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[ERROR] No.16545750 [Reply] [Original]

how do i cook this?

>> No.16545757

Reminder: medium rare is the best way to cook a steak

>> No.16545761

i'd recommend heat

>> No.16545767

This but medium and A1 sauce on the side.

>> No.16545770

found the poor person

>> No.16545788

Says the guy who can't afford premium condiments.

>> No.16545816
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>make sure it rests at room temperature for at least half an hour
>season with good amount of salt and pepper(don't season too early do it right before you drop it in the pan or you'll dry out the steak)
>pan should be hot but not piping hot
>olive oil in
>3 1/2 to 4 minutes each side(I go for medium rare) avoid flipping too much
>baste with butter
>make sure to rest it as long as you cooked it so it doesn't bleed
nothing fancy but that's the basics of cooking a steak in a pan

>> No.16545817

reverse sear would probably be the best way if you are cooking it for the first time
a thermometer would help if you have it

>> No.16545818

how do i know when it's medium rare? and when do i flip it?

im planning on heating up some canola oil and then just dropping the steak in there... is this a good plan?

>> No.16545820
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this is what i was looking for!! tyvm friend

>> No.16545825

just googled reverse sear and this seems pretty cool, but i don't have a meat thermometer

>> No.16545826

I like guga foods over night dry brine method.
It makes achieving a good crust easier.

>> No.16545828

Dry brine it for 24hrs, put it on a hot greased grill until you sear each side. Check with a thermometer for how cooked you want it; for more lower the heat on one side of the grill until you hit how done you want.

>> No.16545837

who's the hot bitch

>> No.16545842

heat up a pan of lard, throw the steak in, deep fry for around 4 minutes

>> No.16545848
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i could dry brine it for about 6 hours before I need to cook it. would that be worth doing?

>> No.16545849

>my fist steak
How? Are you 7?

>> No.16545862
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i've eaten steak before, but i've never cooked my own

>> No.16545872
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Good looking steak

>> No.16545878


>> No.16545880
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yeah i thought it had good marbling and a decent "fat cap" as i believe it's called? going to make the best steak and eggs with it, assuming i can cook it properly.

>> No.16545884

Dont need condiments if cook properly

>> No.16545891
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Shit ain’t hard. Pan hot, add oil, throw in steak, sizzle sizzle sizzle, turn after two minutes, sizzle sizzle sizzle, add two oats of butter, crushed garlic cloves and fresh thyme, turn once every minute while basting the steak in the garlic thyme butter mixture until the steak is as done as you want, finish with salt and pepper.

>> No.16545900
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everyone seems to cook steak in cast iron. am i fucked if picrel is my pan?

>> No.16545906

>$18 for one pound of shitty grocery store ribeye

Society is collapsing.

>> No.16545913

Yes, you generally don't want to do searing in non-stick as the coatings are reactive at high temps, it CAN be done, but it's just better to use a pan better suited for the job, like cast iron which has a large amount of mass which allows you to place a steak onto the surface of the pan and it'll sear more evenly beacause it has retained more thermal energy than a smaller thinner/lighter pan made from aluminium or similar.

>> No.16545914

-Heat up pan
-Add butter or oil
-Throw in steak
-Wait until done
There is _LITERALLY_ nothing easier to cook than a steak. Maybe water, but that's not food.

>> No.16545917

you don't have a grill?

>> No.16545920

That's a strip steak, not a ribeye

it's also USDA prime, not USDA choice or select like you're generally going to buy at the store.

$17/lbs is actually a decent price. About the cheapest I've seen in the last few years is $12/lbs and it was a grilling holiday sale price, so not something you'd expect to see regularly.

>> No.16545922

first take out the package and pat it dry with paper towels
then let it sit on a wire rack in your fridge for a day
then take it out and reverse sear it

>> No.16545927

you sear with a high smoke point oil.

You do NOT sear with butter (it'll just burn). You add the butter after the initial sear when you've gotten a good sear on each side you can turn the heat down a bit, THEN you throw your butter and herbs in so you don't burn them.

>> No.16545928

I thought it was just canadian prices for steaks that were ridiculous

>> No.16545932

Do you retards not understand meat grades?

You're going to pay more for a higher quality grade of meat.

Strip steak of USDA select or USDA choice would be easily $5-10/lbs cheaper.

