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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16541773 [Reply] [Original]

>broke: 1 drive thru lane
>woke: 2 drive thru lanes
>bespoke: 4 drive thru lanes

>> No.16541783

Are they still using artificial meat?

>> No.16541784

Why are Europeans so poor that they don't eat their meals in a luxurious muttwagon ?

Europe just has a bunch of dead racist white men America has CULTURE !!!! Nigger Claps !

>> No.16541792

so glad i rarely get fast food and really don't care

>> No.16541800

Same. I'm not risking some minimum wage unvaccinated retard giving me the Rona just for some cheap shitty fast food

>> No.16541818

that movie was right, taco bell is going to take over

>> No.16541829

so it's sonic but tacos instead, wow so innovative

>> No.16541832

except sonic is fucking trash and you need to tip the skaters

>> No.16541833

yeah they just brag about it now.

>> No.16541835

taco bell is also fucking trash, all fast food is
that's beside the point and you know it

>> No.16541840

>Brooklyn park Minnesota

This is just corporate darwinism. Taco Bell is self selecting it’s survival by placing the store above ground height so rioters can burn and loot it.

That’s why McDonald’s is going extinct in Minnesota

>> No.16541842

*Can’t loot and burn it

>> No.16541846

There's something surreal about all this effort and technology being put into providing shitty fast food. Like you're driving through the vaporwave QR scanner in your tesla, you swipe your phone to pay, AI workers immediately spring into action, the food flies down the chute, and you are presented with a two or three tortillas filled haphazardly with questionable meat and not enough cheese for budgetary reasons.

>> No.16541851

is the kitchen upstairs and the food comes down a dumb waiter?

>> No.16541856

They could just make this shit on a conveyor belt, really. Timothy could scoop it or a machine could poop it out, people wouldn't know the difference.

>> No.16541859
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>be Taco Bell
>design new restaurant to look like gas station

>> No.16541864

you do realize they used to climb trees in the old country

>> No.16541870
File: 714 KB, 1170x1503, 706A6010-5EDC-48DC-BD98-E107FA5D2EA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna make me family something special tonight.

>> No.16541873

Society is really becoming a dystopia. But it's not even a cool cyberpunk dystopia. Instead we get a boring fucking dystopia

>> No.16541877

This is the groundwork for cool dystopia. We won't get there, but we have the means.

>> No.16541891

>sonic servers are still tipped
>sonic servers still skate other than one or two locations
Finish your ovaltine and take a nap, grandpa.

>> No.16541937

>Taco Bell is self selecting it’s survival by placing the store above ground height so rioters can burn and loot it.
There might be something to this.
>inb4 schizo
My university campus had one class/office building that looked really out of place. It was up on large “stilts”, 2 of which were stairwells leading up to the bulding. The “ground floor” of the building was about 2 stories off the ground.

One of the department heads who had been there basically forever explained to me that the design was due to being built during the wave of 1970s student protests which often involved occupying buildings, and this would allow police/security to more easily defend the building because they only had to secure 2 stairwells.

>> No.16541943
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>I'm not risking some minimum wage unvaccinated retard giving me the Rona just for some cheap shitty fast food

>> No.16542183

Dear Rest of the World,

Never stop seething.

The United States of America

>> No.16542207


>> No.16542261

They removed the xxxl burrito for this bullshit?

>> No.16542295

I thought they couldn't find enough wagies to staff regular restaurants how will they find enough to work 4 drive thru

>> No.16542301

I can't help but feel that Taco Bell bought up an old bank location and decided to make an ad campaign around it.

>> No.16542340

>cool dystopia
there is no such thing.

>> No.16542524


>> No.16542541

So less illiterate high school dropouts touching food?
Good. This generation of youth is fucking disgusting and I'm all for not employing them in food service.

>> No.16542572

I live in a major city and they still do that. sounds like you live in a shithole.

>> No.16542582

>This is just corporate darwinism. Taco Bell is self selecting it’s survival by placing the store above ground height so rioters can burn and loot it.
>That’s why McDonald’s is going extinct in Minnesota
They should go subterranean, call it Taco Bunker

>> No.16543400
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>> No.16543459
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>> No.16543462

The servers at Sonic get paid minimum wage+, not tips. You gave them extra money they didn't need for no reason.

>> No.16543469

Lol no they fucking don’t.
Tell me the city and the Sonic so I can call and ask.

>> No.16543474

If you're vaccinated you won't get any illness from anyone unvaccinated. The vaccine protects you from symptoms/illness, it does little to protect others. So if you're vaccinated you literally just have nothing to worry about and shouldn't care whether other people are or not.

>> No.16543522

not really You can still die from Rona even with vax

>> No.16543526

Hey they can't get friken shot anymore
This design is kinda racist

>> No.16543529

Taco Bell really doesn't taste like anything. How are there people who "like" it?

>> No.16543539

anything from a cow can be described as beef, even the crappy stuff you shouldn't eat

>> No.16544827

You're still playing "Pandemic"?

t. unvaxxed who regularly travels and goes to venues without a mask pretending he's vaxxed

>> No.16544954

There is, but only for the people in charge of said dystopia.

>> No.16544984
File: 654 KB, 672x698, 2 43289893598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good stuff
Robots make food above drive thru lanes and drop it below. This could be truly revolutionary guys. Imagine per-ordering your TB then pulling up, scanning your phone or some shit and getting food dropped on you time for perfect eating time since it's run by AI management or some shit. Nice.

