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[ERROR] No.16542576 [Reply] [Original]

>Moderate wine intake (1-10 glasses a day) actually lengthens your life
Lol abstainers btfo

>Since French males are considered the largest consumers of wine in the world, we conducted a study in Eastern France that included 34,014 middle-aged men (40 - 60 years at baseline) in which we evaluated mortality in relation to their alcohol intake, with a follow-up of 10 - 15 years, In that study, every social class consumed wine, and the largest consumers were workers and tradesmen (48.9 and 47.6 g/day respectively). Higher classes such as high-level managers consumed only 36.2 g/day of wine. In that cohort, wine was the main alcohol consumed (82 % of the total alcoholic beverages). A moderate intake of wine (2 - 3 glasses per day) was associated with a 24 - 31 % reduction in all-cause mortality, in smokers, ex-smokers and non-smokers.

>> No.16542583

10 glasses of wine daily is far removed from "moderate wine intake".

>> No.16542591

I now. I feel healthy when I drink a good wine.

>> No.16542598

Arent french people also less obese…

>> No.16542601

You sound like those potheads when they claim weed cures X and Y.

>> No.16542614
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for french people 10 glasses is moderate, believe me i have family in france they drink wine like mad, my grandma is 90 and drinks close to a bottle a day

>> No.16542615

10 glasses is only 2 bottles of wine a day. you drink one in the morning, and one at lunch, and then have a sensible dinner. it's normal.

>> No.16542621

more likely to smoke, smaller portion size, more emphasis on food laws which means less processed stuff compared to american diets

>> No.16542636
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the study only comprises of only french people, french wine drinkers compared to french abstainers of alcohol

Not french people compared to the rest of the world

>> No.16542677
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>10 glasses a day
more like moderate alcoholism

>> No.16542721
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they still live longer tho

>> No.16542779

>was associated with
key word associated. this is an association, no causal information is here. there could be 50 other factors that explain this effect that weren't measured but you believe what you want i guess...

>> No.16542799
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Studies can never be 100% positive unless they test the entire population of Earth, so they have to be vague to some degree. regardless this study tested 30,000 men and found most of the drinkers lived longer

>> No.16542854

I'm not saying the association is incorrect but to infer a causal link when the strength of the association is so small is dubious... Most "associations" tend to be disproven when finally tested in clinical trials.

>> No.16542862

also the fact that there isn't a consistent dose dependent relationship makes it less plausible. why does 1-9 drinks kill you more but 10-13 kill you less?

>> No.16542916

you're wrong. the teetotalers also include former alcoholics who quit and dragged down the numbers. also moderate drinking is usually a social thing and therefore correlates with having healthy, happy relationships with other people. you're drinking poison (even if it's fun)

>> No.16542928

>you're drinking poison
the dose makes the poison. the question here is how much is too much or does a moderate or small dose increase health/lifespan. i'd bet no but to really know you would have to do large, expensive randomized trials.

>> No.16542968

>the dose makes the poison
fair enough, even water is "poisonous" at large enough quantities.
>the question here is how much is too much or does a moderate or small dose increase health/lifespan
i feel like there's not much of an argument in favor of any dose. you're giving your liver an extra burden while maybe getting some beneficial compounds from the alcohol's production process, but then you have to prove these compounds are useful, not immediately metabolized, and present in significant enough quantities to have an effect that outweighs whatever liver damage you might incur. that or you have to prove that the mental effects of alcohol somehow outweigh the physical damage. that's a very high bar to clear imo.
>you would have to do large, expensive randomized trials.
true, that's part of why it's difficult to get definitive answers on something like salt intake as well. however, whenever people talk about this stuff it feels like motivated reasoning to say "uh actually this is good for me." i think you can probably say it's good because it makes you happy, but making a scientific argument beyond that seems a little weird to me.

>> No.16543165

the fuck kind of glasses do frogs use if a bottle is more than 10 glasses?

>> No.16543199

>drinking wine instead of bud light
it's like you enjoy drinking shit.

>> No.16543212

learn to read morons
the study is only among French people
take a fucking stats class jesus

>> No.16543216

This. Correlation =/= causation.

