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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.72 MB, 576x480, grilled cheese.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16562528 [Reply] [Original]

>Can't cook grilled cheese
>Can't cook scrambled eggs (and burned the toast there, too)
>Can't cook steak
>Can't cook fried rice
>Can't cook crispy rice
>Can't cook wantons
>Overcomplicates everything
What the fuck is wrong with this dude? Half the shit Gordon cooks would result in being screamed at if someone else did it for him

>> No.16562533

Oh yeah, anytime he tries to cook something that's not strictly western he fucks up. He can't make chilaquiles either

>> No.16562590

the whole point was rustic cooking. like over a fireplace. have that fat faggot try that again over a fireplace.

>> No.16562603

"Chef, I burned the scallops, but I did so R U S T I C A L L Y"
>that fat faggot
You seen his mantits lately? Gordo put on some pounds

>> No.16562609

I'm just saying, cooking over a fire vs a flat-top grill can't be compared. I haven't seen their latest I don't really keep up with YouTube shit.

>> No.16562615

>3 seconds in
>leftover mole as the sauce for chilaquiles
oh boy. that could be the best mole sauce in the world and I can sense the flavors clashing already. and why are you using pre-made tortilla chips? that's part of the appeal of the dish is using leftover tortillas to make freshly fried tortilla strips or chips or whatever. this is already a disaster. I guarantee any jarred vaguely mexican salsa verde would be better than mole on whatever he's about to make.

>> No.16562617

And I'm just saying, if you burn something for a video, YOU DO IT THE FUCK AGAIN. He could have just used thinner bread and he'd have been fine, but mr. 5-pounds-away-from-a-bramsay just had to be a e s t h e t i c like a faggot

>> No.16562619
File: 63 KB, 897x897, 1625165474110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like he fucks up intentionally

>> No.16562620

>oil and pork fat this is already a shitshow even more than 2 seconds ago. STARTS WITH EGGS?!? what the fuck this is pure sloppa

>> No.16562632

1:55 he uses less jalapeno than my friend who cannot eat spicy food without dying of ass disease used in a mild batter for cheese curds or something and talks about how spicy it's going to be. why does he want the raw jalapeno to cook through a skillet of eggs?

>> No.16562637

on top of being a shit chef, hes responsible for perpetuating a completely toxic celebrity chef culture while profitting of it. fuck this dude in every way possible

>> No.16562638


>> No.16562643

2:20 puts the eggs into the oven with his whatever concoction? Dude you're spending way too much time cooking eggs, where are the chilaquiles, they don't even require eggs you fucking brit spaz.

>> No.16562644

I actually like the screaming and shit because it keeps women out in many cases. But this little weasely cunt stole a reservation book, blamed MPW, and then admitted to lying 20 years later

>> No.16562646

2:47 re-seasons day old tortilla chips.

>> No.16562647

I don't watch his shit because it's all fake persona and scripted drama, but his scrambled eggs recipe is on point.

>> No.16562650

3:09 dumps a bunch of pork fat on them for no reason and the day old mole

>> No.16562653

3:22 stirs tortilla chips in fat for some reason and calls it coating

>> No.16562658

3:57 a quarter ounce of avocado?

>> No.16562662

He said at one point (while high on coke, unaware that his mic was still hot) that a tutorial on burgers was the easiest 50k he ever made
Now you see why I bitched about him

>> No.16562664

5:13 like a teaspoon of sour cream?

is this the guy who invented taco bell? absolute garbage.

>> No.16562678

So he made chilaquiles without a sauce or freshly fried tortillas or melted cheese which is literally all that chilaquiles are.
meat and eggs are usually additional toppings. this is next level stupidity.

>> No.16562684

He had someone give him advice on this dish and still fucked it up. You should see this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ocYprvhm9g

Doesn't even get the basic facts about the dish right.

>> No.16562697

He's a Freemason. None of them get to where they are in life through merit.

>> No.16562709

Oh shit that makes so much sense, but I've never seen him flash the eye, or sssh, or even do any kabbalah shit.

>> No.16562719
File: 70 KB, 483x653, tumblr_lnl0vouFfT1qacy9do1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not terribly overt about it, but the evidence is there. Some of his restaurants have Masonic floor patterns, too.

>> No.16562727

how do you fuck up puerto rican rice?

>> No.16562745

His restaurants are rated 3 Michelin stars, so it's not like he's a bad cook. He's probably gotten lazy the past few years, due to being a celebrity and whatnot. It's also possible he has a drinking problem

>> No.16562758

a cast iron pan in a fireplace is basically a flat top grill

>> No.16562761

his burger joint was good but over priced and his steak houses universally suck balls from food to wait staff. dudes a meme. tried upseling me some bullshit meal for a signed picture of his gay face too.