>> No.16545006

it will get pushed over in less than a year.

>> No.16545123

That's orders of magnitude more innovative than Noma or El Bulli or Alchemist 2.0. Not 1 but 4 lanes? How do you even come up with that!? America saves cuisine again...

>> No.16545151

Naw, they found horse meat cost too much and got too much flack last time the got caught so now they just use soy filler and hotdog meat (pork and chicken buttholes).

>> No.16545169


>> No.16545192

>If you're vaccinated you won't get any illness from anyone unvaccinated
Better check your mail Moishe the facts have changed from our Overlords

>> No.16545202

keep shifting those goalposts, faggot

>> No.16545401

5% of the beef is oats.

>> No.16545469

what are you trying to say by that?
oats are not artificial meat and 5% filler is a lot less than I expected

>> No.16545588
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Mmmmm msg

>> No.16545664

>that video thumbnail
not a chance that anyone is going to click that lmao

>> No.16545673


>> No.16545674

>4 drive thru lanes
>still have to go to the same 1 drive thru window
its a scam, this will only increase messed up orders, no drive thru speed will be gained

>> No.16545679

You realize a long ingredient list doesn't mean shit, right? The list has to include the cheese, meat, shell, etc. So no shit it is long

>> No.16545703

No, the idea that unvaccinated people cause problems is stupid. Vaccinated people are protected from the virus (vaccines do not protect others around you), vaccinated people are the ones that incubate mutations unknowingly thanks to a lack of symptoms. This is how all vaccines have always worked and I'll not be convinced that all of biology has changed for one stupid virus. I'm vaccinated, but I'm realistic about it and I think the demonization and dehumanization of people who choose not to vaccinate is disgusting and evil and based on literal lies that do not match the decades of vaccine science and research that have been established.

>> No.16545711

People always shit on the long ingredient lists from American labels, but the thing is that the US government is just more strict about companies labeling things as thoroughly as possible. The EU allows food manufacturers to take tons of shortcuts and omit ingredients so their labels SEEM shorter even if the food is just as processed.

>> No.16545713

Don’t tell the yuros, man. They’ll flip the fuck out.

>> No.16546030

>More drive-thru space is peak innovation
Lame. I dig the aesthetic, maybe I was born in time to see things go cyberpunk. I want my fucking neon and malls back.

>> No.16546041

They won't
Americans will wait hours for "fast" food.

>> No.16546047

cant be that innovative if it wont be ready for another year

>> No.16546052

fucking based. i hope its as automated as possible so all the wagies starve

>> No.16546057

thats just an empty bank that some real estate jew flipped to a stupid mexican franchisee

>> No.16546062

>a third in n out in my city opens five months ago
>lines are still 30 minutes+ long
it cant be that good can it? it looks like the most plain fast food burger

>> No.16546075

Not sure about EU but US labeling is pretty bad. I work in NPD in Australia and even our newly lax labeling guidelines are better than the US. There is so much missing in the US labels, as well as random states wanting stupid things listed, the whole thing is a shitfight.

>> No.16546082

>Be hungover
>Fuck it I'll go get McDonalds breakfast for the first time in forever
>Order 2 hash browns and a coffee
>Get handed hashbrowns
>"Sorry anon, you'll have to park in spot number 5 for your coffee"
>Literally wait 5 minutes
>Given brown water that looks like it was shaken due to it is dripping all over the cup and the lid is pooled with the coffee
I regret everything

>> No.16546182

They can put these things at the interstate toll booths!!!!!!!!!

>> No.16546286

The biggest differences to my memory between the EU and US is that the US is much stricter on requiring sub-ingredients to be listed as well as how additives are labeled.

So to use >>16545588 as an example, the US label requires specifying that cheddar cheese contains cultured milk, salt, enzymes, and annatto, whereas the EU would allow it to just say "cheddar cheese" and leave it at that. Dumb people then overreact about it and think the American version must be more processed or have extra additives when what's really happening is the EU just isn't being strict about each ingredient label defining compound ingredients and cheddar cheese is simply made of those things but one label tells you and the other label just assumes you don't need to know.

For the other additives that do need labeling in both regions, the US requires putting the actual common chemical compound names on the label for clarity to the consumer, but the EU instead has these "E" numbers which can be looked up in an online database to find out what the additive actually is. In my experience, this leads people to believe the American products are "full of chemicals" while the EU products appear to be more uniformly "approved" and "official" and therefore more trustworthy because of the uniform number system. Again, it's just dumb people being scared by scientific names and ironically putting more trust in the more obfuscated system because it's less intimidating at face value.

>> No.16546294

It's telling that most of the lanes are dedicated to mobile orders.
The fastfood industry would prefer customers who have cellphones, credit cards, and either a car or food delivery app. Cashless mobile ordering is the Western version of having a good social credit score.

You can't setup vending machine style automation in the ghetto because 'low social credit score' people will vandalize, scam, and steal without any repercussions. This new design is a good first step to filter out people who throw a wrench in automation.

>> No.16546318

I tried mobile ordering 1 time and I'll never do it again. I assumed the way mobile orders worked was that they would prepare my food, set it aside, and walk it straight out when I pulled up. What I found out is that they don't even begin assembling the order until you park and check in. So even though you're ordering in advance AND paying in advance, when you pull up and check in your order just goes into the queue and you have to watch a bunch of drive-thru customers get their food before you and wait just as long to actually receive the food. That's when I realized that the drive-thru is just as fast and with no hassle of apps and other bullshit, so I'll never bother with mobile ordering for the rest of my life.