>> No.16545935

A quality steak like that one will be good no matter what you do. Even if you cook it to death it will still be alright. If you undercook it just call it blue rare and it's fine. if you use no or the wrong condiments just say you like the pure taste. Steak is impossible to fuck up.

>> No.16545939

That’s very cheap for a prime steak right now.

>> No.16545942
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this is what i heard, so i grabbed canola oil as the display at the market said it had a very high smoke point in comparison to olive oil.

i think i might reverse sear it, but i'm worried that adds an extra step for me to potentially fuck up. i don't want to ruin it in the oven

>> No.16545943

Yup, local stores near me are currently charging $20-25/lbs for USDA prime cuts.

anything under $20/lbs would be a sale price.

>> No.16545945

shut the fuck up

>> No.16545948
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Canola is a good choice, it's what I tend to use when I'm not grilling.

>> No.16545954
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Not my fault you're a retard that can't even differentiate between a fucking ribeye and a strip steak.

Even if they're similarly sized, they have distinctly different muscle structures that are immediately identifiable.

>> No.16545957

Don’t reverse seat. That trying to run before you can walk. Learn the traditional way first.

>> No.16545961
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well awesome. thanks for the help

have another qt

>> No.16545973
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enjoy your steak anon, don't be discouraged if it's not exactly right.

I'd recommend practicing on cheaper quality strip steaks if you are having problems nailing the proper sear or doneness.

>> No.16545978
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hmmmmm so much conflicting stuff in here. fk.

heres the new plan::

>heat up canola oil (hot but not too hot because my pan sucks i guess)
>drop steak in
>flip after like 4 minutes
>flip after 4 minutes
>add butter and herbs

is this correct?

>> No.16545984

when you flip is dependant on the sear.

You need high heat to sear, so if your temp is too low, you're just gonna flip over after 4 minutes and get a dull grey steak with no sear.

>> No.16545999
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if i put my burner on an 8/10 and its like a 1.5-2inch thickness, how long do you think i should cook it for?

>> No.16546016

impossible to say.

My stove top for example has a 2200w burner and a 3200w power burner. Both of them at 8 out of 10 would give different results, despite the burners being identical sized.

Also depends on your pan.

Watch some youtube videos of searing steaks in the pan, a lot of it for me comes from the sound that the meat makes when it hits the pan, it's pretty distinct and once you know what to listen for and how hot it needs to be, it's a lot easier.

>> No.16546023

No, anon is fucking with you: this is how you create Mustard gas.
But seriously, here is everything actually wrong and that anon certainly knows is wrong:
Seasoning will not 'dry out' your steak unless you leave it out uncovered for days. You actually want the surface of the steak to be dry, so pat with paper towels on both sides before seasoning. The salt will draw out some moisture but only near the surface of the steak whilst it's coming up to room temperature, pat with a towel again if there's an excess(there shouldn't be); a dry surface will let the steak sear and form a crust which will give your meat flavour. Moisture is the problem here; it sizzles because of bubbles popping as it turns to steam, carrying heat away whilst preventing direct contact with your pan that you need for a sear.

Your pan should be hot enough that the oil is smoking, or the pan is. It should also NOT be a non-stick pan: if those get hot enough to produce 'smoke', it's a poisonous vapour they're releasing because they can't withstand high temperatures for long. The oil should be a neutral cooking oil with a high smoke-point, NOT olive oil which has a low smoke-point as well as it's own flavour that turns rancid when the oil is over it's smoke-point. Ignore Gordon Ramsay: he's an entertainer, not an educator, who should know that olive oil burns at a low temperature.

What's correct: wait for the steak to reach room temperature out of the fridge, do not turn it over more than you have to and rest it once it's out the pan(but not because of 'bleeding' as much as it is to do with letting it finish cooking, which it does off the heat). Butter is optional and is unlikely to burn as long as you didn't use olive oil; it adds a nice taste itself and because it absorbs other flavours you can also add garlic and fresh herbs at this point. Leave the butter towards the second-half of the cooking time though, after you first flipped the steak.

>> No.16546026

No, it is fine. Cooking is full mythology and luddites.

