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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16545072 [Reply] [Original]

What was the worst dining experience you've ever had? Did you complain?

>> No.16545098

I suppose I should count myself lucky, because I never had any really bad experiences.
I had a burger at Bachelor Inn in Dublin that was really dry and took way too long to come out but I guess that's pretty mild.
I did not complain but I would also not recommend the place to others.
Plus there was a black fellow in the restroom who actually grabbed my hands and soaped them up for me, apparently expecting a tip.

>> No.16545108

For me it was at a Red Lobster. The crab legs were so unbelievably overcooked it was disgusting. I never tasted crab that was so rubbery and chewy tasting. I got diarrhea while still at the restaurant and shit myself because two the toilets were occupied and someone was blowing chunks in the third. the urinals were out of order.

I didn't complain because I just wanted to get home and clean up ASAP and forget the whole experience.

>> No.16545110

It was like "hrmm" and all "like, this is bad," you know?

>> No.16545122

>Plus there was a black fellow in the restroom who actually grabbed my hands and soaped them up for me, apparently expecting a tip.

>grabbed my hands and soaped them up for me

Are there places that actually do that? Are you sure he wasn't just some homeless guy looking for a blowjob?

>> No.16545127

You could always provide a little more detail about your experience than that anon.

>> No.16545133

It's a thing, but I wish it weren't.
They already have a code lock on the door so don't fucking tell me he's there to keep out the junkies either.

>> No.16545134

don't stop in memphis

>> No.16545218

Why do people need help washing their hands? If you're handicapped does he wipe your ass too?

>> No.16545249

You soap up hands in preparation for a fisting, not a blowjob, retard.

>> No.16545257
File: 295 KB, 1300x956, narrow-street-full-of-restaurants-brussels-belgium-HA026N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With my parents I was visiting this tourist city, usually I'm in charge of restaurant selection but because the city only had weird hipster restaurants that have "order small meals and share them with those at your table" mom was fed up and decided for us cause of hunger. She picked a place that at the front looked like pic related: cheap prices were advertised, some faded photo's of stock that had seen too much sunlight over the years and "Anon don't be so picky, I am hungry!". So we went in for a quick bite starting with soup. I ordered the fish soup and dad the tomato soup. What the "chef" had basically done was this: he made tomato soup for 2 people, then served 1 and in the remaining he poured a piece of salmon which he baked in oil in a pan so this included not just the salmon but also all the oil. So soup with large chunks of salmon and a thick layer of cooking oil on top. Chef said people never complained about his soup, it was BS. Never let mom pick ever again.

>> No.16545263
File: 45 KB, 500x500, artworks-yVqKwzR61DlQxa2b-UOynVg-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ex liked some Indian delivery place. Food tasted decent, delivery was fast, prices were moderate.

But one day I decided to eat at their restaurant:
-place smelled like shit
- dirty toilets
- no one bussed tables, so thee were 5 tables full of dirty dishes
- I order 4 naan as a person with a successful band does and there were fucking ants crawling on them.

I complained, fuckers just said brush away the ants... I just walked out and didn't touch the food.

>> No.16545318

Seeing Jermaine Clement's face with bodybuilder arms is always weird

>> No.16545333

Kinda weird how that guy played two roles where he was involved in capturing someone by inviting them to dinner.

>> No.16545380

KFC chicken burger in China.
Worst stomach pain ever and the smell of my diarrhea almost made me throw up.
worse than a rotting potato.

>> No.16546187

What's wrong with Memphis? Is it the BBQ?

>> No.16546195

>he made tomato soup for 2 people, then served 1 and in the remaining he poured a piece of salmon which he baked in oil in a pan so this included not just the salmon but also all the oil. So soup with large chunks of salmon and a thick layer of cooking oil on top.

That sounds absolutely revolting, who was more upset, your mom or dad? Was your mom still hungry or did she lose her appetite? I bet next time she wasn't in such a rush.

>> No.16546199

Did your ex keep ordering from there despite the less than stellar health standards?