>> No.16546328

>then add water to keep it juicy and moist
do americans really

>> No.16546344

>> you need to tip the skaters
Lol what? No you don't.

>> No.16546355

Drive thru only need 4 people anon. The expense was always needing extra workers handle more customers at the counter and cleaning/cusromer assistance. New drive thru taco tower only needs cooks + 1 assistant in case the touch screen mobile order fucks up

>> No.16546359

This. I want more automation.the less people I need to deal with the better

>> No.16546368

This is because if they made it in advance half their orders would be cold and people bitch, because people suck and will show up 30 minutes late and demand hot food all over again.

I use the desktop sites and drive, and I prefer it because it lets me see the menu and make substitutions however I want. (I usually want to add or remove a sauce or sour cream for example)

>> No.16546370

>the less people I need to deal with the better
Every day people are losing their humanity more and more. I find it genuinely saddening how widely accepted this type of pro-isolation, misanthropic attitude is.

>> No.16546452

I like fast food but I cannot get into Taco Bell. About 1-2 times a year I’ll get Taco Bell and my wife always warns me that I never like it so don’t do it. I invariably go, get a bunch of different items while being impressed by the menu diversity and cheap cost.

Then I start eating and everything tastes like bland, soft dog food and the hot sauces everyone raves about don’t even make it that much more palatable. I end up throwing out some of the half-eaten food (which I NEVER do normally) and tell my wife “next time I say I want Taco Bell, remind me it is shit and I don’t really want it”

6-12 months later the cycle repeats.

>> No.16546462
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>> No.16546464

Not him but the last time I went to sonic and waited to receive my food they skated to the car. Granted, that was almost 2 years ago, because I always just use the drive through.

>> No.16546467

>this type of pro-isolation, misanthropic attitude
Not that anon, but I agree with him to an extent.
I’d clarify by saying “the fewer incompetent fast food employees who manage to frequently screw up simple orders I have to deal with, the better”.
I have no problem dealing with people in places where service is great, or at least manages to present you with what you ask for. I’m fine with chic-fil-a, and even McDonald’s/BurgerKing/TacoBell/etc in places like Japan.
But as far as a typical suburban US Taco Bell goes, I have zero issue with it functioning like a glorified vending machine.

>> No.16546472


>> No.16546477

Do they send the food down in tubes like a bank drive through or something

>> No.16546485

Taco bell is generic meat slop covered in cheese and sometimes a good sauce. That's literally the only expectation you should ever have going there.
Do you go to chicfila expecting game hen or something? No. It's a chicken sandwich. Their whole menu is just a chicken sandwich.

>> No.16546503

I guess that's somewhat reasonable, I just worry it's such a slippery slope of an attitude that results in people just actually wanting to avoid interaction with people altogether. We're already seeing new generations become less and less socially adept in simple interactions with strangers and I fear it will only get worse as we push for more automation and less human interaction.

>> No.16546515

I didn’t grow up eating Taco Bell much so it was a bit of a rare treat when I had it. Then I lived in a town where there was no Taco Bell. This created unrealistic expectations and rose-tinted nostalgia that was really hard to shake hence my repeated mistake of going there.

They dress up the generic meat slop in so many different ways it’s easy to forgot that the base of the menu is shit. I usually only get hamburgers or chicken burgers at fast food places so getting tacos and other Taco Bell monstrosities is novel and appealing. Combined with how cheap it is the result is me being cast under their spell 1-2 times a year.

Now I live in a small city with no Taco Bell, the closest one is almost 2 hours away. So I thankfully haven’t made this mistake since I moved here. But now that I found out there is one 2 hours away I’m intrigued and will probably make the same mistake when I’m in that area.

>> No.16546518

Sorry, only the major cities on the coasts get the cool future.

>> No.16546528

The major cities on the coasts are the most dystopian of all. At least further inland you can buy some land and ignore most of the bullshit, not so in the big cities.

>> No.16546537

>The major cities on the coasts are the most dystopian of all.

People who live in major cities rave about life there and how they couldn’t live anywhere else. But do they go to theatres, museums, explore the culture of the city? No they spend most of their waking hours glued to their phone, consume and occasionally go to a different restaurant. Yet the residual city loyalty/pride is still there for some reason.

>> No.16546538

>you are assigned drive thru lane 3
>please hold your VaxPass™ QR code up to the scanner and proceed once approved
wow bro cool future I’m so jelly

>> No.16546543

>the cool future
Lad have you ever been to a coastie shithole

>> No.16546584

>please remember to keep your doors on auto-lock and use your pass extender and not your hand in case of non-consensual physical contact with diverse members of the BIPOC community (peace be upon them)

>> No.16546637
File: 316 KB, 603x449, Blueeyes-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me rephrase that. Only expensive areas of coastal cities get the cool future. Ate a few days ago at Blue Eyes restaurant in Hoboken. 30 years ago Hoboken was a blue collar shithole, now it is trendy hipsterville with condos going for $400,000+. The menu was a QR code, the customers and staff were multinational, the food was good traditional Italian, the view fantastic.

