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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16556162 [Reply] [Original]

>force myself to eat out alone to start fixing anxiety
>find a small but somewhat busy Vietnamese spot
>table for 1 please
>host looks at me confused
>seats me dead in the middle at a four top
>trying not to freak out and decide to stay there
>waiters ignore me for 20 minutes because they assume I have friends that are coming
>too autistic to flag someone down
>waiter finally comes over and looks at me weird when I finish placing my order

Why do they do this? Why do they treat solo diners like this? I was going to tip $3 but now it’s only $1

>> No.16556182

The host is retarded, not you. If you can’t be alone and be comfortable then that means you aren’t comfortable with yourself and that’s a problem.

Keep working at it.

>> No.16556234

>be me
>restaurant I've heard loads about from its locations in NYC opens up in my city
>just have to try it.
>go to restaurant to get takeout
>see that the place is empty and decide to dine in instead
>host sits me down at a small 2-person table
>order my food
>waiters come by and push three 2-person tables together right next to me
>huge group of people sit right next to me in an otherwise empty restaurant
>literally a table of 9 and then, 1 foot away, is me by myself
>they are loud as fuck
>see people glancing at me from my peripheral as I stare at my phone
>feel my face get hot and my eyes well up involuntarily
>one of them kicks the bottom of his table (not mine) accidentally
>I slightly jump startled
>2 girls noticed it and were whispering to each other laughing
>go to the bathroom
>see in the mirror that my face is bright red and my eyes look like i've been crying
>come out and peek around the corner
>the waiter has brought my food
>the huge table is just loudly looking over the menus
>come back to my table and about to sit
>their table went silent when they saw me coming back
>decide to grab my back pack and head towards the door
>their table faces down the street I need to go to
>begin to jog down the street so that I can get out of their sight faster
>have to jog for about 30 seconds until I turn a corner to be out of their line of sight
I should have just asked to move

>> No.16556249

If you can’t be alone and be comfortable then that means you aren’t comfortable with yourself and that’s a problem.

>> No.16556253

He was comfortable when he was alone, kiddy diddler.

>> No.16556279

kek, is this what incels go through

>> No.16556282
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I travel for business and often have a few nights alone. Not once have I had a problem like you've described. I do not know how I could tolerate supbar service like this. I would have called the waiter or left.

>> No.16556309

They were trying to make you uncomfortable. As a 24F I have been going to eateries/cafes/restaurants alone since I first started getting birthday money. There is nothing wrong with what you did or how you felt. Next time I hope you won't feel autistic. You have a right after a hard day of work to enjoy the amenities you paid for via payment for a meal.

Fuck those assholes that made you feel like you should go, you did nothing wrong

>> No.16556318

he probably projected all that stuff onto them as part of his narcissism and anxiety. They probably didn't give two shits and he just assumes - because he's a narcissist - that their whole meal revolved around him.

>> No.16556320

My asian waiter

Hello Wang. Beatiful day
>Wha you want?
Uhm ok rude. I would like to try the chicken sti-
Damn. Ok, lemme see It is number 71
>Wha else
You know what Wang? Nevermind. Can I also have these little shrimp rolls on the side, lol they look kinda tasty
>Wha? Show me on menu
These here the uh shrimp rolls
>No no we no have no more
Jeez ok

>> No.16556324

he said he looked like he was crying
he was probably inadvertently making a scene before he even noticed himself

>> No.16556326

I've never experienced any different treatment when alone, single diners are easier to seat and leave quickly after eating. But if it takes like 10 minutes for a server to even acknowledge me I just leave

>> No.16556333

i'm not taking the jab faggot, fuck off

>> No.16556336

>he said he looked like he was crying
he said so, sure, but he probably convinced himself that that was the case. In reality, he probably feels worse about being totally anonymous and insignificant, so he erected this whole fantasy to stave away the realization that that's exactly what he is, and not the centre of everyone's thoughts

>> No.16556337


>> No.16556349

>In reality, he probably feels worse about being totally anonymous and insignificant
That'd be nice wouldn't it? But it's simply not true, people are as nosy as they are self centered
I get all sorts of negative attention when I go out
People act afraid and angry around me. I just wish they'd chill and mind their own business

>> No.16556361

Your supposed to eat at the bar when your alone

>> No.16556362

>I get all sorts of negative attention when I go out
Take off your MAGA hat, lad

>> No.16556380
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hats were never really my style, especially the small ones

>> No.16556395

>As a 24F

>> No.16556402

just stand up like a man and sit down at another table, don't let hosts seat you. Don't drink water with your meal and you'll have better digestion. No need for any service or tip.

