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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16566751 [Reply] [Original]

How would you feel if your 25 year old gf gave you this for supper?

Happy and satisfied?
Unimpressed and hostile?
Indifferent and ready for dessert (bananas and apples)?

>> No.16566752

happy and satisfied...
as long as this was not our regular diet, i dont mind low iq junk food

>> No.16566758


At least she's trying. Still beat her

>> No.16566760

It would depend on what kind of sauce she served with the meal.

>> No.16566764

You made that for yourself just to post it for larping comments on an anonymous imageboard in some weird facsimile of a social life, you foreveralone faggot.

>> No.16566784

I love tendies and sketi. Thank u, gurl <3

>> No.16566829
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>> No.16566833

>dating a woman
I don't care how big her dick is you just don't do it

>> No.16566878
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just a lowballed snack type of supper tonight, other times it's mostly bland, but very fresh and health soup
she's a good girl, but when she steps out of line, no doubt.
sauce is a free for all broski. Can get that from the cooler myself. Tonight it was Le Heinz Ketchup.
I'm sure you live near manholes, right? You should fall in one
What a based happy bro we got here. Hope you're having a good week, year, and decade my dude

>> No.16566886

My girlfriend used to cook like that. It's the thought that counts (feeding me), honestly, so I wouldn't mind. My mother's cooking was always objectively subpar for the most part (she had her absolute bangers, like the eggplant escabeche) not due to a lack of talent but due to holding some very boomer-tier cooking beliefs and being raised eating-every-other-day poor, yet I found it legitimately delicious since she made everything with as much love and care as she could.

Most women that aren't adamant about specifically wanting to NOT know how to cook would actually like to learn how. Their mothers never bothered or were unwilling to teach them when younger, generally speaking, out of lazyness. But the idea of feeding others when you can barely make packet ramen can daunting; it can come out inedibly bad and you dump a lot of time, effort, and money (ingredients) into the trash, only to wind up ordering a pizza as a stop-gap. Not to mention possibly having to look at someone you love try to clearly feign a smile as they attempt to choke a bite down. Would any of that be a serious situation? No, but it's an unpleasant thought nonetheless, and a lot of people avoid trying to do anything outside their "Follow package instructions" comfort zone as such.

I took some time and really tried to teach my girlfriend from zero. She didn't cook lunch or dinner, I'd just handhold the shit out of her, making a point about technique moreso than a fixed process, while being patient and supportive as she tries to cook some dish; we'd taste the result, if it's good, I'd take it to lunch for work next day. If it's bad, no harm, I was gonna make dinner anyways. She's a pretty decent cook now, I'm proud of her, and she seems to be proud of herself. Even if she never got it down, I don't mind people who just can't cook properly even with ample practice. Everyone has their strong suits and their weaknesses, and they have nothing to be ashamed about. If you're PROUD of being bad, though...

>> No.16566906
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my god, your response is written like you're a professional journalist. It makes me feel bad about my abilities to improvise new ideas and convey them clearly and without awkward phrasings.

Does your gf make up for her cooking shortcomings in other ways? Or do you have to teach her most things? If so, what makes you not give up on her and find someone else more suitable, with better skills?

>> No.16566911

Indifferent and ready for dessert while faking being happy and satisfied.

>> No.16566916
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Haven't seen a post so reddit all year

>> No.16566917

Six million

>> No.16566920

What's with all this negativity? Chicken katsu and ramen are perfectly fine Japanese fare.

>> No.16566934

elaborate. what makes it reddit?
I swear as soon as I say something positive on any board, people with start spewing their shit and smear it all over the drywall and be proud of their new art

