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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 278 KB, 1200x1200, pizza_chains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16545670 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best 'za chain?

>> No.16545676


>> No.16545681

Just like what 80 year old pussy tastes like, depends.

>> No.16545684
File: 66 KB, 1200x630, papaginospizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ƒite me

>> No.16545704

Papa Johns

>> No.16545720

Domino's since the local place here decided to shit the bed

>> No.16545726

Why is jets even on there?
The only people who enjoy (or work at) jets are stoners.

>> No.16545871


>Little Caesar's

Why is Michigan Pizza Country?

>> No.16545874

'nd 'ble

>> No.16545886
File: 85 KB, 1080x383, Screenshot_20210602-224325-772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm.... Based

>> No.16545902

I don't really get pizza from chains but when I'm feeling dirty and do, I get from little caesars because it's almost its own category the way it has its own taste, sort of like mcdonalds. also it doesn't try to act like it's better than the garbage it is

>> No.16545904

caring about that when it comes to chain pizza is going to be a losing battle dude

>> No.16545916

Why do flyovers enjoy and have infinite time to make shitty pizza? That's the question?

>> No.16545950

what did he mean by this

>> No.16545983

I like Dominos because they're cheap and have a good variety of stuff. I'd love to try Jet's but don't have one in Washington yet, but detroit style is my favorite.

>> No.16546048

Pizza is American.

>> No.16546051
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for me, it's fucking verns

>> No.16546058
File: 839 KB, 2016x1512, Pizza English Muffins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why pay to eat out when you can make delicious pizza at home?

>> No.16546076

Pizza hut, anybody who disagrees is a faggot.

>> No.16547188

Dominoes. $5 Large pizzas cant be beaten by anything else. You cant even get frozen pizzas that cheap.

your locally-owned ma 'n pa store. these days they usually have a bar attached and have a trendy name.

>> No.16547200

little caesar's on a good day.
sometimes they come dripping with oil or maybe the crust is overcooked. probably just rookies new at the job though

>> No.16547205

What you make at home is better than that dogshiy.

>> No.16547221

Blaze Pizza

>> No.16547237
File: 465 KB, 2106x1169, 1602598490833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically Papa Johns

>> No.16547241

pizza factory

>> No.16547250
File: 21 KB, 338x450, 7FDFECFF-69CB-4D80-B2AB-430C037F7DB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only WV bros know
I miss it bros almost makes me wanna go back to that shit hole

>> No.16547251
File: 25 KB, 427x400, v44be9adol571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the best 'za chain?

>> No.16547275

Pretty pictures doesn't mean it isn't still shit.

>> No.16547285

>i'm uneducated

>> No.16547314

why is ignatius j reilly on a pizza box

>> No.16547479

Haha, ZA! It’s like “pizza” but we like to say ZA here. Lol, XD

>> No.16547497

its the same anywhere and everywhere
women get with men for weird reasons, its rarely about looks or even money
usually its about power
either a woman wants a man she has power over or wants a man she can respect who has power over her and it seems to be more about mindset than anything else
goes back to that whole concept of submissive / dominant, and thats where the deep sense of security lies with women seemingly
and by dominant I don't mean abusive either, I mean balanced, control over her but also self control. abuse is just overcompensation for a lack of genuine influence, have to get physical because you don't know how to get through to her mentally
this is the only consistency in relationships I can see really
doesn't really matter what the economic viability of a man is, or the looks, although they help, if he knows how to handle a woman mentally and is dominant thats more satisfying than the two former things combined on their own, and most relationships I've seen where a man is legitimately dominant but not in a toxic way last very long-term if not indefinitely
men I know to be submissive however, even if they put on a hard man front, are always in and out of relationships constantly

>> No.16547745
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>> No.16547756


i would have to say marco's pizza

>> No.16547777

Rocky Rococos

>> No.16547781

God I hope something horrible happens to you

>> No.16547784
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>> No.16547889

Nothing beats Papa Gino's... except gas prices going back down

>> No.16547953

Dominos is so fucking average it hurts

Little Caesars is actually really good when it's fresh especially because it's cheap

In Canada, Pizza Pizza is the best chain.

>> No.16548196

or being the girls' softball coach...

>> No.16548219

Nothing compares to Papa Gino's.... except an all out rice war

>> No.16548236

>What is the best 'za chain?
that local one that has 2 or 3 locations, but internationally Domino's unironically.
Domino's did one of the most based things ever for a company when they were absolute shit their CEO publicly apologized and admitted they were shit. He then promised to change the entire company in order to become the best, and he actually followed through.

>> No.16548285
File: 309 KB, 411x355, dominos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16548295

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>File: budweiser-435142_e.jpg (16 KB, 448x448)
> Anonymous 08/13/21(Fri)14:58:37 No.16546888 [Reply]▶
>What's your favorite BMC beer?
>I'm thinking about throwing a keg party and will pick whichever of the Macros are best.
>10 replies omitted. Click here to view.
> Anonymous 08/13/21(Fri)16:41:31 No.16547333▶
>Miller Lite > Coors Light > Bud Light
>Coors Banquet > Budweiser > MGD
>High Life is still the king of them all IMO
> Anonymous 08/13/21(Fri)17:16:32 No.16547472▶
>Miller High Life. A keg at Total Wines is only $72! That's less than 50 cents a beer
> Anonymous 08/13/21(Fri)17:38:58 No.16547552▶
>Stella, simple as
> Anonymous 08/13/21(Fri)19:11:58 No.16547870▶
>Miller High Life>Budweiser>Coors Banquet
>All light beers suck asshole
> Anonymous 08/13/21(Fri)20:42:14 No.16548284▶
>Modelo always.
>File: pizza_chains.jpg (278 KB, 1200x1200)
Very true. It's the greatest pizza/fast food comeback of all time.

>> No.16548312

based selectionchad

>> No.16548323

One of these just opened down the road from my office last year. Really good

>> No.16549054

First day on /ck/?

>> No.16549084
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Rice war you say?

>> No.16549442

I miss the mozzarella sticks like you wouldn't believe

>> No.16549466


>> No.16549498


>> No.16549504

the bread sticks or the mozzarella? i didn't know they took them off the menu

the chicken caesar pita pocket was ridiculously good too