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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 569 KB, 1000x800, EzGOyunVgAEbvuv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16556128 No.16556128 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you eat junk food?

>> No.16556143

once or twice a week. i have to quit cheating tho

>> No.16557270

Does soda count as junk food?

>> No.16557281
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Every minute of the day
Captcha 0W0 XX

>> No.16557283
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>> No.16557703

God I love chubby chicks.

>> No.16557774

Not since I was mid-teens and I realized the importance of using your calories effeciently. Hesitantly a couple of potato chips when theyre offered to me. I can't even stand the smell of stuff like doritos anymore after a few years of nojunk.

>> No.16557828


>> No.16557888

Does stovetop popcorn count? I eat that 2-3 times a week but it's only 3 ingredients: popcorn kernels, flavacol, and coconut oil.

>> No.16557889

Barely ever.

>> No.16557892

>coconut oil

>> No.16557896

It's probably the most flavorful oil for popcorn I can think of, other than clarified butter which is also fantastic for popping.

>> No.16557919

coconut oil doesn't taste good though

>> No.16558095
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>> No.16558099

All the fuckin' time. I'm eating Cheez-its and having a late night Reign energy drink right now

>> No.16558103

all day every day

>> No.16558105

i know you're wrong

>> No.16558255


>> No.16558261

about once or twice a year, usually a snickers bar for christmas

>> No.16558267

Coconut oil tastes great if it fits with the flavors of your dish. I like to use it when I'm making curry or something of the sort. I used it for hashbrowns once though and that was fucking disgusting.

>> No.16558275

ive used it for dairy free ganache and it was fine but maybe the chocolate flavor was powerful enough

>> No.16558297

God imagine the smell of her farts

>> No.16559387

>I like to use it when I'm making curry or something of the sort.

>> No.16559479

too often, i love cooking but i just keep cucking myself by ordering shit.

>> No.16559558

Based and Architectpilled

>> No.16559564

I did recently and it made me realize why it's so bad, the empty calories aren't filling compared to rice and vegetables.

>> No.16559611
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>> No.16559850

are you charlie bucket?

>> No.16559856

>charlie bucket?
who? i'm just some random ketofag

>> No.16559887
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>> No.16559892

I might have one day a week where I go all out and munch a load of shite.
I try to snack on shit like gherkins and olives these days.
Rarely bother eating take-out.

>> No.16559914

not even my annual snickers bar? :(

>> No.16559938
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Charlie Bucket was the kid who got the golden ticket and eventually the chocolate factory from Wonka. He was a poorfag who only got chocolate very rarely before that. Enjoy your annual snickers, Anon.

>> No.16559978
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Almost every day.

>> No.16559989

nope, especially with that kind of attitude! Now it's mine >:)

>> No.16560006

I used to be anorexic so my relationship with food is fucked up, probably forever. That results in me going months without anything remotely unhealthy, and then months where I binge eat on junk for days on end. Still at a healthy weight but its definitely fucking up my system. Don't go ano bros, whatever you do

>> No.16560081

Anorexics are some of the most psychotic and selfish people I've met. Maybe that's jus trannies and girls though.

>> No.16560128
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>> No.16561077

>anorexic male

>> No.16561095

a few times per month. i typically eat pretty clean, but i like to have some sweets here and there.
i rarely eat a meal that's junk food.

>> No.16561299
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basically whenever I can, yet I'm still only 180 at 6'0 with very little body fat

>> No.16561423

almost never anymore. i try to stick to non processed veggies and meat. i also don't eat much bread. feeling better than ever honestly.

>> No.16561477
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Much more often than I should. I've fallen into the trap of getting fastfood for dinner after work instead of cooking because I was too tired. It used to just be every other Friday of so but now it's like twice a week. I wasn't exactly a greek god before that but my pants have been extra tight these past few days so maybe it's time to cut back.

>> No.16561489

Keep a bunch of frozen peas and canned fish around. As tasty as fast food and just as low effort.

>> No.16561540
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Will do. What kind of fish would you recommend? I've tried deenz in the past but I think I must have bought some off brand chinese fish because they just tasted like oily cat food.