>> No.16566943

pretty disappointed

>> No.16566965

>multiple replies
kys immediately

>> No.16566970

i hope you die tonight

>> No.16566984

>Like a professional journalist
Anon (fuck your trip), I personally think I write like a massive faggot, but thanks I suppose.
>Does your gf make up for her cooking shortcomings in other ways?
She's a well rounded human being, she just didn't know how to cook. I always found her a wonderful person to be with from the get go, so "make up for it" isn't really the right phrase, I think. I can start listing the million things I love about her, but that's too sappy and too long for even several posts.
>Do you have to teach her most things?
She naturally picks up things very quickly mentally (even the things she hates with a passion, like any math above ore-calc) and the same goes for any physical thing that's more about reasoning out what action to do moreso than raw finesse/skill/ability. If you leave her with a set of tools, some broken electronics and an Internet connection for an hour, she'd definitely have it troubleshot and possibly even repaired when you came back. The thing about cooking is that ideas are a lot blurrier, there's no real best practices, results are subjective, and there's a lot of "feel" involved in it which isn't the physical kind. It' ot that she can't do those kinds of things, they're just not what she's used to or comfortable with. Granted I'm not too dissimilar, I'm the definition of a math autist who will try to solve almost all problems in my head rather than through action, but I also like building/crafting things as a way to relax and enjoy myself.
>what makes you not give up on her and find someone else more suitable, with better skills?
Simple, I love her. Even if she woke up a paraplegic tomorrow incapable of doing anything, just being around her makes me happy to a degree I haven't experienced with any other person before, and I have far too many years worth of what are my best memories to willingly throw that away, unless she forces my hand by betraying me or something.

>> No.16567007

>tripfag attentionwhore knew he would get zero replies if he posted with his faggot alert in the namespace

>> No.16567032

Tell her good enough coming from something made by trash and give her her goodnights headbutt

>> No.16567035


I'm switching between my phone and computer and didn't notice my tripcode was still on. Sorry to disappoint you, you bunch of stinky period blood stained underwear LADIES.

>> No.16567042

why the would you have a tripcode to begin with? don't answer this question

>> No.16567046

You're a little fucking RAT, that's what you are. I post an innocuous thing on here and you wish me death? You are a man child, and man children deserve punishments with no mercy. If I were your father I would've raised you properly and kicked your sorry, big gay gaping ass after the rumours about you being a flamer.

>> No.16567049

Don't tell me what to do. I was testing it. It was my first time using one.

>> No.16567050

>the triptranny shrinks back in pain: "I've been found out..."

>> No.16567051

>inb4 "my wife is a shit cook so I smacked her around and now she makes meatloaf" pasta

>> No.16567056

what's wrong with trip codes? does it ruin your anonymous community? Also, why in the world would a tranny browse on this site?

>> No.16567060
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>> No.16567100

Looks like something a prostitute from a poverty-stricken town in China would make. Not a proper meal by any stretch.

>> No.16567111

Unironically go the fuck back.

>> No.16567247

I'd fucking break up with her because no one should cook me food, we make our own food.

>> No.16567268

I'm 34 and I'd be happy with that meal, looks good.

>> No.16567286

This honestly looks like what I would do if I was too lazy to roll out of bed, stricken with lockdown-induced PTSD, and go to the shops like a functional human being to feed myself and my partner, who now has Vitamin D and iron deficiency from getting fed Nissin cup noodles and tendies for the past week.

All in all, she tried, didn't she?

>> No.16567325

The fried shit looks alright, but if you're going to serve instant ramen for dinner at least cook it properly (or just make a salad or some rice and veg...). I don't date girls under 27, and if I did I wouldn't be afraid to criticize them and/or help them out in the kitchen. 25 is basically 14 these days.

>> No.16568561
File: 53 KB, 540x960, 1521171778214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

protip: if you want to complement someone's writing, don't compare it to that of a journalist.

>> No.16568570

You need to get a new gay friend
This ain't the 70's anymore gramps

>> No.16569375

stop crashing blast furnace

>> No.16570132

somebody post *that* copypasta, you know the one im talking about

>> No.16570137

Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.16570154

Should have just an heroed in front of her, you massive piece of shit.

>> No.16570162

I think if you have been here long enough to learn how to tripfags you must've been here long enough to know it's in poor taste. Therefore all tripfags are trolls.

>> No.16570165

i can cook pretty good myself, so the question is really about other factors - do i enjoy her company, hows the chat, hows the sex, can i build a future with this person.

also i think a woman can learn how to cook through motherhood if she wants to. yes, some people have the gift of cooking, but others can mechanically pick up the chore of it - survivalist at its rawest.

that isn't a bad meal by any means btw - it's simple, it's low nutritonal value. but it isn't a sloppy meal. there are women who put slop for their bf and expect them to be delighted. could not deal with that, just refuse to eat it.

>> No.16570182


>> No.16570190

There are boards where judicious use of tripcodes would cut down on the traditional follow-up posts claiming to be OP:
>By the way, I'm trans. Does that matter?

>> No.16570214

>that pic
>tfw want to adopt a dog. have to jump through hoops with paperwork. pay a retarded amount of money for a dog no one wants yet people are competing for the same dog
>meanwhile the people who abuse the dogs get them for seemingly free
not fair bros