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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16553490 [Reply] [Original]

I'm tired of being fat. I know my problems aren't the foods I eat (I never get take outs or drink calories) but the size of portions. I'll literally eat 3-4 servings of pasta before the opening credits on the show I'm watching have finished and still not feel full. I also hate leftovers so the idea of cooking a larger portion and then having it reheated for lunch the next day isn't going to work. Most recipes don't scale properly to cooking 1 serving so I end up making and eating what probably amounts to 2+ portions for everything. I hate it.

>> No.16553498

Do a 3 day fast into keto omad. gl brobro

>> No.16553509

>know my problems aren't the foods I eat
>I'll literally eat 3-4 servings of pasta...and still not feel full.
It kind of is the food you're eating. Pasta is mostly just refined starch. Eat more meat/cheese/eggs and vegetables. Like an equal weight of egg and cooked pasta has around the same amount of calories but it's a lot harder to binge on eggs like that. You could try eating more whole grain pasta, or trying the varieties of pasta that use chickpeas or something for extra protein. Just avoid processed foods and you should at least see some weight fall off.

>> No.16553527

best advice i've ever gotten: "being hungry doesn't mean you have to eat until you're full, it means you need to eat now"
>I also hate leftovers
then stop hating leftovers

>> No.16553529

>Do a 3 day fast
That's a bit extreme but just one meal a day can be really useful in teaching you to only eat when you're actually hungry and knowing when to stop instead of needing to be completely stuffed every time.

>> No.16553573

I'm doing a 20 day water fast. On day 16 today. I feel I can go 30 days at energy level I have at the moment.

>> No.16553643

You need to change your whole attitude towards food if you don’t want to be a fat manchild.

If you are watching a show, watch it, you don’t need to be eating to enjoy it. You should stick to 1800 calories a day. Work out what fits into that amount and stick with it, that’s all there is to it. If you want to lose weight and look good you’ll need to lift weights and eat a lot of protein. If don’t care then you can eat anything but you need to stick to 1800 calories.

You’re in control of what goes into your maw and not feeling full isn’t a bad thing.

>> No.16553646

I agree BUT You forgot refined sugars you hypoglycaemic fuck.
CV of Eggs =! CV of pasta
You’re fat so you shouldn’t give weight gain advice to OP who is morbidly obese in the worst way. That boi thicc.

You’re hippo sutton aka you’re pure lard bro take a step back

>> No.16553648

As I eat a dozen eggs and stare wistfully at the pasta.

>> No.16553670

>I also hate leftovers
Fuck the boomers. If you're having trouble with weight, throw them in the garbage. Stop hoarding food that you can quickly shove in your mouth. This isn't Africa, you aren't starving, and this country exports more food than it produces plus just let's shit rot. Don't consider it waste.

>> No.16553674

Buy a digital scale. calculate your maintenance calories. calorie zig-zag down while supplementing with exercise.
Dont cheat and your weight will go down.

>> No.16553727
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>it's another "op wants the attention his parents never gave him" thread

>> No.16553787

8 hour feeding time 16 hour fast.
NO grains /cereals /sugars /fruits / any and all starch / NO PROCESSED FOOD!
what to eat:
Vegetables - leafy greens / broccoli / blue berry (just a bit)
Eggs - Eggs are good for you.
Meats - red meat with fat parts / organ meats
Fish - fatty
Drink - kefir / green tea / water

meat and fish buy organic with no added chems.

you do need to move you fat ass as well.
start with long walks at the morning or evening (pre sun set), you need Vitamin D.

>> No.16553942

>tired of being fat
Give up sugar.
Stop processed grains.
Do some fucking pushups.

>> No.16553948

>no fruits
>vegetables - blueberries

>> No.16554298

Post hand

>> No.16554301

How can I fast while still drinking a half handle of vodka every day? I'm more worried that I will get sick or end up in the hospital again if I do a 3 day fast.

>> No.16555137

I lost 35lbs in 3 months, OMAD, no sugary drinks and sweets and regular exercise.

>> No.16555533

don't watch tv while eating

>> No.16555642

Why are you so seemingly personally upset by people suggesting cutting carbs for the OP who is morbidly obese and his explanation of why specifically mentions eating a ton of pasta?
>"Why I am so fat /ck/? I get hungry 30 minutes after eating my morning half dozen donuts"
>"maybe stop eating donuts"
>"REEE donuts are healthy for you, you fatass, dont stop eating donuts"

>> No.16555684

Lmao you retards think keto is shoving Crisco into your mouth.

>> No.16555698

>That's a bit extreme
I've fasted 3 days a week (from Sat. after dinner to Wed. breakfast) the last two weeks, and I plan on doing this until next spring. It is disgusting how many people look at a fat person and say the word starvation unironically. In the same breath they will recommend a 1200 calorie a day diet to someone who is in excess of 300 pounds. They will also recommend exercise. If you're over 300 you need to unfuck your eating, not waste your time on a treadmill. If you get hurt you lose all momentum. You're also not going to suddenly switch to half or third caloric intake and hold that for any length of time. This way I basically only have to 'stay faithful' to the diet for 3 days.

I will be modulating the 4 days a week I do eat as the weight loss slows and add exercise as I get closer to a healthy weight. Starting off, I can do basically whatever on refeed days because even 16 kcal a week in 4 days is still a 1-2 pound fat loss and 2.5 days a week I'm fueled entirely by bodyfat.

>> No.16555705

Just embrace your fatness and eat the foods that you enjoy. Life is easier that way.

>> No.16555824

Interesting the number of people recommending a fast. I've never considered that at all. Not sure I could really do it - obvious question: aren't you fucking hungry the whole time. Isn't your body saying, hey you need to eat, I have no energy to move?

I've done keto before with some good success but I'm sceptical how much was due to low carb and how much was just consciously weighing everything and punching it in to my fitness pal and "starving myself" (totally inaccurate phrase I know) once I'd hit my daily limit and I could start again tomorrow. More than once I found myself going to bed early so I wouldn't be thinking about hunger and heading to the fridge.

Intermittent fasting might be a decent compromise. I reckon I could skip breakfast and pack all eating in to a 1-7pm window... Might give that a try.