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16579188 No.16579188 [Reply] [Original]

>called "beyond fried chicken"
>isn't fried chicken at all
what the fuck? isn't that false advertising?

>> No.16579196

well its beyond. so its no chicken.

>> No.16579223

They don't have this in countries where food nutrition is important to your day to day survival.

>> No.16579228

Just like every other kind of fake vegetarian or vegan replacement, it tastes nothing like the original and I'm always disappointed by it.

>> No.16579229

Yes anon, fast food restaurants don't exist in such countries

>> No.16579233

Because fast food is complete, unhealthy shit.

>> No.16579286

>t. tyson chicken shill
get fucked, asshole. you will eat the bugs and soy and be happy.

>> No.16579328

Unlike the heckin epic street food noms made by pajeet and unwashed, dirty, literal shit encrusted, e coli infected fingers and covered in coof and tuberculosis droplets.

I just love the hustle and bustle of developing countries! So authentic!

>> No.16580630

>called "colonel sanders"
>was actually a civilian

>> No.16580641

how do they imitate the bones?

>> No.16580650

they dont its like a big chickne nugget as you can see in the pic

>> No.16580655

>called a hamburger
>not from hamburg at all

fucking american false advertising

>> No.16580657

Yes the chickens are going to sue KFC for not killing more of them

>> No.16580700

should I buy bynd this monday?

>> No.16580975

no, you're just a retard with zero reading comprehension

>> No.16581016

it's a totally stupid concept to make vegan food to look like real food, vegans are stupid and should be exterminated but my question is are those good?

>> No.16581021
File: 51 KB, 614x631, rb3uh3jzpz601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad you can't act out on your genocidal fantasies, loser. Amazing how not eating meat strikes a nerve on certain types.

>> No.16581035
File: 30 KB, 644x800, 1603315070142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous 08/21/21(Sat)07:48:14 No.16581021rb3uh3jzpz601.jpg (51 KB, 614x631)File: rb3uh3jzpz601.jpg (51 KB, 614x631) google iqdb51 KB JPG>>16581016
>Too bad you can't act out on your genocidal fantasies, loser. Amazing how not eating meat strikes a nerve on certain types.

>> No.16581041 [DELETED] 

well I guess you also like sucking on nigger cocks right, you stupid twig kek.

>> No.16581055

Vegetables literally are not real food. They're full of inflammatory agents and anti-nutrients.

>> No.16581102


My fellow anons, taking food advice from vegans is like taking auto advice from a cyclist, lifestyle advice from a meth whore, or religious advice from an atheist.
The only thing that you will learn is what to avoid.
Also, nice dubs OP.

>> No.16581181

Nice try, except regular fruit and vegetable consumption consistently correlates with lower all-cause mortality, fattie.

>> No.16581187

Stop watching BLACKED,i subhuman virgin.

>> No.16581192

this vegan homo can barely lift a banana, eat a steak twig.

>> No.16581195

lol tranny

>> No.16581198

The real reason is reduced consumption of processed foods. If you increase one thing you have to decrease another thing. Take anyone on a standard processed food diet and give them ANY whole foods and they'll do far better. That doesn't change the fact that vegetables cause inflammation and are full of anti-nutrients and carcinogenic compounds. Whole meat diets are far better than whole plant diets even if whole plant diets are far better than processed poison diets.

>> No.16581376


>> No.16581408

The skin is the only part that has any flavor anyway, this stuff probably tastes just fine compared to their real chicken. Anyone who's actually tried beyond knows the problem is the price

>> No.16581417

>vegetables cause inflammation and are full of anti-nutrients
what the fuck am I reading lol

>> No.16581425

Retarded meat eaters who’s entire sense of manhood revolves around eating red meat need to continually justify their toddler-like palates by saying all other food is gross and or bad for you. And in order to keep a fake semblance of masculinity they also continually obsess over vegans and vegetarians.

>> No.16581474

>Glucosinolates in cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage)—can prevent the absorption of iodine, which may then interfere with thyroid function and cause goiter.
>Lectins in legumes (beans, peanuts, soybeans), whole grains—can interfere with the absorption of calcium, iron, phosphorus, and zinc.
>Oxalates in green leafy vegetables, tea—can bind to calcium and prevent it from being absorbed.
>Phytates (phytic acid) in whole grains, seeds, legumes, some nuts—can decrease the absorption of iron, zinc, magnesium, and calcium.
>Saponins in legumes, whole grains—can interfere with normal nutrient absorption.
>Tannins in tea, coffee, legumes—can decrease iron absorption.

