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[ERROR] No.16551130 [Reply] [Original]

>would you like a beer with your pancakes?

Fucking why?

>> No.16551150

Because in america we have a culture of excess drinking and we like to pretend that it isn't a problem

>> No.16551159

I think it's irresponsible to encourage pilots to drink alcohol.

>> No.16551161

you can order alcohol at most restaurants in europe

>> No.16551166

Mimosas and wine at an IHOP would cater to the near suicidal depressed low-income single moms so they can have a socially accepted way to dull the pain of their wrecked lives while their hellions scream for more pancakes.

the beer would be for the single old men that come in alone and sad and only go out to eat so they can have a few minutes of being around other people or remembering happier times

>> No.16551171

But most euros don't drink to be shit faced like Americans do>>16551159

>> No.16551173

it's not like they actually fly anymore
they just want a machine do it
they may as well import some Somalis and pretend its the same thing like they do with everything else

>> No.16551215

checkt and correkt

>> No.16551233

nice digits

>> No.16551237

Mimosas are a wonderful brunch drink with relatively little alcohol. It's just orange juice with champagne.

>> No.16551410

The 4am drungry crowd

>> No.16551426
File: 156 KB, 1097x1270, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait to see more shaky cell phone ass whoopins

>> No.16551458

That's a crock of shit. Yuros like getting fucked up just like us, people just put them on a pedestal

>> No.16551475
File: 209 KB, 400x400, 1551681295224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toontown? Looks more like... well, you know

>> No.16551547

Why the fuck would you want to ruin freshly squeezed orange juice with champagne?

Who on earth looks at their flute of Krug and thinks "hmm, this actually lacks a bit of orange juice"?

Nobody. This is tastelet ground zero.

>> No.16551570
File: 26 KB, 778x500, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes they do

>> No.16551600
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Same with food illness.

>> No.16551627

We absolutely drink quite a lot and get fucked up, not UK-tier but sobriety is fucking horrible. It’s just that some people romanticize the old world, and that our drinking style/culture is a bit different in terms of places, drinks of choice etc.

>> No.16551632

What could you beer batter at ihop?

>> No.16551656

If you think they're making it with freshly squeezed orange juice, you're retarded. It's IHOP. They're just using minute maid or some other bottled OJ

>> No.16551681

>>would you like a beer with your pancakes?
>Fucking why?
Except for Sundays for the post-church breakfast crowd, I think a lot of people do iHop for lunch food.

>> No.16551717

yeah but in a lot of parts of europe you can get home without driving
also there's no middle ground in america, it's either teetotaling religious maniacs, or "I'm a REAL MAN because I can HANDLE a HANDLE of vodka with every meal!!!!!! rrrawwwrrr". not in so many words but if you don't ritually binge drink before driving home your masculinity is suspect and you're probably some kind of homosexual communist faggot college professor foreigner

>> No.16551969

Most cultures have a some form of drinking culture. I would argue that America is best known for its shame around drinking, not the drinking itself.

>> No.16551976

Mimosas aren't beers and they're traditionally brunch items for whatever reason. I don't see the issue.
It's hardly an American only thing.

>> No.16551983


Bullshit. People in their 20s-30s drink like fish.


I went to dinner last night with a few guy friends. Our waiter was shocked when all four of us ordered water and no alcohol.

>> No.16551990

this is not true

>> No.16551997

It isn't a problem anywhere else in the world. Our stigma of drinking is a prohibition leftover. Fuck off you Mormon weirdo.

>> No.16552000

>I would argue that America is best known for its shame around drinking, not the drinking itself.
I'd agree. There's a huge stigma here to casually drinking.
Yes but it's seen as something dumb kids and college students do and something you grow out of. You certainly don't casually drink booze just around the day or at every meal.

>> No.16552026

We still have a ton of dry counties throughout the states and insanely outdated liquor laws. America's drinking culture is not even close to europes

>> No.16552035

yes it is
t. used to live in the midwest

>> No.16552075


Look at the population in those dry counties. Maybe I'm in a upper middle class suburban bubble, but everyone drinks around me.