>> No.16546220

I try to avoid Egypt entirely.

>> No.16546235

Wouldn't call it an "experience" or even dining, but the worst thing I've had in a very long time was a cafe where I ordered an iced coffee. Now i don't care if that comes to me as a cup of cold milk with loads of ice that they pour the shot into, or if it's blended with ice, I'd probably even try a korean style where they just dump the shot into ice water.
But no. They handed over a regular coffee done with steamed milk & hot water that they had dumped a few ice cubes into. It turned the temperature to that gross mid-range lukewarm. I'd rather have just taken the hot coffee if they couldn't get it right.
They were already doing badly (they were located in an upstairs location in a terrible minor shopping centre that has minimal foot traffic) before covid but the most recent delta lockdown seems to have killed it off for good.

>> No.16546249


>> No.16546266

I think they meant Memphis Tennessee.

Why do two of the dumbest states, Mississippi and Tennessee have the hardest names to spell?

>> No.16546272
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>Plus there was a black fellow in the restroom who actually grabbed my hands and soaped them up for me, apparently expecting a tip.

>> No.16546275

>What was the worst dining experience you've ever had?
Denny’s in downtown Memphis. Shocker.
>sat down
>drink order is quickly taken by server
>almost 20 more mins before she comes back with drinks and takes food order
>about 30 mins until food is delivered
>eat meal, don’t see her again
>finish meal, still haven’t seen her again
>ask other servers twice if they could bring my check as my server is missing
>15min more and still nothing

>Did you complain?
No, I simply left. Only time in my life I’ve walked out without paying a restaurant bill.
But even after asking for it twice, I never got one. They clearly weren’t interested in my paying.

>> No.16546304

>Calls something dumb while complaining that spelling is hard

>> No.16546323

I forget the exact name of the place, but when I was in Boston for a day everyone was telling me to get some clam chowder. So for lunch I stopped in a fish market near the bar from cheers (help me out on the name, massholes) and ordered some chowdah. I got fucking Campbell's chunky. I was so insanely disappointed I think I actually cried (I was 12 gimme a break) because I knew I'd probably never get to go to Boston again and here it was, my one shot at real wicked pissah chowdah, and it was wasted. Fuck Boston, fuck mass, and fuck campbells

>> No.16546324

I went to a small restaurant off the tourist streets in Rome, Italy and had a very good meal. After I was done, I waited for the check as you normally would. 20 minutes went by and I started to get antsy. I caught the server's glance and raised my eyebrows at her, but she just looked away and carried on. I put my wallet on the table with my credit card on it - the international sign for "bring me the check".

Eventually, literally an hour went by and nobody brought me the check. I kept glancing back at the server with a stern expression, getting angrier each time, and she would just smile as she walked around and chatted with other patrons. She, nor anyone else, ever came to give me my check. So I walked away. Fucking Italishits probably wanted to mess with me because I was a tourist and didn't speak the language.

>> No.16546489


>> No.16546517

Never ever had an issue. I am haunted by one tho
>grandparents take kid me out to lunch at a mid-tier restaurant
>grandma is a vegetarian
>instead of ordering off the vegetarian menu, she orders a meat and pasta dish with no meat
>we eat and she calls a waiter over almost instantly because there's still some meat in her dish
>they take and return the dish, and my grandmother picks out where various different meats from bacon to chicken etc were in the pasta, which means they threw whatever meat and probably other stuff in there.
Idk if she was naive over restaurant staff or what but that shit always disturbed me. How could you eat something you know the cook was spiteful over? Yuck.

>> No.16546693

got a salad in a small town in wisconsin with balsamic vinaigrette that could best be described as "grey mayo"

>> No.16546709

just got right out of the hospital with appendicits, went to this fucking shitty buffet above a convenience store, worst food ive ever had, shitty soggy potatos with cold middle, bones in some shitty old sauce, soggy drowning salad, dilluted instant drink or wtf it was

>> No.16547568

What causes your appendix is to explode?