>> No.16546648
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I miss when it looked like a mexican restaurant

>> No.16546650

>uneducated reddit leftists "protest" by refusing to get jobs and sitting on COVID welfare instead
>laugh when restaurants express they are desperate for staff
>smugly sit back and think will get paid $20/h to flip burgers
>restaurants adapt so that only 3 wagies are needed to cook, take orders, serve food, etc. instead
>no more labor shortage
>reddit leftists that voluntarily left the job market now unable to reenter
>COVID benefits ending
>eviction moratorium expired
lol. so much for the "labor revolution", eh?

>> No.16546669

>the customers and staff were multinational
Wow so amazing. Like being in a nice diversity zoo amirite?

>> No.16546676

>The menu was a QR code
I hate that shit, I don't want to browse your shitty site to find food

>> No.16546679

In response to mostly peaceful disturbances, McDonald's Restaurants are proud to announce the launch of our McShield™ system at locations across the USA. The McShield™ employs electromagnetic ForceField™ technology to separate our respected patrons from the annual Peaceful™ protests taking place during Q2-Q3, recurring every fiscal year as of 2020. The McShield will create a necessary boundary and maintain the presence of Peaceful™ members of the community to beyond a 500 yard radius of your local McDonalds' property line, supported by 2,000 volts of Sustainably Sourced™ power.
Visit your local McDonald's restaurant today.

>> No.16546680

I still don’t understand how people can refuse to work right now. Are the COVID bux still going full-force in the USA?

It seems crazy to just decide you don’t want to work and scrape by on ephemeral government bux but I suppose if you’re a retail dullard getting almost the same amount of money to sit at home sounds like heaven. If I was in this position I would have taken the COVID bux and spent the last year and a half making myself more employable not just enjoy my taxpayer-funded staycation by doing nothing.

There is sometimes a good reason most people stay within their station and never move up and that is zero ambition.

>> No.16546682

>eviction moratorium expired
Check the news, friend.

>> No.16546690

they are literally going into credit card debt because covidbux made them lazy
oh well, I guess they've delayed the inevitable by a few months. by the time they're "ready" (desperate) to rejoin the work force, the places they left behind will have already adapted to operating with a drastically reduced work force. they are fucked.

>> No.16546702

Don't larp. I just moved away from a 14th floor condo overlooking the bay. They are not fun to live in. The city is not fun to live in. It's over romanticized trash. Nobody who lives there that isn't a literal millionaire wants to. Why do you think so many city dwellers dream about moving into a cabin in the middle of nowhere?

>> No.16546716

We have Taco John's where I live, their food and meat are superior in an immediately recognizable way. Taco Bell tried to open a location in my town, the locals tried it out for one week and went back to Taco John's. The Bell is still open but I don't know how.

>> No.16546719

>Nobody who lives there that isn't a literal millionaire wants to.
You forgot young people in denial who think they'll make it big. My sister is in college in NYC and she says she loves living there and I'm pretty sure she thinks she'll get a super high-paying job fresh out of school and live it up in the city after that. I'm curious how long it will take for reality to set in for her, but I do hope she can be happy at least.

>> No.16546748
File: 494 KB, 1080x1068, Screenshot_20210813-142212_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You check the news, retard

>> No.16546753

>they are literally going into credit card debt because covidbux made them lazy
Jesus this is a terrifying thought. I have a good-paying job and more credit card debt than I’d like and my main focus is paying it off ASAP. I hate having debt and don’t understand how people could be at peace sitting at home, collecting COVID bux and accumulating debt the whole time. Buying delivery food on credit and thinking life is grand.

When the bill finally comes in, and it will eventually, there are going to be a lot of people in a bad situation. Especially with inflation and a changing economy/workplace environment that no one really knows where it will go.

I guess many of these people have boomer parents with now-expensive homes in cities and figure they’ll inherit enough and can just play until then? I can’t imagine this complete lack of foresight.

Do they honestly believe they’ll never have to pay rent and get free money indefinitely?

>> No.16546769
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>tfw no Taco Bell on the germoney

>> No.16546774

>sleeps on the capitol steps in protest
>so fat she has to literally surround herself with boxes of shitty processed snack foods.
Fuck this world.

>> No.16546785
File: 327 KB, 1920x1080, I_Kg6MRaKdknnTHm1qwC8BD0BjZmbSA9n5_6zc4z3Zo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life imitates art

>> No.16546802

They haven't it's conservative LARP. The real truth is all these service jobs fired their employees at the start, so they HAD to find a new job. Most went and got real jobs further away that offer benefits and shit, and now they're not coming back to shitty service jobs because why would they? Employment is up. Not down. The people who did leave the work force were those who could, mostly women withpartners or young people withpartners with stable jobs.

McDonald's et. All are just fucked because they want make wages wage like slaves anymore, and they won't raise their bottom line because most places are boomer-run franchisees that never saved any of their profit for lean times.

>> No.16546841

>so they HAD to find a new job
Did they though? I’m in Canada and plenty of people chose to just take COVID bux and enjoy that lifestyle sans work.

What other employment is a burger flipper going to find that will provide better benefits and pay than their old job?

>> No.16546842
File: 206 KB, 1090x1090, blue eyes food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The multinational rich have hollowed out a very nice play ground in NYC and north NJ. Bums and other diversity zoo species get shipped to PA or further west. As SHTF around the world, a few places are becoming safe havens for the rich. US coastal cities are one of them.

Have another picture of Blue Eyes food. The park behind the food is on an artificial island.