>> No.16552081

Because their profits are shit. Don't you remember a few years back when they were going to change their name to IHOB because they thought making burgers a central part of their menu would get them more money? Then everyone freaked out so they changed it back. This is more of a continuation on the same path without the shock factor.

>> No.16552093

>Don't you remember a few years back when they were going to change their name to IHOB
This was nothing more than a marketing stunt to get people to associate them with food other than breakfast. They were never going to actually change the name.

>> No.16552125

I'm surprised IHOP would pay for the alcohol license. I've heard they're limited in areas and get competitive.

>> No.16552151

>alcohol license
Oi, mate!

>> No.16552167

I will do my best to not end up as a sad and lonely old man

>> No.16552179

Non-fastfood chains in general have become very unfashionable. The idea of tipping a chain diner wagie disgusts me

>> No.16552180

It's a thing in NA. Idk how they do things in assfuckistan.

>> No.16552220

Maybe I'm just too used to it because I'm American, but is it really egregious for restaurants to have to be licensed to sell alcohol?

>> No.16552245

ever been to a concert where the band isn't 15 years old? you'll smell three things, four if you're lucky: weed, booze, vomit, and (if you're lucky) food - usually chili cheese dogs - those happen to be the most pungent concert food smell.

>> No.16552255


>> No.16552271

I think it's also because you have to drive everywhere in America

>> No.16552277

I almost choked to death in an Ihop once and never even received as much as a glance from anyone there, much less an offer of help. I only managed to cough up the food item at the very last minute. Since then I've avoided Ihop like the plague.

It seems I now have even MORE reason to avoid it. Serving alcohol at a restaurant known for catering to kids, families, and geriatrics is weird, borderline trashy. This is only one step above Chuck E Cheese serving alcohol.

Sorry for blog posting.

>> No.16552286

European nations use the USA as a scapegoat and a smokescreen to distract from their own problems. It's government propaganda spread by their news media and the citizens eat it right up.

>> No.16552289

Fucking hell. What did you choke on? I can't imagine the feeling of helplessness as the other patrons ignored you.

>> No.16552339

>and never even received as much as a glance from anyone there
Did you actually do anything to attract attention for help? I can't imagine if you went up to a worker and put your hands around your throat to show that you were choking that they ignored you.

>> No.16552358

Chuck E Cheese serves alcohol, they have for some time

>> No.16552367

dumb monkey thinks mimosas are beer

>> No.16552375
File: 69 KB, 903x508, bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right below the title it says they're adding wine and beer

>> No.16552428

Why? Kids don't come in alone, the alcohol is clearly for the parents. Why shouldn't they be able to have a beer or a glass of wine when they're out with their kids? And geriatrics? Old people can drink, what makes you think they shouldn't?

>> No.16552461

none of the replies got the joke so im here to say that I appreciated it anon

>> No.16552464

I'm curious how this has changed since lockdowns and everyone stuck at home

>> No.16552476

Thanks, man.
I was actually checking back on the thread hoping someone would.

>> No.16552484


>> No.16552488

>15 or older
Would it look differently if they only calculated 21 or older since that's the drinking age in the USA? Most people 15-20 aren't going to be drinking as much as someone who can legally purchase it whenever they want.

>> No.16552561

>Most people 15-20 aren't going to be drinking as much as someone who can legally purchase it whenever they want.
You'd THINK that...

>> No.16552771

everyone is becoming an alcoholic in CY+6

>> No.16553149


>> No.16553441

What the fuck are you talking about. America is like the most teatotling western nation

>> No.16553581

This is correct

>> No.16553888

lmfao at Americans. Can't drink for shit

>> No.16554375

Unironically reinstate prohibition. I’m so fucking sick of people basing their entire personality around being alcoholics, especially women.

>> No.16554384

You’ve clearly never been to an Ihop. They cater to the absolute bare bottom dregs of human society.

>> No.16554417

mimosas are for middle aged housewives that ruined their tastebuds with decades of sugar overconsumption but still want to get drunk

>> No.16554430

I thought mimosas were trees