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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16542942 [Reply] [Original]

MSG, or monosodium glutamate was invented by a Jap scientist in the early 20th century as he was trying to figure out what made a vegetarian soup taste meaty. You can buy that Jap's salt today made by the company he founded today Ajinomoto. If you're a mutt or leaf, you can buy Accent which is the same thing. MSG on its own tastes exactly like beef ramen.
> I hAvE cHiNnEsE fOoD sYnDrOmE/AlLeRgIc To MSG!
Fake and gay. Chinese food syndrome is literally a textbook case of eating too much salt and being dehydrated. Glutamate is found in meat, cheese, and some plants. Monosodium IE one molecule of sodium is half of what goes into table salt (sodium chloride). People who say they're allergic to MSG aren't because they would also be allergic to meat and table salt. Boomers stick to this because of the chinese food scare back in the 60s.
>I am not a midwit, how do I use MSG correctly?
MSG is suitable in all dishes EXCEPT sweet ones. You can use MSG to reduce how much salt you put in a dish by half. Simply spice first with MSG, taste, and then add a little extra salt to even out the flavor.
> i Am A mIdWiT rEtArD
That's ok, you can substitute MSG for fish sauce, Parmesan, vegimite, and other umami packed foods.

>> No.16542952

i bought Accent because of this site and have since used 1/16 of the bottle.
it's just not practical for western cooking.

>> No.16542957

I use it when we have company over for dinner. My wife doesn't know and always complains that it doesn't taste the same as last time.

>> No.16542958

shut fuck up

>> No.16542967

>Not using it correctly.
The next meal you cook (that isn't sweet), when you get to the stage you add salt, swap it for MSG, add a small amount, mix, taste, add more, and then finish with a tiny amount of salt. It will add umami, reduce your overall salt usage, and everyone will think of you as a cooking god.

>> No.16542973

You should just add it with every meal. Any reason why you don't?

>> No.16542983

I've been meaning to buy some forever to try using on burgers and fried foods but I always seem to see it only when I'm away from home and not shopping to stock a kitchen. It doesn't seem very necessary but I'd still like to try throwing it on some things, it won't hurt.

>> No.16542990

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.16543000

I have the little panda and refill it with the bags. If you cut the plastic right you can keep the face on the bottle

>> No.16543044

Next time you go grocery shopping, go to your spice section. It'll be there.

>> No.16543062

I've taken to throwing a heavy pinch of msg into my soups or sauces. tomato sauce becomes amazing

>> No.16543143

Can't you still blame Chinese food syndrome partially on msg since it is a salt? Sure you're suppose to be able to use less, but I heard that shit was being used very liberally. Probably along with other salty ingredients like soy sauce, hoison, fish sauce, oyster sauce, etc. In the end it would still be part of the reason for the over load of sodium.
But yeah saying you're allergic to it is fake and gay. Pretty sure you can't even be allergic to msg because it's not a protein. It was just another case of media fear mongering that we still haven't learned our lesson on. Some dumbass journalist probably heard about it, started playing "scientist", and decided it was the root cause since it wasn't typically used by westerners at the time. Made for the perfect fear of the week all the media stations could write about.

>> No.16544044

seethe harder, retard

>> No.16544055

to keep that dumb cow in check

>> No.16544066

t. never tried MSG on sweet stuff. It rocks

>> No.16544727

MSG is basically half salt anyway

>> No.16545032

I read something something it tricks the brain? no fucking idea but that shit gets tossed on everything in the place of salt

>> No.16545051


>> No.16545057

Most of those sound like poverty foods. Turtle soup is probably the only way you can eat turtle.
Monkey brains, shark fin and dog are the opposite, of course. Their origins are peak Slaanesh.

>> No.16545062

I usually have some canned salmon for breakfast. I use white pepper, olive oil, and cayanne pepper for flavor. Would msg go well with this?