>> No.16546854

>Cashless mobile ordering is the Western version of having a good social credit score.
this is very evocative. yet somehow it just may be true.
I hope so at this point. In late 2019 or so, I picked up a daily McDick's Breakfast Drivethru habit. Every morning. Always mobile-ordered. Honestly it's so wonky, sometimes it's made such a bigger hassle than even trying to communicate through the speaker. "Mobile Order Machine Broke", would be the joke. But when it works, it works seamlessly, I don't have to describe my order and hope they don't fuck it up or ignore my customizations. No conversation, just "Mobile order? Second window" "Here you go" "Thank you very much!" and I'm out.

The real Western-social-credit-score to me is, faang-corps keeping shadowlists of everyone who uses racial slurs or discusses forms of anti-neoliberal radicalism in the vicinity of their smartspeakers. If you treat the voice-assistants rude or venomously, I feel like they become obstinate, they "mishear" you, they don't complete your voice commands as quickly or accurately when you call them cocksuckers. They're monitoring schizos.

>> No.16546862

>someone points out to someone that a moratorium is still in effect
>you reply to this post with an image stating the same thing
>you call them a retard
Take a deep breath, and try reading things before replying to them.

>> No.16546884

>If you treat the voice-assistants rude or venomously, I feel like they become obstinate, they "mishear" you, they don't complete your voice commands as quickly or accurately when you call them cocksuckers. They're monitoring schizos.

See what happens if you play the soundtracks from bestiality porn videos near them. do it for science.

>> No.16546891

It turns into Stockholm syndrome really fast. My sister did the same thing and now she lives in a 300sq ft shitbox in Oakland with her fiance. She swears up and down its amazing but I lived about 10 miles away in a skybox with 10x her income (almost literally) and I'm a thousand times happier in every day actions in a flat desert shithole.

Cities aren't meant to be lived in.

>> No.16546892

Yeah. If you've hung out with people in your
mid-20s then you've probably met these people by the dozens. They have a vague fantasy of what their future will look like, but they don't let themselves think about whether it's realistic or what needs to be done to get there. They just have the idea and pretend like that's what will happen. Meanwhile, they just smoke weed, watch movies, eat pizza, etc all day and think that they'll be set because they got a BA in some useless field.
> The real truth is all these service jobs fired their employees at the start, so they HAD to find a new job. Most went and got real jobs further away that offer benefits and shit,
If they could have already gotten those jobs, they would have. Do you think people were sitting around working McJobs when they could have had real ones the whole time? lol
>McDonald's et. All are just fucked because they want make wages wage like slaves anymore, and they won't raise their bottom line because most places are boomer-run franchisees that never saved any of their profit for lean times.
...so instead they just adapt to operate with a much smaller workforce, like OP's post demonstrates. The restaurants aren't fucked, the wagies are.

>> No.16546903


>> No.16546958
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Did you know that the European versions of Demolition Man used Pizza Hut instead Taco Bell, because that chain was mostly unknown there at the time?

>> No.16546964

I’m in my 30s but a few friends still have this Peter Pan mentality and just cannot commit to anything: a career, relationship, family, you name it. They go through cycles involving a sort of manic ambitious phase where they want to do better and start making plans but fast forward a week or two later and they are back to their normal go-nowhere drudgery. That’s okay if you’re in your early 20s but not mid-30s.

But I sort of understand this mentality and I sometimes think how I could have easily fallen into these traps. I am still a product of my generation and battle with my narcissism and sense of entitlement but at least I’m quite self-aware. While my friends were being the proverbial grasshoppers I decided it was time to have at it and worked my ass off through grad school. While they were having more fun I was working like a dog from my masters to PhD to postdoc.

Now I have a family, 6-figure salary, house and a job that gives me a lot of pleasure, freedom and satisfaction. Life is not perfect, it never will be, but I thank god that I decided to put down the beer/joint and start working towards something despite all the peer pressure. Now when I look at how some of my friends and old peers are doing it’s pretty clear what having a plan and following through can get you vs just drifting along.

>> No.16546974

100% chance that those food dumbwaiters take on the stink and cleanliness of a garbage chute within a week, or someone decides it will be fun to take a shit in a bag, place it in there, light it on fire and take off.

>> No.16547024

>Crooklyn Park

That's Minneapolis' ghetto suburb

>> No.16547064

God I miss it

>> No.16547094

How can you keep making the same mistake if you remember that it's shit? Do you just not remember the exact taste of the base ingredients?

>> No.16547157

Their brains have been fried, unfortunately. TV, school, and now social media telling them 24/7 that it's OK to be a deadbeat and that somehow things will work out. The point in life when you're about to graduate HS and deciding what post-secondary education you want to go for is the most important part of a person's life and it's treated as no big deal by most people. They just pick a random humanities field because it sounds cool, not thinking that there are 100k people coming out with that degree every single year. Then they take student loans out to drift into this fantasy world. They expect that, upon graduation, they will be able to join the extremely niche field they studied and have a comfortable life.

Finally, when reality hits, when they have to pay both rent and student loans and they can't get anything beyond a menial job, they go one of two routes. The worst of them lash out. Not at everyone who told them they were doing everything right, but at capitalism, personified (in their eyes) by people who made good choices and worked hard to secure a good life for themselves. Many outwardly say they want to kill anyone who owns property or has a positive net worth. The rest of them likewise blame society for their circumstance, but they only ever vent about it on places like twitter and reddit. IRL, they just carry on thinking that, somehow, it will work out one day, smoking weed, working a McJob, etc.

