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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16537389 [Reply] [Original]

I have just learned about the whole "White people don't season they food" thing.

Can an American explain what this means? Do white Americans not have spices and herbs to add to their food?

>> No.16537392

Boomers are food incels. That's all you need to know

>> No.16537402

The whites are descended from puritan's who thought spices were austentacious. Orange fool aside the colonization of the lesser peoples was more about securing power than pepper.

>> No.16537403

>Just heard about wypepo. Do americans really?
great thread tranny

>> No.16537404

>Do white Americans not have spices and herbs to add to their food?
That's the brits.
I'm not even american btw

>> No.16537407

yeah british food looks like shit

>> No.16537409

I'm from /pol/, just want a nigger hate thread on /ck/ desu, makes me feel good inside

>> No.16537412

The meme was actually created by Jews, in their never ending quest for racial division. Kinda like how Black Lives Matter is really run by a Jewish Marxist woman.

You can look at anything like this and find a Jew was behind it. It’s what Jews do.

>> No.16537413
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I'm asking what Black people mean when the say
>white people deadass don't season they food!!

I have eaten in American restaurants and they do season dishes. I assume white Americans follow similar recipes and do add spices and stuff to their meals?

>> No.16537418

Proof it’s Jews doing this.

>> No.16537424

then post vegan gains' face

>> No.16537425

The going theory is that the Coloureds think we eat like that because they've only been served food by white people in school cafeterias and prisons.
Don't waste time and energy being upset about a negro being stupid about something, OP.

>> No.16537429
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Another one I keep seeing:


which I think means that white people don't like spicy food. Is it a joke, or do white Americans struggle to eat spicy food?

>> No.16537435

Its blacks trying to take jabs at whites any way they can, beyond the fact they think you need to use an entire can of old bay for every meal

>> No.16537437

No it’s just Jews doing racial division. It’s never actually blacks saying this, it’s Jews in blackface on social media.

Did you know for Purim, all the little Jewish kids dress in blackface? To this day, it’s an official part of Purim celebrations.

>> No.16537442

Nope it’s Jews doing their Synagogue of Satan Talmudic thing.

>> No.16537446

>Can an American explain what this means? Do white Americans not have spices and herbs to add to their food?
It's just thirdie cope pushed by blacks and dear fellow whites, to try and make themselves feel better

>> No.16537452

>Do white Americans not have spices and herbs to add to their food?
It's an anglo thing.

>> No.16537464

Brown here, there is no “white food” and most black people eat fast food.

Did you know that Purim celebrates the slaughter of 25,000 unarmed Persians in their sleep, thus codifying preemptive warfare and subversive slaughter in Jewish “culture”

>> No.16537466

This, nonwhites are stupid and lack precision, when they say white people they're talking about anglos and the stereotype exists for a reason

>> No.16537469

White people are from climates where such spicy foods are not endemic, it’s as simple as that. But once they had a taste they sailed across the world, risking their lives and going into the absolute unknown, to subjugate weaker races for spices. They took over the world in their culinary conquests, raping and pillaging and tasting along the way.

Then white people took the chili pepper to new heights unfathomable to the lazy and stupid races who were content with their native spices. We created a capsaicin arms race and sequenced pepper genomes. We redefined spiciness and expanded its culinary uses to unprecedented levels.

White people aren’t content with sitting around in a mud hut playing with sticks and stones. We get shit done and the indolent blacks hate it because it is a mirror to their own ignorance and intellectual and spiritual deficiencies.

So yeah, I think we know a little bit about spices.

>> No.16537474

>because it is a mirror to their own ignorance and intellectual and spiritual deficiencies.

wachu talkin bout crakka we done made all wessun foods, high on da hog sed so

>> No.16537478

>raping and pillaging and tasting along the way.
white men don't rape. those girls were asking for the BWC

>> No.16537483

I think it's because black people use a shit tonne of spice mixes so they are used to over seasoned food. So when the food is properly seasoned it doesn't taste right.

