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File: 164 KB, 1200x900, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16537575 [Reply] [Original]

>Does nothing but give you insomnia for the night.
What's the point?

>> No.16537577

>stops drinking a stimulant after 12pm
Whoa, problem solved

>> No.16537587

found the coke head

>> No.16537977

Itll give you energy to get rid of your shitty laminate counters

>> No.16537980

gives you dopamine

>> No.16537996
File: 104 KB, 747x720, [SubsPlease] Go-toubun no Hanayome S2 - 05 (720p) [53514E94].mkv_snapshot_19.19.848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the point?

>> No.16538000

No, it relieves withdrawal

>> No.16538013

I've had so much caffeine in my life I could drink it to sleep if I wanted to, tolerance is hell of a thing.

>> No.16538280

it's really good

>> No.16538292

No coffe after 7pm

>> No.16538299

I don't get it. How is he a coke head?

>> No.16538307

don't talk to me unless I've had my first cup of joe

>> No.16538399

I can only have 1 a day in the morning or I dont sleep well

>> No.16538413

>What's the point?
To take a shit when you don't have much activity and eat crap food

>> No.16538843

Try depression with it
I can drink a cup and fall asleep

>> No.16539007

coffee is only good if you actually have a good sleep, it will enhance the well slept feeling. Shitty sleep on the other hand and it will just make the effects of the bad sleep feel worse

>> No.16540045

It can lift moods in the morning and give you energy

>> No.16540312

makes the headaches stop

>> No.16540923

Also increases your hear rate and probability of heart disease, which is an upside for me

>> No.16541096

It's great with stuff like cinnamon buns, a cake or other sweets. The bitterness is best when paired like that.

>> No.16541210

>Coffee wakes you up
Yes, that is the point

>> No.16541229


>> No.16541258

it does no such thing. you are probably hypersensitive to caffeine

>> No.16541266

I've noticed that too. But some people are still more sensitive to caffeine especially if they haven't built up a tolerance. But then even when I have a tolerance built up it still feels like my sleep is disturbed and I never fully go into a deep sleep.

>> No.16541295

Basically this.

That's usually the only time I find coffee useful though. Almost always a bad idea in the late afternoon/evening especially. 100% opposite desired effect.

>> No.16541382

found the middle aged white women

>> No.16541450

Middle age white guy actually. Usually ends in a decent caffeine crash unless I'm actually legit tired already. Probably why it only works first thing in the morning.

>> No.16541451

>ITT: addicts
The point is that it tastes good you retard. Buy a good grinder and some choice beans and truly enjoy that cuppa joe.

>> No.16541467
File: 120 KB, 750x750, espresso_shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try espresso instead. It'll at least taste better than that watery shit.

>> No.16541470

drink caffeine free coffe, that's what I do, in my case it is strictly for heart problems, be aware though good quality caffeine free coffee comes at a price

>> No.16541673

Coffee has never energised me enough to have this effect. I often drink coffee in the afternoon when tired and then nap immediately after. I then drink it in the evenings and sleep like a log. I wish it worked better on me and provided a stronger wake up effect. I generally suffer from low energy and sustained tiredness.

>> No.16541782

he's a retard that thinks 12pm is midnight and not noon

>> No.16541861

Nothing better than a viet Ice coffee for bed

>> No.16541888

Try guarana infusions

>> No.16542099
File: 2.95 MB, 480x360, 1519663577087.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to guzzle coffee and energy drinks. The 5 hour energy's with zero sugar monsters. Now I get these random heart palpitations and feel like any moment could be my last. Don't fall for the caffeine meme.

>> No.16542118

you're the retard for thinking he meant midnight and not noon, jackass

>> No.16542130

>tfw want espresso
>am poorfag
Moka pot ain't the same, I can't drink that shit straight from the pot without adding either milk or sugar or both.

>> No.16542140

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

>> No.16542143

mix in some cinnamon

>> No.16542184

literally no reason he would possibly have meant midnight you paste eater
cope, faggot

>> No.16542288

>Tastes good
>Something other than water or beer to drink
>Feel good chemicals
>Helps me sleep

>> No.16542389

The cope is real

>> No.16542395

>>Helps me sleep
the fuck?

>> No.16542499

I drink four pots of coffee a day and never in the morning
just don't let it bother you

>> No.16542523

I assume he uses it to correct his sleep schedule. That's at least what I do, I work different shifts and use coffee after a night of short sleep to stay awake and go to bed so I sleep properly for the day after

>> No.16542539


>> No.16542562

I drink it late because I know the burnout will give me good rest and interesting dreams.

>> No.16542730

Nah, like drinking coffee will make me tired. My body is fucked up, but maybe it helps correct schedule too. Been cutting down on it lately

>> No.16542734

Drink my coffee in the morning for that exact purpose. Sleep fine at night.

>> No.16542747

>drinking coffee will make me tired
that's very weird anon, well it's understandable, after the high it comes the low, maybe that's what you're talking about?

>> No.16542877

I've been a coffee addict for awhile, and Im pretty sure I have a natural lack hypersensitivity to caffeine cause no matter how much I drink of it consecutively I never gain a tolerance ever. I'm always good with a half cup or 3/4ths cup for the whole day. I wish decaf didn't taste like ass otherwise I'd drink it for the flavour, desu. Is green coffee juice good?

>> No.16542885

I drink decaff that tastes like the real deal, it's a bit more expenssive than the regular I think

>> No.16542894

>Drink a piping hot black espresso once or twice a month
I don't need anything else.

>> No.16543136

drink a less caffeinated coffee and in less quantity
if you have sensitivity you shouldnt drink a straight up espresso