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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16563739 [Reply] [Original]

is northern european food any good?

>> No.16563748


>> No.16563752


>> No.16563753

t: finn.

>> No.16563754
File: 167 KB, 1200x714, kutteln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italians be like

>> No.16563759

>another divide and conquer thread from our friends in tel aviv

>> No.16563764

ehhh just-ah like my mario used to make-ah

>> No.16563767

Callos are delicious. Not sure how Italians prepare tripa but I doubt it's so bad.

>> No.16563770

is that pork skin/fat thing?

>> No.16563781

It's stomach.

>> No.16563792

Stomach. Asians and Mexicans like to throw it in soup. Imagine eating your kitchen sponge, if it had the consistency of meaty rubber at the same time. It is as horrible as it sounds. It is poor people food because they can't afford anything better.

>> No.16564342

Poland has tripe soup too. It's called Flaki.

>> No.16564352

tripes good if you like rubbery texture it has no flavor so it picks up the soup well
id compare it more to a flavorless softer calamari

>> No.16564414

>no flavor
it smells and tastes like a fucking barnyard

>> No.16564441

They average stuff isn't great, desu. Not a lot of variety, but their local ingredients can be of excellent quality. Stuff like meat, dairy, hardier vegetables, berries and especially fish.
It's why you find plenty great high-end restaurants there because they know how to use the local ingredients well.

OTOH, I really miss ripe tomatoes

t. Central Yuro living in Norway

>> No.16564521

Mousakka > Lasagna
Fight me

>> No.16564525

What's the difference?

>> No.16564583

t. southern european

>> No.16564652
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>> No.16564657
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>> No.16564660
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>> No.16564664
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>> No.16564670
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>> No.16564672
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>> No.16564675
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>> No.16564680
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>> No.16564681
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>> No.16564684
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>> No.16564687
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>> No.16564689
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>> No.16564693
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>> No.16564695
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>> No.16564700
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>> No.16564703
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>> No.16564709
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as a nord, no

>> No.16564710
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>> No.16564713
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>> No.16564717
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>> No.16564723
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>> No.16564729

I mean, that's a pretty shitty lookin' hash, but with some onions and peppers and seasoning, that'd be baller with a fried egg on top.

>> No.16564737
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>> No.16564742
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>> No.16564746
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>> No.16564751
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>> No.16564756
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>> No.16564760
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>> No.16564762

meds NOW
touch some grass NOW

>> No.16564767
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>> No.16564778
File: 306 KB, 1200x1200, Al[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what you're trying to say.

>> No.16564784

This is propaganda. It’s another anti white divide and conqueror thread. Pure jew-ery, schlomo, to even shill on a food and cooking board. White brotherhood. White unity. 1488. Poles are white. Spaniards are white. Italians are white. Irish are white. We won’t be divided any more. Any poster rejecting these basic facts is a Jew shill

>> No.16564786
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>> No.16564793
File: 187 KB, 1200x841, 1200px-Pölsa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this nigger.

>> No.16564801
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>> No.16564820

That's total bullshit. I mean sure, it has been the ''poor mans choise'', but if you make it well, god damn that shit is so good. It's always the slippery, spongy, gooey texture that people are complaining like it's not supposed to be eaten, and then they eat gummie worms and other industrial grade shit that is made from the exact same parts of the animals, but just boiled down until the extraction of the yummy chewies is complete and can be applied to twizzlers or some other shit that gives you ass-cancer.

A chinese place near me makes this cold meat salad that has liver, tripe and pork belly, sliced into these thin slivers, and everything is being mixed with chili oil and some other condiments, and a shitload of cilantro on top of that. It'sprobably the best dish I've ever eaten. I just can't comprehend how that shit isn't more popular in the west.

>> No.16564822
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Not that you got any

>> No.16564828

Oh shit dawg, now I have to get some.

>> No.16564853
File: 791 KB, 1716x1140, kebabpizza[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you invent pizza but not kebab pizza you absolute fucking retards you absolute failures at life none of you have any right to ever brag about cuisine you fucking half measure backwards traditonalist nigger nigger med babies

>> No.16564881

>Dumb Americans don't understand banter
Imagine my shock. There's ur (You)s though.

>> No.16565189

Kebab pizza taste like shit
I had it in Malmo once. The crust was bad, the meat completely fucked, and garlic mayo on pizza is very meh. I know swedes love mayo on pizza, but pizza does not need to be a sauce abomination like kebab. It just makes the crust even worse

>> No.16565320


This. Tripe in latin stews thats been simmering a long time is really good, basically just tasted like whatever it got stewed with and has a calamari consistency

>> No.16565324

Kalles is actually good though. It's one of my favorite things to eat.

>> No.16565332

Vegetables don't grow in north europe. that's why it's like that.