>> No.16537484
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We do we just buy higher quality meat so we don't need to drown it in spices, maybe if inferior sub-human species didn't want to be colonized they should have fought better

>> No.16537486

>there is no “white food”
are you seriously this retarded, or just pretending that french cuisine doesn't exist? that it isn't the gold standard, and that most serious chefs undergo training in classic french kitchens?

most black people are niggers and so are you

>> No.16537491

Sure it is

>> No.16537498

its some weird myth. most white people i know love spicy food

>> No.16537500

I grew up on /pol/ and /r9k/, don't give a shit about your feels, tranny

>> No.16537504

no it's 16 year old white girls who just found out they're 1/64th Paraguayan. i knew someone like this on tumblr years ago, they lived in Seattle with one great grandparent who was japanese and their whole page was "damn white folks are so crazy, i don't know how to use basil and these weird western herbs uwu i don't know how to do white ppl things uwu". uninteresting people are the most desperate to tell you how they're different because they come from a culture that understands how to brine dry meats like chicken and turkey before cooking so it doesn't taste like cardboard. anything is an accomplishment if you're boring enough.

>> No.16537534

also the only "white" food blacks are familiar with is institutional (school, prison, hospital) and memetic (see OP pic).

>> No.16537545

yes, i'm a white european whose family tree is reaching back to the 11th century and i don't like "spicy". now fuck off.

>> No.16537552
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>i'm a white european whose family tree is reaching back to the 11th century

>> No.16537558

I don't know of any meme that triggers pigskins as much as this. Truly based.

>> No.16537564


>> No.16537566

For me, eating spicy foods especially habaneros with my family is a nice way to reconcile with our past.

You see, my grandparents moved to Canada but their kin before them were Americans, Georgia to be exact. They weren’t slave owners but a couple generations were unrivalled chili growers and breeders. They bred a habanero-African orange bird cross and grew them specifically for inserting into an unbroken buck’s virgin keister. They would track a buck clear across two counties and tree even the fastest and strongest buck quicker than you can say “B-B-C.” Then the peppering would commence. Family legend says that the biggest pepper of the season was always reserved to cornhole the dominant buck to the point where his skin would actually become less pigmented, but I wonder if that’s really true or not. The family letters mention you could simply start frying onions and chopping chilies and those bucks would stand at attention. Those bucks were broke from those peppers, broke as they could be.

That pepper cultivar is more than likely long gone and watered down after generations of outbreeding but I wonder if it’s tendencies are laying quiet in some wild peppers growing in the Georgia area. I pity the buck that comes across one of these peppers especially if he’s unbroken and crosses the wrong white man. That unfortunate black boy’s o-ring would be scorched and seared before he could even think about bucking that pepper off him.

>> No.16537582

t. Huen "Alex" Nguyen

>> No.16537584

This. Blacks complaining about wypipo food on Twitter in ebonics think white people eat what they get in inner city public schools and prisons. They have no other exposure to what white people eat. The shit they think is good is fried chicken or "lake trout", collards (which is just greens cooked in a sickening amount of lard), chitterlings (pig intestines also cooked in absurd amounts of fat), yams covered in butter, maybe black eyed peas (again drenched in lard and butter), maybe mac and cheese (out of a box), maybe deep fried okra and grits or cornbread. Their food is all deep fried or swimming in fat, which is why they are fat.

Public schools and prisons have regulations and standards about not serving things entirely covered in butter/lard and deep fried, so they think wypipo eat plain chicken and broccoli.

>> No.16537590

>The shit they think is good is fried chicken or "lake trout", collards (which is just greens cooked in a sickening amount of lard), chitterlings (pig intestines also cooked in absurd amounts of fat), yams covered in butter, maybe black eyed peas (again drenched in lard and butter), maybe mac and cheese (out of a box), maybe deep fried okra and grits or cornbread. Their food is all deep fried or swimming in fat, which is why they are fat.
All sounds truly awful.