>> No.16562768

Drunk cooks can cook anything sitting around, drunk chefs can't cook because they'll spaz the fuck out and overcompensate once something doesn't go their way. I was at a friend's house and he was like "does anyone want swordfish I have a little bit in my fridge?" and we were like "no, we're good dude" so he started cooking up 8 burgers and we all ate a burger without him even asking if we wanted one because fuck by that point we were drunk. Like what were we all going to eat like .5 ounces of this dude's swordfish?

>> No.16562790

He just owns and is the "chef" of those restaurants, I doubt Gordo is ever in the restaurants working service or really coming up with menus.

Anyway at one point in time he was obviously a great chef, even if he was a dick. Now he's just a washed up meme chef that plays into his character. I wouldn't pay attention to anything that he does now but you'd have to be pretty dumb to deny that at one point he wasn't great.

>> No.16562931

Somebody just kill this retard already (in minecraft), just like they killed john lennon for his own good.

>> No.16563002

he reminds me of my drunk friend's mom (about the same age as gordon) who used to do catering then invited us over for drinks and to throw a party for my friend's 30th birthday and she made like 20 cheese sandwiches that were just expensive cheese on toast not even melted and passed out like 20 minutes before more than 5 people who had gotten there. The kitchen was a mess so we just went to a nearby friend's house who had a decent kitchen so we grabbed a handful of what we thought we could cook and all of the booze to make some decent appetizer items and refrigerated the rest and ordered like 3-4 pizzas. wound up being a great party on accident. There was a chick who thought caviar was the thing they put in bubble tea so that was gay when she destroyed a spoonful of that for her frappucino.

Holy shit that was the gayest story ever. I brought green onions and malt liquor

>> No.16563009

You're Bobby Flay aren't you, anon? Pussy bitch just cook against Gordan Ramsey already

>> No.16563012

Look, I like memeing on Gordon as much as the rest of you guys, but the recent BLT he made looked great. You gotta give credit where it's due.

>> No.16563024

No it didn't, it was overfilled and he didn't even try it because he knew that.
>seasoned the bacon
>butter doesn't melt and just falls off
>burns the bread

>> No.16563029

Holy fucking shit that looks awful.

>> No.16563047

He can't cook Italian and Spanish food either.

>> No.16563071

Anon's chilaquile recipe that's better than Gordon Ramsay:

1 lb of fried corn tortillas (recipe: you fry them)
1 jar of jarred salsa verde (herdez or something, whatever brand you can find)
1/3rd-2/3rd pound of whatever mexican cheese (whatever you can find at the store that sounds mexican)
4 eggs (eggs)
chorizo (chorizo but you can use any meat you like)

sour cream ("crema")
more cilantro (this should have been covered by the jarred sauce)
onions (if you like onions)

fry the tortillas, eggs, and put the other things on top of it

this is going to be one hundred times better than this shit and takes literally throwing shit into a pan and not being a faggot.

>> No.16563421

Gordon can't handle spicy food. Notice how he never goes to Mexican or Indian restaurants in Kitchen Nightmares, and he starts bitching any time a chef presents him with something even slightly hot on Hell's Kitchen.

>> No.16563454
File: 58 KB, 600x400, PepeLaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, it now makes sense.

>> No.16563672

>bri'ish palates

>> No.16563711

I fucking hate that he basically makes scrambled egg porridge every time, I don't want cream of eggs gordon I want scrambled eggs fuck off with the crème fraîche

>> No.16563734

>I want scrambled eggs fuck off with the crème fraîche
This. I'm fine with adding spices and cheese, spicy curried eggs are great, but people who put all kinds of liquid dairy into their scrambles are pure faggots.

>> No.16563761

Baby Food of eggs

>> No.16563795
File: 125 KB, 640x496, get a load of this guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Retards who have trouble microwaving hot pockets give their opinion on one of the greatest chefs on the planet.

>> No.16563802
File: 473 KB, 297x212, 1590650424528.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so inept he can't cook on a fire

>> No.16563831

Dude can't make toast

>> No.16563841

If he couldn't cook, he'd never have survived MPW. These shows are all basically shitposts anyway.

>> No.16563847

MPW basically told ramsay he doesn't understand heat control recently.

MPW, as ragusea (correctly) points out, doesn't really understand wtf he's doing, he just knows what techniques work.
>knorr cube in

>> No.16563895

His kids had to force him to go on a hotwings show, and yeah, he handled it like a pussy compared to other guests I've seen.

>> No.16563905

I hate hotones and I would intentionally refuse to eat them in the correct order (start from the end) just to fuck with them.

>> No.16563943

>doesnt know capsaicin is fat soluble and his citrus bottles wont do anything
why doesnt a world famous chef know anything about food science

>> No.16563950

Because he cooks based of technique, not science.

>> No.16563963

especially since they offer a jug of milk on that show, the thing that always works and everyone knows about it but no let's blast some lemon on the wing

>> No.16564650


>> No.16564669