>> No.16546032

Light/refined olive oil has a high smoke point, that is what you use for high temp cooking

>> No.16546039

You can tell heat is correct by whether steak looks like it is stewing (juices bubbling out) and therefore too low. Make heat just a bit higher than that point. no need to worry about Teflon at these temps

>> No.16546046

Non-stick pans are for cooking food with little or no oil, at low to medium-high temperatures at most. The reason they are non-stick is because at temperatures below high, most foods release moisture and other compounds that form a bond to the surface of a pan as they spread over it but then get re-absorbed by the food, making the food stick to the surface. Non-stick pans have a coating that makes them extra-smooth, so there's less surface-area for food to bond with, whilst at high temperatures(for pans without non-stick coating) the released moisture doesn't have enough time to form a bond before it's evaporated away and food forms a crust on it's own surface that stops it sticking.

>> No.16546050

Gather some fire wood
skewer the steak with a sword
Light fire
Stick steak in and out of fire until seared all over
Wait until doesn’t burn your mouth to eat

>> No.16546053

I'd put A1 on it anyways with you watching me.

>> No.16546054

Pat the steak dry first, or by the same the meat sears it will be over-cooked.

>> No.16546060


>> No.16546064

Fortunately, Teflon doesn’t degrade until way over the temperature required to prevent stewing

>> No.16546068

>cast iron or steel skillet, don't fuck with nonstick meme pans
>remove from fridge at least 30 minutes before cooking, coat generously in salt
>preheat pan on medium-high heat
>add high smoke point oil
>pat the steak dry - wet meat doesn't sear well
>add steak
>do not move steak for at least 3 minutes
>flip steak, add butter
>baste steak with butter
>cook to desired doneness (better be medium rare)
>remove and let rest for 5-10 minutes
>make pan sauce in the meantime
>eat steak

>> No.16546074

i'd gag in disgust
hope a mexinigger came in your precious sauce

>> No.16546084
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what do i need for a pan sauce? and what is it for? just to drizzle it on the steak afterwards?

>> No.16546091

it's to flavor your meat sweet, tart, bitter or anything else to hide the poor quality of bush meat
salt and black pepper is really all you need for a good cut of beef

>> No.16546105

should i skip garlic powder and onion powder?

>> No.16546113

Pan sauce is optional, but a good sauce can really elevate the meal and it makes you look cool if you can pull it off on date night. Basically, you want:

>some sort of fat, if your pan is starting to look dry
>minced onion/garlic/shallot or whatever
>some sort of alcohol to deglaze, and scrape up the bits
>stock to match the meat you're cooking
>cook this down by about half, then finish with salt to taste, herbs, dairy like butter or cream, etc

Different sauces will have you add different things, but the major beats remain the same. I'd recommend either sauce Diane or a mustard-cream sauce if you need specifics.


Skip powders, if you're just doing "steak" then they aren't necessary, especially if you've got a decent piece of meat.

>> No.16546116

Tupperware container filled halfway with water.
Steak in.
Microwave on high for 10 minutes.
Take steak out and serve

>> No.16546117

>how do i cook this?
Frying pan
>Reminder: medium rare is the best way to cook a steak
completely subjective. I prefer the taste and lack of chewiness of well done steak compared to medium rare.

>> No.16546125

powders are good for breading batters and that kind of thing
for a cut of meat i would use the actual vegetables

>> No.16546134

I've used other oils and it ruined the flavor of the steak
use quality olive oil

>> No.16546149

Use ghee instead, higher smoke point and better flavor

>> No.16546158

>baste with butter

>> No.16546198

it's a french technique though

>> No.16546209

That doesn't look USDA Prime. Not enough marbling.

>> No.16546210

Put it in a dish filled with olive oil and microwave it for 20 minutes.

>> No.16546211

nice info but how would you cook it?

>> No.16546217

Well done/medium well or your grandma will be ashamed :)

>> No.16546239

for god's sake use lard instead of oil

>> No.16546262

cut it up and put it in a stir fry

>> No.16546276

Salting a steak before you cook it won't dry it out...

Infact op should salt his steak and leave it in his fridge over night uncovered on a cookie rack or something.

>> No.16546308

Holy shit the amateur mistakes here. First, salting isn't going to dry your steak out. It's called dry brining. Salt liberally on all sides and edges, place on rack so air can fully circulate around it, and let rest in your refrigerator overnight. Do not sear it in olive oil. Much too low a smoke point. A small amount of ghee or vegetable oil will work fine for this. Want a perfect steak? Start with a 2in thick we'll marbled ribeye. Pre heat your oven to 425. Get your pan hot with a small amount of ghee or vegetable oil. Sear for 2 minutes on both sides. After 2 minutes on both sides, sear the edges, then add cracked black pepper, butter, thyme, and rosemary. Spoon these over the top of the steak and put in the oven for 4-6 minutes depending on how done you want it. 4 is perfect for me. The rare side of medium rare. Now for a bonus, remove the steak and while it rests take the pan back to the stove top and add cream, brandy, and black peppercorns. Light it up to burn off the alcohol, wisk together with the leavings from the steak, and reduce to a sauce. Serve over the steak. Wa la. Perfect steak.

