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File: 612 KB, 598x790, Grace with grace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16566565 [Reply] [Original]

>the girl from chick fil a came in my workplace again today
>have huge crush on her
>have a mild panic attack when I see her
Not again.
She's literally the most beautiful person I've ever seen, her mere silhouette radiates more light than the sun. I swear this woman has to be a saint.

I'll take the vacation jannies, just be merciful, ok? Just 24 hours? I probably need it anyway.

>> No.16566571

I wish I looked like that

>> No.16566578


>> No.16566583

be nice. jannies. just give this poor soul a warning

>> No.16566591

lol I wish I was a virgin. I wasted my time with trash women. This girl is a good Christian girl and I'LL NEVER be good enough for her, I'm far too corrupt. Such is life...

>> No.16566622

All good Christian girls hear the call of Satan telling them to give themselves to trashy whorish men. Corrupt this sweet girl and guide her on the ways of sin.

>> No.16566629
File: 844 KB, 480x700, 1566949708304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will beat the shit out of you

>> No.16566757


>> No.16566769


Talk to her retard

>> No.16566796

I hit on her once already.

>> No.16566820
File: 1.96 MB, 1242x1219, 1611736656590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She wants you to ask her out. Just do it. Get super nervous, say something stupid, and ask her out. Girls expect you to act stupid when they know you like them. Fumble through it. Go on dates. Take her fun places and say stupid shit. Eventually you'll get comfortable. After enough time you'll be fucking and looking for a place together. Just go for it man. There's worse regret in wondering what if, instead of trying and failing. Just do it.

>> No.16566842
File: 156 KB, 900x900, RUBY ROD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in plenty relationships before, even a ltr for like 5 years, I get women. It's just this girl specifically that makes me all weird. Today when I saw her "Every Little Thing She Does is Magic" was playing on the radio. I mean, seriously, why does that have to happen?

>> No.16566857

Most songs have that shitty theme, that's why.

>> No.16566872

No, not at all, that is objectively incorrect.

>> No.16566884

Are you on drugs, if not you should probably start indulging, maybe it'll help you speak with her and worse case she runs away from you screaming at the top of her lungs and you move on.

>> No.16566889

Take a creep shot for us the next time you see her. Do that and I’ll reciprocate with a pic of the Burger King cashier I’m in love with. She looks like a meth-addled Ashley Greene, just gorgeous.

>> No.16566892

>American only thinks of corrupting innocence

>> No.16566903

That is incoherent nonsense

>> No.16566910

Be real, anon. Saying you're a Christian girl these days is just signaling they have a weird religion fetish. All women are whores.