>> No.16556475

I got anxious when they sat next to me so my face went red and my eyes got teary. happens every time I get social anxiety unfortunately.
But after this happened, I noticed constantly that people would glance and look at me for a couple of seconds (I have very good peripheral vision). Then when the dude thumped his table and I jumped, the two girls definitely laughed at me because we even made eye contact as one was whispering to the other while covering her mouth. Then the whole table went from loud to silent when I was getting back to my table. I didn't hear anyone talking about me but I'm sure people here have been in similar situations.
So I just ran away

>> No.16556477

You should've pulled out a gun and threaten them like a real american

>> No.16556483
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Where the fuck do you people live that solo dining is not normal? I have never ever had a problem solo dining ever at any restaurant.

>> No.16556490

grow some fucking balls, you child.

Lay off the anime and video games

>> No.16556498
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>> No.16556499

How old are you?

>> No.16556500

It sounds like those girls were in love with you. That feeling makes women giddy, and eye contact is a clear indication of a girl showing her attraction to you.

>> No.16556516

if they were in love with him
they would have chased him when he ran

>> No.16556518

its called LARPing and its an art

>> No.16556520

If they have a bar, this is true. Even the worst (male) bartenders can sniff out guys being uncomfortable and at least make small talk with you. Now female bartenders are just trash so avoid at all costs.

Never got the uncomfortable eating alone thing, but if you don’t like your seating position and there is space available just say something. If they say no, just smile, say something polite and walk out even if you’ve already ordered, jack they can do about it.

>> No.16556524

Maybe they didn't have their Yakkety Sax mp3

>> No.16556531

Post vageen

>> No.16556534
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Anxiety sucks bros, I'll basically never be a real person and enjoy life...

>> No.16556536

there aren't real people, they're all fake
npcs are a real thing

>> No.16556559

yes, everyone who gets anything from life are literal robots, have no depth of character, have no internal monologue, don't experience REALITY as TRULY as us. We're not pathetic at all

>> No.16556563

Something hit a little too close to home?

>> No.16556570

Bar service for lunch and in off hours is also some of the best I've ever received.

>> No.16556576

So I can’t enjoy a meal at a table or booth if I’m alone? Fuck that

>> No.16556589

Just came to this thread to tell you you look like a faggot and your ears are freakishly big.

>> No.16556593

That's not actually me, autistic incel

>> No.16556595


>> No.16556601

If you act weird you're obviously going to attract attention

>> No.16556611

Sure thing bud

>> No.16556615

If someone looks like they're crying and you're being obnoxious with your buddies you should just be flogged to death.

>> No.16556647

The weak should fear the strong.

>> No.16556683

I have no issue usually, but the last time I went to an IHOP was because I got so tired of terrible people. It's IHOP, I've had plenty of bad experiences, including one years prior where it took 3 hours to get our party's food, and even then not all; but this was the worst:
>Me and 2 friends getting hangover meal at 3pm on Sunday
>IHOP empty after post Chruch/breakfast rush.
>Family with 4 kids comes in right after us and are seated directly next to us in an almost entirely empty restaurant
>Parents checked out, kids screaming constantly and running around the room
>their food comes and kids start throwing it all over the place
>Staff is forced to basically babysit
>this causes them to be unable to attend to our table
>end up getting (cold) food till after family leaves because they were using wait staff as babysitters
>corner they were sitting in has food all over the walls and floor
>waitress tells us they didnt even tip
I really hate people who bring kids to restaurants like it's a fucking daycare. I know it's IHOP and it's shitty, but that doesnt mean you can just let your kids terrorize the place. I would never let my kids act like that, and I very rarely go out to eat with them yet as they are very young (4 and 18mo) and I know it would be a problem potentially.