Any underageb& reading this - the next few years might dictate the rest of your life

>> No.16547264

Eh. I made fish patties the other night and a pretty decent percentage of those were flour.

>> No.16547280

>The point in life when you're about to graduate HS and deciding what post-secondary education you want to go for is the most important part of a person's life and it's treated as no big deal by most people.
College is now high school 2.0 and many people just assume they have to go to college and go on auto-pilot. They don't think about things like job markets, employability, career options or anything like that. Four years of wasted time, money and experience later and they realize their piece of paper means little. Or they don't realize it at all and continue on autopilot into the path of mediocrity. Either way they lash out and externalize all blame as you described.

I have 10 years of post-secondary education and 2 years of postdoc experience and I will tell my kids to only go to college if they have a solid plan with an end goal (career) in mine and/or real passion for their field of study. Why waste four years of your life when you could be gaining experiences and money that directly benefit you in the short and long term?

Academia worked for me but that's because I was struck with ambition, passion and an intense drive at some point. I knew the odds were against me in some respects so I hustled like mad and in the end it paid off (or at least is paying off now). I could have just as easily been a perpetual mediocre grad student/postdoc who wonders why the professorship or great job I'm entitled to hasn't fallen into my lap yet.

I've learned a lot about personal responsibility and ambition over the last 10+ years and while we are entitled to nothing and nothing is guaranteed, you can increase your chances at a good life if you put in the effort and act with some planning and intelligence. People want to blame the system or the bootstraps meme or white colonialism or whatever other reason on why they haven't succeeded, but in most cases it is by their own hand.

>> No.16547556

You must be liberated

>> No.16547593

America's problem is unique in world history because they don't produce anything, at all. There is no industry (secondary sector) and the primary sector is all automated away with machinery. The only thing remaining is either make-work McJobs or highly educated knowledge work, which obviously not everyone is cut out for. Even during the fucking collapse of the Yuan dynasty, 50 million people died, but the Hongwu Emperor could make the survivors go back to tilling the soil in small villages. If the bill comes due in America, what the fuck are all those 30-something wastes of air going to do? Fucking dig holes and fill them back in again?

>> No.16547594

>real passion for field of study.
how do you quantify that? do you think a 17 year old knows what their "real passion" is and how their commitment to it compares to others, and what steps it will take for them to achieve stability/success with that real passion?

>> No.16547615

>College is now high school 2.0
This is so true it hurts. I remember when I was in high school I thought college was this thing people went to when they already knew a lot about a specific field and wanted to really master it. Then I learned that half of college is just repeating what you learned in high school and all the field-specific courses start out at rock-fucking-bottom. It was extremely disenchanting and I just said, "Fuck college, I'll learn on my own," and got a job working for a local industrial computer company based on only my self-guided experience with electronics. It didn't pay quite as well as if I had a college degree, but I got to start working 4 years sooner than everyone else I knew and had no loans to pay back so I was still way ahead and continue to be. College is a scam as far as I'm concerned, and so is the over-requiring of college degrees for every job.

This is why college shouldn't be forced on people and trades need to be more seriously discussed as a viable career option. Not everyone has to be given these ridiculous notions that they'll go on to make 6 figures and live a glamorous life if only they just zombie their way through 4 years of some college degree they don't give a shit about.

>> No.16547682
File: 439 KB, 1280x853, dotp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers will be dead by the time they allow the bill to come due over the messes they've caused, so they don't care beyond "WHERE'S MY WAGIES TO MAKE MY MONEY!?"
Hence your no responses
Pic related and massive economic restructuring and protective policies for the American citizen are the answer

>> No.16547736

You went to Madison didn't you

>> No.16547740

I think few young people have genuine (non-ephemeral) passions which is why the focus should be on picking a field of study that will result in a career that will be lucrative, productive and satisfying. And of course it should be something that they show a predisposition and aptitude for, not send every young person off on an unrealistic quest of failure.

The ideas of passion and vocations are thrown around so much that they are now watered down and taken for granted: we've taught kids that they should never settle for less and to only pursue "their passion" when for most that means having fun and eschewing work and responsibilities. I would say most people do not have passions that can be realistically translated into employment so our ideals and fantasies should always be tempered with reality, especially when talking about teenagers and people in early adulthood.

My passion ignited around the age of 21 and I followed it naively throughout the last years of my undergrad and my MSc. Then I realized if I wanted to get a job in my field I needed to finally step up to the competition and stop pretending I wasn't part of the game. So I kept pursuing my passion but also took a healthy dose of pragmatism and threw away any notions that I deserved a good career because I was going to have a piece of paper or because I loved what I did.

We're sabotaging younger generations and ourselves by teaching that compromise is bad, we are all innately perfect and we are entitled to the best. We have to recall our natural instincts and natural law and stoke a fire under our asses. Or if they are mediocre/submediocre, show them that just working hard at a decent job and supporting a family and getting joy out of life is a noble and enriching path too.