>> No.16545190

I put this shit in everything and people always love my cooking but when I say I put MSG in it they freak out. Fucking brainlets

>> No.16545201

i dont use it often but it really handy for getting my dad to eat vegetarian occasionally

>> No.16545208

>Turtle soup is probably the only way you can eat turtle.
>responding to stale pasta

>> No.16545217

im currently working with an old fella from hong kong, ill ask him which weird foods he might have eaten. his favourite breakfast is chicken and broccoli in porridge

>> No.16545230

Most of the time glutamates extracted from ingredients of a dish is better, no need to put msg in pasta I'd rather cook down tomatoes and add Parmigiano.

>> No.16545324

Interesting point, but they were only going after MSG like it was this weird man made toxic chemical.

>> No.16545359

It was dumb fucks in the government and dumb fuck soccer moms responsible, as usual. The foggies in the government were concerned with the obesity epidemic and were looking for a boogie man and found one in the form of something that sounds like a scary artificial chemical to blame. Karen's were more hysterical, thinking the kids were being poisoned by the Chinese.

I should know about the latter, as that was my mom and still is. Shhe's a teacher and teachers are all gossips and gossip with one another about stupid urban rumors. She is against trick-or-treat because someone once told her that there was a rash of people putting razors/poisons in candy; she would never let me have gum because someone told her it never passes if you swallow it, still thinks aspertame will give you cancer and absolutely believes msg will too. I could talk to her for hours, send her any amount of resources, but she trusts some woman she gossiped with 20 years ago more. I specifically have tried to explain MSG to her because I have used it in cooking when she visits and she freaked out, like I had put liquid cancer in her soup. After a long explanation, she seemed to understand, but then 8 months later or so, when it came up in conversation, she had completely reverted to her previous beliefs about MSG like the conversation never happened.

I love my mother, but it's people like her who perpetuate food myths. They just believe whatever scares them.

>> No.16545442

recently the retards claimed MSG is bad because it makes people eat more.
tasty food=bad

>> No.16545520

I remember all those.
Sometimes I wonder if some people out there really do think. If they do have an inner voice in their head. Especially when they'll be afraid of MSG, but probably still eat some heavily processed food.

>> No.16545531

My mother drinks like a fish and smokes like a chimney, but put some MSG in her noodles and suddenly she's afraid of cancer. I dont know what makes people like that.

>> No.16545545

>cooklets need to use their shitty chink crutch ingredient to make anything taste decent
if your food needs msg to taste good that means it sucks

>> No.16545693

Yeah dude imagine putting salt in food like a fucking loser

>> No.16545700

If your beef soup taste like msg you are just bad at making soup

>> No.16545786


>> No.16545869

keeping her in check. I might use it on her birthday dinner if we don't go out. She thinks I bring out all the stop for company. It's not needed for everyday use.

>> No.16546491

>screeches loudly without realizing it
>offended by things randomly
>"why are you making me mad?!"
>"why won't you learn anything?!"
>"all those other children worship their parents even when they insult and abuse them in public. You want me to be that kind of mom to you, huh?" (Completely unaware doing the same to me at home, with nobody to stop her and other family members always take her side over mine.)
>"I've never done anything to hurt you, why do you not understand?"
>"oh, you want me to kill myself then if you don't like me doing X so much?"
>"oh it's my fault you won't understand me? You want me to use sign language with my hands for you?"
>"I've been trying to protect you for years!"
>tells me about the organ mafia before I was 6
>"Have you seen those other kids do those drugs and laze about? You want to be an american like them, is that it?"
>used to tell me repeatedly before 6 that if I didn't behave and respect her, she'd go away one day and be replaced with some cruel and abusive stepmom
>did everything she did for me, sacrificed her friendships and social life for my wellbeing, cleaned up toilets and did other housekeeping for people so she could raise me
>I have no idea how painful it is to be a single mother
>I'm wrong for telling other people about her, as if she's abusing me and torturing me like other parents do, which she never does
>horror stories about my father bringing me home when I was 2 or 3 years old covered in blood and piss and completely naked, claiming he wasn't looking and there was a playground accident, among other incidents
And more toxic parenting, blame deflecting, and more shit. Wishing her and my family dead so I can be free is a daily recurring thought, almost a prayer, for at least a decade now if not more. There doesn't seem to be any way for me to reach her or change her, or the other family members for that matter. All I can do is endure my punishment and hope for the future.