>> No.16556725

>act weird
>people notice
>proceed to act weirder
Par for the course t b h
You really need to learn to care less about what other people think about you anon, it doesn't matter in that particular situation

>> No.16556730

The women thought you were dark and mysterious anon, their panties were soaked

>> No.16556752

I never have a problem in restaurants by myself. Just have confidence and act important.

Bars are another story. Im married now but Ive tried to go to bars by myself and pick up girls. It was hard to get your confidence up when you are already a little wierded out by being there alone.

>> No.16556805
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>>begin to jog down the street so that I can get out of their sight faster
my fucking sides

>> No.16556828


>> No.16556840
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>long past the point of caring
>eat out by myself regularly
>don't even notice other people in the place anymore
>don't care where I'm seated
>enjoy food
It don't matter. None a this matters.

>> No.16556889

gaslighting freak
kill yourself in real life

>> No.16556893

easier at 35 than 24. At 35 its kinda normal to see people alone but at a younger age you're pretty much expected to have people with you. A 24 year old eating alone is a "loser"

>> No.16556927

Just remember if you go out to eat along and the waitress is nice to you, she likes you and you should ask for her number.

>> No.16556961

is this really what its like in america?

>> No.16556974

My mum would have taken my food away and made me stand outside the restaurant until everyone else was done eating. "Animals don't sit at the table, you can come back when you start acting like a person." I miss her.

>> No.16556977

>>waiters ignore me for 20 minutes because they assume I have friends that are coming
Did they tell you that? Or was it just your autistic assumption? It was also probably more like 5-10mins.

>> No.16556980

Is grabbing some food without company actually taboo in America? holy shit, land of the free my ass

>> No.16556981

I feel for you guys. I'm not a turbo autist like you guys but if I were in either of your situations I would have gotten angry and yelled at someone or started a fight. It's amazing how anger can turn a situation that you can't deal with to your advantage, and because it feels like assertiveness, you will be proud of yourself instead of ashamed like when you get ignored by the restaurant staff or nearly cry in public. Not saying it's the best response but it's better than what I've read.

>> No.16556991

>As a 24F
Stopped reading there. Tits or gtfo.

>> No.16557009

yes extroverts will unironically bully and shame you

>> No.16557061

Its mostly in their heads, but we do treat restaurants as a social thing. I think some have fear from eating lunch at school with no friends or seeing someone without friends get made fun of. I didnt have any social issues as a kid so that may be why I dont give a shit as an adult

>> No.16557071

And damn near illegal to go to a theatre without a member of the opposite sex

>> No.16557076

is this why takeaway/fast food is so popular there? so if you need a meal while you're running errands you can have food without being seen by yourself? america - land of the autists

>> No.16557088

No it was 20 minutes, I told myself I’d leave if it hit 30. The restaurant was pretty busy too, many of them looked at me and passed by many times

>> No.16557090
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>Why do they do this? Why do they treat solo diners like this?
Ok I'll explain it since no one else has answered it yet. Waiters make most of their money through tips. More orders = more tips. There are also a limited number of tables (especially since covid), a limited number of waiters, limited cooks, limited food, and limited time. If you go into a restaurant during peak hours (say 10-2) and ask for a single table, you're basically holding a table that 4+ other people could have taken up. Then on top of that, you tipped cheaply. All that work and time for a $1 tip. No wonder they didn't want to serve you. Many places have a minimum customer number requirement specifically to filter people like you.

>> No.16557093

The trick is to act like you're a college student. Bring a book to read or something.

>> No.16557095

I do takeaway because it is faster. Its a lunch thing while you are at work. You also dont have to tip

>> No.16557106

or just dont be a supermassive black pussyhole and eat your food lol

>> No.16557114

Oh, I don't care about eating alone. That's just something to help the other person during their transition period. Hopefully, they'll learn that nobody really cares THAT much about them.

>> No.16557133

fast food is supposed to be fast or it was before everyone quit
the idea is to grab something from the drive thru on the way to somewhere else like your job or school

>> No.16557149

this is bad advice, i used to take my tablet in with me at restaurants and actually study
it pissed of waitresses because they wanted multiple people at their tables ordering lots of food for bigger tips

>> No.16557164

stop pretending people aren’t dicks

>> No.16557169

What actually happened

>OP goes into a somewhat busy Vietnamese spot
>asks for a table for one
>host gives him a table
>waiters come and take his order
>OP imagined all the rest
>directed by M.Night Shyamalan

>> No.16557173

I used to do this a lot, and it did help, but thanks to croona I'm back at square one.