>> No.16561802

Patrician taste

>> No.16562277

Not only is it junk food its like nuclear waste tier junk food. Literally liquid sugar.

>> No.16562287

you should probably just kill yourself

>> No.16562309
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All the time.
I also drink way too much.

>> No.16562319

1 chip every other day.

>> No.16562394

I haven't eaten junk food in decades, since I was a teen, until this week.
I actually just decided to take a trip to the corner store in the middle of my work shift and pick up chips, cream soda, caramel candy, cheetohs (? I forgot how cheet-ohs? is spelled), then before I was even out with that I turned back and got one of those rich looking coffee-energy drinks and a thick chocolate milkshake.
I just snacked through the rest of the day at work

I've had to drink like triple the usual water for the rest of the week. In my dreams, I eat gorgeous flaky fish dishes under a sun that never sets and with the sound of waves that never recede. My hands move without effort and with perfect precision, so not a crumb is lost or misplaced from the perfect plate as I eat; my whole body is happy and effortless; because I'm dead, never wavering in breath because it never wants for breath and I'm so neat because I'm not actually eating because I'm never wanting for food, just looking at the perfectly arranged plate.

Then I wake up and I'm groggy and hungry and I peel open the can of pringles on my bed and eat them in pairs until I decide another one of those coffee+energy drinks would make more sense than the effort of making coffee.

>> No.16562839

>ywn fuck wet and sweaty fatass chick

>> No.16563225

Every day but small servings, like 2 Pringles and an oreo tier.

>> No.16563708

Never say never, anon.

>> No.16563975
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>> No.16563978
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>> No.16563981
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>> No.16564396

>ywn have a cute obese gf that loves your cooking

>> No.16564408

Why do disgusting, diabetic, cancer riddled 'Muricans think that being obese is remotely sexy?

>> No.16564411
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But anon if I kill myself the jews win

>> No.16564413
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>> No.16564468


>> No.16564485

Damn the tattoo went up lmaoo

>> No.16564580


>> No.16564585

watch your calorie intake and it doesn't matter

>> No.16564590


>> No.16564815

It's their most common option, basically. So they've adapted to like it.

>> No.16564934

It's easier to watch calorie intake with foods that aren't as calorie dense as a neutron star (which most junkfood is).

>> No.16565582

Calories aren't the only thing to worry about from junk food.

>> No.16565933

Like once or twice a day, usually in the form of soda or ice cream

>> No.16566019

Yeah but calorie dense food tastes better than food that aren’t

>> No.16566051

Ice cream every night during the summer, Im fit though

>> No.16566070

>Im fit though

>> No.16566089

I bike to the gym everyday, a coffee mug of ice cream isn't a problem

>> No.16566096

>I bike to the gym everyday

>> No.16566119

That's because we developed society quicker than our brains and bodies could keep up. Thankfully another ice age is coming soon so we'll get another go at it.

>> No.16566120

Sorry fatty

>> No.16566132

>Sorry fatty

>> No.16566141

You stay believing that.

>> No.16566174

whenever someone else treats me to it, so like once a year

>> No.16566196

Well it's just a matter of time before we have another. We've had them before. We'll have them again. We are just speeding up the process. The AMOC is already slowing down. We'll get a couple more decades of ungodly heat and rising sea levels until the water isn't salty enough to keep the current going and then we'll get a nice long freeze again.

>> No.16566206

Again, you stay believing that.

>> No.16566213

>something I don't like? Must be 'murica
Rent-free, tax-exempt, mortgage paid in full.

>> No.16566214

As opposed to what?

>> No.16566234


>> No.16566374
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I hear she's planning to get her bellybutton pierced too

>> No.16566397
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>> No.16566404
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>> No.16566438

Imagine her but fatter

>> No.16566681

She needs at least 80-100 kg more for me. Just enough she starts to waddle

Everyday Anon.

>> No.16566816
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name is twicethesize on insta

>> No.16566827
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>> No.16566830

Thanks for material for evening beating Anon.
Feel free to post more babes

>> No.16566863
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sure thing my dude

>> No.16566865

Only a few times a month

>> No.16566867
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>> No.16566897
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>> No.16566905
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>> No.16566907
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>> No.16566908

to be fair though Americans are disgusting as fuck and they should be thrown into an incinerator.

