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16572254 No.16572254 [Reply] [Original]

is it true that it takes years for sushi chefs to learn to put fish on rice?

>> No.16572263

you have to have a big clean surface and impressing knives and woo the dollarydoo is in your pocket

>> No.16572287
File: 812 KB, 1024x768, jiro_ono_portada_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take cooked rice and form a small lump with hands
>sprinkle some salt on it, knead it in
>wrap a piece of dried seaweed around rice lump
>cut small piece of salmon
>lay on top of rice lump with seaweed
>"Oh this is verry advansu technique, must train 10 years just to make paafecto rice!"
That will be $14 USD per piece plus tip plus tax, gaikokujin

>> No.16572306

>10 years
more like 90

>> No.16572330

this, just like their knives folded a mirrion times, it's a grift, but dumb westerners will fall for it because sushi is trendy

>> No.16572339

Seriously, what's the difference between the "artisan" sushi joint like >>16572287 to a regular, convenient store sushi anyway?

>> No.16572348
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they have colder hands so the fish dont get too warm when they prepare the food

>> No.16572353

Sushi and japanese food Is disgusting

>> No.16572386

>ask the sushi man to cook the fish for me
>sushi man starts to yell in chinese and throw knifes at me
what's wrong with oriental people?

>> No.16572424

i don't care about artisan food but if you think that convenience store anything is good, you've got rocks in your head.

>> No.16572450

The rice in convenience stores is always mushy and the quality of fish very low, they often use a sort of soy sauce flavoured sauce instead if actual fermented soy sauce also. It's not a technique problem really it's just them being cheap, anyone can make world class sushi after a few attempts using decent ingredients. Jiro's establishment is expensive because they wake up at 3am to go get the freshest fish and spend a long time preparing a single days food orders, not because anything they do is particuarly hard.

>> No.16572457

So you pay more cause they are autistic

>> No.16572518


>> No.16572744
File: 37 KB, 400x349, quick sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah. if you are a chink or a gook running the sushi place you can start making sushi right away

>> No.16572790

I always wish those fags would wear gloves. Im personally not impressed by watching some asian fingerbang my food for 10 minutes

>> No.16572806

I went to a real deal sushi place and the difference is perceivable. The rice has it's own flavor, it's not really just salt and rice. I remember it being slightly sweet, slightly sour, and a little salty. Outside of this you could really taste the grains in your mouth, which were also slightly warm. Now that was just the rice, whereas the fish never had tastes I would describe as "fishy". More so I got fish a series of variations in texture and mild variations in flavor, which were sometimes accompanied with their own dressings such as marinades, seaweed, or shiso leaves. The wasabi was real too, it didn't taste like green mustard but something more balanced like horseradish except different. Outside of this there was the more unusual stuff like a urchin, jelly fish, and this dish of tiny glass fish suspended in dashi. Mind you I didn't even spend a shit load compared to some other fancy tasting menu joints. I think it was a 70 dollar tasting menu.
Would I say it's worth doing more than a few times in your life? No. But once or twice will make you feel lame for eating the grocery store stuff until your memory fades.

>> No.16572947

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.16572993

Only if you are cooking for the Japanese.
For Americans, Chinese, Koreans and Mexicans who have been trained for two weeks will cook.

>> No.16573157

It would have to.
To become expert/master in any skill, you have to break it down to its component parts and master each one individually.
It's not "how to cut food?" it's how to hold a knife, how to hold the cut item, how to move the knife, upon what to place the cut item, how to prepare that surface?
As the discrete, physical actions of an activity are reduced to single elements, it would make sense that, in the end, the prepared foodstuff is itself reduced to simple, basic components and combinations if one carries this to an extreme.
A slice of meat. A glob of grain. The basic components, perfectly prepared with the most perfect of basic movements, with zero waste of energy or motion.
Some people/cultures have apparently taken culinary mastery to reductio ad absurdum, and the Japonese are masters at this in general.
It's really not that much different than taking some sour grapes, mixing them with vinegar, and letting them rot in a barrel for a few months or years and saying you've made a great wine.

>> No.16573187

what a pretentious post

>> No.16573209

STFU retard.

>> No.16573290
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>> No.16573306

>t. posting in a thread about taking years to learn to put fish on rice

>> No.16573457

The difference between Japan and the rest of the world is the type of fish used for sushi.
It changes with the season, but there are always 30 kinds.
And you have to learn the best way to prepare and cut them one by one.
Even if it's the same fish, there are differences between individuals, so you have to be able to recognize them.

It would be amazing if you could learn all this in one year.