>> No.16543356
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Thimbles apparently.
I use a half bottle per glass, but that's to satiate autism about even numbers for consumption.

>> No.16543406

>take a fucking stats class jesus
what? I literally just accurately described the graph posted. not sure what you're on about

>> No.16543430

did you realize how dumb this was?
take a stats class

>> No.16543436

yeah I realized i mistyped that and had them reversed

>> No.16543442

my main point still stands though

>> No.16543458

No it doesn't. Learn to read graphs

>> No.16543477

I clearly don't understand can you explain it for me?

>> No.16543483

No you need to take a statistics course

>> No.16543491

So you don't know how to read graphs either? Looks like we're in the same boat.

>> No.16543503

I know it how to read graphs because I took statistics courses
I'm not going to tutor you for free though

>> No.16543508

Sounds like you can't read it either. If you could you could explain it in the time it took to reply to that post...

>> No.16543542

According to this jewish science. Sure just let me give more money to booze grifters cause some mathemagicians said I'll live longer. Sure just let me jerk off to porn and drink booze cause I'll live longer, then smoke cigarettes cause my testosterone will increase. How about no and Christ is King.

>> No.16543552

why don't you drug-addicted faggots just fucking say ''ye i drink/smoke/inject cus i like it'' instead of making up all these bitch ass excuses for your guilty pleasures

correlation does not equal causation.

>> No.16543656

take your meds

>> No.16543672

take a whiff of gas

>> No.16543703

Basically I'm just gonna not drink it (alcohol)
I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH I know.... I know....
It's just that I'm not gonna drink it is all!!!


>> No.16545277

Let me redpill you on these studies. It's the classic "correlation is not causation" meme. What's the real cause of the pattern?

There's two kinds of people in the world--people who can handle moderate alcohol consumption, and alcoholics. People who can moderate their consumption are also good at moderating other unhealthy behaviors--overeating for instance.

So you have the alcoholics who swear off alcohol for good, but still haven't moderated other unhealthy behavior (left side of graph). You have the healthy people who can moderate their unhealthy behaviors including alcohol (middle of graph). And you have actual alcoholics (right of graph) who also can't moderate unhealthy behavior.

Wine is still unhealthy.

>> No.16545281

How much is a bottle anon? 750ml is like 3 glasses.

>> No.16545283

more like 7 glasses

most places serve 1 dl (100ml) portions, with a bit added for good measure

>> No.16545294

"richer people drink less and have less dangerous jobs so they're less likely to die early"
shocking, it's almost as if the wine intake was irrelevant in that study. Should've taken a control group of rich and poor people who don't drink to see how the difference changed

>> No.16545297

Based post. Unfortunately people are too dumb to interpret research.

>> No.16545300
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Fuck it boys. At this rate I'm going to live well into my 200s.

>> No.16545304


>> No.16545305

And where do you think we are?

>> No.16545307
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>> No.16545308
File: 24 KB, 430x712, images (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't moderate mean heaps? Like on Need For Speed Underground when you make the traffic moderate there's heaps more than when you make it light or medium.
>Mfw I don't into words and England

>> No.16545316
File: 2.28 MB, 364x265, dcf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yfw you finally found a scenario where you can use your reaction image you've had saved for 7 months

>> No.16545321

I have zero glasses a day, because a plastic bladder isn't glass.

>> No.16545466

why do people require academics to tell them if they should enjoy a certain food or not? Absolute faggotry. Have fun abstaining from Eggs one year and eat them in the next

>> No.16545486

10 bottles of wine a day is the secret to immortality. The """"scientists"""" don't want you to know this

>> No.16545506

I actually use that one pretty regularly and have been doing so for a lot longer than 7 months.

>> No.16545548

The effect disappears when wealth is factored in.

>> No.16545724

Every study suggesting health from wine consumption is funded by the wine industry. Alcohol is poison

>> No.16545736

I have about zero confidence that a correlation study provides any meaningful information that I can utilize in my life.

>> No.16546539
File: 52 KB, 720x679, Screenshot_20210813-103356_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw frenchies consider 3oz of wine a """""drink"""""
Lmao how fucking embarrassing. Is there a shortage over there or what?