>> No.16537599

Underseasoned food is a trend from an older time. In a religious context, food couldn't be too decadent. Then during pilgrimage times, food was kept bland for scarcity. Then around the time of General Mills, bland food was encouraged for "health" reasons (and to promote shit like abstinence and weird shit like that). Then came generations that simply were forced to cook when they were never meant to: housewife culture and so on. And that bleeds into today.

>> No.16537600

underseasoned food means the food you're seasoning isn't rotten

>> No.16537603

cope faggot, while my people were eating buckwheat sloppa in their castle, yours were hunting llamas.

>> No.16537622
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>> No.16537625
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Picrel: Food almost exclusively consumed by white people.

>> No.16537821

name one black dish that calls for fresh herbs and spices you wont find at the local pizza joint

>> No.16537826

Maybe I'm retarded but if I put herbs on my chicken at 275°C in the oven for that crispy skin, the herbs burn anyway.
So I don't.

>> No.16537858

>he doesnt know the pleasure of llama meat

>> No.16537872


It literally is a low IQ negro coping. Its just a way they try to insult whites. Its the same reason they make things like "being black in Japan, being black in the CONGO" or talk about they wuz kangz and shit or how blacks created all music genre. It is not something to take seriously, but leftists antwhite retards like

Help enable it because they hate whites too

You look at the blacks saying this, and then you see how awful and bland their food is, they can't cook, while Euros achieve culinary achivements. You look at spice, and realize only Europeans actually care about spice and take it the next level, the majority of non-Europeans hate spicy things and cannot cope with a legitimately hot thing.

Its pathetic and the only thing more pathetic is that some weak Europeans actually internalized this.

>> No.16537875

>the pleasure of llama meat

>> No.16538022

Its just racial hatred that gets expressed on Twitter. These people just hate Europeans, so they come up with this things to try to "one up" them. The people who agree with this are evil. The only thing sad is that some Europeans actually take this seriously and internalize it.

You try their food and seriously tell me they understand spice, or good culinary techniques. There is a reason why Mississippi has high obesity rates.

>> No.16538031
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>> No.16538045

Black people think we don't season our food because they think they are getting our good food at prison

>> No.16538053

See what I mean? You try to legitimize unfounded racial hatred? Why are you doing that? Europeans don't make "bland foods". I don't think you understand "religious context" of medieval Europe either, especially because the "religious context" you are referring too is Lent and deeply Catholic societies that more strongly abide to religious rules regarding culinary dishes, and yet those societies are the ones you are least likely to call the food "bland" (Italian, Greek, Spain, France). If that were true, then "bland" food would apply to the Middle East, but it doesn't. What you're saying isn't even true for the majority of Europe, you describe a subset of Puritans beliefs and then somehow apply that to all of European history to it. That isn't even true even within America. That is midwit thinking. Like some retards on twitter invent a racial libel and then here comes you literally trying to invent reasons that justify what they say. Fucking why.

Europeans are literally the only people who actually care if food is spicy. Indian cuisine might be spicer then average, but only Europeans really take the spice to the next level in their cuisine. The vast majority of people don't actually like hot things.

>> No.16538094

Good posts. Based.

>> No.16538190

My mom is white American and didn't season her food until she met my dad, but also take this with a grain of salt because she grew up in poverty and nobody taught her how to cook.

>> No.16538194

Except you’re literally American. Why are you speaking as if you aren’t?

>> No.16538200

The only time black people eat food made by white people is in public school and in prison. Of course they don't think white people season food.

>> No.16538243

Given that salsa and various hot sauces are the most popular condiments in the US, I call horseshit.

>> No.16538315

What he means by this retard is all white people don't eat the same shit. American white person doesn't cook the same food as other white nationality.

>> No.16538344

This is actually a true meme but only for white people in America. Americans have no food culture. Americans don't know how to cook and eat out most of the time. Obviously they can't eat out every day so they're forced to cook something very simple that requires little effort to make and requires little seasoning. I would also like to add that cooking is not for the lazy, you have a lot of prep work and have to wash the dishes. Americans are very lazy people who can't do this most of the time.

>> No.16538357

there’s many regional food cultures in america you have no idea what you’re talking about