>sense of manhood
No, this has nothing to do with manhood or masculinity. It's to do with HEALTH. Like I said before, ANY whole food diet, whether plant-based or animal-based will leave you better off health-wise than the standard processed food diet the majority of people eat, but if you compare a whole food meat diet to a whole food plant diet the health benefits of the whole food meat diet far outstrip those of the whole food plant diet.

>> No.16581487

>goes on unsubstantiated autistic rant about health
>proceeds to shovel fast food down their fat gullet

>> No.16581501

Nice try, but fast food is poison. I've already railed against processed foods in multiple posts up to this point, so how would you even come to that conclusion? I avoid all restaurants and make all my food at home. All my meat is sourced from a local farm which practices regenerative farming and feeds all its pasture-raised animals a sustainable grain-free diet. I believe very strongly in eating a whole food diet free of processed foods and meat from animals that have been treated well and fed properly.

>> No.16581509

Am I the only one that just has no interest at all in meat substitutes? Who gives a ripe fuck? The real thing tastes so much better.

If I want to eat veggies, I’ll have a salad or a naturally vegetarian dish (like pasta primavera or whatever). All these efforts to make non-meat seem like meat... who are they for? I know no one that eats this shit.

>> No.16581536
File: 106 KB, 952x392, 532A599D-1C68-4FD1-B450-89E7A97C4345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure ya do bud, sure you do. Show us your chest freezer with all your ethical meat. If you don’t it’s because you’re just a larping faggot

Check out my captcha trips

>> No.16581548

They still use chicken bones, but they clean the meat off of them, first, then mold the beyond meat around them.

>> No.16581577

>isn't that false advertising?
I live "beyond Baltimore", which means I _don't_ live in Baltimore.
Seems pretty obvious.

>> No.16581586

That's fucking macabre

>> No.16581598
File: 42 KB, 637x637, 1615759835687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look up the definition of beyond

>> No.16581623

I don't think its for you.

Vegans are vegans because they think eating animal products is immoral not because they don't like the taste of animal products. I guess plant based version of meat is there for vegans to get as close to eating meat without actually eating it.

>> No.16581643

Feel like I'm having a stroke trying to comprehend this post

>> No.16581669

Heres an idea kfc - how about making your chicken taste like fucking kfc again

>> No.16581672

Heres an idea kfc - how about making your chicken taste like fucking kfc again

>> No.16581676

Heres an idea kfc - how about making your chicken taste like fucking kfc again

>> No.16581690

Obese subhumans thinking they are manly LMAO there's a pretty linear inverse correlation between BMI and testosterone levels

Really struck a nerve, huh

>> No.16581704


>> No.16581708

Nope, even after adjusting for processed food consumption, the correlation remains.

>> No.16581805

I don't post photos on the internet anywhere, too many opportunities to be doxxed or for those photos to end up places I don't want them. I do find it funny just how difficult it is for you to believe that a health-conscious, ethically-minded keto/carnivore individual can exist, though. You could venture out into the internet and see that most people promoting keto or carnivore (especially carnivore) tend to heavily advocate for clean eating and ethical meat consumption wherever possible or practical (obviously not everyone can afford to eat all pasture-raised meat from local farms, for instance).

At this point you just seem like a very disingenuous person in general; you can't find any points to argue so you just shit fling about nonsense you made up which directly contradicts everything I've said about how I run my diet. I would never just assume that anyone eating vegetarian or vegan must be eating tons of processed foods (especially if they outright say they don't) because it strays from the discussion at hand and provides nothing productive to the conversation.

Are you just too triggered by the fact that I choose to eat a primarily meat-based diet while also admitting that a clean vegetarian or vegan diet is still beneficial and better than the typical diet full of processed foods? I know it's hard to generate a polarizing flamewar when people are engaging in nuance and not taking a completely dogmatic stance against anything they don't personally do, but you should try to be better than that.

>> No.16581809

this, maybe anon is retarded and doesnt undertand what beyond mean.

>> No.16581853

Leaving your shitty larp aside, your point is moot because of what's stated here: >>16581708

>> No.16581878
File: 334 KB, 1030x360, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16581913

Reminder that fast food restaurants fail in Vietnam because healthy and cheap street food is literally everywhere.

>> No.16582152

Maybe I missed the part of the study where they actually compared people eating a whole foods plant-based diet and people eating a whole foods meat-based diet, but from what I'm seeing it doesn't counter my argument that adding vegetables improves health outcomes in the average person by displacing processed foods while adding (CLEAN) meat, which is much more dense with more-bioavailable nutrients and lacks the anti-nutrients of many vegetables, would improve those people's health outcomes even further.