>> No.16557176

At least once a month I go to a restaurant on my own because I enjoy a good meal alone, nobody ever gave me a weird look about it, just don't act like a fag.
A crowded bar on a saturday night would be an other story though.

>> No.16557191

It still blows my mind how autistic people are on this website

Just rope yourself, it doesn't get any better for you

>> No.16557202

>Complain about autism on 4chan
Back to plebbit candy-assgot

>> No.16557222

Bars are harder but if you can do it its pretty cool to find a girl and hook it up. No witnesses or bullshit from your friends. Hers may be a problem.

Curious if you wrote an other on purpose

>> No.16557233

If your mother does that you should run out on the street and do anything you want, you compliant little pussy.

>> No.16557235


No, only in the imaginations of faggots cursed with crippling social anxiety.

>> No.16557237

i thought that the stereotypical protag i always see on shows and movies who i see going to bars and picking up girls alone was normal though, did /tv/ lie to me?

>> No.16557352

Of course (((they))) did, real bars want you go with "friends" and buy tons of $10 bottles of piss water

>> No.16557595

I knew a girl once who was a professional waitress at a nice restaurant.
She said they have a "lonely diner" policy, where ppl who come in to dine by themselves get a preferential treatment, i.e., speedy, because they know these ppl don't want to waste time as they're by themselves.
Ofc if you don't tip well, it's the first/last time you'll get that; but as this was a nice place, I guess it was assumed noone would go to a place like that by themselves unless they were likely to tip well.
Granted, this was over 15 years ago, and a fairly nice restaurant, not some dinky chinese place. Who knows how things are today.

>> No.16557609

Y-yelling at someone or getting in a fight with someone is way worse than running away, anon...
You shouldn't feel proud of that, you should feel even more ashamed...

>> No.16557629


>> No.16557652

This is why democracy is fake and gay, retarded and evil.

>> No.16557657

lol no, she just wants a big tip from the lonely weirdo

>> No.16557663

What's wrong with your keyboard's Y key?

>> No.16557674

based carl

>> No.16557683

this is the logical way to do it if you're actually thinking about it, business side. your ticket can easily get zoomed to the front since there will be no coordination with other dishes that have to come up at the same time

>> No.16557709
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I used to take handfuls of Xanax for crippling anxiety. I gotta say it doesn't get better.

>in resturant, almost nodding off
>staring at painting
>wait has to ask me three times what I want to order before my reaction timing kicks in
>order big borgar
>feels like it comes out instantly
>shits delicious
>fold receipt into paper crane
>leave 20% tip
>awkwarly make small talk with waiter for a bit
>stumble out of restaurant
>realize i have borgar sauce all the fuck over me

>> No.16557811
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It's unusual to go to a sit-down restaurant alone, but no one actually gives a shit. I think some other cultures do genuinely view eating alone as unacceptable though. I work at a shipyard and we recently had a catered lunch put on that everyone had to go to. I was working with a different crew than usual that day so I decided to just eat by myself. I got my food, plunked my hard hat down on the table, then glanced up at the guys across from me. They were some old SEAmonkeys and one of them immediately gestured for me to come and sit with them, which I did, because I had no reason not to. Judging by their facial expressions my eating alone was some kind of aberrant behavior, like a senile old man going for a morning stroll in his briefs. None of them spoke English of course, which sort of defeated the purpose of me sitting with them, but whatever. My point is, going to a restaurant alone is sort of weird but in a society as atomized as ours, taboos don't exist in any meaningful way.

>> No.16557874


>> No.16557890
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Have you tried Magnesium instead?

>> No.16557981

If you're gonna go eat alone, go somewhere that will serve you at the bar.

>> No.16558020

Losing interest
>Birthday money
Eat shit, faggot.

>> No.16558108


>> No.16558112

post em

>> No.16558125

>go to restaurants alone
>always ask the waiter to sit me where I want to be seated
>usually pick a window table
>watch the window while enjoying my time alone
>sometimes watch other people
>maybe write something down on a notepad
>never tip
>always thank my waitress
>walk out with a handful of mints

>> No.16558139
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>> No.16558158

if they're being rude just fukken tell them
dont come to a Venezuelan Clog dancing Forum a week later and fucking complain to random teenagers here.

