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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 101 KB, 761x951, woolworthmenu11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16547344 [Reply] [Original]

What'll you have?

>> No.16547359

the BT

>> No.16547393

The BT and a chocolate milkshake.

>> No.16547400

im black and not allowed in

>> No.16547403

Back when money could actually buy shit.

>> No.16547412

You can order to go you just can’t sit at the counter

>> No.16547417
File: 100 KB, 642x482, pxhpGY7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>go to the bank with a $20
>exchange it for a 1oz gold coin

>> No.16547430

ham salad sandwich, and apple pie. and then i pinch the waitress' ass as she walks away.

>> No.16547433
File: 71 KB, 1438x810, laughing-don-draper-drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and draperpilled

>> No.16547452

I got 5 whole dollars in my pocket.
Give me one of everything because I’m big ballin.

>> No.16547492

PRESSED HAM Sandwich and a KING SIZE Coca-Cola. 40c total. I'll tip a nickle, maybe a dime - if shes a real dime, if you fellas know what I mean

>> No.16547505

>old as fuck menu
>food is ALL processed and shit already
was it ever good?

>> No.16547523

what is malted milk

>> No.16547532
File: 2.82 MB, 4013x2883, congoroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woolworths was a department store. they had a counter in the back with cheap food. there was good food at the time, but as you can imagine a department store wasn't where you were going if thats what you were after

>> No.16547531

ill try the de-luxe ham, large orange juice, and a super jumbo banana split

heres the $1.09

>> No.16547580
File: 56 KB, 960x960, 1613113205482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow de-luxe Chad I see impeccable taste

>> No.16547595

Egg salad on a hard roll and a coffee, no cream or sugar. Gimme a pack of Chesterfields too...

>based and tradition pilled

>doing this is my callin, flow is so appalin, phone is off and she callin'

It's fucking delicious. That's what it is, son.

>> No.16547623

I'll have a turn around and leave, wtf is this place. Ham salad, egg salad, chicken salad, all disgusting mayo drenched garbage. Is the goal to feed someone as cheaply as possible? Why the fuck would you order anything here over a nice salad

>> No.16547630

the bacon and tomato sandwich sounds delicious, I'd make sure they dumped a decent amount of black pepper on the tomato because black pepper on tomato is an unexpected flavor treat.
A king size coca cola I guess to go along with it.
A slice of apple pie and ice cream to top it off.

>> No.16547640

>>old as fuck menu
>>food is ALL processed and shit already
>was it ever good?
All food is processed in one way or another retard. What are you complaining about? the cured bacon? the cured ham? the ice cream? the chicken/egg/ham salad that was made in-store a few hours earlier?

>> No.16547659

>eggs aren’t free range
>ham and chicken weren’t ethically sourced
>tomato isn’t even from a carbon-neutral organic farming coop
I bet the restaurant isn’t even BIPOCLGBTQBRAAP+ owned.

>> No.16547662

lmao based, you goteem'ed me

>> No.16547724
File: 13 KB, 349x232, 1582701458364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandparents met at Woolworth's. Grandma was working there hanging up dresses on a rack. She stepped backward, tripped on the box that the dresses came in, fell in butt first and got stuck. Then Grandpa happened by and helped her out.

>> No.16547734

I'll have the de-luxe ham sandwich on toast with 2 coca-colas and a chicken salad for the Mrs'.
For dessert a jumbo banana split with 2 spoons.

>> No.16547799
File: 361 KB, 1080x1080, Rita Ora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the sandwiches come with any kind of side?

>> No.16547936

Just a coffee, thanks. Black.

>> No.16547965

That's some wholesome shit right there. Thanks for sharing anon. I hope the split a milkshake

>> No.16548807

For me, it’s the Super De-Luxe ham sandwich on a hard roll and a king size Coke.

>> No.16548858

the real treat on a roll. side of au jus but that's off menu.

>> No.16548874
File: 731 KB, 833x1257, 1588707700656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are ya havin

>> No.16548956

I believe this post is something we cannot accept

>> No.16548960

McDonald's orange drink was based

>> No.16548963

Super de-luxe ham sandwich and a malted milk

>> No.16548966

i yusda like macdo

>> No.16548975

A dollar worth of french fries

>> No.16549206


>> No.16549376

Not cool

>> No.16549446

what drives men like you to defend your slavery and the chaff your master feeds you?

>> No.16549453

uhhhhhhh, lemme get a triple decker ham salad wit a vanilla ice-cream soda

>> No.16549456

ps here go a dollar, keep the change

>> No.16549457

It's just a sandwich

>> No.16549475

I’ll have a cheeseburger and an orange drink please

>> No.16549481

this is what boomers creamed their fuckin pants over? sandwiches?

>> No.16549492

>he didn't observe the fountain features
lmao'ing at you life

>> No.16549495

i did, and i like it. but i would like a burger or something

>> No.16549500

this is a Woolworths son, if you want that kinda ethnic food best go on down a block or two to the german district

>> No.16549597

Gimmie the deluxe ham sandwich and a hot fudge sundae please.

>> No.16549613

>egg salad sandwich

>tempting cheeseburger
>triple-thick shake
>golden french fries

>> No.16549626

i'll have a baked ham and cheese and a vanilla malt boss man

>> No.16549631


>> No.16549691

The BT with a Large OJ, then a Banana Split with a Cherry on Top and another Large OJ

>> No.16549730


>> No.16549733

So cute

>> No.16549736

With those prices I'll take 2 of everything

>> No.16549808

Tempting Cheeseburger, Golden French Fries, Full-Flavour Orange Drink and a Hearty Fuck You To Anon For Making Me Reply

>> No.16550125

wat a faggot

>> No.16550131

Ray Kroc was a piece of shit, but a terrific salesman.
Also I'll have a "Hitler did nothing wrong" sandwich please and thankies

>> No.16550143

The scheming scoundrel

>> No.16550202

I dont want to eat into my budget.
American cheese sandwich

>> No.16550343

Orange drank plz

>> No.16550826

A Delightful Root Beer and you can go fuck yourself

>> No.16550878

>Do you have a Kosher menu?

>> No.16550903

into the oven with this one