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File: 79 KB, 1200x800, plastic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16554679 [Reply] [Original]

*gives you cancer*

>> No.16554684

maybe you should clean it then, that stuff is filthy

>> No.16554685

so they're just like your post

>> No.16554690

I try to replace most of those with glass but I can't find lids that aren't made of plastic to keep a proper seal

>> No.16554705

>I can't find lids that aren't made of plastic
just... use the plastic ones and fill it less so your food doesn't make contact with the plastic?

>> No.16554707

aluminium foil?

>> No.16554713

aluminium isn't much better than plastic

>> No.16554721

you can also get sealable boxes in stainless steel.

>> No.16554726

beeswax wrap

>> No.16554768

Why not

>> No.16554777

there was a time when people thought it might give you Alzheimer's. turns out it doesn't, but the fear remains.

>> No.16554788

good goy, make sure to drink from the cans and apply your speed stick

>> No.16554797

damn, guess I can't use aluminum anymore either now

>> No.16554825


>> No.16555072

>imagine wanting long life

>> No.16555093

Beyond potential health concerns these are genuinely shit. One day I'm going to dump them all and get proper glassware.

>> No.16555131

No it just turns your children into feminized men/trannies/queers along with all the other sources of endocrine disrupters in your home.

But don’t worry, they’re “born this way” and chronic toxin exposure is great when it results in gender dysphoria (and plummeting sperm quality, feminization in men, autism)

>> No.16555173
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>> No.16555178

Plastic never gets really clean

>> No.16555217
File: 31 KB, 243x234, 247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spot on.

>> No.16555232

Forget the cancer, glass is still better just because you can easily clean it and it doesn't pick up odors or stains. Plus, you can just take your leftovers straight from the fridge and put them into the oven to reheat.

That's fine, lids are just to seal the air in, don't store your food upside down. Glass on glass is bad for a reason, you don't want chipping and then slivers of glass in your food.

>> No.16555237
File: 69 KB, 480x640, A12CCDDF-3B5A-49F4-A49D-914302D71994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No it just turns your children into feminized men/trannies/queers along with all the other sources of endocrine disrupters in your home. But don’t worry, they’re “born this way” and chronic toxin exposure is great when it results in gender dysphoria (and plummeting sperm quality, feminization in men, autism)

>> No.16555334

You should read up on the sources of endocrine disrupters in your home and look at what murine models have shown. In 50 years people will look at how we gladly exposed our children (starting in utero) to all these endocrine disrupters in the same way that we laugh at how people used to use x-rays to fit shoes, uranium for dentures and all the other examples of “progress” gone bad.

It’s going to take longer to acknowledge and rectify this issue because industry and lobbyists are preventing the problem from receiving due attention (and solutions) AND some of the major side effects are either ignored or even laughed about (see plummeting sperm counts/quality) or have turned into this strange social movement (increase in trans and feminized males). If we can show that the increase in trans and gender dysphoria is the result of chronic toxin exposure do you honestly believe that the public and social engineers will accept this and act accordingly? They’ll decry the research as transphobic and het-cis propaganda.

>> No.16555355

McLachlan, J. A., Simpson, E., & Martin, M. (2006). Endocrine disrupters and female reproductive health. Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 20(1), 63-75.

Hayes, T., Haston, K., Tsui, M., Hoang, A., Haeffele, C., & Vonk, A. (2002). Feminization of male frogs in the wild. Nature, 419(6910), 895-896.

Nagahama, Y., Nakamura, M., Kitano, T., & Tokumoto, T. (2004). Sexual plasticity in fish: a possible target of endocrine disruptor action. Environmental sciences: an international journal of environmental physiology and toxicology, 11(1), 73-82.

Hayes, T. B., Anderson, L. L., Beasley, V. R., De Solla, S. R., Iguchi, T., Ingraham, H., ... & Willingham, E. (2011). Demasculinization and feminization of male gonads by atrazine: consistent effects across vertebrate classes. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology, 127(1-2), 64-73.

Milnes, M. R., Bermudez, D. S., Bryan, T. A., Edwards, T. M., Gunderson, M. P., Larkin, I. L., ... & Guillette Jr, L. J. (2006). Contaminant-induced feminization and demasculinization of nonmammalian vertebrate males in aquatic environments. Environmental Research, 100(1), 3-17.

Vuong, A. M., Yolton, K., Dietrich, K. N., Braun, J. M., Lanphear, B. P., & Chen, A. (2018). Exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and child behavior: current findings and future directions. Hormones and behavior, 101, 94-104.

Bejerot, S., Humble, M. B., & Gardner, A. (2011). Endocrine disruptors, the increase of autism spectrum disorder and its comorbidity with gender identity disorder–a hypothetical association. International journal of andrology, 34(5pt2), e350-e350.

Saleem, F., & Rizvi, S. W. (2017). Transgender associations and possible etiology: A literature review. Cureus, 9(12).

>> No.16555360

Throwing in “goy” to a fucktarded statement doesn’t make you less of a fucktard, trailerpark anon.

>> No.16555361


Bejerot, S., Humble, M. B., & Gardner, A. (2011). Endocrine disruptors, the increase of autism spectrum disorder and its comorbidity with gender identity disorder–a hypothetical association. International journal of andrology, 34(5pt2), e350-e350.

De Cock, M., Maas, Y. G., & Van De Bor, M. (2012). Does perinatal exposure to endocrine disruptors induce autism spectrum and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders? Review. Acta paediatrica, 101(8), 811-818.