>> No.16558196

Quit larping as a harem anime shy love interest and type normally

>> No.16558227

>my face went red and my eyes got teary. happens every time I get social anxiety unfortunately.
Unironically go see a therapist. This is a serious and genuine problem.

>> No.16558239

It is unusual, but nobody gives a fuck. This pressure exists only inside the minds of the cripplingly socially anxious.

>> No.16558293

if anything a theater is even more acceptable if you're just minding your own business. if anyone's thoughts at seeing you alone at a theater extend beyond "there is a person by themselves" it's a problem of the observer, or you're doing different antisocial behavior, movie theater notwithstanding. or you're like 300lbs+ which isn't a good look on anyone anywhere

>> No.16558416


>> No.16558431

every part of this is great lol, you should not feel remotely bad

>> No.16558447

> Be me
> Go to restaurant alone
> Sit down
> Order food
> Eat food
> Pay and leave
It's pretty fucking simple.
I haven't eaten with anyone else in nearly 2 years now. Don't have a single friend nor gf. Was about to call OP a retard but realise I'm in no position to judge.

>> No.16558469

>As a 24F
No reason to mention that at all. God stfu.

>> No.16558470

He could have just asked the waiter to move him to a different table. Just say you would like a quieter spot. No one gives a fuck if you're eating alone, lots of people do it and its not a sign you have no friends at all.

>> No.16558480

The thing about people with anxiety is that you can't take their version of reality as truth. Their brains are literally telling them they are in danger all the time in completely mundane situations. They think everyone is watching them and judging them and laughing at them but in reality people hardly even register their existence.

>> No.16558531

>go to my local subway first time
>4 people all seemingly regulars
>wait for the line
>cutie starts my order before the next guy
>terriake on italian bread with old english cheese
>she toasted my sandwhich looks at me and asks what veges
>Lol jk im asking the next guy who came off as her bf
>gay guy does the rest of my order, tomatos lettuce jalapenos, 1000 island sauce pepper and salt
>he giggles with the chick I call this one the hot chicken deluxe
>he asks if i wanted cookies or drinks then bails
>chick wraps it up and asks again
>dude before wasnt her bf
>She puts it on a comedic spot ontop of the sneeze gaurds slowly slides it to me with a giggle

>> No.16558536

Teenagers don't know how to find websites like this.

>> No.16558543

Work sent to another state for a few months in 2019. They paid for all my food so I went out every night.
It was difficult at first because I wasn't used to eating at restaurants by myself, but I got used to it. When you are alone it gives you an opportunity to get to know the staff better. I'd choose a place and spend the week or two going through their entire menu.

>> No.16558544


>> No.16558546

Ik, i just wanted a sandwhich

>> No.16558554

>get to know the staff better
oh god you're one of those

>> No.16558729

>pop into subway
>see something I like on the board
>it comes with a free drink
>I don't want a drink
>yes I'll have that but without the drink please
>but it comes with a free drink
>but I don't want a drink so keep it
>you have to have the drink I have to give you the drink
>she gives me the sandwich and drink
>I drop the drink in the bin next to me and walk out with my sandwich
I feel bad about it now but I think she could've just left the drink off the order.

>> No.16558745

I have no idea what you're trying to say, or what the point of your story is. A girl giggled, and that upset you?

>> No.16558767

>be me from 21-23
>be pizza delivery driver
>live in small town, only restaurant open late is appplebees
>go there all the time alone after work
>already drunk from drinking throughout work
>qt milf bartender always waits on me
>get a half price appetizer
>get either bourbon chicken and shrimp or riblets
>watch drunk people at bar
>relax while watching nfl highlights on one of the tvs
>drink more beer
>stumble out
I miss it bros. There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating out. I would still do it today if I still had my license. And I am an extremely socially anxious guy. Maybe the alcohol helped.

>> No.16558784

>I was going to tip $3 but now it’s only $1
lol based
also op try a different restaurant. some if them, like small breakfast joints, coffee shops, and diners are used to having solo patrons.