>> No.16547751

>College is now high school 2.0 and many people just assume they have to go to college and go on auto-pilot.
I agree, post-secondary education could be a specialized certification or trades school, not necessarily a bachelor's degree. I believe this is the most important point of someone's life as it sets your trajectory for the decades ahead.
>I will tell my kids to only go to college if they have a solid plan with an end goal (career) in mine
Exactly how it should be. But people pick what they think sounds cool and easy and think they're all set.
This is the ultimate ticking time bomb in the west. They will starve, some will commit crime or attempt to establish their own enclaves, many will die of drugs and alcohol.
Right now they all think that when all the jobs get automated, they'll magically receive UBI just to exist. Same exact mentality of "everything will be OK, I don't need to do anything, things will happen for me because the world is just"
Talk to adults you admire and do research on what's in-demand. That's all most kids would need to dissuade them from getting a shitty BA in some dead 19th century social science.
>massive economic restructuring and protective policies for the American citizen are the answer
I think the answer is to make degrees limited based on what is feasibly needed in the nation. No more 100k psych graduates coming out every year (a true number), only enough seats spread around the country that are needed. Right now universities are profiting huge by duping dumb kids into thinking they can all become professors of interpretive arts or some other extremely niche BS, and kids eat it up because those are very easy degrees to get. Make it limited to what is needed and force severe competition for the few seats that are there - this will not only solve the deadbeat problem, but also make sure the few people in those fields are the best of the best.

>> No.16547757

Things would quickly fix themselves if idiots who aren’t cut out for anything beyond unskilled labor would stop thinking they’re entitled to a higher standard of living than they are.

>> No.16547787

I was a TA for a few years and that had a big role in me shedding some of my academic ideals. I used to think everyone should go to college to better themselves and because an educated population is better etc etc. Then I met some of the students and realized college is most definitely NOT for everyone and in fact is probably not for the majority. This is not to say most people are not intelligent enough and for me to put on airs about how us academics are superior. It's that for most people their degree will not result in much better employment, happiness or productivity and they are treating it as a social thing and not actively and consciously preparing for their future. I wasn't a serious student for the first couple years because I treated it like high school 2.0, I never thought much beyond the next semester and was mostly having fun. I know this feeling and mindset intimately.

I don't know why we are encouraging everyone down this path. They could get into a trade or business and, instead of just having a piece of paper and some connections and education 4 years later, have four years of work experience and income.

Instead we have people burning four years of money, lost income and time with not much to show for it. They'll be slow to find a career and start a family later in life. It's actually quite bad for our demographics and I don't think young people are any happier today than they were 50 years ago. All colleges play games and some are scammier than others. But it's not just the colleges that are to blame but the well-meaning parents and glorification of The College Experience. And instead of entering The Real World you can continue high school for another four years but this time with more freedom and fun. Who wouldn't say yes to this especially young people who naturally aren't thinking about their careers, future families and retirement?

>> No.16547804

dude, that's a dick on the left plate. It's dangling to the left

>> No.16547808

All this and more is why I, someone with 10 years of post-secondary education and an academic, will not push my kids into college unless they show an aptitude, have a plan and/or have a unique burning passion (which is not common).

If one of my kids wants to be a heavy machinery operator or electrician and becomes great at what he does and is able to have a comfortable happy life why would I not want this for them? Ideally they would have this and be passionate at their job and be at the top of their game whatever that may be. I don't want them to be mediocre (no parent sees their kids in this light) but even if they are than that still isn't the worst thing in the world.

>> No.16547811

fast food demons are not americans, they are extra terrestrial. americans are villainous victims with a healthy dose of stockholm syndrome to the wicked cabal who founded and maintain the "nation" called USA

>> No.16547847

Pretty standard if you're ever making meatballs or cutlets. If you want them to be soft, you add stuff to them like bread crumbs (or flour) and water.
They lied about the citric acid being added for flavor though, that's to keep it from spoiling

I don't know why the yeast is in there. Seems fucked up. Probably yeast extract used as filler to save a buck.

>> No.16547867
File: 218 KB, 1280x720, taco_bunker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subterranean taco bell

>> No.16547882

Brooklyn Dark? Don't feel like getting stabbed today bro

>> No.16548083


>> No.16548290

are you from the twin cities? I'm a white man stranded on the south side of Chicago and I have a fantasy of finding a good white woman and making a stand against the world in Minnesota. I'm in the """Good""" black neighborhood and it's getting so much worse literally by the day I can't believe it.

>> No.16548396

I'm in the blue collar south eastern suburbs. Minnesota is garbage don't come here

>> No.16548401

do you mean to say that importing half of somalia has turned minnesota into somalia?
I find that hard to believe desu

>> No.16548429

It turned Minneapolis into somalia.

>> No.16548436

is st. paul still a working class haven?

>> No.16548439

well, saved me a lotta time, money, and heartache. The quest for a life-well-lived continues.

>> No.16548462

meat is made from vaccine takers. that's why its hidden on a floor above so you can't see

>> No.16548539

>I think the answer is to make degrees limited based on what is feasibly needed in the nation.
also, mandatory conscription for all young adults. not just males registering for the selective service. full on mandatory conscription, like israel or germany.

>> No.16548552

>being up 3 souls in blighttown
not for long chief

>> No.16548557

>full on mandatory conscription, like israel or germany
because the answer to our nation's problems is to allow the wealthy and multinationals to spend the blood of our nation's youth on their profits

>> No.16548560

Certain parts, but it's crumbling. Literally and figuratively

>> No.16548561
File: 291 KB, 1080x1708, 1628784396056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wagie has to sit in these little cubes for 8 hours taking orders
lmao wagies btfo

>> No.16548804

Training them doesn't mean using them. The US doesn't conscript yet constantly gets into wars. Switzerland and Finland conscript and haven't been in a war for decades.