>> No.16546521

I can't take matters into my own hands because it's not in my nature to hurt or murder, there's nowhere for me to run, all my finances and papers are in their old clutches, and more reasons and problems besides. All this introspection and looking back, reading about the problems other people on 4chan have with their family, does make me wonder if I'm right to have kids of my own. I always wanted to be a father, to help somebody live without suffering all the emotional abuse and mindgames I have and still am enduring. The thought makes me emotional and starts to bring tears to my eyes without fail, no matter what. I'm not sure how things will go as the years continue on and I'm already 25. Eventually things will fall apart and change will happen, whether we like it or not. I just have to keep trying to learn as much as I can fron them myself that they never bothered to teach me when I was growing up, because "your job is to go to school and work to keep your grades up, not to cook and do chores yet" among other excuses. Even now, I have to force their hand to let me in the kitchen to learn to cook anything, never failing to "remind me for my own good" (as they do with everything embarrassing and painful from my past, where I'm always the one at fault for complaining about them using it as ammunition against me) how they tried to get me to learn to cook many times before but I was "always too busy with those damn games and stupid shit, never wanting to be a responsible adult!"

I'm gonna make it one of these days. It's only a matter of time. We all make it, one way or another. Never forget that bros.

>> No.16546567

Nah, fuck it. Find a way to make her dead. Make it look like an accident. Looking into the same myself. Some people are so trash they shouldn't be considered human. Or we just stop giving a fuck about humans dying like every pussy ass bitch crying about "human rights" these days or whatever stupid shit. Fuck these trash humans, public hanging should become a common thing again. The fucking laws of these lands.

>> No.16546628

Murder is not a solution. I refuse to do anything of the sort. I know enough that anything like that will be found out, and the consequences are always too much to be outweighed by any benefits. Eventually, the problems will sort themselves out as they always do. As long as I can be free to recover from the pain and stand properly, I'll be fine. Avoiding the trash as much as possible is the way to go. My advice to you is to seek nature, take up gardening and travel and any constructive activity that gets you away from negative fucks. A good sort of escapism, you feel me? Cooking is constructive. That's why /ck/ is a good board, even with the shitposting.

>> No.16546800

>thread about msg
>"Find a way to make her dead"

>> No.16546811

Msg is interesting because it tastes awful on its own, like soap. But idk, you can always tell when its in food. It tastes good but it tastes unnatural? Its like an "over drive" if that makes sense

>> No.16546943

>wah killing bad :(
I swear I hate this sort of thinking. Bet you kill a lot of other things without caring. Avoiding problems is not a solution. Escapism is not a solution. Problems need to be rid of, not let lingering. Human lives aren't as precious as everyone thinks. If someone is a detriment, they should be disposed of. It's thinking like this is why we have an overpopulation problem, which is the reason for literally every other single problem we have today. Including our shady governments, and why we have such garbage roaming the streets. I refuse to suffer any longer, and I'm taking matter into my own hands.

>> No.16547295

what does msg do to sweet dishes?

>> No.16547316

I agree that MSG is gross almost all sweet dishes, but a couple of outliers I've noticed are in honey mustard glazed pork, and strangely enough, strawberries. Seriously try a little sprinkle on a sliced strawberry and it will blow your mind.

>> No.16547323

It normally just adds a weird bitter note that just ruins it. I once tried to make a 5 taste powder with sugar, salt, citric acid, and msg. It was nasty even with the tiniest bit of msg. It's like adding chicken ramen seasoning packet to a sour gummy candy.

>> No.16547363

add it to rice and gumbo

>> No.16547634

Ok globohomo