>> No.16573590


>> No.16573610

>cut small piece of salmon
>Salmon is a cheap food
>You don't know that Jiro doesn't have salmon.

>> No.16573683

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.16573710


Sounds like you've had some pretty bad Japanese food. Or you're trying to bait. Both of which are equally sad.

>> No.16574121

A pasta zombie bitten by a copy pasta

>> No.16574152

Even an actual sushi place is better than convenience store sushi. The high end shit might just have better cuts and strains of rice.

High end sushi > Restaurant sushi >>> Convenience store sushi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Grocer sushi

>> No.16574215

I just put sushi rice on plastic wrap with some little seaweed snacks and some canned tuna with kewpie and sriracha and it rolls right up. simple as

>> No.16574254

Everything is obvious after the fact. Do you know how many millions of years it took the Japanese to figure out that fish goes with rice?

>> No.16574270

Every culture's cuisine becomes elevated once said culture becomes wealthy. I guess this never happened for Britain or Germany though. They are just outliers I guess.

>> No.16574292

Bottom line, steak is the same quality no matter who cooks it.
Similar to this debate.

>> No.16574301

Everybody likes fish. Everybody like beef. Hold the phone, there are people who PRETEND not to like beef for ethical reasons.

>> No.16574392

There is no difference between a Chinese sushi chef who makes $2,000 a month and a sushi chef who makes $7,000 a month.
The only difference is good luck or bad luck.

t. People who have never eaten fine sushi

>> No.16574519

it's more-so to weed out the casualfags so only the ones truly commited to the craft stick around.
it's not just slapping pre-sliced fish on ordinary rice. the rice itself is mixed with vinegar, sugar, salt etc in certain proportions.
Not to mention certain fish have to be sliced in very specific ways; not something you can just teach some homeless guy off the street in 3-4 days.

Becoming a piano tuner in the West is a 10 year apprenticeship that requires having a 3 year university degree to even start, but you dont hear people crying about "some faggots just playing with wrenches".

>> No.16576359

It's pasta, every sushi thread has this faggot.

>> No.16576374

whats so hard about rolling raw fish in rice lol just go down to the fishmarket get some seaweed a fish and some rice lol put it together and sushi lmao why do people fall for this scam

>> No.16576410

No. You can learn to make sushi in one day. One thing people just don't seem to understand is how advanced the collective autism of Japan is. Everyone in Japan is a mega autist. Whatever they do, they will put everything they have into this thing every day for the rest of their lives. So you get people like >>16572287
who is like an autist god that the younger mega autists look up to and beg for him to teach them his ways. But really he doesn't teach them anything, they know how to do it. They just work there and practice their thing as he did and he kind of says "well try doing this or that". And it could be something so small. "That rice could have had one less drop of water in it" or "that fish could have been 1/8 of nanometer thinner".

It isn't technique or skills, it's just the autistic pursuit of whatever they think is perfection.

>> No.16576422

the other thing is after they have done whatever the thing is for decades, they probably have already achieved what they think is perfection on some random day. And then the rest of their life is dedicated to trying to recreate that perfection. Even if it's just some arbitrary shit like fish on rice. This is the power of nip autism.

>> No.16576423

It sounds stupid but have you ever had sushi made by white people? It’s awful

>> No.16576453

>One thing people just don't seem to understand is how advanced the collective autism of Japan is. Everyone in Japan is a mega autist. Whatever they do, they will put everything they have into this thing every day for the rest of their lives.

This. For example, the US nuked Japan twice in WWII. But the Japanese were never satisfied that they had mastered the art of honorably dying from radiation sickness, so they spent decades building the Fukushima Daiichi bomb to nuke themselves again, poisoning the entire country for generations to come, so that every nihonjin would have the opportunity to reclaim honor lost in Hirosaki and Nagashima.

>> No.16576490

Agreed, Japanese work ethic alone is based on "if I spend a lot of time doing something then it means I worked hard" this applies to basically anything they produce mostly cause people go nuts over things because it is Japan. Japanese workers are known for doing things structurally and taking their time for it, if you finish your work before anyone else does then you hang around and stare at the ceiling waiting for your coworkers or at least your superiors to finish and then you get to go home and say how hard you worked that day.

>> No.16576719

I agree this whole 50 years of experienceis utter bullshit. swap jiros ingredients with random sushi chef #323 and for sure the random guy will mog jiro.

>> No.16577225
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incoherent retard

>> No.16577262

same thing JAV is a superior product. God i love batin to bikini eel enema girls arigato my american frens