>> No.16546316

*well not we'll
Yes I'm a phoneposting faggot

>> No.16546378

thats probably prime for super market standards

>> No.16546380

this niga puttin oats on his steak!

>> No.16546406

>olive oil
>cooking steak


>> No.16546407

You have no business talking bout amateur mistakes when you go on to say dumbass facebook shit like this.
>Do not sear it in olive oil. Much too low a smoke point

>> No.16546420

>super markets have their own usda standards

>> No.16546588

well i got the best steak i could find at the market

>> No.16546596

>canola oil
Bait spotted.

>> No.16546677

not bait, i said it's my first time cooking steak and as i mentioned earlier in the thread i got the oil with the highest smoke point i could find

>> No.16546692

Gordon Ramsey is a meme but this video on how to cook a steak is pretty solid:


>> No.16546730

this was helpful :)

i've got my steak in the fridge now, salted on all sides. i'll pat it dry and get it to room temp before cooking it. i'll make a new thread later

>> No.16546733

>another "how i kuk stek" thread
>people are replying with anything but "google it" or "check the archives"
Fucking pathetic.

>> No.16546740
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just microwave that shit nigga

>> No.16546745

>people are replying with anything but "google it" or "check the archives"

you are people

>> No.16546763

>this was helpful :)
You never thought to look at tutorials yourself? Moron.

>> No.16546766

Don't cook a nice steak with something as shit as vegetable or seed oil. If you want something with a high smoke point then go with avocado oil at least, but butter or olive oil are best.

>> No.16546775

There's a difference between extra virgin olive oil and regular olive oil... one you can deep fry with the other you can't.

>> No.16546782

EVOO is perfectly fine for frying with.

>> No.16546787

>dry brining
This term makes my autism flare up so fiercely.

>> No.16546857


>> No.16546872

I just fry it in a little butter and salt, if its thin, the inside will still be slightly pink or ill over shoot and it will be well done, if its thick, ill get a nice crisp on the outside and the inside will still be blue, thats how I like it so I get thick steaks when I can afford it

>> No.16546916

>salt heavily a day in advance
>wrap in butcher paper or foil, paper towel on plate, whatever
>get pan to very fucking hot
>do NOT use any gay olive oil or anything you're gonna fucking oxidize it and get gay cancer AIDS
>use 1 tsp or more ghee or beef tallow in the pan and let it heat for 30 seconds or so
slap that baby in
>cook for 1 minute a side
>throw entire pan into oven preheated to 350 for 3 minutes, can flip halfway if you want
This is how I do it if I'm NOT feeling too lazy. More often than not I just do lower heat maybe med high and flip every 30 seconds until its as done as I like (rare-med rare).

>> No.16546925

I would avoid using nonstick because its for the gays

>> No.16546931

That does it... I'm going to get a steak this weekend and GRILL it.

>> No.16546939

Canola oil is the worst choice in oil for searing steaks, it oxidizes incredibly fast at any temperature and turns into basically toxic polymerized garbage that will give you fucking diabetes one day.
I'm NOT kidding. It has a high smoke point but it oxidizes at maybe below 300, its pathetic and very unhealthy because you're basically consuming free radicals to speed up cancer production.
Use beef tallow or ghee. Everything else is for faggots.

>> No.16547130

>A1 sauce on the side.

>> No.16547166

A1 is way too tart. Don't know how anyone likes it. Steak is good on its own if you cook it right.

>> No.16547172

stick it between your ass cheeks for abot 20 minutes

>> No.16547178

boil it in piss because that's all you deserve you cunt

>> No.16547186

canola oil and some really old bacon fat is all i have. am i better off just using nothing and putting it on the pan? maybe i could trim some of the fat off the steak and melt that. doesi t work like that?

>> No.16547249

It's a mistake to heat the pan without oil. Add the oil to the cold pan and heat both together slowly over about 5 minutes. You will get a better sear and release this way.

>> No.16547265

Pure cringe.

>> No.16547310

Uhhh not for making frys or frying wings or something.

>> No.16547469

5 minutes