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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16533165 [Reply] [Original]

>Eulagisca gigantea, a scale worm that lives in Antarctica. It's about 8 inches long -- roughly the size of a squirrel.

Let's say you have a pile of Eulagisca's and you've been tasked with making a meal for 6. You can assume they taste like scallops. What do you need and how do you begin?

>> No.16533166


I'd turn my oven to 360 degrees and walk away.

>> No.16533172


>> No.16533212

imagine if dicks looked like that
wouldn't that be weird

>> No.16533223

thinking of dicks again today huh?

time to evaluate if you gay

>> No.16533224

Heh, imagine that spiky stuff rubbing against your clitoris haha gross

>> No.16533226

Yeah I'm not Asian though we don't eat that here.

>> No.16533250


>> No.16533251

>musty sweet pussy taste of scallops
>a worm
well i guess i'd remove the beak and bristles, open it longitudinally and remove and shit tubes (a worm is essentially just a shit tube so maybe i just purge them with fresh water instead, i have a lot of them so lets see what works)
make a courtboulliin with some salted water, white wine, bay leaf, black pepper, a couple of chilis, whatever, and poach them slowly at low heat for a long fuckin time, like an hour more or less, then remove them, cool them a bit, cut into bite sized rings and serve in a pasta with garlic, olive oil, torn basil, roasted tomatoes and salted lemon and a little bit of the coob bella geutze

>> No.16533254

imagine it attaching to your taint

>> No.16533346
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honestly, like seriously, rawr.

i would like to be your friend.

>> No.16533410
File: 291 KB, 1159x1500, de66fhx-09cdb850-af04-411f-8c35-569d31d6655d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OwO dont cook me anon

>> No.16533454

Tell your fellow Antarctic scientists that it's fasting for dinner that's fucking atrociously disgusting looking. I don't give a flying fuck what shit you cooked a snail in. It still tastes horrid beyond anything.

>> No.16533508

Pasta, pesto, chopped up and fried Eulagisca gigantea.

>> No.16533510

That's elton john's on the day he went on a date with freddie mercury

>> No.16533551

a fucking cooking thread i was just in was deleted but this shit stays up
janny, if we ever meet, i'd gladly make you eat pavement

>> No.16533572

I'd shoot you until you've been homeopathatized by lead

>> No.16533581

I’m not a chink so I wouldn’t eat it.

If I was a chink I would throw it alive in my bat soup and hope that I shut down the world again.

>> No.16533603

peak /ck/ right here

>> No.16533615
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>> No.16533647

shut up benthic polychaete slut

>> No.16533653

Someone call /tg/.

>> No.16533660

Based chink
Ahah so gross right, this thing moving in ur vagina with its tickling feather like things ahah

>> No.16533665

I was thinking a similar thing. Purge and supreme the edible bits, then cook a la nage. I would finish them in a garlic beurre monte and serve with fresh greens and tatty mash, though.

>> No.16533674
File: 42 KB, 711x544, ECYmHpnVUAAYEJJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bristly hairs poke and prod your clit at different angles as they brush past. It's a little uncomfortable most of the time, but when it brushes at just the right angle... Ecstasy. Your body quivers in excitement as you begin to realize what's happening. For every bristle that brushes by, the worm has squirmed and writhed a little bit deeper into your vagina. Following the warmth of your body, its head jerks back and forth as it blindly searches for a way deeper inside you. As you feel the smooth head rub against your vaginal walls, its body twisting and contorting to gain enough friction to move deeper. As the last of its bristle caress your labia, the worm is now fully inside you, every bristle tickling and stimulating your insides. It continues to squirm for a moment until you feel the hard tip of its head against your cervix.

It starts with a little nibble. You feel it trying to find another way in, only for it to return to the same spot. It nibbles again, and soon nibbles turn into bites as its jaws sink into the tight entrance of your cervix. As it tears away small bits of flesh, you're overwhelmed with equal feelings of immense pain and immense pleasure. You know it needs to come out... But you want it to stay in. Your screams blend into moans as it creates an opening, its body writhing again as it begins to move into your cervix. Each of its thousands of bristles feels overpowering as they poke and brush the inside of your cervix. You feel its smooth head slide in, deeper than you've felt anything inside you before. Minutes feel like hours as it forces its way deep inside you. A mixture of blood and ejaculate pour from your vagina as it completes its journey, coiling inside your cervix. You feel a small lump in your lower abdomen: It's the worm, and it's now a part of you. Soon there will be eggs. Soon your belly willy get bigger. Soon... There will be more.

And you can't wait.

>> No.16533678

How are /lit/ crossposters this powerful?

>> No.16533697

Oh my.

>> No.16533800

This was oddly arousing...

>> No.16533829

Instead of scallops, I'd assume they taste more like barnacles.
Clean the shit from the outside and the head off.
blanch them really quick so the skin on the outside comes off then fry them in butter with old bay seasoning.
wa la

>> No.16533949
File: 60 KB, 239x400, 81930465-3A5B-4636-81AF-0277A1B8236B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that’s a fetish I didn’t know I had

>> No.16534032

/ck/ honestly has the worst moderators on this site. I hope they all drown in a puddle of shit.

>> No.16534066
File: 10 KB, 225x225, download (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong fwen? u sound upset.

>> No.16534113


Never forget: these are the same jannies who banned based DinoTendies.

>> No.16534154
File: 56 KB, 683x512, fuckjannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait they banned dino tendies? Fucking monsters.

>> No.16534216

I suspect there has been significan turnover since then.

>> No.16534228


Around 40%, would you say?