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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16565743 [Reply] [Original]

yuengling, the true american lager

>> No.16565749

It's good but it makes burp up thick foam.

>> No.16565761

Boomers like it because they busted up their union

>> No.16565771
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Jesus CHRIST, you americans are retarded.

>We're always in the papers! That means we're more important than countries like Australia, Belgium and shit!
Always being on the news isn't a good sign, buddy.
You know why Australia, Belgium, the Netherlands etc. are never on them? Because they're countries that fucking WORK WELL, instead of starting shit on the whole planet every other day and being plagued by social and economic issues that make you basically a 3rd world country.

After a party, nobody talks about the guy that drank 2 beers, had a good time and went home. Everyone talks about the loud moron that got so drunk he simultaneously shat and puked on himself and then fell from the stairs. And the morning after, that moron is proud of that.
You're that moron, USA.

>Fuk u jelly yuropean! dey talk bout us cause we're de most powerful!
Maybe 50 years ago. Now that title belongs to China.
The America of the 21st century is a sad piece of shit with busted economy, busted social systems and a medical system worse than Ruanda.

You have no history, no real literature, no philosophy.
Your deepest spiritual message is: "Get more money and be louder than the others! That's what success is all about!"

Your TV is the shittiest in the world.
Your food is the shittiest in the world.
Your women are the shittiest, most entitled, bitchiest ones in the world.
Your men are the most obnoxious, obtuse, ignorant ones in the world.
In the past decades, your only contribution to this planet was making everything bigger, more toxic and more violent.

And let's not forget that the USA are the country that committed the worst genocide in history (50-80 millions native americans) and the ONLY one to ever use nuclear bombs on another country.

>ur just jell...
No. Nobody is jelly of you. We're SICK of you.
You're a cancer that is luckily running its course.
Enjoy your decadence, USA. You won't be missed.
You will, however, be mocked

>> No.16565822

Miller High Life for me.

>> No.16565824


>> No.16565873

That was my favorite.
But, then I had to go to rehab.
So, there's that.

>> No.16565902

Grew up near the Pottsville brewery. The lagering caves and tasting room are cool as hell. Miss the beer too, but at least it's coming to Illinois this year.

>> No.16565911

Hey fellow pottsville bro. Yea I like Yuengling but their fresh beers at the brewery were something else

>> No.16565922

I mean you are not wrong, but that was uncalled for bud.

>> No.16565926
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cheaper and no beer reflux

>> No.16565953

Then the car ends up with a cider-y smelling rotting juice stain on the floor

>> No.16566346

Just recently tried this. Probably best canned beer I've had.

>> No.16566543

s tier
a tier
>coors banquet, bud heavy
b tier
>pbr, miller high life
c tier
>rolling rock, Miller lite, Coors lite
d tier
>bud lite, michelob ultra
f tier
>natty, busch

>> No.16566560
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Y'all gotta get some of this. It's good to be Minnesotan.

>> No.16566585

I think Yueling is one of those average American regional beers that is mostly appreciated by people who don’t live in said region, and thus have to import it to their state at extra expense & effort because of the Byzantine American alcohol distribution laws. Coors was much the same; they made a documentary about the folks who did outrageous acts of grey-market smuggling called “Smokey and the Bandit”. What other American regional beers have a following like this?
Coors < Yueling

>> No.16566618

please go back to /pol/ this part of the website is for talking about food and drink.

>> No.16566705

Czech and Japanese beers are the only quality brews I can get in Washington. Everything else is an IPA.

>> No.16566742

Yuengling is the best cheap macro beer in the US, it blows everything else out of the wudder. The Black & Tans are good for a change too. West Coast faggots really don't deserve the nectar that is Yuengling.

>> No.16566932

>ou know why ...Belgium, the Netherlands ...are never on them? >Because they're countries that fucking WORK WELL, instead of starting shit on the whole planet every other day

If only CNN or YouTube had been around during king Leopld of Belgium’s little escape in the Congo, Black Lives Matter would’ve had something truly horrid to rage against. And if you want to stop getting duuuuude weed about the NL, look up the shit the Dutch East India Company did in Asia.
So, what type of tea do tranny trolls cleanse their surgical wounds with? Puerh to get that womanly fish smell lesbians love?

>> No.16567408
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>the true american lager
>literally translates to twink

>> No.16567413

>Yes Mr.Janni i will do as you command
How new exactly are you, thinking /ck/ is all about food?
I for one welcome you.

>> No.16567504

Based Dutchbros did it again

>> No.16567519

Does it really taste like Bohemian beer or is the name just a meme?
It would be sad if this was the pinnacle of American Lagers. I've checked several German beer review websites and they rank the beer at a 2.5/5. It's not bad but nothing really good either.

>> No.16567746


chinese name...

>> No.16567761

you would know fag

>> No.16567769

The founder was German ching chong