Rivollier, F., Krebs, M. O., & Kebir, O. (2019). Perinatal exposure to environmental endocrine disruptors in the emergence of neurodevelopmental psychiatric diseases: a systematic review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(8), 1318.

Etc etc

There is obviously an increase in autism and gender dysphoria and other linked developmental issues and it is incorrect to state that it is only because of a change in our diagnostic methodology or people being more free to “be who they are” in our progressive society.

We live in a toxic environment and our children are being poisoned by their food packaging, carpet, furniture, toys, and all the plastics around them. Notice the rise came after the boomers when brominated flame retardants and other endocrine disruptors and xenoestrogens started to become dominant in our environment.

>> No.16555369

Holy shit imagine keeping this in a file for pasting just to feel smart on the internet.

The hilarious thing is you haven’t even read what you’re posting. You literally searched “feminization” and a couple other things and posted journals from pay sources you don’t have access to.

>> No.16555387

>pay sources you don’t have access to
It's 2021 bro

>> No.16555396

I have read at least the Results (or Conclusions for the reviews) of these papers and I do have access to them because I am a researcher with access to most journals via my institution’s bulk subscriptions.

I am interested in this topic because it is somewhat relevant to my own work but mostly because the topic became alarming before I had my first child.

Just because you are wholly ignorant about what is in your home and the effects it has on developing children (and you when you were a child) doesn’t mean it isn’t real or a conspiracy. There is a growing body of compelling evidence from environmental and experimental studies indicating a serious issue that has cascading effects on human cognitive and sexual development. Instead of facing this we simply white wash it and call the feminization of men and gender dysphoria a brave and celebratory thing.

>> No.16555437

everything gives you cancer, you got a limited time stop trying to be immortal

>> No.16555454

>straight from the fridge and put them into the oven
Won't that break the glass?

>> No.16555484
File: 1.50 MB, 1200x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finding nice glass containers is hard. I wouldn't worry about it much unless it's in heat though. I use these from OXO because they honestly make the best shit and I'd trust them with my life

I'm in my late 20s so if I was going to transition because of plastic I'm long past the point of it mattering

>> No.16555498

>I totally read a small part of them
That’s like reading headlines
>and I do have access!
So why spam citations to people who don’t?
>y-you are WHOLLY ignorant!!
Yup I can tell you’re a researcher. The fact I pointed out those journals are from paid subs totally means I’m ignorant. Great logical conclusion there. Keep up the good work, friend.

>> No.16555500

If you stick it into an oven already at 400 maybe. Just don't preheat the oven. Put it in before you start it up and it will all warm up together.

>> No.16555519

>That’s like reading headlines
No it isn’t. Reading the Methods and Results is the heart of a study, you don’t need much more.

>So why spam citations to people who don’t?
How do I know you don’t have access (paid or otherwise) to these journals?

>The fact I pointed out those journals are from paid subs totally means I’m ignorant.
Clicking on a link, hitting a paywall and stating that you can’t access them isn’t exactly insider knowledge and evidence of being more than a dullard.

Why not argue about the topic at hand instead? Or, seeing as you have not read relevant literature and cannot even figure out how to access it, shut up about something you are, as I said, wholly ignorant about?

>> No.16555527

Needs to be BPA free. Everything else is fine.

>> No.16555534

>no, not those sources!
fuck off reddit faggot

>> No.16555544

Kek exactly

Yeah until the next “bad plastic” is identified and acknowledged.

>> No.16555545

>How do I know you don’t have access (paid or otherwise) to these journals?
Are you autistic?
>Clicking on a link, hitting a paywall and stating that you can’t access them isn’t exactly insider knowledge
You literally posted no links.
Again, are you fucking autistic?
Holy shit I can only hope you’re lying about having a kid.

You sound like an autist playing an online parody of what they think an educated person sounds like.

>> No.16555559

>Yeah until the next “bad plastic” is identified and acknowledged.
You already have plastic everywhere and in everything. It's about more harmful, yet completely pointless additions in making it.

>> No.16555579

Why post links when I can post references (or “citations” according to you) that have informative titles? If I posted the links you still wouldn’t be able to access them so who cares?

I am sorry you don’t know how to access pay journals but maybe you’ll get the hang of it one day. But I have a feeling you’ll never have the need or desire to read primary literature, just keep relying on scientifically illiterate journalists to feed you what is important during your daily pop science consumption.

>> No.16555608

based OXO
based 1991/1992

>> No.16555611

Lol literally
>nothing personnel, kid
This is too great

>> No.16555623

Hey thanks, never heard of that brand.

We use Pyrex here, it's immortal.

>> No.16555754


>> No.16555802
File: 319 KB, 1920x1080, CD7B2571-6543-4862-9B42-08BA789006DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know a good brand? So much Chinese crap and fake reviews these days it’s impossible to find anything good. Would prefer real borosilicate glass and a nonretarded lid design.

>> No.16556045

Pyrex is definitely the gold standard, but a bit pricey either way. OXO just makes tons of good kitchen gadgets I've been happy with, Their containers are plastic (I think they have glass ones though) but I'm fine with that. I'm pretty sure most studies only show that you need some heat to leech anything into whatever you're making. I just store dry goods in mine

>> No.16556656

no all plastic is bad kike

>> No.16556811
File: 381 KB, 600x866, 0F887323-9A5C-4606-9956-35500CE0D35C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a growing body of compelling evidence from environmental and experimental studies indicating a serious issue that has cascading effects on human cognitive and sexual development. Instead of facing this we simply white wash it and call the feminization of men and gender dysphoria a brave and celebratory thing.

Can chuds just fuck off and die already with their hysterical, reactionary and delusional witch hunts?