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[ERROR] No.16559955 [Reply] [Original]

Just checked my package and saw that my eggs contain sugar. How the fuck are they adding sugar into my eggs?

>> No.16559962
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>> No.16560023

like in the nutritional information or in the ingredients...?

>> No.16560026

You haven't heard of the egg sugar vaxx? What are you? Some sort of troglodyte living under a rock?

>> No.16560028

Normal. Sometimes they’ll add yellow jaundice to spice up the flavour though

>> No.16560044

You can’t actually be this retarded, right?

>> No.16560052

Says sugar 1,4 grams per 1 egg

>> No.16560066

Ever tried to use what little is left of your brain to think that maybe eggs themselves contain glucose, you know, the substance most living cells can use for energy.

Fuck, Americans are so retarded

>> No.16560069

You're American, right?

>> No.16560079

all the nutrients and macros in an egg are there to make a baby chicken. it needs a teeny tiny bit of sugar. you have sugar in you too.

>> No.16560139

You have jumbo eggs or something? Large eggs should only be around .6g of sugar. Refined sugar is something you should generally avoid but there isn't really any reason to be concerned about the tiny amount in an egg unless you have some rare digestive issue with sugar. Pure sugar is bad but a tiny amount mixed with healthy fat and protein in an egg will do no harm.

>> No.16560209

Rent free

>> No.16560295

>safe handling
>cook eggs until yolks are firm
Big oof.

>> No.16560618

wholly based

>> No.16561229

Anon, you are made of sugar.

>> No.16561282
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Jeez, so this is why I'm not losing weight eating eggs every night. Fuck.

>> No.16561297

you've got like 5g of sugar in your blood if you've got 6 or 7 you are diabetic

>> No.16561460

yea but sugar is the stuff in candy. I don’t want to eat candy I want normal eggs

>> No.16561514

>1,4 grams per 1 egg
seems high honestly. is it a giant egg or what? average egg is supposed to have half that much or less.

>> No.16561806

Raise chickens then. It's not hard retard.

>> No.16561823

There's plenty of ways to lose weight.
Dieting alone is going to make it extremely slow.
Throw in some basic exercise three times a week

>> No.16561846

OP here sorry guys it was actually a creme egg woops haha

>> No.16561867

Haha I was just pretending to be retarded on the internet

>> No.16561872

Cals in, cals out.

>> No.16561875

not relevant for weight loss

>> No.16561882

Lower cals in than you are burning will lead to weight loss

>> No.16561889

No shit I was in the pharmacy looking for some zinc
and the one brand I grabbed had sorbitol in it
fucking WHY?

>> No.16561981
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I do. I have an active job, and do compound lifts every other day.

I do. I even fast all day and only eat one meal at 4pm or 8pm, depending on work. The fat just won't go a way. Pic related is me btw. My lovehandles haunt me.

>> No.16562044

>Lower cals in than you are burning will lead to weight loss
not necessarily your body will likely lower expenditure to compensate. the body is a homeostatic system calorie counting is retarded

>> No.16562055

wrong I do keto

>> No.16562057

Keto will make you burn potentially hundreds more calories a day with no extra exercise. And more importantly you won't be hungry and don't have to count calories.

>> No.16562066

l o n d o n

>> No.16562082

yo I bought a bag of carrots and the bag read "Ingredients: Carrots" but I found a leaf in there. wtf. what if I was allergic to leaf?

>> No.16562143

most people are

>> No.16562334

Candy is refined sugar.

>> No.16562340

you just have bad genetics because your ancestors probably were always hungry so your body is hardcoded to hold onto fat no matter what

just do roids

>> No.16562347

fix your posture (just judging from the fold lines on your chest = slouch sitter) and stop wearing elastic mid-rise shorts

you don't have love handles you dysmorphic idiot

>> No.16562402

Does the package you came in say "contains retard?"

>> No.16562422


>> No.16562430

People don’t come in packages! They’re birthed from a woman’s vagina. That’s how OP was born. He didn’t come in a cardboard box. That would hurt the baby. Also a fetus needs nutrients from its mother that it can’t get from cardboard and plastic.

>> No.16562439


>> No.16562560

You WILL eat the egg-sugar

>> No.16563451

Yes I do, they're right there.

>> No.16563469

You're wrong. He's right.

>> No.16563890

Wait. Eggs have sugar?

>> No.16563961

Love handles are only real when they’re visible without clothing. If it’s just your pants squeezing you it doesn’t count and you need to buy different clothes.
Some body fat isn’t bad, it’s when it starts building it’s own shapes on your body that it gets to be a problem.
But whatever maybe that’s just my opinion