>> No.16566918
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very true

>> No.16567087


Glorious chonks

>> No.16567168
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>stretch marks

>> No.16567637

I wanna die between those thighs

>> No.16568666

>How often do you eat junk food?
define junk food.

>> No.16568749

high sugar and or low nutrient foods

>> No.16569529

Food that's junk.

>> No.16569540

Satan pls

>> No.16569793

where did I say I was male lol?

>> No.16569888
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Good thread

>> No.16569897

almost never
when i do though, i start falling asleep in the afternoon and just feel like i have no energy afterwards for a while

>> No.16569917

that's the beetus creeping up on ya

>> No.16570324
File: 2.39 MB, 1092x850, [Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! Precure - 01v2 (1080p)-[13.10.040-13.13.836].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this show has all my fetishes

>> No.16570327
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>> No.16570331

I want to fuck this fish.

>> No.16570336
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>> No.16570342
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>> No.16570345
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>> No.16570353

I like latte art.

>> No.16570355
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>> No.16570358
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>> No.16570365
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>> No.16570369
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>> No.16570370

You do realize that coconut oil isn't the same thing as coconut milk, right?

I eat ramen like twice a week, I get margherita pizza about once a week from the local pizza place but a whole pizza is all I will eat for 3 meals. That's pretty much it

>> No.16570376
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>> No.16570382
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>> No.16570385
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>> No.16570399
File: 239 KB, 1920x1080, Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! - 09 [HugMan][8056191D].mkv_snapshot_13.53_[2020.04.10_20.14.03].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stole 40 cakes from little girls. That's as many as four tens.

>> No.16570402
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>> No.16570413
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>> No.16570424
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>> No.16570457

Literally me.

>> No.16570742
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I'm back baby

>> No.16570756
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>> No.16570760
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>> No.16570770
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>> No.16571383

>never been into fat girls
>those pics makes you absolute diamond
I-It's too late right? I fell into spiral right?

>> No.16571423
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>> No.16571427
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>> No.16571432
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>> No.16571531

I love how this thread devolved into degenerates posting softcore fat fetishism pics of chubby or fat women. Thank Satan for 4chan.

>> No.16571542

and that's horrible

>> No.16571637

>prevented little girls from fattening
How is that horrible?

>> No.16571704

I treat myself one box of tendies a week, besides that it's all home cooking. I can't remember the last time I got delivery or take out

>> No.16572982

Based. What brand of tendies?

>> No.16573769
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>> No.16573933

Probably a few times a month. Junk food is pretty pointless and has way too many calories. At least with alcohol you're actually feeling something for a while, junk food just makes you feel good for a few minutes.

>> No.16574838

>drinking alcohol

>> No.16575629

Get out of here, lex.

>> No.16575639

8 out of 67

>> No.16575809

What does that mean?

>> No.16577142

>organic chips
what's the point

>> No.16577148


>> No.16577149

>eating inorganic chips

>> No.16577152

More than I'd like to admit, I go back to eating it when things change

>> No.16577171

Yes, and?

>> No.16578201

>eating chips

>> No.16578627

Fuck me those shrimp sticks are sooo good

>> No.16578999
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>> No.16579895

Why do you eat shrimp sticks?

>> No.16580269

Obese is cute

>> No.16580321

Chubby is cute. Obese is not

>> No.16581288

I was never into eating chips t b h

>> No.16582233

i wish to someday be as happy as him

>> No.16583151


>> No.16583196

It's why OPs shouldn't make the image more interesting than the text.

>> No.16584388

if beer and soda count, then pretty much daily. but i pretty much never eat chips

>> No.16584403

actually its liquid water with sugar, carbon dioxide and flavoring/coloring agents dissolved in it.

>> No.16584724

Basically every day due to my situation, can't buy my own groceries and senpai eats nothing but take out, chips, a fuckton of soda, and microwavable shit.

>> No.16584763
File: 40 KB, 488x488, GUEST_030caf34-384c-4008-bbf7-c8c3c162d9a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once a week I'll eat an entire box of these. They only have 9gs of sugar and no artificial flavoring so it could be worse.