and probably closer to 15

>> No.16579397

they're okay

imagine a mini stuffed quesadilla with nice lamb meat and dunking it in a lightly spiced broth

broth tastes like a bit of lamb with chili spices

that's literally it

the lamb meat is like any simmered lamb meat, tender and soft but flavor wise not too much

>> No.16579471

I have to agree
We have the local retards who couldnt escape to the states and out of the nowhere set up a taco stand.

>> No.16579477

disagree. i had some fantastic tacos in playa del carmen and tulum and ive been around socal and san diego and tried their best. dont be a douchey american anon

>> No.16579489

best tacos I ever had were in San Diego. they are really good, rich and flavorful but don't have the nasty feel that comes with fastfood tacos. probably because they're not loaded with processed cheese and meat

>> No.16579920

I dont know where you got such idea. Birria is absolutely packed with flavor. Im almost worried yours was that bland. Even if you didnt find the taste all that interesting, it should have been an intense brothy taste.

>> No.16579925

We're not italians, anon. We dont go full autist because you made a chicken burrito or made your taco the wrong way lol

>> No.16579958

Burger King had tacos here as recently as 2019

>> No.16579962

Burger King tacos were some of the worst shit I've ever had the displeasure of eating.

>> No.16579965
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The USA is where food goes to be perfected.

>> No.16580004
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Kangaroo meat is excellent. Not too gamey, nice and tender, red meat.

>> No.16580012

What if you make a burrito, put it in a bowl, and open up the burrito around the bowl?

>> No.16580023

>mexican intellectuals

>> No.16580028

There's barely a difference, honestly. This country is infested with Mexicans.

>> No.16580031

those look awful what the fuck

>> No.16580040

kangaroo meat is suitable only for feeding the dogs

>> No.16580297

When i was a teenager, i would get like 20 of these and bring them to the skatepark in town. Would get more than my moneys worth in weed.

>> No.16581585

What's their secret lads? I feel like it's the meat because you could just fry the shell birria style

>> No.16581601

Sorry US, but soon the most people in your country will be from latimamerica. wall or not.

>> No.16581611

Jack in the box tacos, 2 for a buck.

I've learned that if you order "Cat food tacos," at any location, they don't even correct you.

They know.

>> No.16581628

Goddamn now I want JNTB tacos.

>> No.16582348

>t. Indiana, Iowa, South Dakota, north dakota, Wyoming, Ohio, Arkansas, Rhode island, shittucky, Oklahoma resident

Geez I wonder why

>> No.16582357
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If you don't care about authenticity even a little bit, you'll get abominations like the French "taco".

>> No.16582371

You're right, but only in LA.

>> No.16582388

Mexican immigrants to the US invented the hard shell taco. Probably the worst Mexican OR American invention. It literally makes no sense.

>> No.16582394

That's more like a burrito. Why did they call it a taco? Is it just cause taco is the only mexican word they know in Europe?

>> No.16582397

looks good honestly. like a california burrito

>> No.16582404

Yes, the only Mexican food Europeans know are tacos and salsa. Yet they are always harping about other countries not making their food right.

>> No.16582407

Jack in the Box is vomit inducing. It is the number one worst fast food chain that there is.

>> No.16582410

Arby's would like a word with you.

>> No.16582447

At least they have the brisket thing and curly fries. Meanwhile, Jack has jack

>> No.16582514
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Sorry (not sorry), chuds, but the best tacos are in Copenhagen, and they're made by a woman. David Chang agrees.

>> No.16582694

david chang is a cuck bitch with shit taste and a low iq

>> No.16582815
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>> No.16582911

Mmm she looks very tasty. I'd like very much to rape her.

>> No.16582933

i would agree with you if not for the tripas tacos at my local grease bus

>> No.16582952
File: 104 KB, 600x600, jitbspicytinytacos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing more authentic than the Jack In The Box Spicy Tiny Tacos™

>> No.16582976
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>posts literal soy based factory food product
are you pre or post op

>> No.16582981

san diego has some excellent fish taco. i went to a hole in the wall place at a strip mall around there and they were seriously top 3 fish tacos ive ever had

>> No.16583089

I haven't had fast food in about 3 years since they're all staffed with minorities now and I really don't want nigger spit and snot in my food.

>> No.16583096


You prefer white drug-addict spit and snot?

>> No.16583137


Crispy tacos are amazing. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate the traditional soft tortillas, but the hard shell's contrast in texture is /CKINO/.

Maybe even better, "soggy" tacos: dive tacos which started as hard-shell, before becoming saturated on the drive home by the shear volume & strength of grease from fatty ground beef and American Cheese Product.


>> No.16583612

They are the perfect drunk food. I pray JITB makes it's way north someday. That sourdough melt thing is killer too

>> No.16583643

I would always get 4 then never be able to finish the forth for like two bucks its pretty based

>> No.16583648

huh? Thats jack in the box

>> No.16583650

By crispy tacos do you mean initially soft tacos that have been fried? In that case, I agree. But if you mean hard shell tacos that have been made soggy, that's probably the least desirable food I can imagine.

>> No.16583679
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>>16580297 (based)
>>16582447 (jack in the box curly fries r better
>Living in California in 2021
Enjoy your 2 million dollar 1 bedroom 1,00 sqft flat anons.

>> No.16583683

I just fucking hate how wet and soggy they are. I'd prefer them if they strained out all the fucking juice before serving.

>> No.16583691

I don't live in California? The only time I get Jack in the box is when I'm in Texas. If I'm in California I'm getting some pastrami from The Hat

>> No.16583697

Only rich programmers and homeless people live in California.

>> No.16583714

>The Hat
is that an actual place or do you mean arby's?

>> No.16583729

It's an actual place, it's a chain here in LA that's famous for pastrami
>Inb4 hurr durr LA
Foods great here, and I enjoy eating good food, otherwise I'd leave to some place way cheaper.

>> No.16583731

No it's an actual place. There are like 2 or 3 of them in California. Better than in n out but more expensive

>> No.16583751

*Simplified, genericized, and industrially, cheaply mass produced

>> No.16583761

And yet, our food is found in most countries across the globe. Maybe you cucks should take notes

>> No.16583785

This. True goat taco

>> No.16583799
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Weird lived in Long Beach for a while as a kid then moved to the Inland "empire" as a teen, never heard of it, damn it sounds good.

>> No.16583801
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>u wont say that 2 my face tho

>> No.16583845
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Lets be real In n Out is 100 times better than five guys purely on price & quality.
Would you rather have a sad greasy crushed burger for $8 then $5 for soggy fries & $3 for a soda or a nice fresh burger with fresh cut fries topped with animal style sauce, Cheese & onions and a malted vanilla shake on the side all for 5 bucks?

>> No.16583854

Who was talking about five guys

>> No.16583859


>> No.16584272
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mmmm no

>> No.16584282

yeah no shit, tacos are tex mex, especially hard shell

>> No.16584297

aren't those things shipped in frozen and just dropped in a fryer? they're pretty disgusting.

>> No.16584302

did they forget to put food in them?

>> No.16584886

They are god tier depending on who makes em and if they are hot

>> No.16584891
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Based hat poster, tell me you hit up Tommy's and the boat while you're there

>> No.16585402

US took the world's inventions and made them better. We took pizza and added pineapple to it. We took sushi and added mango to it. We took cheese and took it forward with American cheese. Seething thirdworlders will always be butthurt because we outdid them in their own game.

>> No.16585631

They're really good but kind of a reddit food that people who love talking about how much they love street food overhype. I hit some up every once in awhile but they're not something I'm gonna go out of my way for.