>> No.16558787

I sometimes bring a scribble book cause I like drawing but it makes people think you're noting down shit about the restaurant and service. Makes people think you're a fucking judge or some shit and they up their effort a little.

>> No.16558791

So, you go for desperate fatties when nobody is around?
Anyway, girls are not stupid. Going with a stranger requires some sort of social proof. Best would be a big group of friends, with girls in it ideally.
Otherwise, they will get scared because you might as well be a serial killer.

But I am curious as to how you hook up with girl as a solo bar goer.

>> No.16558798

>if I still had my license

>> No.16558802

this guy lose his license drink driving

>> No.16558805

amazing story

>> No.16558876

would you be interested in being my gf? i like cooking and work in entertainment indusry, 85kg - 6'3". i am funny in the right context but most normies probably wouldnt like it, right wing politics
please respond

>> No.16558916

This is just how I act T_T

>> No.16559163

What the fuck are you trying to say? Learn how to talk.

>> No.16559167

>be pizza delivery driver
>already drunk from drinking throughout work
I used to be friends with the entire staff of a local Domino's. They all did this. Every single one. Also lots of drugs, especially xanax and adderall. I still don't get it.

>> No.16559169

By being attractive and having charisma

>> No.16559170

>ears are freakishly big.
They're to hear the tears and cries of whiny coping incels, anon.

>> No.16559174

Why would your ears specifically evolve to hear that? Fucking weirdo freak lol.

>> No.16559298

He admitted he should have. You're not smart at all.

>> No.16559366


>> No.16559380

Post bob

>> No.16559452

>tfw used to be awkward
>head to sushi place because tired after work and wanted to larp as a tired depressed nip salaryman
>host seats me next to a girl by herself on one end of the sushi train because japanese fucking efficiency autism I guess
>years of hypervigilant sensitivity towards negative body language means my radar detects girl probably feels awkward since the host just sat a random guy next to her
>a younger me might have awkwardly asked the host to be sat elsewhere
>but no, I'm older, I care less, I'm tired, I've lost hope with girls so there's nothing to be anxious about, and besides, im pretending to be a depressed nip salaryman
>unapologetically sit right next to her, open up a book about the soviet invasion of afghanistan, start music on my headphones, order a drink, and meal and be immersed in my little bubble of comfort
>ordered a meal because I'm not eating sushi off a sushi train lmao

Just literally get old and stop caring and lose hope

In a way it's liberating and you just don't give a fuck about the dumb shit you used to when you're young

>> No.16559480
File: 80 KB, 1024x987, 1625052387394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm pretending to be a depressed salaryman
>pretending to be depressed
Are you lying to us or yourself?

>> No.16559496
File: 89 KB, 667x900, 1629118761113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol this is what happens when you go to places that don't let you sit wherever you like (unless it's reserved). Oh yeah I'm not taking the vaccine ever faggots.

>> No.16559499

Then die.

>> No.16559501

You selfish asshole don't you care if people die because of you?

>> No.16559508

this nigga be trippin, also check em

>> No.16559520
File: 99 KB, 700x853, 1628885346527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You first.

>> No.16559528

My local chink take out does this shit all the time. I order Bami speciaal which comes with a chicken leg, sate, babi pangang and two tubs of bami. I tell the fuckers every time EVERY TIME I only need one tub of bami, but no when I get home guess what fuckers packed two tubs again. I got 7 fucking kilos of bami in my freezer and the door barely shuts anymore. The thing is I love bami but only with sate sauce and whatever that sweet and sour sauce is the chicken leg comes with.

>> No.16559530
File: 199 KB, 814x814, 1628455520537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're double no triple jabbed surely? You'll be fine. Oh wait vaxxed people can still get the wu flu, oh dear then what was the purpose of the jab?

Maybe trusting globalist psychos with your life was not a good idea heh?

>> No.16559536

bro will you ship me some bami

>> No.16559538

Typical uneducated trump voter doesn't understand science, god I wish we could deport you all to an island somewhere

>> No.16559545

pls be in usa

>> No.16559551
File: 345 KB, 521x599, E8A556pWEAQpCse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek none of the above. Reddit faggot spotted.

>> No.16559651


>> No.16559657

>has anxiety
>goes out dining alone, which is something not many people with or without anxiety can pull off without feeling weird
You catch the bull by the horns, I admire that