>> No.16548817
File: 93 KB, 869x1024, 1505418691103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Training them doesn't mean using them
Head down to a VA and tell that shit to Vietnam vets
Exactly what community of equals is there for them to serve and defend in any case?

>> No.16548845

*hang from trees

>> No.16549139

>cocoa powder

>> No.16549141

Wait, then what's the fucking point of getting jabbed?

>> No.16549145

being a good goy

>> No.16549146

Crooklyn Dark.

>> No.16549149

If you shoot yourself in the head there's still a chance you'll live, but plenty of suicidals seem to think it's worth a shot.

>> No.16549152

he's being a dumbass. you're much less likely to have symptoms, severe symptoms and die if you get the vax.

>> No.16549176

>The menu was a QR code, the customers and staff were multinational, the food was good traditional Italian, the view fantastic.
this describes literally 80% of italian restaurants in my midwest shithole town
great job, nigger

>> No.16549274

It's even worse. Supermarket meat suppliers will purposely make animals gain as much water weight as possible just before slaughter for cost efficiency. That's the main reason why ground beef in those styrofoam packages has a "diaper" under it

>> No.16549325

They used to make it before so you could just walk in, grab it and go. But after Covid and employees all quitting it seems like they changed it. The one near me now only lets you pick it up through the drive-thru and they make it after you tell them that you're there to pick up your order over the speaker.

>> No.16549829


>> No.16550291

lol you are such a little faggot honestly

>> No.16550385

Makes sense, gas stations perfected the art of drive through. Like with sea creatures, everything eventually evolves into crab

>> No.16550390


>> No.16550556

I had an experience where I ordered breakfast foods from the Wendy's website that made me give up on pre-ordering fast food.
>Wendy's website says "Place order before 10:25 to reserve breakfast items."
>finalize order and pay at 10:20
>drive to Wendy's and arrive at 10:25
>have to wait in drive-thru line and reach speaker at like 10:35
>tell them I have an online order
>"Sorry, it's after 10:30. We don't make breakfast any more."
>"No, I placed the order and paid online 15 minutes ago."
>"Yes, I have the order here. But we don't make breakfast after 10:30."
>"Are you saying my order wasn't made when I paid for it 15 minutes ago?"
>"So I paid for nothing?"
>"......................Sorry, we don't make breakfast orders after 10:30."
The payment ended up refunded but on my drive home I was preparing to file a chargeback with my credit card because they wouldn't even tell me it would be refunded when I asked. Literally the worst ordering experience of my life, fuck pre-ordering fast food.

>> No.16550563

wendys has breakfast food?

>> No.16550566

For a couple years now, yeah.

>> No.16550585

>and other ingredients

>> No.16550771

someone doesnt get out much.

>> No.16551031

Imagine being afraid

>> No.16551039


>> No.16551283

Most infections in the UK are among the vaccinated though

>> No.16551292

Same in Israel. Funny how they completely lie about hospital being full of those who didn't get their shit and hide hospitalized vaccinated people let alone the highest VAER numbers in history.

>> No.16551294

imagine being a bug chaser

>> No.16551299

I think it's like that in most countries, they just don't want to admit their experimental vaccine is a bust

>> No.16551304

Imagine having a broken immune system.

>> No.16551308

I take that back, it's not a complete bust since the spike proteins are apparently finding a home in women's reproductive organs

>> No.16551313

with contraceptives and antidepressants, they were barely fertile anyway

>> No.16551326

True, but they didn't have invasive spike proteins multiplying in the uterus

>> No.16551340

the dog and nigger cum was already bad enough

>> No.16551552

Automation has been happening for the past two hundred years. In places other than America, it's a good thing for workers.

>> No.16551665

Christ almighty I hate Americans so much, imagine being ok with being forcefed garbage and then defending it.
>meat and dairy is over processed everywhere but muh government at least tells the truth about it
Nukes when?

>> No.16551672

Says the vax cuck

>> No.16551719

The reason all these fast food chains have dumped their original iconic building designs and gone to the shitty copypaste beige/brown building with an easily removable logo on it it is to make it easier to sell off the building whenever the business goes under. Now you’re telling me Taco Bell wants to go to these multi story drive through abominations that will be way more epensive to build and will be nearly impossible to sel off later?

>> No.16551729

That was clearly a bank before they remodeled it

>> No.16551736

I was interpreting it as the kitchen being on top of the drive thru lanes. Are you telling me this concept is Taco Bell sending the food through those fucking tubes at banks?

>> No.16551748

Those jews probably didn't even tear out the raised floor and counters since they're forcing paco and somali jamesius to wageslave in a single room now

>> No.16551759

Never defended processed foods, just said that people disproportionately flip out about American labels when European packaged foods are often just as processed (and getting moreso every day, along with the rest of the world) but the labels just aren't as comprehensive so people don't pay it as much mind.

>> No.16551777

it's almost like there are better cities than Oakland.

>> No.16551780

>his country cannot afford nukes

>> No.16551922

those are dumbwaiters, dumbass.

>> No.16551930

what's so weird about a roux?
use flour instead of bread crumbs, and you pretty much have white gravy. do you even cook?

>> No.16552019

Pneumatic tubes
Truly a space age marvel not directly from the 1850's

>> No.16552040

same. only I'm worried about some vaccinated retard damaging my cells with their shed spike protiens

>> No.16552048

>you need to tip the skaters
only if they skate that food all the fucking way to my house